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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11561164 No.11561164 [Reply] [Original]

>food at the center is burnt
>food at the rim is raw
its a meme right?

>> No.11561185

your an meme

>> No.11561257

i wish

>> No.11561295

>its a meme right?
yep, anybody with a brain has taken the copperpill, much better heat distribution and control

>> No.11561297
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>> No.11561311

based and stonepilled

>> No.11561317

>WHITE pans
We're reaching aesthetic levels that shouldn't be possible

>> No.11561321

>its a meme right?
Nope. It's user error.

>> No.11561347

>prone to user error more than any other equipment and has some of the highest required maintenance for no distinct advantage that justifies the drawbacks
So yes it is a meme

>> No.11561364

O B S E S S E D !

>> No.11561373

"Man literally too dumb to stir, updates at 11"

>> No.11561387


>> No.11561399

how do I rescue my sister and her husband from this meme? they are both already poor cooks but the cast iron makes it even worse

>> No.11561403

Not an argument

>> No.11561405

Get her one of these

>> No.11561413

Aluminum is more conductive than copper though.

>> No.11561420

This. Stainless steel with an aluminum core is the best for quick cooking on the stove, and an enamaled cast iron Dutch oven is best for oven braises and stews that start on the stove.

>> No.11561427

Rockpill me /ck/, are they a gimmick or are they a genuine innovative improvement over standard Teflon?

>> No.11561433

There’s literally no need to ever use a nonstick pan.

>> No.11561436

>>prone to user error more than any other equipment
How so? Matching your pan size to the size of the hob applies to any kind of cookware.

>and has some of the highest required maintenance
Cast iron has no different maintenance than any other pan. you just season it once when you buy it, that's the only difference. It doesn't require any special care.

>>for no distinct advantage that justifies the drawbacks
Heat retention and emissivity are both excellent, distinct, advantages.

Nonstick, stainless, and CI skillets are fundamental tools in the kitchen. Unless you are some kind of ascetic minimalist there's no reason not to use all 3 on a regular basis.

>> No.11561443

I don’t eat fried or scrambled eggs. What else would I use a nonstick for?

>> No.11561453

There's no reason to use non stick. Ever. Using non stick is the easiest pleb filter in cooking. You can make every recipe known to man with CI and copper and if you can't it means you suck at cooking.

>> No.11561467
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>they think copper pans are solid copper

>> No.11561478

They’re copper cored, dipshit. Usually either tinned or covered in stainless steel. Aluminum is a better core than copper.

>> No.11561482
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Fish, scallops, bacon.

Just because you CAN do it doesn't mean it makes sense to do it.

>A tool box? Nossirree, I don't need no stinkin' tool box to fix no car. I just need muh hammer and muh jumper cables. If you can't fix it wit dose then your a shit mechanic

>> No.11561487

I can and have easily cooked all 3 in stainless pans.

>> No.11561494
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>he doesn't know

>> No.11561503

>I can and have easily cooked all 3 in stainless pans.

That's nice. I'm just curious what the motivation for that was. Why were you making things more difficult for yourself? You didn't have room for more pans? You were trying to show off?

>> No.11561510

Ones that are worth a damn are indeed solid copper, with a thin layer of stainless or tin on the interior.

"Copper" pans which aren't solid copper in the center have a different name: garbage.

>> No.11561516

If your eggs stick that means you don't know how to cook eggs. Do you think diners use Teflon griddles to churn out 100s of perfectly cooked eggs a day? You sure are smug about your inadequacies. You probably show off your wife's bull too.

>> No.11561521

>he cooks bacon in a nonstick pan
Ayyy lmao

>> No.11561522

It wasn’t difficult at all, because I know how to cook. Bacon is especially easy in stainless, since it’s like 50% fat. Why are you so bad at cooking that you need crutches?

>> No.11561524

>Doesn't preheat his cast iron to take advantage of it being dense and even heating when used correctly

>> No.11561531

If you can't make good food in cast iron no memepan will help you.

>> No.11561549

This. If they learn how to use it they actually might become decent cooks.

>> No.11561558

>Do you think diners use Teflon griddles to churn out 100s of perfectly cooked eggs a day?
But, since I don't have to worry about cooking that kind of volume I'll choose to use the easier tool.

I never claimed it was "difficult" in an absoloute sense. I said it was more difficult.

