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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 421x300, BK-Whopper-Detour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11570281 No.11570281 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11570289

of course BK is like 4 years late in the whole fast food publicly throwing shade at each other trend. Retards.

>> No.11570290

I'm only interested if it's EPIC style

>> No.11570293


>go to mcdonalds for 1$ large drink
>go to burgerking for your 1c whopper
>go to wendys for large 1$ fry

I wonder if any other timelines have it this good

>> No.11570294

If you only have to be within a certain region of McDonalds and you don't order by staff, but through an app on your phone, how come these basketball-americans have to go through the drive-thru???? Do they expect the staff to download the BK app and do it for them? They're backing up the line for the McChicken.

>> No.11570314

imagine calling it mickie ds

>> No.11570316

You can get 5x as much soda for $1 most weeks by buying a 2liter at the right store. You just have to fridge it for a few hours and you're good
only soda i might buy when getting fast food is one they don't make into 2liters, like mr. pibb

>> No.11570349

Zoomer detected.
I remember being a kid and seeing commercials on TV where BK roasts McD.
They're basically going back to their roots

>> No.11570376

Imagine being this into fast food that you would post this on 4channel with the subject "BK is trolling McDonald's HAARD"

>> No.11570378

Ahah le epic corporation ROASTING another corporation!!!! So totally epic and not just SOME rich dudes in a suit trying to get you to buy more of their garbage pseudo food right? So B A S E D

>> No.11570381

>1$ large fry

When Americans say this do you guys mean you buy like a giant fry for a dollar? I don't understand I've never seen this in the movies before.

>> No.11570384 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 344x427, Le mcu man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This how dare corporations make money wtf bros

>> No.11570388

>imagine participating in any conversation on a Peruvian Pokemon breeding forum

>> No.11570389
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>> No.11570390
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>> No.11570392

It's kind of a low carb thing I guess.

>> No.11570408

>I buy things based on how EPIC and BASED corporations are on le twitter
>everyone who doesn't do this is le soyboy xD

Fucking kys bugman, how fucking detached from reality are you, don't you realize you're literally the person you make fun of?

>> No.11570426
File: 89 KB, 300x300, d0d047e5eb8d305f8d59378bcba56946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When can ck start a fast food meme war and make burger king great again?

>> No.11570431

>imagine being this sour

it's a good idea, good trolling and a whopper for 1 cent is a good deal, i mean if you otherwise like the whopper, what not to like? it could have been mcdonalds with the big mac trolling bk, doesn't matter, that would have been a good deal too

i'm not the guy, who you were answering and i'm not gay btw

>> No.11570437

This isn't even close to the first time Burger King is done shit like this dipstick

>> No.11570445

Firstly, Id like to address this. You are completely wrong m8. The soda you get in a store is NOT the same as from a fountain. Nothing compares to the taste of fresh fountain soda.
Secondly, this thing is dumb as fuck. 600ft? thats nothing. It should make you go inside the fucking store and then order

>> No.11570460

>$1 for a fry
do americans really

>> No.11570465

>driving traffic to your competitor????

>> No.11570470

How much McDicks did BK have to suck to allow them to do this?

>> No.11570475

first of all, no soda is worth $1 for a bunch of ice, even the more-syrupy coke to water ratio they have at mcdonalds
second of all, just get the fucking burger you tub of lard, get a free water, you'll be fine if you don't inhale it within seconds so you don't feel full within the next couple minutes

>> No.11570478

BK tastes like shit, on top of that, this just seems somewhat unethical

>> No.11570527

Don't be sad, your favourite restaurant, McD will surely recover.

>> No.11570615
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>Le epic cynic everything sucks

>> No.11570702
File: 133 KB, 960x639, diner old men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot
>$1 10 piece nuggets at burger king

2018 is the year of the fast food deal.. Decades from now we will tell our grandchildren about the great fast food war of 2018.

>> No.11570711

protip you dont have to get ice

>> No.11570722

they are trying hard to seem cool after that pink tax stunt they pulled and had it blow up in their face. Fuck BK in their nigger asses.

