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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11564517 No.11564517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Rule abiding Hiroshimoot ordained /ck/ meta thread

How do we fix this shithole of a board? It's getting to /x/ levels of cancer.

>> No.11564521
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Waaaaa, let's cry about things in a meta thread

>> No.11564523

I would say the shitposting is unironically what made this place what it is. It was always here. Serious discussion still does occur and the shitposting is humorous most of the time. Not only that but it often adds to the board culture. Blatent bait threads are an issue though.

>> No.11564526

This is one of the only boards on this shit site that's still worth browsing.
t. oldfag

>> No.11564545

What the slop 0f shit are you talking about anon?

>> No.11564547

I agree but that doesnt mean its good

>> No.11564549

The board is fine, could use more dickered cook-a-longs tho

>> No.11564552
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Reminder that the meta thread rule was revoked and you're supposed to post it on the shitposting board /qa/ where no one who actually comes here will ever see it.

>> No.11564839

The only way you can fix it is start your own board.

>> No.11564872

>hiroshimoot ordained /ck/ meta thread
These threads get deleted faster than al/ck/ threads, dum dum. And that OP image sure as fuck isn't representative of this board. Kind of funny how these threads are always started by newfags or crossboarders. When's the last time you even saw Hiroshimoot post? This site is run by a handful of rogue mods at this point. Moot may have been the OG fag, but it didn't matter, because he at least checked in every night and made sure this place wasn't turning into a complete shithole. To his credit he got out at the perfect time; everything was going downhill but nobody could have saved this place after Trump was elected and we were overtaken by T_D.