Even if one is "stupidly easy" while the other is merely "very easy", why wouldn't you choose the easier option? What advantage do you think that using stainless gives in your case?

>> Why are you so bad at cooking that you need crutches?
I'm excellent at cooking. Part of that is choosing the right tool for the job.

>> No.11561561

Why own two tools when one does both jobs just as well?

>> No.11561573

Because one doesn't do them "just as well". It's a compromise.

Nonstick for delicate foods which tend to stick easily.
Iron for oven use, searing, and other uses of extreme high heat.
Stainless for when you want to generate a fond for later deglazing
Copper for delicate emulsified sauces, candy, and jam.

>> No.11561578

>Because one doesn't do them "just as well"
Maybe you have more difficulty using pans made for adults, but most people don’t.

>> No.11561584

>why wouldn't you buy something you don't need to do a task you can already do half awake, hungover, with one eye barely open because your coffee isn't even done brewing yet?
Gee, I don't know... Probably because I'm not a mindless consumer throwing my money down the drain towards shit I don't need. How about I spend my money on another kitchen tool that doesn't already do what I find no difficulty in doing? So you really not understand the law of diminishing returns? The pan returns nothing to me therefore any expenditure is a 100% sunk cost and then I have to buy a separate set of utensils so now I'm guilty of falling victim to the law of diminishing returns and the sunk cost fallacy.

>> No.11561588

>>different materials don't have different physical properties

>>but most people don’t.
Really? "Most people" can magically preheat an iron or stainless pan in the same time as it takes to heat an aluminum one? Tell me these secrets that "most people" use to ignore the laws of physics.

>> No.11561592

All stainless pans worth owning are aluminum or copper cored; only an absolute mongoloid would use a 100% stainless pan. You know nothing.

>> No.11561604

>Gee, I don't know...
You don't have to be an ass about it. You can simply say that you'd rather not buy different pans.

>All stainless pans worth owning are aluminum or copper cored
Indeed. They still heat slower than plain aluminum pan because the stainless cladding has lousy thermal conductivity.
Now that difference may not matter to you, in which case you can just say that the difference in performance isn't worth the difference in price. But to pretend a difference doesn't exist is idiotic.

>> No.11561610

>doubling down on the fact that he wastes his money on things he doesn’t need
lmao. Die in a fire, retard.

>> No.11561615

You asked why and I figured I had to spell it out for you explicitly because you're clearly obtusely retarded.

>> No.11561620

I'll bet you buy plenty of dumb shit that you don't "need". Everybody does, we just have different definitions of what that is.

I'm just wondering what's so hard about saying "I only want to buy one pan". If you'd have said that from the getgo we wouldn't have even had this discussion.

>> No.11561628

Somehow it's *MY* fault that you either can't or won't explain yourself clearly?

You could have posted "I don't want to buy multiple pans" 20 posts ago. Why didn't you?

>> No.11561640

I have a large high sided sauté pan, a large skillet, a small skillet, a small sauce pan, a medium sauce pan, a large sauce pan, and a bain marie, all stainless-on-aluminum. I also have an aluminum stockpot, a large enamaled Dutch oven, and a small enamaled Dutch oven. My nigger roommate has a Teflon pan for eggs, but I never use it because I don’t eat fried eggs.

>> No.11561720

Kek I think the plastics in your brain lad

>> No.11561724

Cast iron is for trannies

>> No.11561781

> Do you think diners use Teflon griddles to churn out 100s of perfectly cooked eggs a day?
They generally don't use CI/stainless either. Carbon steel, or tinned copper if they are traditionalist.

Using stainless for cooking eggs is just being silly. Seasoning which disappears when you wash the pan, need to take it all the way up to leidenfrost if it's not seasoned ... no fucking point.

>> No.11561783

They use cast iron flat tops, dumbass. Have you never seen a diner kitchen before?

>> No.11561787

>Seasoning which disappears when you wash the pan
If that happens it wasn't seasoned right.

>> No.11561797

Not that idiot, but flat top/plancha/teppanyaki grills aren't cast iron. They're usually stainless steel.

>> No.11561801

You forgot to answer the questions bro.

>> No.11561807

He's talking about stainless bro. Stainless cannot be seasoned in the true sense of the word.

I think we're dealing with that idiot who has previously talked about "quick seasoning stainless". He doesn't know what seasoning actually is. I've found it best to treat him like other idiots and just ignore whatever he says.

