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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 421 KB, 2048x1528, Screenshot_20181206-220704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11578846 No.11578846 [Reply] [Original]

saw this on hinge, thoughts? for me, a burger is definitely a sandwich, I don't see how someone could think it isn't

>> No.11578852

I don't even think subs are really sandwiches. They're on rolls. A sandwich is on sliced bread.

>> No.11578854

here’s a hinge for ya
fuck off

>> No.11578856

A burger isn't a sandwich.

>> No.11578862

Sandwiches can be dinner if they are substantial

>> No.11578871

Why does this anger me so much?

>> No.11578873

how come on fast food burger menus they show "sandwich" only prices below the combos

>> No.11578880
File: 689 KB, 750x747, 1543814346803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to slice the bread to put contents between the two sides, bucko

>> No.11578881

so that they can use the same text for shit that isnt a burger, like the chicken sandwiches.

>> No.11578882

do you actually use hinge?

thats a trash app shilled by thots

>> No.11578883

Because you're in America and when your local population says "burger" they're referring only to the patty.

>> No.11578891

this thread is so undead
pretty sure it's zombie has died several times over now

>> No.11578895

found the trump supporter

>> No.11578897

Who fucking cares? Find a hobby. Christ.

>> No.11578899

found the hinge shill

>> No.11578905
File: 33 KB, 91x180, yellow_smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't seem like there's much to change there sweetie.

>> No.11578910

just trying to get laid while osrs fishing and working out

>> No.11578916

what the fuck illiterate 9 year old wrote this?
fucking dipshits. i want to hit them with a hammer

>> No.11578919

hinge is the only one ive had success on somehow, for some reason its more active here

>> No.11578937


>> No.11578941

>there own category
Listen I know I’m autistic but this shit unnerves me

>> No.11578942


>> No.11578955

Where's the argument? It looks like a series of completely arbitrary declarations. What specifically about sandwiches, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and/or burgers makes anyone agree or not agree with these declarations? I don't get it.

>> No.11578987

ok anon well just because you're retarded doesn't mean the rest of us are. i mean, way to contribute absolutely nothing to the thread though. kudos for that.

>> No.11579862

Man, that's like saying a square isn't a rectangle.

>> No.11579880


>> No.11579886

Burgers are related to sandwiches but are not sandwiches themselves. They are in a class of their own. Kinda like how stingrays are related to sharks or how scorpions are related to spiders

>> No.11581328

aren't scorpions arachnids as well though?

>> No.11581332

I dont think I care

>> No.11581345

Sandwiches are the order, burgers are the family. Lrn2 taxonomy.

>> No.11581350
File: 459 KB, 974x531, sandtest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11581355

Three errors for the price of one. Sandwiches can be elaborate meals, especially when they began to be popularised, hamburgers used to be called 'hamburger sandwiches' to distinguish them from ground hamburger without bread, and there's no good reason why filling a sandwich with bacon and eggs is grounds for especial treatment.

>> No.11581372

>400lbs fatass
>"sandwiches aren't dinner u guys!"
>eats sandwich for dinner
>"i skipped dinner last night you shitlord"

>> No.11581383

wtf hot dogs really are sandwiches

>> No.11581386

Even more ridiculous than OP. If a sandwich was defined by such an arbitrary and hazy definition as 'portability', then are muffuletas casseroles instead since you can't hold an entire stuffed bread loaf while gambling (which is itself a myth)? And are wraps 'sandwiches' too?

>> No.11581405
File: 233 KB, 1319x907, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a retard.

>> No.11581406

This. That's the danger of describing reality with incorrect terminology; a snack is only a snack in the proper context, and if you have it as an evening meal it's really your dinner.

>> No.11581458

Why is this issue still up for debate? Look up the definition of 'sandwich' as a verb, which is to place between TWO things of a different quality. By that strict definition, we can immediately rule out wraps and tacos because they're made with a single pita or taco, and even hot-dogs, subs, and stuffed loaves may not qualify if they aren't cleanly separated in two. Thus, only the top row of this chart safely qualify as 'sandwiches'.

>> No.11581467

The fucktard can’t even there their they’re, so instantly his opinion is invalid.

>> No.11581485

Why should a grown man care about what others think of their dietary choices. It is food, it tastes good, you eat it and get full.

>> No.11581497

if the hotdog bun breaks at the seam when you're eating it can it now be referred to as a sandwich?

>> No.11581502


>> No.11581506

You just ask your servants to quarter them for you. Also don't add another noun to the mix, we don't want to start a discussion on what is and isn't a casserole.

Could the wrap be described better as bread rather than a sort of tortilla? If it's bread, it's a sandwich. We'd need to define tortilla, too.

Language is difficult.

>> No.11581517
File: 41 KB, 480x360, ScaryRonald[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>captcha asks you to identify sandwiches
>there's only pictures of hot-dogs and hamburgers

>> No.11581521

A sandwich is bread with shit in the middle
A burger is bread with shit in the middle
Burger = sandwich
And yes, hot dogs are sandwiches

>> No.11581524

me on the right

>> No.11581535

Sandwich =/= bread with shit in middle
Sandwich = bread with pre-approved, particular shit in middle
Hamburger = bread with unapproved shit (burger) in middle
Hamburger =\= Sandwich

>> No.11581545

>And yes, hot dogs are sandwiches
Ya blew it.

