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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 1280x720, 'Caterpillar_surprise'_(central_african_republic).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11555047 No.11555047 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11555050

They make due with what they have I guess. But you didn't make this thread to talk about food so who gives a shit?

>> No.11555053
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>> No.11555059

I gave my gf caterpillar surprise once. She did not like it.

>> No.11555063

I've heard Somali cuisine is good but I never tried it myself. I'm curious about food in Morocco and Algiers but never seen anyone mentioning anything worthwhile from there. Does anyone know what is a regular meal like in those countries I mentioned?

I'm seriously tired of all the stupid /Pol/ posters.

>> No.11555069

>They make due with what they have I guess
They could have a lot more if they put some effort into existing.

>> No.11555089

I for one would not like to eat these armored penishead caterpillars but respect them for doing so

>> No.11555091
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Injera is hecking tasty

>> No.11555102

This guy knows. This shit is amazing

>> No.11555103
File: 20 KB, 661x640, 1534264704580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hundreds of insects die eachto day to keep one aids spreading sambo alive. let that sink in.

>> No.11555112

>implying eating bugs isn't based & redpilled

>> No.11555130

I'm pretty sure they do, they're shitty culture, traditions and the fact that most of Africa is a fucking wasteland has prevented them from advancing unfortunately.

>> No.11555315

Southern African food is mostly really bland. The amount of doughy corn meal shit they can pack down in a sitting is insane.

Ethiopian food can be really tasty though.

>> No.11555333
File: 46 KB, 550x413, gored-gored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gored gored is one of my favorites of all time

>> No.11555436

make my bread look like tripe, please.

>> No.11555814

If their cuisine was great they woudn't starve instead.

>> No.11556255

Maghrebi food is mostly about dat tagine. Basically a slow-cooked stew made in an earthernware pot with a clay lid. You can get them all-veggie, with fish, with mutton/goat, with sausage, with meatballs etc. Served with a side of either rice or couscous.

>> No.11556279
File: 71 KB, 900x600, Sambusas-900x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is sambusa, which is filled with beef, green peppers, onions. and more. its breddy good.
t. somali

>> No.11556284

Lived there fr two years with Peace Corps. The Smoked Tilapia with Ground Nut sauce and matoke was good. The Free Range
pork was Godtier.

>> No.11556303

The first Ethiopian restaurant in my area opened during a time when Ethiopia was experiencing famine. I thought "Ethiopian cuisine" was a joke.

>> No.11556391

Moroccan food is nice. Lots of Mediterranean and Arab influences. They like to use things like olives and dried fruits in their dishes.

>> No.11556430

Unironically, Africa was better off under colonialism.
>but muh slavery
African tribes were attacking each other and taking slaves long before they were shipped off to the US or even colonized.

>> No.11556577
File: 45 KB, 539x356, dirtycookiesomalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get those inside UN food packets courtesy of China?
meanwhile inreality

>> No.11556592
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>> No.11556594

>Africa was better off under colonialism.

A continent with notoriously unreliable weather due to no mountains, where most places can have multiple year long droughts, that previously had a mostly nomadic population, got better when people drew some arbitrary lines that stopped people moving away from drought zones?

>> No.11556639

They had access to education, healthcare, and *actual* food under European rule. You know, the things that would prevent them from growing up in mud huts and eating maybe six bugs over the course of a year like their ancestors did.

>> No.11556669

Imagine never having to invent anything because other countries did it for you, then those other countries came over and literally gave you those things, and still failing.

>> No.11556685

The entire Congo region lost a third of its population in the span of ten years thanks to epic colonialism

>> No.11556690

Dope and sincere-pilled

>> No.11556711

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.11556770

I live in Kenya, AMA about the food here i guess

>> No.11556775

wtf how are you on a computer

>> No.11556776

are you black

>> No.11556778

You make it sound like Colonialism was a socialist paradise. All these black people that for the most part were destitute by the standards of the Europeans, were just given large scale access to food, education, and healthcare?

Are you sure it wasn't that the colonies wanted as little to do with the natives as possible unless they could be used for menial labor?

>> No.11556782

They're called Samosas actually, they can be filled with chicken, beef, lamb or cheese. I actually just had some at a dinner event here in Nairobi, absolutely delicious especially when there's a nice sauce to dip them in.

