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File: 26 KB, 335x418, Robert_gold_bartender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11592237 No.11592237[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should I tip bartender? I don't see the point. All they do is pour the damn beer. Why the fuck should I give them extra money for that?

>> No.11592244

The day of beer vending machines will be glorious.

>> No.11592257
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>> No.11592269

I fucking hate sommeliers. They are pretentious twats who really can't tell. But learned interesting foreign frases.

>> No.11592270

It's only worth topping if it's a female bartender, and you're planning on becoming a regular, and being good looking helps a lot too. Taking over a bar by getting the girls to pay more attention to you than anyone is else is always fun

>> No.11592283

Say what you will of California but at least the state mandates the state minimum wage ($12hr) regardless of the tips.

>> No.11592290
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>Needs to pay women to give him attention

>> No.11592295


>> No.11592299

theres a reason why theres a difference in service between a good bar and mcdonalds and its because minimum wage pays for minimum wage effort

>> No.11592302

Good looking guy here. Don't tip. Only to if it's your friends, other than that fuck them. They don't give a fuck about you. If you're a regular and they treat you like SHIT AND your handsome, then fuck them!

>> No.11592307


Have fun waiting half an hour for a beer because you're a cheap shit.

>> No.11592316

I already do on an empty bar.

>> No.11592321

quit being ugly then

>> No.11592326

how would they know? you dont tip at the beginning of drinking

>> No.11592332

So what happens if I don't tip at a dive bar and If i go there frequently? Would they fuck with my drinks if Im a habitual non tipper? How can they if I can see what they're doing? Can any bartenders weigh in on this?

>> No.11592336

I can't do that and I just want to drink like the regular man.

>> No.11592372

Yeah, I bartend. I’m not just saying this to spite you and maybe you don’t care at all, but I generally don’t go out of my way to talk to customers who don’t tip habitually. However, I regularly engage my regular tippers in conversation. If you don’t care about this, not tipping is a wonderful way to be ignored at a bar. Also if the bar is busy, they will be the last to be served (typically)

>> No.11592382

*how can they fuck with my drinks if I can see what they're doing?

>> No.11592384

>useless serfs who don't make enough in tips will get paid by their employer
>they won't just get fired instead

>> No.11592406

As for fucking with your drinks, no. I would never do this. I might skimp you on the alcohol a bit if I’m feeling spiteful, but that’s it

>> No.11592418

General rule: always tip decently at a place where you plan on returning.

>> No.11592422

tipping anyone is inherently fucked. you are basically paying them extortion money for NO OTHER REASON AT ALL than for them not to treat you like shit, spit/jizz/shit in your food or ignore and neglect you as a customer.
Amerifatskis are fucked in the head.

>> No.11592437

What county do you hail from?

>> No.11592442

>doesn't realize this gives you free drinks anyways

>> No.11592445

i always do the opposite of what 4channers say :)
you guys are all fat, socially inept, and you can't get a gf. why would i want to follow in your footsteps?

>> No.11592446

I know I’m in the minority here, but I generally like the tipping system. The ‘tip’ acts as a better incentive for service.

But, hey, poorfags disagree I know

>> No.11592447

>going to the same bar/restaurant regularly enough that people remember you


>> No.11592450

Don't do this, I've done this for awhile and got nothing.

>> No.11592454

you tip because bartending is hard. even pouring a beer correctly so you get an appealing head and no overflow is difficult.

>> No.11592457

>The ‘tip’ acts as a better incentive for service.
please provide proof that employees actually work harder to get better tips

>> No.11592462

its literally not difficukt

>> No.11592467

it literally is. even then, most people don't go to a bar and order a beer. they'll order a cocktail or something that still requires skill to make.

>> No.11592470

if the job requires skill why don't they explain that to their boss and demand a higher wage, rather than charity

>> No.11592472

a robot could do it

>> No.11592474

>pour X amount of Y into a glass
>wa la

of you cant make a drink you are retarded

>> No.11592479

>bartending is hard

It’s not even a real job. It’s what college dropout homosexuals do for a living.

Don’t pretend their is any prestige or honor to it.