>> No.11581551
File: 19 KB, 600x154, sandwich definition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of your sandwich definitions are unfortunately incorrect.
>bread with pre-approved, particular shit in middle
this is so vague I can't even speculate as to what you mean.
>A sandwich is bread with shit in the middle
Regrettably, this is also false.

Here's the actual definition, note that it specifies two. Two pieces of bread is a prerequisite for it to be a sandwich, not just optional. Hot dogs are not sandwiches, neither is anything that only uses one piece of bread instead of two. Case closed.

>> No.11581589
File: 829 KB, 5805x2290, 54734857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heroes aren't sandwiches

>> No.11581597

This is bullshit though, a burrito is absolutely not a sandwich because it is not meant to be eaten by hand. A "handheld burrito" is just a overly filled wrap.

>> No.11581607

So a burger is a sandwich? No, I can’t accept that

>> No.11581613

So what if you roll a burrito with two tortillas?

>> No.11581618

Why on earth not?

>> No.11581637

Then it would be a quesadilla

>> No.11581638

yeah that's a burrito sandwich, it's a delicacy.

>> No.11581648

I prefer the term 'rito butty

>> No.11581652

Roll, you chingus. Also a burrito doesn’t have to have cheese so FUCK OFF

>> No.11581660

I didn't call is a quesodilla bruh

>> No.11581666
File: 8 KB, 277x271, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer the question. What's the argument here? What specific reasons do you actually have for these assertions? It's retarded to list off a bunch of conclusions out of nowhere without even explaining why you believe they're true.

>> No.11581667

based retard poster

>> No.11581671
File: 2.72 MB, 1680x2048, Screenshot_20181126-080633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is an open faced sandwich?
It's in the name.

>> No.11581738

>doubling down on the idiocy
bravo. truly appreciable.

>> No.11582333

Not if the baguette isn't cut cleanly in two. Pic related is bread arguably wrapped around a filling, not sandwiching it in two pieces. Just because a distinction is small doesn't mean it's nonexistent, like the differences between Everclear, white whiskey and vodka.

Yes, if you choose. However, we should ideally focus on classifying food as it's served, not altered afterwards. A Sloppy Joe is a Sloppy Joe up until I add jalapenos and beans to the beef to make a chili sandwich.

'Bread' usually means bread on its own, with no fillings after baking. Also, the word 'wrap' implies the pita/tortilla is wrapping SOMETHING. I agree with you on not complicating the issue with more words, though a 'casserole' is pretty well defined.

Open-faced sandwiches are honestly a misnomer, because they don't fit the term in any sense whatsoever, even if you folded them up. If you classified them as such, you'd open up a whole new can of worms as now you'd have to consider every pizza or flatbread with toppings as 'sandwiches' too.

>> No.11582508

Why are you so afraid to explain your reasoning?

>> No.11582523

Also is this a European / flyover US thing maybe? I've never heard of anyone associating sandwiches with lunch but not dinner before.

>> No.11582547

>dO eUrOpEaNs rEaLlY
yikes. so you really are retarded. lmao.

>> No.11582550


>> No.11582551

>wypipo discussions

>> No.11582553

Who hurt you so bad that you're terrified to answer any questions? You know you're anonymous here, right little buddy?

>> No.11582556

there is no surer sign of a redditor.

>> No.11582563

>larping as a nigger on chinese imageboard

>> No.11582572
File: 127 KB, 439x363, frens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to make some progress eventually, friend. Just relax and let it all out. What are your scary thoughts on sandwiches you don't want to be bullied about?

>> No.11582579

Guilty as charged. You gotta admit discussing the semantics of what constitutes a sandwich and what doesn't is the most white american discussion possible, though

>> No.11582580

not even bothering to read your posts at this point. it's clear you're a victim of brain damage. hope you get well soon.

>> No.11582646

It’s in bread it’s a sandwich. Anything in bread is sandwich and sandwiches are 24/7.

>> No.11582660

Does anyone else have an actual rationale for associating sandwiches with lunch but not dinner? This is one of the strangest non-ironic food claims I can remember seeing here next to "pepperoni pizza is for children" and "ketchup doesn't belong on hotdogs."

>> No.11582681

Not that guy but can you please knock it off with the autistic shitposts? This isn't /int/ where you get laughs by pretending to be a moron. We actually care about post quality here.

>> No.11582687

Just answer the question.

>> No.11582764

A hamburger, being one of the triumphant American inventions, rises above the label "sandwich"

>> No.11582774

Pizza is a sandwich, nonce.

>> No.11582775

>meat and salad between two pieces of bread
Then what the fuck is it, fag?

>> No.11583993

Someone just post the sandwich alignment chart so we can be done with this thread

>> No.11584007

A burger is a sandwich in the same way a tomato is a fruit.

Technically true but aesthetically and functionally not.

>> No.11584201

I’m gay too btw. Not sure if it matters.

>> No.11584212

>there own

>> No.11584254

>osrs fishing

>> No.11584280

the fuck is hinge

>> No.11585420

Hotdog is a sandwich. It's meat between bread with condiments on top.

>> No.11585439
File: 101 KB, 800x533, open faced turkey sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a sandwich?