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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11556491 No.11556491 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11556507

Not that I know of. There's a few good Indian places here but nothing amazing.

>> No.11556528

Leave it to inbred Scots to attempt to make curry pretentious.

>> No.11556537

No true Scotsman...

>> No.11556552

what is the burnt hamburger looking thing? I see it in a lot of bong food posts but can't figure out what it's supposed to be

>> No.11556559


>> No.11556561

That pic is a great demo of dumb restaurant trends:

Served in a skillet the food wasn't cooked in for no reason.

Banana leaf, again, there for no reason.

Cutting board, but you're not cutting anything on it because the food is in the skillet.

Awful. Just awful.

>> No.11556567

Curried haggis

>> No.11556570

VDeep didn't last long although it was good from what I heard even if it looks like hipster shite.

>> No.11556593

Yes, Scots are hopping on the ethnic replacement bandwagon and there are now many Indian/Desi curry houses in Edinbro.

>> No.11556613

"If only everyone ate haggis 3 meals a day, we wouldn't need foreign nurses to take care of our elderly!"

FOH, racist.

>> No.11556617

You're all a sad lot.

>> No.11556636

What? I'm sorry you misunderstood me. I'm all for the ethnic replacement of whites -and only whites- in their own countries.

>> No.11556645

>How dare you not simply step aside in your own nation for shitskin foreigners
Who's the racist? That's right, YOU. If your shitty brown people could build a decent nation, maybe you cowardly, traitorous bastards wouldn't have to run away from your own culture and people.

>> No.11556717

Obviously people being interested in eating a variety of cuisines is part of a vast conspiracy against whites.
Also, it is only brown people who have moved to Europe and there are not Europeans living abroad in every country on Earth.
You are super smart and not at all a dipshit mouthbreathing racist.

>> No.11556738

black pudding

>> No.11556741

Jew detected.

>> No.11556743

why is any of that worse than a plate from an eating perspective

>> No.11556818

Go back to your /pol/ containment board and stop trying to make everyone else as miserable as you clearly are.

>> No.11556824

The banana leaf and cutting board are literally serving no purpose.
And the skillet's high rim is harder to eat out of than a normal plate.
But at the end of the day, it just reeks of try-hard.

>> No.11556826

Muh /pol/ boogeyman. Like clockwork.

>> No.11556852


Obviously you're feeling extra inadequate today, so you had to come to a place that celebrates different cuisines to troll with your racist/antisemitic dumbfuckery.
Imagine being scared of curry, ffs.

>> No.11556869


What is your ethnic background? No seriously I'm interested now.

>> No.11556896

I'm as white or whiter than you, edgelord.
I'm also not terrified that Scots people wanting to eat tasty foods is part of some secret Illuminati plot.
Obviously if fucking curry makes you have such a pants-shitting fear reaction, you didn't come to /ck/ to read about food.
Just another useless racist troll trying to pretend you're persecuted because curry is delicious. Back to your containment board, trash.

>> No.11556897

It genuinely is pretentious, as much as people like to abuse the word. It's literally pretending to be something it's not - 'ooh look, so authentic and rustic, they didn't even take it off the skillet'.

...except the 'plate' here probably hadn't even so much as been in the same room as wherever the food was actually cooked, so it's just pandering to people who like photographing their food more than actually eating the damn thing.

>> No.11556912

So 100% ethnically soy then? lol

>> No.11556917

"I'm a walking breathing stereotype of a dumbfuck racist, including parroting all the popular right-wing catchphrases."

Stay scared of curry, little racist bitch.

>> No.11556920

iirc, Tikka Masala was invented in Scotland.

>> No.11556928 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 368x475, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No true Scotsman" would advocate for his own ethnic genocide. Judas.

>> No.11556930

glasgow, but it's really just an urban legend

>> No.11556944

First, dumbfuck, it's spectacular to encounter someone so fear-based and racist that the mere opportunity to eat curry makes him think he's being genocided.
Second, you're crying about "muh genocide" and blaming it on jews but then somehow acting like calling you alt-right wouldn't be fair.
I know racists are dumb, but jesus, dude, tone it down a little.

>> No.11556951
File: 64 KB, 600x450, 1542752900829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat and make curry
and you're a fucking joke
so kill yourself?

>> No.11556954

>fear based
Always with the projecting

>> No.11556977
File: 78 KB, 768x512, pegida_march.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right is rising desu.

>> No.11556981

Hmm. Let's examine this claim, shall we?

You started out by saying that a curry restaurant means ethnic replacement and crying about "genocide".

Meanwhile, I haven't expressed any fear of any particular cuisine. Further, I know that you're some pathetic noodle-armed twerp who wouldn't have the balls to say this stuff in public. Stay bold behind your keyboard, lil' nazi wannabe coward.

>> No.11556985

>responding with a wall of text
Lmao you got baited hard

>> No.11556995

Lmao if you think showing what pussies the far-right are is ever bad.

>> No.11556997

if you believe in the ethnic genocide of whites you are more or less definitively alt right

>> No.11557008
File: 204 KB, 480x724, Puff-Pastry-Cheese-Straws-Umami-Girl-690-2(pp_w480_h724).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are more or less definitively alt right

Yes, I'm Hitler, what's wrong with that?

>> No.11557023

Go back to >>>/reddit/

>> No.11557032

Go back to 1943 and have a Russian tank roll over your dumb nazi head, fuck-o.

>> No.11557042

Found the antifa shill.

>> No.11557088

Howdy, Hitler, I thought you were already reincarnated with an orange tint, no?

>> No.11557097

Christ, those fucks look as disgustingly whitetrash as the audience at a GOP rally ;)

>> No.11557108 [DELETED] 

It's endlessly funny how the far-right blabbers on and on about "civilization" and "culture" and yet not one of them has ever contributed a single drop to either.
I guess I'd be clinging onto the accomplishments of other people who happen to have had the same skin color if I was such a worthless, unaccomplished, unwanted loser too.

I'll take 1 muslim immigrant doctor saving lives over 1000 far-right burdens.