>> No.11592486

It’s common sense. What, you want peer-reviewed papers on the subject? If your wages are dependent upon good service, you’ll act accordingly. If they’re guaranteed, there’s less incentive. It’s not rocket science
>they’ll fire you if you’re bad!
This applies to very high-end establishments. For regular places looking for work, the tip system ensures that the employees provide good service

>> No.11592488

Some fancy waiter smile at me. Tell me what I'm suppose to eat. Bring me the bill. Am I suppose to pay him 20% for that?

>> No.11592492

>of you cant make a drink

>> No.11592493

>What, you want peer-reviewed papers on the subject?
yes, that is what i asked for

>> No.11592502
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>> No.11592504

>Don’t pretend their is any
I love when retards weigh in on the subject

>> No.11592505

Anon, you're going to pour a glass of foam the first time you pour a beer from a tap

>> No.11592506

why would they risk getting fired when they live in a society that encourages tipping?
just because a robot could do it doesn't mean it isn't hard dumbass.
if you feel like it's that easy, then why not just make your own drinks? you won't have to tip anybody. the extra tip is a thank you to the bartender for listening to your instructions and going to the effort of making your drink the right way. plus you don't have to tip a lot. 25 cents on the bar is how you say "thanks for making MY drink for ME, just how I requested."

>> No.11592514

I've stopped hanging out with people because they emberassed me by not tipping at bars and restaurants I frequent. I talk hella shit about them too.

>> No.11592522

>wants peer-reviewed papers on subjective experience
Just use your brain anon. Incentive vs non-incentive. You don’t need a scientist to hold your hand, you can do it

>> No.11592527

yes but to act like its something that requires more than 5 minutes of training is laughable, I have worked behind a bar

>> No.11592530


>> No.11592537

>Tip $1/drink at a college bar
>Go to bar like once every other weekend
>Bartender starts remembering me
>Starts overpouring on mixed drinks, giving me free drinks, ect
>I am a fat ugly fuck
>Become a regular
>He starts helping me pick up chicks by giving girls free shots claiming I bought them

I miss that bar

>> No.11592538

>if cooking is easy then why not make your own

because sometimes i want to go out and have other people do stuff for me while i relax and enjoy the atmosphere, they fact that you couldnt logic that out for yourself is pathetic and really demonstrates why you are too stupid to make money outside of begging those more affluent than you for it

>> No.11592540

their pay is their incentive

>> No.11592544

if its so intuitive then there are studies on it, stop dodging the question and post some proof anon. surely if you are so confident you are right a little research cant hurt right?

>> No.11592548

Just take a minute to use words correctly, it makes you look less retarded. There vs their is something you should’ve mastered in primary school.

>> No.11592549

nice spelling. seriously, your shit is nearly unintelligible. relax and focus on the little keys. i'm not even a bartender, i'm just someone who's not a selfish asshole.

>> No.11592571

>literally not a single word misspelled

are you retarded? if you wanted to attack my grammar then maybe you wouldnt look like a moron but you are just on damage control at this point. how about attacking a point ive made this time

>> No.11592573

>not handing money over to strangers for doing their job is selfish


>> No.11592576

No one whos actually in the industry will ever spit in your drink/food.

The worst we'll do is not make it very well.

>> No.11592577

They sound exactly the same if spoken. Sorry my English is not as good as my Czech or German.

>> No.11592580
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Yes Pic related

>> No.11592584
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>not wanting to paying for your drinks TWICE instead of forcing the employer to pay a good wage is selfish

>> No.11592585

>https://www.restaurant-hospitality.com/operations/study-examines-pros-cons-no-tip-policyin previously published studies that address all or part of this question. His conclusion: “I believe that tipping has a net positive effect in most settings.”

>For example, surveying the same sample cited above, the net favorability scores show a positive 39 percent favorability score for “tipping is voluntary but expected,” a plus 16 percent for higher menu prices that include full compensation for servers with “tipping permitted but not expected,” and plus 18 percent for the “higher menu prices with tipping not permitted.”

Fuck off m8

>> No.11592588

read your post again.
>they fact
dumbass rofl
you not tipping isn't gonna magically make employers not be greedy kikes.

>> No.11592592

now this time post an actual credible source please

>> No.11592595

>dipping out of a social custom because you can't spare a quarter is selfish

>> No.11592609

see >>11592502

try making an actual argument this time, you can do it anon!

