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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 308 KB, 460x597, mcdicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11543819 No.11543819 [Reply] [Original]

>mouthbreathing employees
>ordering kiosks smeared with shit
>"""value menu""" a shit, includes things like a $1 plain hamburger

Why haven't you taken the Burger King pill yet?

>> No.11543828

>literally "cheese" on the side
can't complain

>> No.11543830
File: 168 KB, 370x270, 1542567727070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck asks for the cheese on the side? you get what you right well deserve.

>> No.11543838

They probably literally placed the cheese on the side of the box and when you tilted the box it melted to the side of it lol.

Or this is what you get for being retarded.

>> No.11543841

Only a faggot would ask for cheese on the side at a fast food place

>> No.11544340

I always ask for cheese on the side when I get burgers because I'm lactose intolerant and since the cheese is included in the price, I feel that if I just choose to not have it at all I'm a sucker who's essentially giving money away, so I just put it in my pocket and bring it home to put in the garden.

>> No.11544346

its a picture that he found on google and just added his own faggot caption too, its stupid twitter shit people do now.

>> No.11544396

mental shit lol

>> No.11544466

what the fuck does "cheese on the side" even mean?

>> No.11544474


>> No.11544503
File: 226 KB, 938x1500, 91bimIXr0dL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I just put it in my pocket and bring it home to put in the garden.

>> No.11544543

In most contexts it would be side of the plate instead of part of the dish but this being Americans where the national dish is horendous fast "food" and the plate being a wrapper or card box, fuck knows?

>> No.11544672
File: 15 KB, 556x561, 1451229524175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right?

>> No.11545135

imagine the dick small enough to unironically post some shit like this

>> No.11545284

yeah, i a different tweet with the exact same photo with the caption, "we demand $15/hr pay."

>> No.11545294

pretty decent shop

>> No.11545309

>$1 plain hamburger
that’s a fucking lie you piece of shit. please show me that on their value menu you scumfuck.

>> No.11545347

>and since the cheese is included in the price

But that's wrong. Almost all of McD's sandwiches have variants that are, "with cheese" like Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Burger King charges extra when you ask for cheese. Wendy's actually includes the cheese. Most other places follow the Burger King model to my knowledge, but I haven't been to every burger chain.

>> No.11545473
File: 1.92 MB, 600x327, like thats any better.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>McDick's sucks
>Go to Burger King

BK's food is better, but the company has such loose standards with franchisees that the restaurants are filthy. McDog's is awful, but their corporate auditors keep the franchisees on their toes.

>> No.11545517

This is true.
I just always buy the version with cheese because it's more premium and therefore better than the cheaper inferior alternative without cheese.
I go to restaurants to enoy myself, not to watch every penny and get the cheapest option.

>> No.11545520

>I intentionally pay more for the cheese version to not get the cheese

Why am I replying?

>> No.11545559

You're misunderstanding.
I don't pay more to get the cheese that I don't want.
I pay more for the premium product.
Just like people pay more for name brand groceries instead of the generic ones even on things like raw meat and vegetables that are basically the same.
When you're not poor you start thinking in terms of what's better, not in terms of what's cheaper.

>> No.11545674
File: 2.14 MB, 4032x3024, B8989CE0-0125-4C65-B338-F39A31C0FBDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11545681 [DELETED] 

Which one has the worst nignog employees?

>> No.11545684


Sorry, autocorrect.

>> No.11545701

>”hehe look guys I posted something that makes me seem crazy. Give me replies now”

>> No.11545702

Are you calling me crazy?

>> No.11545713

im not calling you for dinner, fatty

>> No.11545717 [DELETED] 

>”hehe look guys I posted something that makes me seem crazy. Give me replies now”

>> No.11545754

>”hehe look guys I posted something that makes me seem crazy. Give me replies now”

>> No.11545776

stop breaking my immersion

>> No.11546028
File: 175 KB, 600x527, 1e2-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turns it into a macho dick comparison
Imagine the state of this Anglo American dicklet to unironically post this pathetic crybaby responce to a little cultural jibe. You fucking pussy'ole.

>> No.11546906

At least rename your image before posting it, so we don't know that you got it from knowyourmeme.

>> No.11547670
File: 236 KB, 979x1305, IMG_20181130_181312383-979x1305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just took this five minutes ago, waiting for my Big Tasty meal, these things are slow as fuck

>> No.11547734
File: 36 KB, 313x500, 51dlkUus9dL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that your comeback, I got a picture from a website? You've absolutely ruined my standing on this here 4channel, how will I every be able to post again without being ridiculed?