>> No.11556795

Well, as long as you're not dirt poor most people have one bud. I have a kinda dated gaming pc and a IMac but I'm on my phone atm

>> No.11556800

I'm from NY, just living here. But yes I'm also black

>> No.11556814

Party Rice seems pretty comfy:


>> No.11556829

Africa has had PCs, the internet and cellphones for a while sweetie.

>> No.11556830

Any notable spices that you don't see all that often in the States?

Any colorful slanders you have heard? I know there is something Africans call black people from the US that is akin to an oreo

>> No.11556841

Ayo, where the white women at in Kenya?

>> No.11556866

somali people call them sambusa, the name depends where you are/from (samosa, sambuus, etc). but yeah theyre really good :3

>> No.11556893

I haven't noticed many "unique" spices in my experience, i guess the way they use them is what makes the food so "different". There is however a lot of influence from Arabic as well as Indian dishes due to the surprisingly large amount of Indian Kenyans.

I've been called "muzungu" a ton of times when they figure out I'm from the US or cant speak Swahili, it basically means foreigner or white person in a slightly derogatory way (even though I'm black myself)

>> No.11556906

The modern use of 'Muzungu' (how are you?!?!) is White/foreigner but the literal translation is 'those who go and come back'. It's based on the colonial explorers who landed on the Swahili coast, marched into the interior of Africa and 'came back' a couple of years later with have their party dead and the rest of them pretty fucking sick.

>> No.11556970

what was the best meal you've had out there, anon

>> No.11556994
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>> No.11557118

This, best thing I've ever ate.

>> No.11557125
File: 69 KB, 640x640, CAc24Z2UMAAFgZl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wish i had some pics of my own but this is close to it.

Chapatti with pilau rice and beef stew is one of my top favorites for sure. I tend to enjoy a beef samosa with some sweet and sour sauce dip as a snack with most meals or on its own

>> No.11557131


Go back, OP. This is a food discussion board, not a "lol guyz, look how gross niggers are based and redpilled maga praise kek" board.

>> No.11557132

there's like a billion different ways to call them, all the countries that border the Mediterranean have their own variant

>> No.11557140

That looks like 5 indians shat on a plate.

Who the fuck would eat that?

>> No.11557142

How easy is it find a cute kenyan wife (male) if you're a young european lawyer? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11557143 [DELETED] 


>> No.11557144


>> No.11557146

Also one of the tastiest meals I've had (albeit strange imo) was some camel meat with pilau rice in Eastleigh (A Somalian community inside Nairobi) last Christmas. Camel meat has become one of my top meats because of this although i haven't tried preparing it myself yet.

Btw crocodile is alright and tastes a lot like chicken

>> No.11557147

oh man, that looks good

>> No.11557148

Somali food is pretty good. They make this type of sourdough bread that goes perfect with their shit

>> No.11557152


>> No.11557154

someone who has matured past the age of 5 maybe?

>> No.11557155

I don't think you understand nor care to understand colonialism. It was never about improving the life of the natives, but believe whatever based and redpilled talkshow host tells you is the truth.

>> No.11557161

This board was never this shit, thanks for reminding me. We always had shitposting, but at least it was cooking related shitposting like Ramen recipes all day. Now it's just the same "lol look how racist i am" shitposting that has taken over every board. Yes, 4chan was always racist, but at least we used to be able to talk about some cooking related things. Now every thread just dwindles down into "le niggers and jews and trump"

Also, >>>/r/TheDonald, you literal redditor

>> No.11557164

Nature is amazing. to think that all of the sand on the beach has been filtered through hungry Africans who live off the microscopic plant and mineral deposits on each grain.

>> No.11557165

don't even bother with them

>> No.11557166

>wahhh why can't I be an off-topic eugenicist asshole everywhere wahhhhh
Stay in your containment board

>> No.11557170 [DELETED] 

Why do you like niggers? Seriously, they are fucking terrible creatures.

>> No.11557172

So stuffed sopapillas? Psh.