>> No.11592614

>Social custom

Yeah maybe 50 years ago when people actually gave a shit instead of fucking women who can't even pour a fucking beer correctly.

>> No.11592618

>Acting like a customary tip is just a quarter


>> No.11592627

I've made all my arguments.
>extra labor and thoughtpower involved in making a drink should be rewarded (BUT ITS NOT THAT HARD!!!!!) yeah that's why tips are usually just a few coins lmao.
>will get you better service and perks in the future
your turn.
if she doesn't do it right you don't have to tip you complete fucking idiot.
how much do you tip anon?

>> No.11592628


Why should I pay some cunt a $5 tip for a $40 shot of vodka?

>> No.11592631

i hope this is bait anon. a quarter is 25 cents. a "quarter" of a dollar.

>> No.11592632

I don't tip, I think I've made that quite clear

>> No.11592633

Nobody does it right and IF they do it right. It's still not worth a gratuity. Fuck bartenders and fuck you!

>> No.11592638

but w h y? if you can't afford it what are you doing going out for drinks?

>> No.11592641

I'd would rather throw two quarters away than to give one quarter to some fag for doing his job mediocrely.

>> No.11592645

People defend tipping are so disingenous, they always start with the argument "if you tip you'll get a better service" and when you say you just want normal service they say "if you don't tip you'll get worse service" and act like they're not basically racketeering cunts

>> No.11592652

I can afford it, I choose not to pay the tip

>> No.11592654

>>extra labor and thoughtpower involved in making a drink should be rewarded (BUT ITS NOT THAT HARD!!!!!) yeah that's why tips are usually just a few coins lmao.
>>will get you better service and perks in the future
[citation needed]

>> No.11592655

then you're just an asshole dude. sorry but it's true.

>> No.11592657


Typical brainlet reply. Enjoy not making 6 figures ever.

>> No.11592658

Would you tip a bus driver?

>> No.11592659

it's common sense. let's not play the "i'm autistic and can't reason for myself, spoonfeed me EVERYTHING" game

>> No.11592665

saving a few bucks a month isn't gonna make you rich. millionaires don't get where they are by doing weird shit like refusing to tip and re-using paper plates.
the bus driver drives his bus along a pre-determined path. he does not do anything specifically to improve my experience.

>> No.11592666

if its common then it should be easy to find anon, please prove what your saying

>> No.11592667

He might do if you tried tipping him

>> No.11592668

This. If you go to the same bar often or are planning on hanging out at a bar all night, tip a couple bucks. Most places take cards now anyway so you can just tip at the end of the night. If you feel like you got decent service throw a couple bucks their way. If you didnt then tip less. As multiple people have said tipping insures proper service. So if you dont want to be ignored,get drinks last or get shitty drinks and attitude, tip. Is this extortion? Ya probably. Does getting better tips make people work harder? Probably.
Also this.

>> No.11592670

if they mix a complicated drink yes. Usually my rule is $1 tip per beer, regardless of the price of the beer.

>> No.11592679

>$1 tip just for the guy to hand you a drink


>> No.11592680

>my 4 dollar bear is now 4 because i let jewish bar owners fuck me and the bartender over

Ok, now this is epic.

>> No.11592686

People don't do peer-reviewed studies on simple shit like this because it's intuitive. But you're an autistic faggot who will just play the semantics game when he's backed into a corner. Go ahead and pretend you won. All you did was prove, beyond a doubt, that you're not worth arguing with because you're mentally challenged.

>> No.11592690


>> No.11592691

>People don't do peer-reviewed studies on simple shit like this because it's intuitive.
they literally do though

>> No.11592699

Retard. Show me the "Do bartenders REALLY deserve tips?" study. You can't because it's non-existent and literally not worth looking for.

>> No.11592707

>water is wet

>> No.11592709

only top if you regularly go there. A one off bar, no. A bar you go to maybe once a month or every other, no.

If it's a bar with a lot of turn over employees and you go frequently, no or just very little. If it's a bar you go to rarely but it's always the same people year after year, they will remember so tip appropriately.