>> No.11547760

>bluescreen on a kiosk
microshit never fails to disappoint. I can't wait until we're all ruled by our robot overlords and the downfall of modern society is caused by a blue screen of death.

>> No.11547822 [DELETED] 

McDonalds shift manager here
>kiosks slow as shit
>people keep trying to steal drinks
>literally wont let me close the store if the receipt paper gets jammed in it
>wants me to have a person dedicated to solely helping people take orders on it
Imagine being on the clock, standing and doing nothing, if you wipe down a table or something the franchise owner can have it revoked

>> No.11548233

>he's proud of going on knowyourmeme
I bet the image in this post is from Reddit.

>> No.11548242
File: 117 KB, 960x640, 21742856_790697814444315_1195023816736933731_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off yuroshit

>> No.11548293

>if you wipe down a table or something the franchise owner can have it revoked
You mean that if an auditor sees that the guy who's supposed to man the kiosk leaves to clean a table, the owner of the frenchise can have the rights to have his restaurant a McDonald's?

>> No.11548322
File: 43 KB, 313x500, 511vXpDAp1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one I cannot remember where I got it and two if I want an image I'll goggle it and copy it from whatever site it's on. Are you really that retarded that your argument has come down to "erm, ere... Reddit". Fucking weak.

>> No.11548336

This was meant for

>> No.11548339

you got exactly what you asked for

>> No.11548341

does mcdicks offer a burger that has lettuce, pickles, onions, and tomatoes?

>> No.11548343

Ain't European.

>> No.11548347

Reddit has its own image host, and those filenames look like the ones from it.
And yew, you visiting a website for retards is an argument because it makes you look like a retard.
It's like if I told you that my favourite site is 9gag or some other site you consider stupid.

>> No.11548399

You seem to know a lot about Reddit.

>> No.11548428

He's actually wrong. i.redd.it filenames are much longer than that.
These pics are from somewhere else.

t. actual redditor.

>> No.11548465

>putting artificial """"""""""""cheese""""""""""""" imitation product in your garden

You might as well bury a plastic bag. it'll have the same effect.

>> No.11548510

I do because I'm not a moron and can therefore learn about things without using them myself by remembering information that I happen to hear/read about it.

>> No.11548527

so you spend a lot of your time reading about reddit.

>> No.11548548

Holy shit, fuck off and die.

>> No.11548554

why are you telling to die?

>> No.11548557

I don't because:
1- I said I happen to read it, not that I go out of my way to specifically read about it.
2- I'm pretty sure my knowledge of Reddit is fairly limited considering that I barely know the basicw from stumbling upon information about it, and by the fact that I failed to recognize the filenames, as noted by >>11548428
Your reading comprehension is pathetic and makes me smile.
If anything I'm more of a TikTok gentleman and an occasional FunnyJunk appreciator.

>> No.11548559

probably not enough feces to lubricate the electrons

>> No.11548567

>And yew, you visiting a website for retards is an argument because it makes you look like a retard.
So do you take this back?

>> No.11548571

No, why would I?

>> No.11548578

because you've just said your knowledge of Reddit is fairly limited

>> No.11548607

have you got any friends?

>> No.11548708

How does this contrast with any information that I posted?
I said that I don't know much about Reddit, but some things I do know about it.
Namely, that it has its own image host, and that it has an absolutely retarded community, which makes people who go on it look like retards by association.

I have tons of friends on FunnyJunk.

>> No.11548935

Don't get it, is there supposed to be something wrong with it? ?

>> No.11548974

I love how much contrast there is in this post

>> No.11548977

I don't.

>> No.11549009


>> No.11549166
File: 549 KB, 886x691, guldukat02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you have any friends online as you come across as an edgy 14 year old, confuses themselves very easily and is completely oblivious to their own annoyance.

>> No.11549178

How do you know it has an absolutely retarded community?

>> No.11549226

>I doubt you have any friends online as you come across as an edgy 14 year old
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.

>confuses themselves very easily

>and is completely oblivious to their own annoyance.
You're just annoyed by how right I am and how wrong you are.

Everyone on FunnyJunk knows this.

>> No.11549259

>and is completely oblivious to their own annoyance.
>You're just annoyed by how right I am and how wrong you are.
Where are you right and where am I wrong???

>> No.11549273

All over the thread.
Literally all our posts reflect this, Lithium.