>> No.11561815
File: 120 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2018-12-03-12-11-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A traditional diner doesn't use a pan at all. Most use something like this but bigger. With a stainless steel top.

Only thing you'd use a pan for is omlets but that has more to do with the form of the pan being a mold for the omlets.

>> No.11561831

If you let your dish slave wash a stainless pan they will remove the seasoning, it doesn't adhere worth shit. Anything more than waving hot water at it and wiping it off with a paper towel and it's gone.

>> No.11561836

>it doesn't adhere worth shit
That's because it's not actually seasoned. It's just oily.

Seasoning involves a chemical reaction with the iron in the pan. That can't happen to a stainless pan because it's stainless. There's no such thing as seasoning a stainless pan.

>> No.11561848

Put it in the microwave and it will all even out.

>> No.11561862

Turn down your heat you fucking idiot. It's not our fault that you suck at cooking.

>> No.11561898

How is turning down the heat supposed to fix the fact that OP put a large pan on a small hob?

>> No.11561905

Did he specifically state that he did that?
Would still make him an idiot tho.

>> No.11561918

The heat can spread and be distributed more evenly throughout the pan.

>> No.11561923

>Seasoning stainless
Are you retarded? By definition it's a pan that easily sheds the kind of buildup that you have on cast or carbon steel called seasoning.

>> No.11561942

>Did he specifically state that he did that?
Sure. It says the food in the center is burnt and the food at the rim is raw. The only way that could happen would be if the hob were smaller than the overall size of the pan.

>The heat can spread and be distributed more evenly throughout the pan.
If that were the case OP's problem would never have happened at all.

>> No.11561950

Oh shit. You're right. I read it in reverse I guess (food in center raw, outside burnt.) My bad.

>> No.11561980

>The only way that could happen would be if the hob were smaller than the overall size of the pan.
With cast iron you'd still need to have basically put it into a cold pan, which is fucking stupid regardless of what pan you use.

>> No.11561989

Seems like you have a shit stove.

>> No.11562000

are you making this up? I always only put food in my cast iron once my oil or butter has heated up.

>> No.11562009

Learn to read.

>> No.11562017

>With cast iron you'd still need to have basically put it into a cold pan, which is fucking stupid regardless of what pan you use.

What does that have to do with anything? Preheating is standard practice, and you'd be stupid not to do it. But it has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that OP used a large pan on a small hob. Even if you have a super-thick solid copper pan you still need to put large pans on large hobs.

If you don't understand check out the section on pans in Modernist Cuisine. Matching your pan to the hob is far more important than what material your pan is made from when it comes to cooking evenly.

>> No.11562018

Jesus christ what is wrong with me today

>> No.11562085

>cast iron is the meme king of transferring heat
>turns out it's all up to the stove
you can be dismissed now, cast iron fags. pan doesn't make a difference. this fuck just ruined it for all of you.

>> No.11562097

I'm a carbon steel fag, tho.

>> No.11562118

Cast iron retains heat well, but you need it to heat up in the first place, which is never going to happen if your flame is too small.

>> No.11562138

Well, you can chuck it in the oven for a while.

>> No.11562142

Yes, that is another solution for OP’s retardation.

>> No.11562151
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>this "cook" might actually be serving food to people

>> No.11562158

In what world does stainless steel retain seasoning? That’s the whole point of stainless.

>> No.11562219

I’ve never seen an industrial cast iron flat top. My guess is that you haven’t either.

>> No.11562434
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I'll be charitable and assume he means this thing, which shows up in a lot of cooking shows, especially competitive ones like Chopped.

>> No.11563339

>use nonstick pan
>meat gets perfect sear
>fish doesnt break
>sauces cook nicely without a mess
>stir frying is braindead
>takes 10 seconds to clean afterward

>use cast iron
>food sticks
>stuck food burns
>stains require steel sponge
>cant even clean like everything else
>have to oil up before putting away
>eventually rusts and needs a scrub, oiling and putting in the oven for an hour
>it also stinks

>> No.11563348
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>> No.11563349

Can anyone else here cook with a variety of tools and utensils without fucking it up and without bitching

>> No.11564366

Treat a stainless steel pan right and it will be as non-stick as any teflon pan.