>> No.11592715

there are no studies for that because federal law makes sures they get paid without it, please stop dodging the question anon. just post your proof or admit you are talking out of your ass

>> No.11592721
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>> No.11592726

Not gonna waste any more time on you. I suspect that you're somewhere on the autism spectrum. Difficulty processing abstract thought and only having a grasp on concrete ideas are classic symptoms.

>> No.11592727

just go ahead and post proof of your argument anon, it isnt hard

>> No.11592743

Why do you require proof that people like when people give them money? Are you dense? Same with the other thing.
>ask someone to build you a fence, a large and difficult task
>they do
>pay them a big amount of money
>ask someone to mix you a drink, a small but still tricky task
>they do
>give them a tiny amount of money

>> No.11592755

>Why do you require proof that people like when people give them money?
not the argument but nice try. please prove your argument anon

>> No.11592764

That literally is the argument. If you're too stupid to make the connection, that's your problem.

>> No.11592770

no it isnt, please prove your point anon

>> No.11592784

>>ask someone to mix you a drink, a small but still tricky task
>>they do
>>give them a tiny amount of money

Isn't that what the price of the drink is for? After all drink prices are several times higher than the cost of the ingredients used to make them.

>> No.11592808

Nah, I'm done with you. We have reached the point where you are literally pretending to be retarded in order to avoid having to present a counterargument. You wanna act like a greedy kike? Fine, go for it. Pinch every red penny. Maybe in 50 years all the pocket change you saved will be enough for you to afford a big mac combo from McDonalds. Imagine, an entire fast food meal all for you!
The bartender doesn't get the money you pay for a drink. It gets given to the bossman at the end of the night, he takes his cut, then cuts the rest up equally amongst all the bartenders. Tips are recognition of the bartender's personal service to you and are typically kept by the bartender who received them.

>> No.11592827

im paraphrasing, you get my point.

>> No.11592837

It literally paraphrases a study dumbfuck. The source is at the bottom of the page

>> No.11592861


oh so it wont be hard for you to post the study then? go ahead and post it anon

>> No.11592863

Anon, I posted it earlier but since you can’t click a hyperlink within a paper, I’ll do it again: https://scholarship.sha.cornell.edu/chrreports/15/
Now please provide counter-proof supporting your argument.

>> No.11592865

>Nah, I'm done with you.
lel good to know you cant then, next time feel free to post proof of what you say so you dont embarrass yourself

>> No.11592866

Kek I can’t believe I’m doing this for you. The lengths I go for the retarded...

>> No.11592873
File: 220 KB, 1920x1083, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice """""""source""""""" you moron

>> No.11592883

looks like a valid source to me. are you retarded or something?

the only one embarassing himself is you bro. when you don't tip you look like a poorfag.

>> No.11592893

>The ‘tip’ acts as a better incentive for service.
This is communism in theory levels of retarded and you know it.

>> No.11592895

It’s published by Cornell. Do you find an issue with their methods and, if so, what are they?

>> No.11592898


the FIRST time your boss has to pay you out because you didn't make enough in tips, your ass is getting cut to 4 hours a week until you quit.

>> No.11592912

>looks like a valid source to me
and thats why you are a moron

>> No.11592913

>This is communism in theory levels of retarded
Not quite, considering that communism in theory puts faith in human beings while ‘tipping’ as an incentive does the opposite (allows that humans will always act in their self-interest). Actually a terrible analogy, but nice attempt

>> No.11592914

>Do you find an issue with their methods
yes, like the fact that no methods are there and its a small paragraph being used as "proof". come on anon, this is elementary stuff here

>> No.11592915

Anon what issue do you find with their research? What in particular?

>> No.11592923

>small paragraph
Ahahahaha anon are you talking about the abstract? Have you ever read a paper before?

>> No.11592924

anon you won't win with these autists. they'll go to any length to defend their jewry.

>> No.11592937

>The bartender doesn't get the money you pay for a drink.
Sure. And the cook doesn't get the money I pay for a meal. But both can be paid their respective wages out of the money the house collects.

>> No.11592941

Jesus Christ...

>> No.11592950

only cooks make more than bartenders.