>> No.11549285

An example

>> No.11549323

While both are objectively shit, at least mcdicks doesn't make my burps taste like I drank a bottle of liquid smoke for an hour.

>> No.11549406

>Everyone on FunnyJunk knows this.
This part was meant for >>11549178

>> No.11549443


Here >>11546906 I said that you got the image from knowyourmeme, which is demonstrably true.

Here >>11547734 you implied that my argument is that you took the image from <a> website, while my argument was that you took it from one specific website that's known for being retarded.
This is known as a strawman argument, and is a well-known logical fallacy.

Here >>11548233 I said that I bet that the image originated from Reddit, which wasn't the case.
This is the only instance of me saying something not completely correct.

Here >>11548322 you again implied that my argument was "erm, ere... Reddit", which wasn't the case for the same reason as above. Quite obviously a fact.

Here >>11548347 I explained why I thought it originated from Reddit and also explained my original argument of you being retarded for visiting websites for retards. Fact.

Here >>11548399 you said that I seem to know a lot about Reddit, which isn't true because someone stating a single fact about something doesn't automatically seem knowledgeable about it. He has to make many statements of considerable depth and insight for this to be the case. Again, a bullshit argument.

Here >>11548428 Anon confirmed that I do not, in fact, know a lot about Reddit.

Here >>11548510 I state that you don't need to be an expert at something to know a couple notions about it. Absolute fact.

Here >>11548527 you implied that if I happen to learn a couple notions about something, it means that I spend a lot of my time reading about it, which is a baseless and illogic assumption. Another bullshit argument.

Here >>11548557 I make fun of your reading comprehension (which is at an objectively pathetic level), and explain why just knowing a few things about Reddit doesn't make me an expert on it or someone who actively decides to spend time reading on it. More absolute facts being dropped on your face, just like you were as a kid.


>> No.11549448

Here >>11548567 and here >>11548578 you imply that my previous post is somehow conflicting with my previous statements to the point of making me retract them, which isn't the case at all, as I explained in this post >>11548708 where I merely reiterate what you've already had trouble comprehending from my previous posts.
Again, a complete and systematic annihilation of your "arguments" from my FACTS and LOGIC.

Here >>11548607 you attempt at a pathetic ad hominem attack, which I absolutely OBLITERATE by simply stating that I do have in fact, not just several, but TONS of friends on FunnyJunk.
AN UNDISPUTABLE nullification of your already self-nullified logical fallacy, to which you could do nothing but reply here >>11549166 that you don't believe me (LITERALLY LIKE A FUCKING CHILD WHO JUST RESPONDS "t-that's not true!!!") ffor random reasons that YOU JUST FUCKING PULLED OUT OF YOUR ASS.

Here >>11548974 you just repeat the same FUCKING BULLSHIT AGAIN without ver saying anything about what's contrasting in my posts FUCK YOU.


And this, kids, is how you get an EPIC. VICTORY. ROYALE. ON YOUR ASS.

Consider yourself warned son.


>> No.11549457

So you just go along with what everyone else does or tells you? Wow what a brainless retard.

>> No.11549467

It's a well-known fact all over the seven seas, just like it's a known fact that your mother has the cheapest blowjobs in the city, even for the toothless speciality, which usually costs quite a premium.
You don't need to become an expert on the topic to know that something is true.

>> No.11549499

Jesus fucking Christ
>That level of dedicated, miticulous retardation.
Lol, at first I found it funny now I'm shaking my head in disbelief.

>> No.11549505

I consider this argument-less baseless personal insult the confirmation to my merciless victory.
Thank you for partecipating.


>> No.11549523
File: 807 KB, 2544x4000, 1541956848691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually getting out of bed to go screen cap this on my P.C

>> No.11549530
File: 688 KB, 1056x792, screen-shot-2018-01-24-at-94655-am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these posts are so autistic I'm at a total loss. saved

>> No.11549532

Please do, and don't forget to post it on /r/4channel.

>> No.11549806

I had no idea how much more autistic /ck/ was than other boards.

>> No.11550292

Still nothing here:
Where the fuck are your screencaps boys?

>> No.11550781
File: 41 KB, 540x720, 6AB05552-FFA3-4291-B87C-A1C00739BFF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11550834

Are you even allowed to post on 4chan in your country?