>> No.11557177


Ive been told Kenyan women have a bad tendency to be gold diggers that only like men who are foreign and/or flash lots of money around, you might be able to find a diamond in the rough tho. I've only dated one Kenyan woman so far (the rest being indian/ white/ west african) and she was a sweet girl who was not very materialistic. There are also lots of stereotypes depending on tribe so that's a factor as well.

Plus they have some of the biggest fucking foreheads i have seen in my life

>> No.11557180

I hate niggers, but when I come to a food board I want to at least talk a little bit about food instead of every thread being a nigger hate thread. Go back to r/4chan if you wanna read the most le epic and funny threads, instead of trying to turn every board into repeats of the same fucking threads.

>> No.11557184

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.11557185 [DELETED] 

I didn’t bring up racism, at all. I’m just responding to the fucking nut jobs defending subhumans eating insects for nigger brownie points.

>> No.11557187 [DELETED] 

>wahhhh I want to dictate what people post!
r/cooking would be a better place for you, bitch

>> No.11557190

By reposting stale content over and over again? At least come up with some new material. Crossboarding has stagnated this site. Boards used to have their own memes, now its all just the same /pol/-related shitposting that gets spread across the entire site.

>> No.11557191

Faggot. Use big boy words, you child.

>> No.11557193 [DELETED] 

You know, you don't have to click on threads you don't like. You can even hide them and their stubs!!! Oh no, but what about the amazing threads that will be bumped off if /pol/ keeps making waciss threads?!?! Faggot.

>> No.11557195

>waaahhhh my main board dictates everything i can post on every board

>> No.11557196 [DELETED] 

Woah, we got a meme historian over here!


>> No.11557198

Do you believe it's a women's right to choose? Do you support planned parenthood in their pursuits? Just a yes or no will suffice.

>> No.11557201

You do know you are allowed to hate niggers and NOT turn every board on this site into /pol/, right? We are allowed to actually discuss food on /ck/.

>> No.11557205 [DELETED] 

>look, babe, I defended those poor Africans on the internet!

>> No.11557211

Post your own threads then, kid

>> No.11557212

What an irrelevant quest. /pol/ gets more and more retarded every day I swear. After 2016 I was done with that place.

>> No.11557215

probably in a cyber cafe scamming old people on the internet.

>> No.11557219

Jesus, you are one entitled cunt.

>> No.11557224

Entitled how? Because I called out your retarded attempt at some gotcha question

>> No.11557228

Who do you think you are talking to? I’m not >>11557198
I realize that being in a place that doesn’t have usernames might be confusing, but you’ll get it eventually redditor!

>> No.11557229

>hey guys i came from T_D
the post

>> No.11557233

Yep, you've been getting used to it for almost 2 years!

>> No.11557245

I haven't even uttered a word against blacks, I'm a different anon. Thing is, if you don't engage with those who piss you off, no (you)s, then they won't keep going, fucking dolt.

>> No.11557249


I've had camel before. Bought it from an African market were I live. I bought ground and also some smaller chunks they had. Used the cuts in a stir fry and made burgers out of the ground. The burgers didn't hold together at all. I tried using egg for one burger and bread crumbs in the other one but neither worked. The stir fry wasn't good too. The meat was way too chewy. I feel if I had tried a more traditional way of preparing it it would have been better but I was really disappointed

>> No.11557251

>n-n-no YOU’RE reddit!

>> No.11557253

Also, there are people contributing to the thread, but you're here making a fuss instead of being fucking quiet, making bump limits happen faster than would have. Jesus, you're dense.

>> No.11557262

Then explain what was entitled about my post? The fact that I called out a /b/ 2.0 board for being shit?

>> No.11557263

The issue is these people will still shit up this entire site even if they don't get replys so they can become that epic guy they saw the screenshot of on reddit, so might as well try to convince them that they are the reason why this website is absolute shit now.

>> No.11557265

The only people positively responding to ape food are either redditspacing or are describing food as “tasty”like a woman/child

>> No.11557267

Yes or no would have sufficed, but apparently you're a fuckibg idiot as well. You brought up eugenics, yet I'm sure you do support PP. Guess what, America started eugenics first riding the whole evolution thing, which was also about the superiority of certain races. Margaret Sanger was a hardcore eugenist. Faggot.