>> No.11592956

It all comes down to what you want: slightly raised prices and lesser service OR slightly lower prices + better service + tip

>> No.11592972

i tip everybody nowadays after an embarrassing encounter with my new gym's receptionist
>walk into gym first week there
>"good afternoon sir"
>smile at qt receptionist and say hi
>grab towel
>start heading toward changing room
>i turn around
>"i noticed you haven't been tipping, is there something wrong with my service?"
>spill my spaghetti and reach for my wallet
>drop it as i try to pull it out of my pocket
>grab a five dollar bill and put it on the counter
>"thank you so much sir, have a great workout"
>say "y-you too" and run to changing room
i tip my librarian and grocer and mailman and you can sure as hell bet i'm gonna tip my bartender

>> No.11593136

Excuse me, can you elaborate on what you meant by this post?

>> No.11593149

well for starters there is no actual proof or shown work

>literally less than 500 words

kill thyself

>> No.11593162

That paper is 28 pages long you incompetent mongoloid.

>> No.11593248

>posts summary and not the "paper"

sure thing bud

>> No.11593267

You download the paper. I cannot hold your hand any longer anon, you’ll have to figure this out yourself. But “I’m too retarded to do that” is not a counter-argument. It’s been fun

>> No.11593270

aight crash course in academic papers since you've never read one: the site will only show you the first page or 2 and give you a link to the rest. this is because the goal of the abstract is to summarize the paper, and hosting the whole thing on the webpage itself would take a fuckload of space and look like shit. go ahead and click download and you'll get the rest of the paper. happy to help.

>> No.11593276


>> No.11593285

must be a boomer...

>> No.11593316

Yeah this. We don't have tipping here but my co-workers and I give extra booze to regulars over randoms.
Come to my bar once a month I'll give you a normal drink.
Come 2 or more nights a week and everything you get will be double or triple shot or beer/highball in a larger glass at no extra charge. More if you buy the bartenders drinks too. Buy us a tequila once in a while and we'll remember it and pay you back triple or more
We have a couple of regulars (they come 3x a week or more) bring snacks, cakes or food to share too. They get damn near half a bottle of whisky when they order a scotch on the rocks

>> No.11593331

Unless you're making Ramoz Gin Fizzes or something then nah. Nice bait post though, got me to reply, 3/10

>> No.11593343


>> No.11593349

i made it pretty clear anon

>> No.11593359

>Housekeeping $20-50 a day
Holy fuck my sides

>> No.11593373

>buy the bartenders drinks
You're allowed to drink on the job?

>> No.11593379

its canadian money, so like, half that in USD

>> No.11593380

Completely depends on the owner

>> No.11593390

>wa la
the fuck does this mean?

>> No.11593408

lurk newfag

>> No.11593411

The state alcohol control board doesn't have any rules about it?

>> No.11593415

>north americans literally have to pay bribe money to get their server/bartender to do their job

>> No.11593417

It means you need to lurk more bitch

>> No.11593424

Dunno. I know that nobody gives a fuck behind the bar unless your owner says otherwise. My owner says: “use your own discretion”

>> No.11593510

Bad comparison. It would be like a homeowner hiring a contractor to build a fence for a fixed price, the contractor then hires someone else to do the job and the homeowner is expected to pay both the contractor and sub contractor

>> No.11593571

I only tip if the beer is cheap. Greedy overpriced places can get bent

>> No.11593576

>a tip increases 2% when wait staff write "thank you" on a bill
I always say thank you when they bring me my food. Where's my 2% discount?

>> No.11593582

right here

>> No.11593800

It's Twenty-eight pages long, not just one paragraph

>> No.11594122

bartender =/= sommelier

>> No.11594126

if you're going to a bar where the bartenders only pour beer and shots, then don't. if they're actually making cocktails and giving good service then I don't see why not. they're more deserving of a tip than a waiter IMO, at least they make the shit they serve to you.

>> No.11594129

I'll underpour. guaranteed

>> No.11594136

maybe, but a lot of places pool the tips and evenly distribute them among servers, so even if your server/bartender is great you still end up tipping a shitty server too.

>> No.11594143

on a new keg that's liable to happen anyway

>> No.11594155

why would you ever pay $40 fucking dollars for a shot of VODKA, a spirit which is literally supposed to taste like nothing?