>> No.11570747

>if you want burger king just go to mcdonald's first then go to burger king
that seems kind of silly

>> No.11570786

you don't need to enter any McD, you need to be in the 600 ft radius of one

>> No.11570796

that's still a waste of my time having to see if i'm within distance of one or getting closer just to make the order

>> No.11570799
File: 353 KB, 576x432, skinner86702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mcdonalds is on the way to burger king anyway

>> No.11570804

agreed, I'm not poor so I don't really care. I'll just pay full price

>> No.11570830

See? >>11570799

>> No.11570852

thing is I'm already at mcdonalds, so I'm not going to then travel to the next town over to go to burgerking
I will just eat at mcdonalds. This is a dumb idea and everybody I told about it says the same thing

"but I'm already at mcdonalds"
its almost like the tiny savings isn't worth your fucking time and effort

if you're a low income retard making $15 an hour like your typical fast food eater, even if it takes you just 15 minutes to get your whopper then you still spent the same amount of money in your time
in fact the more money you are worth per hour the worse this deal becomes

>> No.11570860

>so I'm not going to then travel to the next town over to go to burgerking

Next town over? What corn republic do you live in?

>> No.11570862

speaking of dumb...

>> No.11570865

>still have to stop near it to make the order

>> No.11570870

my closest McDonalds and Burger King are 2.5 blocks away, it's nice.

>> No.11570985

People make hour long lines for a couple of pieces of fried chicken.

>> No.11571003

>"but I'm already at mcdonalds"
No, you are not, you are in the 600 ft radius of one. Unless you live in the end of the world, often you can find a BK near too. Obviously it's not for people, who need to travel a lot to get to any of these.

>even if it takes you just 15 minutes to get your whopper then you still spent the same amount of money in your time
What? Most people don't earn shit in their leasure time and that's when they go to eat or in lunchbreak, but that's paid. They don't earn shit sitting at home, they don't earn shit while going for the burger, but at least they can spare a few bucks. Hurr-durr, it's a bad deal.

Yea and you also need to open your mouth, if you want to eat the burger. Stupid things, i know.

>> No.11571014

>Yea and you also need to open your mouth, if you want to eat the burger. Stupid things, i know.
nice strawman, shill

>> No.11571038

>15$ a hour is low income
well shit, I just hit 15$ a hour, what's considered not low? FUCK

>> No.11571054

It's a fucking deal morons, you're paying a penny for a burger. There is no food you can buy for cheaper than that. Fast food is a ripoff 9 times out of 10, but this is the one time where it truly is not. And you're fucking complaining because it's not convenient enough for you?
I don't eat fast food, I don't own a car, it'll take me about an hour, but I'm gonna take advantage of this deal. Why the fuck wouldn't I? I'm paying a penny to be fed, and it's a fucking hamburger. Can't even make a bowl of rice with that value.
You guys are retards and will complain about anything. You don't have to take advantage of this. But if you're willing to pay for fast food, but won't use this deal, then you're a complete idiot.

>> No.11571078

>compensating people to disrupt a competing business
Is that legal?

>> No.11571086

The cost is not just a penny.

It's a penny plus all your personal data which they get access to when you install the app and agree to its terms. I dunno about you, but my personal data with worth a fuck of a lot more than a mediocre burger.

>> No.11571097

You don't have to use the drive thru to use the app, but they did pay actors to interfere with McDonald's employees for the commercial, so there might be a case for sabotage there.

>> No.11571103

Get a sacrificial phone with a false identity for this type of stuff.

>> No.11571106

That's a fair criticism. But complaining about having to """work""" a little harder to get the burger is retarded and mind bogglingly lazy

>> No.11571130

OP here, so far the first thing which at least makes some sense against this promo. But you can always wear your tinfoil onesie while claiming the (almost) freebie.

>> No.11571132

$15 is essentially the standard wage for unskilled labor now

reminder: minimum wage increases don't elevate people above the poverty line, it just moves the poverty line closer to everybody else

>> No.11571133

My closest McDonalds is right across the street from a Burger King.
Sucks to be you faggots, I did it from the BK parking lot.

>> No.11571134

That costs a lot more than a burger, anon.

>> No.11571149

Just delete your info and the app afterwards?

>> No.11571165

>my personal info is worth literally anything

>> No.11571181

>raising minimum wage just makes everyone else worse off
what a dumb fucking statement and propagated by kochniggers

>> No.11571208

>The soda you get in a store is NOT the same as from a fountain. Nothing compares to the taste of fresh fountain soda.
you're right because it's worse

>> No.11571224

>that seems kind of silly
It's not just some random weird idea someone came up with out of nowhere. They're doing it because they found out a very large number or McDonalds customers mistakenly ask for whoppers. So this would let all those people who are apathetic enough about McDonald's vs. Burger King to not know the difference realize they can go to the other chain instead for an extremely discounted whopper, which will then make BK stand out more in their memory as the actual whopper location.

>> No.11571236

Yeah, that's why the internet economy is built around the accrual of data.

>> No.11571261

I wonder if you can make an uber eats driver get that deal for you

>> No.11571265

It only works the one time when you first sign up for the BK app.