>> No.11557275

You seem to have an intimate knowledge of reddit

>> No.11557277

Dont forget pretty much everyone other country in the world shitting on them for centuries

>> No.11557279

You're supposed to either mix it with pork <muffled "HARAM!" screams in the background> if you want to make it into patties, or slow cook the fuck out of it with veggies and a lot of liquid. It doesn't lend too well to 'quick' cooking methods. Very similar to horse meat in this respect.

>> No.11557282

>I'm curious about food in Morocco and Algiers
Went to Morocco a few years ago, and generally found the food good, but not as good as at Moroccan restaurants I've been to in the US. In many cases it seemed the deliciousness of the meals I had there was inversely proportional to the price. When I spent the money going out to a nice place it was expensive, and it seemed like those places were more about status display than amazing food. The best food I had was at modest little places in the souks (markets) and near mosques. The food wasn't like the Moroccan food I was used to from US restaurants (couscous and tagines with lamb everywhere). It was a lot of spiced vegetable stews, grilled/fried vegetables, fried fish, shakshuka with both eggs and meatballs (fucking delicious) and various little kebab and sausage kind of things. There was one guy in the souk in Fez who had a little stand that sold nopthing but steamed veal or mutton head sandwiches, adorned with nothing but a little chili and cumin salt. But the two standout dishes I had were in Fez at a place called Chez Thami. One was a fish tagine that may have had some coconut milk in it, and the other was a simple plate of alubias (white beans in a spicy tomato sauce).

The baked goods are very much like Middle Eastern breads and desserts. Overall it's a lot like Middle Eastern food, with a few Spanish and French influence. Overall it's good stuff, probably slightly overrated because the French approve of it.

>> No.11557284


>> No.11557286

Lol, Christ you love giving nigger every excuse to be worthless, huh?

>> No.11557289

What I know is what I've learned from actually using 4chan and figuring out the type of people it has. From what I've learned, it's all the people who bring identity politics into everything here and share screenshots of it. I know there is r/TheDonald and r/4chan Am I wrong about that?

>> No.11557291

This sounds good, clay pot cooking is always based.
I'm a fool about food like this, thank you based Somalianon.

>> No.11557309

>souks (markets)
You could have just said fucking markets but instead you had to type like a fucking moron.

>> No.11557333

>based this based that
You know how I can tell you are from here? “Based” is used on 4chan in a completely jokingly manner. “Ironic” if you will. You aren’t doing that.

>> No.11557347

And? What exactly is your point here? Planned parenthood now is completely different than when it started.

>> No.11557354

They still kill more nigger babies than any other race

>> No.11557358

On the face of it maybe. They're still doing a lot of good work killing black babies.

>> No.11557375

That's an issue for the black community to address. Not planned parenthood

>> No.11557377


Imagine having so little going on in life that you get worked up about that

>> No.11557397
File: 102 KB, 928x324, 5973C42E-CFAB-4BEF-96CF-8494167591D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like ken sama, dude. You’re embarrassing yourself.

>> No.11557485

You're demented and incurable. Kys

>> No.11557553

Wait, are you guys admitting to a form of systematic racism?

>> No.11557574

I had Ethiopian food once it was pretty fucking bomb.

>> No.11557581
File: 1.83 MB, 4543x2830, biltong-plain-coriander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biltong is great.

>> No.11557645

Not at all. Nobody is making black women have abortions.
I just don't hate it when it happens. I think it should be legal, but not paid for with taxes. Same as everything else that is within the NAP.

I keep hearing this. Really need to try some.

>> No.11557652

bugz & dirt? no thx m8

>> No.11557654

I'm a pussy, is African food really spicy?

>> No.11557665

How the fuck are you supposed to eat that?

>> No.11557701

In b4 mosquito patty.

>> No.11557740

Cringe and racistpilled

>> No.11557755 [DELETED] 


>> No.11557770
File: 1.22 MB, 292x278, 51572E46-E619-43EB-9FDF-5D8C1877A011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the NAP

>> No.11557784

Doesn't planned parenthood do more medical treatments like tests and check ups than abortions?

>> No.11557810

Of course they do. There are several such "treatments" involved in an abortion and they all count as a separate procedure.
If you go in to have an abortion they might do 5 procedures on you but only one of them actually involves terminating the pregnancy.