How to quick-season a stainless steel pan to keep your food from sticking:

1. Heat the clean, empty pan on your stovetop.
2. Pour in a quarter tsp of water when the pan is hot.
3. If the water sizzles and boils off the pan is not hot enough yet, keep heating.
4. If the water doesnt evaporate but floats and rolls around the bottom like a puddle of quicksilver (Leidenfrost effect) the pan is hot enough.
5. Now wipe the pan completely(!) dry with a dish towel, pour in some high-temperature cooking oil (e.g. canola) and coat the pan thoroughly by spreading it with a kitchen tissue or a spatula.
6. Keep heating the pan until the oil just barely begins to smoke, keep it at that temperature for a minute.
7. Pour out the excess cooking oil and let the pan cool down to the desired temperature.

Wa la, you now have a perfectly non-stick stainless steel pan. The seasoning will last through all frying until you strip it off with dish soap or acidic stuff.

>> No.11564374

Oh god it is the super-autist who insists on the 100% correct use of the word seasoning in the mechanical engineereing or chemical sense because he is some kind of engineer. I have just posted my ss quick seasoning guide again, just for you you stupid asshole.

>> No.11564377

Cast iron will distribute heat evenly. You have to have your heat set at where you want it and let your pan equalize the heat

>> No.11564381
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>stainless steel
this is bait right?

>> No.11564433

Deep frying is impossible on a cast iron, THEY DON'T DISTRIBUTE HEAT EVENLY. Only practical use is baking.

>> No.11564451

Cold oil in a hot pan and nothing will stick to your clean stainless steel pan. Don't waste your time coating your pan in burnt canola oil.

If you really insist on seasoning anything, use flaxseed oil or some other drying oil as those are the ones that polymerize and create the nonstick coat.

>> No.11564461

jesus chist not again. People on a cooking forum associate seasoning a pan with creating a non-stick surface so that is why I use the term even for a staiinless steel pan and it s not seasoning in the traditional sense of the word OK?

>> No.11564468

If you are actually deep frying then the food will not even touch the metal because it will be swimming in oil retard.

>> No.11564470

>oil in a hot pan
that is exactly what the seasoning guide is about.

>> No.11564686
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>canola oil
>used to cook food
you can't be serious

>> No.11564712

WHo says anything about burning? You just barely touch the smoking point as you would do with searing any steak. Oil doesnt burn from that.

>> No.11565691

>Complete scrub who doesn't know what the fuck he is doing
>Puts oil on it cold and is surprised the oil goes sticky and rancid
Cast Iron is an idiot test, to see who is less intelligent than people 200 years ago even with access to all of mankind's knowledge, usually from a device in your pocket.

>> No.11565696

That's not cast iron.

>> No.11565704

Stainless steel by definition doesn't take on seasoning. You're just a troll.

>> No.11565711

So the thing people have been doing great for hundreds of years is impossible? You're an idiot.

>> No.11565716

>my sister and her husband
Is this the new "my wife's son"?

>> No.11565723

OK brainiac, why exactly would you need to "season" a stainless pan in the first place? With carbon steel and cast iron, you do it both to create a non-stick coating and protect it from rusting. Neither of which are a problem in stainless.

>> No.11565749


ANYBODY that uses cast iron knows that cast iron is NOT PERFECT. they ALL know that cast iron is a POOR conductor compared to other pans like CARBON STEEL. The users ACCEPT the LIMITATIONS of cast iron and find WAYS to circumvent this FLAW. EVERYBODY that uses CAST IRON KNOWS that you are supposed to PREHEAT your OVEN to the desired TEMPERATURE of your PAN and LET YOUR PAN sit in the OVEN BEFORE you USE it. Cast iron has a GOOD HEAT CAPACITY which is COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

>> No.11565754

Uh, no? It's literally just someone referring to their sister and her husband, their brother in law. What's the problem?

>> No.11565773

>The horseless carriage is a fad!

>> No.11565778


>> No.11565802


>> No.11565808

True in general, except for your point about thermal conductivity. Cast Iron has nearly identical thermal conductivity to carbon steel.

Stainless is FAR worse, aluminum and copper are much better. Cast Iron and carbon steel are nearly the same.

>> No.11566035
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>Got this a bit over a week ago
>Actually gets hot enough to do a really good job on a wimpy apartment gas stove
>Cleans up super easy
>Actually has a rounded bottom inside unlike the garbage cheap thin one I bought at Target a year ago