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11555320 No.11555320 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on salt

>> No.11555327

food for the asian bug horde

>> No.11555331

the true original umami

don't let these dweebs tell you otherwise. all those savory taste buzzword is literally just salty flavor

>> No.11555340
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Makes me thirsty.

>> No.11555403

Its bad for you

>> No.11555412

Makes food tasty but too much will make you bloated

>> No.11555448

enjoy your hypertension

>> No.11555459


>> No.11555468


>> No.11555476

you need to eat some but not too much, your body can handle a little oversalting but not undersalting.

>> No.11555499

Has anyone even died from lack of salt lmao

>> No.11555505

Should’ve said pink himilayan

>> No.11555506

yes, although not usually because of lack of salt in the diet but instead from illnesses which causes hyponatreism (low-sodium)

>> No.11555518

How did people survive before they found about salt mining then

>> No.11555519

they drank animal cum

>> No.11555520

They lived malnourished lives and died before what we would consider middle age.

>> No.11555522

You'll die without it.

>> No.11555524

like i said, it's not usually because of lack of salt in the diet. you need such a miniscule amount that it's very easy to consume enough without actually needing to produce raw salt.
but it can be caused by diarrhea, dehydration, and other more serious illnesses of the liver and kidneys, where it is often fatal.

>> No.11555530


Yes. Drinking too much water has killed people. Dilutes the salts in your body.

>> No.11555537

I almost died from this but fortunately one of the symptoms was paranoid schizophrenia so my relatives got me to the hospital in time.

>> No.11555542

How much fuckin water did you drink

>> No.11555544
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uh, dude, this thread is about salt

>> No.11555584


>> No.11555605

All salt more or less has the same nutritional value. Don't listen to the psuedoscientific subhuman faggot lurking in the gutters of this board who will link you a video of a new age naturopathic "medicine" nut as "evidence"

>> No.11555609


>> No.11555611


>put too much salt on food
BE careful

>> No.11555774

>Has anyone even died from lack of salt lmao
Seriously? Salt is easily one of the most basic and essential biological needs. Why do you think those UF scientists who invented Gatorade made such a big deal out of "restoring electrolytes?" Gatorade is basically just water, sugar, and electrolytes (plus other non-nutritional supporting components like food dye, buffering agent, emulsifier, and preservatives).
>Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte abnormality in hospitalized individuals.
>Hyponatremia, even when mild, is associated with increased mortality.
>The risk of death during hospitalization is increased by more than 50% in patients admitted with hyponatremia compared with normonatremia.
>How did people survive before they found about salt mining then
If salt is necessary for animal biology, how is an animal's meat not going to have salt content? I don't understand your question. Ancient people ate animal meat. And raw animal meat has salt content.
>Basic Report: 05309, Chicken, cornish game hens, meat only, raw
>68 mg per 100 g

>> No.11555801

anything other than mortons pickling & canning salt is shit.
its like 3 dollars at walmart for a whole box.
this is the only salt that is literally just salt.
all other salts have bleaching agents or non caking agents or additives or toxins from the water if its sea salt.
its stronger than others so use less than normal
the only kindof salt that can compete with it would be Himalayan but there's pros and cons.

>> No.11555867

I was drinking @ 1.5 gallons/day over a period of several months. It really fucked me up. They basically had to force me to be admitted to the hospital because I was a raving lunatic and even when the ER medfag told me I was in serious danger of dying since my sodium level was so low I laughed hysterically and told him to fuck off out of my face, I'm leaving. He had security restrain me and gave me a shot to knock me out.

>> No.11555899

Based and mcspankypilled

>> No.11555914

>Redpill me on salt

We need to give back the jobs for the pepper because the salt took all of our money and jobs

>> No.11555917

>I almost died from this but fortunately one of the symptoms was paranoid schizophrenia so my relatives got me to the hospital in time.
>I was drinking @ 1.5 gallons/day over a period of several months.
Schizophrenia was a *symptom* of your 1.5 gallon per day water consumption? Wouldn't it be the other way around with your decision to drink 1.5 gallons of water daily being a symptom of schizophrenia?

>> No.11555928
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wew lad.

>> No.11556022

Idk, the paranoid schizophrenia went away after they cut my water intake and my sodium levels got back to normal. In retrospect it was stupid to drink that much water, but there you go. Unless I'm really working up a sweat I keep my intake @ 2 qts nowadays.

>> No.11556044

Yeah I know. All these times I heard people talk about "seasoning" they were literally just talking about using salt. You don't have to use a lot but if you don't use salt your food is going to be "tasteless".

>> No.11556050

What motivated you to drink that much water if not mental illness? I don't understand. You don't even need to drink any water, there's enough water content in everyday food and drinks to cover your hydration needs.
>Medical myths
>The advice to drink at least eight glasses of water a day can be found throughout the popular press. One origin may be a 1945 recommendation that stated: A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 litres daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 millilitre for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods. If the last, crucial sentence is ignored, the statement could be interpreted as instruction to drink eight glasses of water a day.
>Another endorsement may have come from a prominent nutritionist, Frederick Stare, who once recommended, without references, the consumption “around 6 to 8 glasses per 24 hours,” which could be “in the form of coffee, tea, milk, soft drinks, beer, etc.” The complete lack of evidence supporting the recommendation to drink six to eight glasses of water a day is exhaustively catalogued in an invited review by Heinz Valtin in the American Journal of Physiology.