>> No.11550874


>> No.11550883
File: 3 KB, 350x116, Screenshot_2018-12-01 (0) ck - mouthbreathing employees ordering kiosks smeared - Food Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done :)

>> No.11550886
File: 3 KB, 438x93, 1516922902880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell this has got to be the most retarded thread on all of 4chan and 4channel right now. Possibly on the entire Internet.

>> No.11550888
File: 29 KB, 857x260, Screenshot_2018-12-01 (0) ck - mouthbreathing employees ordering kiosks smeared - Food Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know :)

>> No.11551031


>> No.11551430

this is good

>> No.11551500

The software of our water jet cutter runs on windows. Some time after we switched over to win10 we got the fucking unskippable update message and unavoidable restart in the middle of a running program.

>> No.11551543

>extra demands in a fast food shithole
Does this make them feel special or some shit?

>> No.11551549


>> No.11551564
File: 196 KB, 432x444, 1507086448892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just put it in my pocket and bring it home to put in the garden
inb4 screencap for r/4channel

>> No.11551571

Another time all went to Burger King but McDonald's had to be further, so all the dishes were the exact same hahaha fucking morons.

>> No.11551753

Hamburger $1.25
Hamburger with cheese $1.50

>> No.11553170


>> No.11553209

See >>11545517

>> No.11554721 [DELETED] 


>> No.11554734

Based autist

>> No.11554756

>hamburger with cheese
also known as a cheeseburger

>> No.11555912

A cheeseburger is a burger that has cheese, you idiot.
A hamburger is a burger that has ham, you goddamn retard.
A hamburger with cheese is a burger that has both ham and cheese, YOU FUCKING CUNT, FUCK YOUR SHIT AND YOUR NON-SHIT.

>> No.11555922

>$0.25 for one slice of processed "cheese"
the profit margin must be astounding

>> No.11556004



>> No.11556016

>bring it home to put in the garden.
To grow more cheese, that you will also not eat?

>> No.11556454

Customer was expecting cheese like a processed cheese slice in a plastic sealed wrap, and not literally "on the side of the sandwich".
But cheese being optional with a piece of wax paper separating it is more of a health hazard so this is a "cook" being literal. Usually it's "cheese" or "without cheese", as in "no cheese"

>> No.11556578
File: 14 KB, 256x256, o9rIpBfh_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11557115
File: 58 KB, 720x663, 1536409690521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And this, kids, is how you get an EPIC. VICTORY. ROYALE. ON YOUR ASS.

>> No.11557121

>has ham

>> No.11557775

hes right you know

>> No.11559601

no hes not

>> No.11560261

Lmao somebody post the picture

>> No.11560311

holy mother of based

>> No.11560319

you're paying for the cheese regardless, you fucking retards. this is as bad as the morons that see "free shipping" and instantly think its a better deal when the shipping is just included in the price

>> No.11560322

WHen I used to work at Mcdonalds as a kid they gave you a discount if you asked for th cheese, meat or bacon to be removed, son't know if that's still the same.

>> No.11560388

I actually forgot what this thread was about.

>> No.11560397

It's not actually cheese

>> No.11561970

The fast food worker union complained that it was inhuman to force the workers to manually spit in every hamburger, so they just put phlegm slices in each burger now, without the cooks having to dehydrate themselves.
You just think it tastes like cheese because of the optical illusion, but it actually just tastes like grilled phlegm.

>> No.11562022

go to bed, ryan

>> No.11562025

>still no onion rings at mcdicks

>> No.11563106

I'm already in bed with your mom though.

>> No.11563159

wonder why you'd do that when you're gay

>> No.11563195

I know we're Anonymous here and it can be confusing to know who you're talking to, so let me just clarify that you're not talking to your dad right now.
I know it might seem like it. It's an easy mistake to make (especially with the trauma he gave you when the "foreskin incident" happened).

>> No.11563242

your typing style throughout this thread suggests that you are in fact a tranny

>> No.11563250

Do you really read so much stuff written by trannies to be able to recognize one just by reading their writing?

>> No.11563269


>> No.11563284

lel u gay

>> No.11564021

no u

>> No.11564844


>> No.11567051

>Ordering a fillet

Fucker deserved it

>> No.11567219

He composts guys, he's not being XD RANDOM!

>> No.11567234

For me it's Arby's during happy hour.

>> No.11567263

Because fast food chains pour tons of money into demographic research I can confidently say that you're probably white and conservative.

>> No.11567268

I'm Armenian but close enough. I'll give this one to you.