>> No.11571416

I tried this last night and it didn’t work for me. Was in the McDonald’s drove their for like five minutes to get a $1 McGriddle and nothing happened on the app.

>> No.11571856

wtf I did the same thing. I wound up getting the $6 meal though.
Is this clever anti-marketing by McDonalds?

>> No.11571874

yeah but your data specifically is worth jack shit bro

>> No.11572557
File: 1.37 MB, 3200x2400, IMG_20170713_212422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably common knowledge to people who've worked in restaurants, but you know if you push up on a flavor's label on a coke machine, you can adjust how much syrup comes out by using a key?

>> No.11572580

It’s a meme ad. Those were actors.

I think they’re both trash but this is pretty funny.

>> No.11572610

lol no, you have to adjust it at the nozzle.
t. worked at a 7-Eleven for 2 years

>> No.11572641

>went to mcdonalds
>open application
>click coupon
>okay get to your nearest store within an hour
>it's 6 miles away
>instead of the one 2 blocks north i wanted to go to
fuck you burger king, absolutely no reason to not have mobile ordering at every single god damn location

>> No.11572935

>you do you boo

>> No.11572961

Shut the fuck up newfag we've always considered BK /ourguys/ here. Maybe reddit is more fitting for you...don't to get a bitch.

>> No.11572984

Burger King is trash, the food tastes like soap and charcoal. It's the Subway of burgers.

>> No.11573048
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>ywn gather in the local diner down the street with other ethnically similar, happily married, comfortably retired men to talk about the fast food wars or the grand-kids or those damn democrats

>> No.11573403

Just use a fake GPS app

>> No.11573511
File: 8 KB, 214x236, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're right because it's worse
I hate soda machines so much. I base who I get uber eats delivery from in large part on the restaurant having an option for actual bottled soda. Paper cup soda is trash. And no:
It's not just about adding more syrup. The syrup *distribution* is all inconsistent and fucked up compared to a bottled soda. I really wanted to like paper cup machine soda a while back before restaurant delivery through phone apps took off because it would have let me re-up on soda by using the fast food place right next to my apartment, but every time I tried it just ended in me throwing it out because it was so off from what a legitimate sealed container of soda would have provided. I wish there were a law against them, only sealed container sodas should be allowed.

>> No.11575644

Good idea, do any of those work on non-rooted Android?

>> No.11575655

how does it work? and why are all of them blacks?

>> No.11575740

It's explained in the Twitter video in the OP, although i'm not sure, whether the offer is still running or no.

>> No.11575763

How the fuck is Burger King still a thing? The only time I've ever heard of people eating there is if they have no other choices at a train station or motorway service station. Is it fairly popular in the US?

>> No.11575784

I don't know about the US, but in Europe BK is superior to McD, which is not too hard to do, but still.

>> No.11576008

Onion rings and a lettuce/tomato/onion/pickle burger.

>> No.11576015


>> No.11576165

It really is bad tbqh. I rather get my cheat day's lard at McDonald's even if it's a little more expensive.

>> No.11576315

Then you realize its all a marketing scam and 90% of BKs dont have mobile ordering and of the 10% that do apparently 90% of those dont honor the deal at their franchise.

>> No.11576427

>get some nuggets on mcdonalds
>pick up a burger at BK

>> No.11577129

>Not getting $0.01 whoppy and $1.00 for 10 nuggies at BK, and $1.00 large fries from wendys

>> No.11577242

BK nuggets sucks ass

>> No.11577256

>this amount of tribalism about fast food establishments

Is this what it's like to be American?

>> No.11577267
File: 445 KB, 474x379, Get Out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being that far up gookmoot's ass that you call this shithole "4channel"

>> No.11577275

The fuck you wanna call it, niggah?

>> No.11577288

By it's birth name, faggot. How does jap shit taste by the way? Nice and tasty?

>> No.11577299

My local Burger King is less than 600 feet from a McDonald's.

>> No.11579270

McD is so uninspired in my country, always the same shit, BK is regularly trying new stuff.

>> No.11579442

Here is your $15/hour fast food workers in action!


Background on this


>> No.11579479

is that allowed on 4channel?

>> No.11579498

I thought this was a word filter

>> No.11579666

Found the retard

>> No.11581216

yeah it's obviously "maccies"

>> No.11581270

If I became the leader of the world my very first act would be to forbid fast food companies from having twitter accounts.

>> No.11581297

This garbage thread is blatant advertising, you disgusting cancerous piece of human waste. Fuck you for shilling this trash. Fuck you right in your ass with a cactus sideways...twice. I hope you get ass cancer and die within 6 weeks.