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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 124 KB, 640x853, t6fg2h0u1a211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11592027 No.11592027 [Reply] [Original]

Keto friendly sushi. It doesn't get much better than this.

>> No.11592036

thanks OP; it's good to see more keto friendly recipes on this board. But i don't know about all that carrot. what would be a good substitute?

>> No.11592042

I'm gonna say it
Avocado is fucking disgusting, and I seriously question the taste of anybody who claims to like it.
There I said it.

>> No.11592045

umm cauliflower or celery maybe

>> No.11592058
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Man I love making keto asian stir frys with pic related.

>> No.11592061

Maybe try doing sushi with cauliflower rice???

You could probably do stuffed peppers with mexican rice like that too

>> No.11592065

kys yourself

>> No.11592072

this is a good idea.
I've done riced cauliflower in rolled cabbages and it work great.

>> No.11592084

I'd take your advice, but your credibility is questionable. Do you enjoy the putrid taste of avocado.

>> No.11592097

you keto retards are going to pay the piper

>> No.11592099
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>> No.11592104

Eat it before it's fully ripe with a little salt and it tastes just like eggs.

>> No.11592113

Why not just seaweed?

>> No.11592117

>Eat it before it's fully ripe with a little salt and it tastes just like eggs.
yeah...and the texture of spoiled mayo

>> No.11592121

Before it's ripe, genius. It has a texture closer to mango and you need to cut it with a knife. Not when it's soft already.

>> No.11592129

thats not how any restaurant serves it

>> No.11592132

Why do you vegans fuck up the keto threads?
This is a keto thread; if you want to taste fucking eggs just eat a fucking egg.

>> No.11592152
File: 535 KB, 1000x667, Vegan_Avocado-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once heard a food critic say
>if you ate any other food on earth that had the texture and mouthfeel of an avocado, you would say it's rotten, but since it's an avocado, we're all supposed to pretend that's okay.

>> No.11592175

Yeah, you buy them yourselves and eat them.

I'm not a vegan, I eat eggs. I had 3 of them just a few hours ago. Why do you keto guys get so uptight to the point of imagining shit that isn't even happening. Seriously? That keto diet is making you a little angsty... a little hangry there buddy? Need some carbs to help your brain function perhaps?

>> No.11592182

Food critics also think pureed liver is a delicacy, who cares?

>> No.11592185

>I'm not a vegan,
>i just eat unripe avocado to mimic the taste of eggs rather than just eating eggs.
Oh so you're just dumb.
It's clear now thanks.

>> No.11592190

kek this is absolutely how I feel about the texture of an avocado. I’m not a picky eater by any stretch, but the avocado is repulsive to me. It sucks, a lot of people seem to love it

>> No.11592201

I eat both, not to mimic eggs, but because sometimes when traveling/camping/etc you don't have eggs but you have avocados.

It's just a description of the flavor, not sure why you are having such a hard time grasping this due to your hatred of some imaginary vegan in the room. Seriously, you might want to go see a psychologist about that.

>> No.11592204

I like cutting an avocado in half, scooping into a bowl, cutting into slices, salt, pepper

>> No.11592207

>also fuck niggers

There. Now your post is based AND redpilled.

>> No.11592216
File: 48 KB, 599x282, XKCD beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avocados are like the craft beer of foods
EVERYBODY just pretends to like it

>> No.11592222

>but because sometimes when traveling/camping/etc you don't have eggs but you have avocados.
That's the funniest damage control i've read in awhile thanks anon.

>> No.11592233


>I eat both, not to mimic eggs, but because sometimes when traveling/camping/etc you don't have eggs but you have avocados.

Oh yeah? Were you backpacking across europe when you took a year off between junior and senior year, brent?

>> No.11592242

No I just happen to go camping/offroading like every other weekend for good hiking/party spots. Also throw festivals, Mark.

>> No.11592253
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>he doesn't take eggs when he goes hiking

>> No.11592255

>listening to people using the term mouthfeel

>> No.11592872

I agree. I think that's why most dishes that include avocado require a lot of seasonings. guacamole for example.

>> No.11592901

I'm fine with avocado, but only if it doesn't have the brown fibres in it. At that point both the texture and taste are irredeemable shit.

>> No.11593159

Post hands

>> No.11593711

I absolutely agree. Literally mexican green tree slime inside of a shell.

>> No.11593721

>no vinegar'd rice

literally not sushi. just get sashimi and some keto friendly sides, you shitbird.

>> No.11594662
File: 586 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_4193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love it when people who are on a restricted diet try to recreate food outside of the diet with their allowed ingredients. it's so pathetic.

>> No.11594665
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Lol ketoddlers be like

>> No.11594678

imagine being such a faggot that you don't enjoy the taste of beer.
avocados are pretty shit though

>> No.11594732

>no rice
>literally what the word 'sushi' refers to
>only one other anon mentions this
/ck/ is so full of plebs, i despair

>> No.11595172

I love it when weebs think non-weebs care what their weeb words mean.

>> No.11595184

Keto dieters are retarded, but autists like you who can't understand how meanings of words change with both time and context and feel the need to "correct" people with wikipedia'd etymological trivia everyone already knows are even worse.

>> No.11595222

Only scat fetishists like that ...

>> No.11595298

checked, but really it *is* jap food so you have to like scat in order to eat jap food.

>> No.11595303
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>> No.11595311

it's not "weeb" to know what sushi is you massive newfag
it would be weeaboo to worship sushi

>> No.11595319

I bet you own a book on sushi, weeb.

>> No.11595337


>> No.11595341

>muh authentic foooooooood
kys and end the cycle.

>> No.11595343
File: 31 KB, 454x550, ketofag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11595366
File: 20 KB, 480x360, Rapists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost 15 popunds in 3 months on keto & I never had that feeling like I was starving or on a restrictive diet. Only problem is that It's costly.

>> No.11595390

>sometimes when traveling/camping/etc you don't have eggs but you have avocados.
Where the fuck are you camping? Rural mexico?

>> No.11595420

>its not rotten but it's the same texture as some other foods when their rotten therefore its bad
Looks like we have a real foodie over here guys