>> No.11556054

without enough a lot of stuff is horrible.

>> No.11556057

My family does not understand this
>Make food
>"Oh this is so good did you season it or something"
Literal verbatim quote

>> No.11556171

Idk why, I guess I thought it would keep my body cleansed or something plus I had stopped drinking soda and was using it as a substitute. It wasn't mental illness, just tardation, really.

>> No.11556175


Consider yourself redpilled.

>> No.11556332

How do animals get their salt tho

>> No.11556423
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>you don't need to drink water, you can get it from drinks
If you do any amount of physical activity, you need water. If you're an office pleb then I'm sure chugging cola can keep you hydrated enough that your muscles don't lock up, but not everyone hates themselves enough to drink 2 liters of Pissy cola.
Please post your daily intake of food and liquid, Captain Soup.

>> No.11556587

Salt licks. I keep a block out near my deer stand and have to replace it every 6 months. Those fuckers love those things.

>> No.11556601

always important to season to taste
there's nothing more bland than under-seasoned food

>> No.11556727

Not him, but here you go:
>Cumulative urine output at 4 h after ingestion of cola, diet cola, hot tea, iced tea, coffee, lager, orange juice, sparkling water, and a sports drink were not different from the response to water ingestion.
>Back in 1945 the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council stated that adults should take in about 2.5 liters of water per day (which is roughly the equivalent of eight glasses of water), but it also noted most of that intake level was already satisfied through the consumption of food without the need for the additional drinking of water. And as other nutritionists of the time noted, any shortfall in water intake could be made up through the consumption of beverages such as coffee, tea, milk, or soft drinks; one need not specifically drink water only in the form of water.
>One doctor who has made this his research focus, Dr. Heinz Valtin, searched through many electronic databases and also consulted with nutritionists and colleagues who specialize in water balance in the body. In all of his research, and in all of the research we conducted to double-check his work, no scientific evidence could be found to suggest that you need to drink eight glasses of water a day. In fact, scientific studies suggest that you already get enough liquid from what you’re drinking and eating on a daily basis. We are not all walking around in a state of dehydration.
tl;dr You fell for bottled water company propaganda.

>> No.11556737

>Over the last few weeks, those who visited the British Medical Journal's website might have noticed an advert for a new public health initiative, Hydration for Health. It is sponsored by Danone – which owns the Evian, Volvic and Badoit bottled water brands – and urges healthcare professionals to encourage people to drink more water, claiming that "evidence is increasing that even mild dehydration plays a role in the development of various diseases".
>Margaret McCartney, a GP and columnist, saw these adverts and complained about it, writing an article for the BMJ (who admitted "we hadn't followed our own guidelines. The advertisement bypassed our editorial checks") about the lack of evidence – and citing the shortcomings of many studies – that people should be drinking more water.

>> No.11556934

table salt has dextrose in it

>> No.11556947
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>You fell for bottled water company propaganda.
Badoit is pretty gud tho.

>> No.11557024

That's strange, i've been drinking a gallon of distilled water everyday for a year and a half, and i'm perfectly fine. Did you not eat enough salt with meals? I would imagine that's easy to do if you don't eat a lot of processed foods.

>> No.11557077

That's probably it. I rarely eat processed foods just fresh, dried or frozen vegetables, fruits, dairy and meats. Once in a while cured meats or sausages but not too often. Almost never eat at restaurants or fast food. Medfags just said it was too much water for too long a period. They did a bunch of tests too because they said there are illnesses including some cancers that can cause dangerously low levels of sodium. They also wouldn't give me sodium supplements because they wanted to ensure the sodium levels returned to normal on their own with just restricted water intake. Live and learn I guess.

>> No.11557091

>the absolute state of burgerland education

>> No.11557325

That doesn't even sound that much. If I count tea and coffee, too, I'm easily drinking 5 liters a day and I weigh only 70 kg.

>> No.11557732

>a gallon of distilled water everyday
>If I count tea and coffee, too, I'm easily drinking 5 liters a day
If I ever have my own business, I'm definitely going to make sure whoever's in charge of marketing has a background in bottled water sales. Assuming you guys aren't just rusing me here and actually do guzzle that much fluid on a daily basis, that "you need lots of water all the time" meme has to be one of the most effective propaganda efforts of all time.

>> No.11557815
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>How do animals get their salt tho
Aside from salt licks, there's naturally occurring salt in grass that ruminants can get at with their heavier duty digestive system. It's not uncommon for them to fail to meet their minimum salt needs though. Not enough salt is a major factor in grass tetany since when their sodium level is too low more of their magnesium gets used up

>> No.11558531

Lol what, you need new tastebuds mate, unless salt is explicitely stated in a recipe with a fixed quantity, I never add salt in my food, and it's far from tasteless.

>> No.11558651

based post. Wars were fought over salt.

depends what you're cooking. Anything raw, plants, flour, all meat especially, most other shit. Everything you make from scratch requires salt and benefits from it. Salt goes into ice cream. it goes into cakes. If you don't salt meat when you cook it, you are not cooking. Not even discussion health here, salt is literally paramount to cooking and if you are not using it daily you are not cooking. No chef measures salt application except for baking that isn't related to their own method of measurement.

>> No.11558718

Yea, you build up a tolerance to salt I think. I used to love salt so much but I decided to cut back on it just so I never have to deal with health issues and it took me maybe a month to find things not bland anymore.