>> No.11567287

Can I ask how you knew btw? Or did you just make a good educated guess? Just curious.

>> No.11567295

Armenians are white.

>> No.11567307
File: 896 KB, 700x600, 2bd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but I grew up with my family drilling into my head that we're not white. So I now automatically response with that I'm not white.

>> No.11567341

I think your culture has been accepted long enough to gain white status, like the Italians and Irish.

>> No.11567351

of all the choices you go with BK which is objectively the worst fast food place there is

>> No.11567421
File: 801 KB, 382x234, 1539817226402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the Irish
Whoa hold your fucking horses mate, Irish are not white.

>> No.11568356

But composting cheese and milk products in general is a bad idea because it attracts pest.

>> No.11568429

you are fucking pathetic. holy shit could you try any harder to look cool?

>> No.11568445

"on the side" is a real Americanism though, being a Brit in the USA its one of those things I had to learn when I didn't want some shit slopped all over the entree, so maybe the food worker who made that was foreign, who knows

>> No.11569101


>> No.11570259

I get my beef from my neighbor. I get the cheese from my other neighbor. I bake the bread myself and make the ketchup from my own tomatoes. When I want a fish sandwich I go fishing in my pond. When I want a chicken or turkey sandwich I butcher one of them from my barnyard.

>> No.11570635

whoppers taste like a menstrual pad

>> No.11572128

You seem to know a lot about the taste of menstrual pads.

>> No.11572159

In canada(at least where I am) it's $0.50

>double hamburger $1.49
>mcdouble $1.99
>double cheeseburger $2.49

I just get a double hamburger now, it's not like it tastes like anything anyway.

>> No.11572160

What did he expect? A special box for the cheese? Why would you even ask for that at a fast food place? Or did it not really happen and he staged the photo because he thought it was funny wanted upvotes on his social media of choice?

>> No.11572163

Yeah. They taste like Whoppers.

>> No.11572651

You seem to know a lot about the taste of Whoppers

>> No.11574380

You seem to know a lot about what I seem to know

>> No.11575164

Why haven't you taken the fuck off from fast food pill? It's all trash. What is with this board? Absolute trash representation of what the topic is supposed to be.

>> No.11575304

fast food is unironically the epitome of food

>> No.11575361

The thought of a man pulling a slice of american cheese out of his pocket and throwing it on a compost pile is still pretty amusing.

>> No.11577192

Must be nice to be rich

>> No.11577399

This is too autistic to be fake.

>> No.11577505
File: 29 KB, 739x415, images-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and when you want sex you have the choice between your mother and your sister.

>> No.11577579

>Not bringing a slice or two of your own cheese in your pocket since its individually wrapped

>> No.11577646

Don't forget cousin Sally Sue!

>> No.11577656
File: 26 KB, 448x412, 1522905550228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone is dogging on the fact he puts the cheese in the garden. But no one is talking about the cheese in the pocket...

>> No.11577663

You had some good points until you brought up bk

>> No.11578499

Well, where else can you put it?

>> No.11578531
File: 1011 KB, 500x340, food pieces (memes).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11578570

not about to modify my behavior on account of your poor problem solving.

>> No.11579801

Normal people don't like their assholes ripped open.
Not from the outside, nor from the inside.
You're the exception here m8.

>> No.11579818

Just imagine the euphoria that was felt by this poster after hitting the post button.

>> No.11580137

There's not a burger king in walking distance

>> No.11580153

Because it's called Hungry Jack's where I live, and McDonald's here is infinitely better than its American counterpart. Same for KFC.

>> No.11580185

Nah I do this too with toppings. In fact I get extra of the free toppings, even the ones I hate, just to spite them

>> No.11580338

It's Nebraskan hours

>> No.11580340

>Armenian samefagging
You're not white and never will be

>> No.11580343

Good post, the shitpost bit is subtle enough to not be full on reddit but it's funny nontheless.

>> No.11580346


>> No.11580351

>responds immediately
What the fuck? Are you still here 24/7 monitoring your replies?

>> No.11580352

are you?

>> No.11580353

no im not the same guy
just felt like someone had to thank anon's kind words

>> No.11580358

Of course.

Makes sense.

>> No.11580378

I really can't tell if everyone's trying to be funny or if this place is actually filled with mentally unstable people.

>> No.11580396

always assume the latter

>> No.11580422

my in your foot ass? nice one retard

>> No.11580714
File: 953 KB, 1424x1424, 1524951327422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armnians are not white, lmao