>> No.11557825

Their graph says that only 3% is actual abortion related things, everything else is just std treatments, contraceptives and cancer screenings

>> No.11557831

shhhh, they don't like the truth

>> No.11557838

Don't waste your time. These people don't accept statistics that don't fit there narrative.

>> No.11557851

Stop. That doesnt fit their stupid narrative

>> No.11557859

Look, man. I'm not against PP at all. I just don't think taxes should fund it.
I'm sure they do hand out more condoms than they do abortions. And you can bet they count every single rubber in that statistic as a a procedure of its own.
Why should I pay for it, though? Why should I buy someone else a condom so they can get laid? Why should I pay to fix their fuckup when they couldn't be bothered wearing the fucking thing?

>> No.11557868

I agree, but the education system doesnt teach kids jack shit for responsibility in almost any aspect of life, so until that changes I'm just fine with throwing money at PP

>> No.11557875

I'd rather pay for abortions and condoms now than pay more for when they are rotting in jail
At the very least don't make that shit illegal.
Also this>>11557868

>> No.11557886

I'm not fine throwing money at the educational system either, though.
Especially since it seems to be more about indoctrination than teaching facts and critical thought.
I guess there will always be fuckups no matter what. I'd just prefer to only have to pay for my own.

>> No.11557903

That's just the price you pay for being part of a society brah. Were all in this shit together, unfortunately.
Also yeah the entire american education system needs to be revamped. Its embarrassing

>> No.11557920

Cuz if you ain't paying for rubbers or abortions, you're paying for jail, welfare queens and other assorted shit.
Rubbers and abortions are cheaper in the long run.

>> No.11557926
File: 135 KB, 1120x840, Samosachutney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look like Samosa

>> No.11557964

Sub-saharan african food is literal shit tier

>> No.11558042

But god says that condoms are evil

>> No.11558101

ethiopian food is disgusting

>> No.11558123
File: 3.84 MB, 480x360, 6k1yWMv[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you ever read anything written in or about a country that isn't the USA?

>> No.11558203

There's a place called Eastleigh in Kenya?

There's a shitty little town called Eastleigh in-between where I'm from (Portsmouth and Southampton in the UK

>> No.11558213

I don't support paying for jails, welfare, and other assorted shit either.

Let God feed them then.

>> No.11558214

Why do you even post when you contribute nothing disgusting lardasses?

>> No.11558361

Ethiopian cuisine has a reputation for being really good. Not that I know anything about it

>> No.11558393

This is a picture from Haiti, not Africa.
Jeez, how lazy can you be?

>> No.11558497
File: 145 KB, 670x424, snug frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone want to?

>> No.11558501

You sound like a basement dweller

>> No.11558536

Then you need to exit society and go live on your own in the mountains

>> No.11559570



I wish /pol/ would stay in its containment board

>> No.11559581

>thinking nigger hate is spawned only from /pol/
it's pretty much been the essence of every board on 4chan (and subsequently 4channel, obviously) since this gay little site started

>> No.11559582

Indian, Middle Eastern and African food is all the same. They just use different spice mixes.

>> No.11559593


I've tasted foods from all over; but If I had to only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be Kitfo.

>> No.11559689

i like reunionese food since my father was born there i've always been eating it and it's actually pretty good at least for the most popular thing but since it's just a mix of african indian chinese and french i'm not sure it's that unique
Carry is super good but it's a local version of curry but i'd say it's better than curry
also bonbon piment (chili candy) are cool it's some kind of really spiced pastries
bouchon are delicious they are similar to chinese shaomai
rougail saucisse is not my thing since i'm not a fan of the smoked sausage they use (it's smoked the old way like buccaneer woud do so it's called boucané) but it's a classic sausage+tomato "dry" stew mixed with rougail some sauce made of diced tomato ginger onion and chili pepper often piment oiseau crushed together that you put by small touch in your fork with rice and meat
there's still a lot of thing but i'm not a pro about this and i don't go to the reunion island often since it's fucking far away

>> No.11559942

fuck off middle schooler

>> No.11559946

Ethiopian and Moroccan are the only good native African food

>> No.11560195
File: 27 KB, 552x410, DmwV0_HX0AAHZSs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
