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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11546550 No.11546550 [Reply] [Original]

nothing this guy cooks looks presentable or tasty. his personality is overall unlikable

>> No.11546553

you dont have to watch it :V

>> No.11546558

also, he's clearly not white

>> No.11546564

My only issue with him is that he tries too hard to be "charismatic"

>> No.11546575

Every board has those retards that bring up e celebs in the topic they’re discussing, but why does it happen on /ck/ so often

>> No.11546821

you don't have to read it :V

>> No.11546836

People who look like this should have a bad time in life

>> No.11546873

/ck/ probably has the widest range of age groups of any board, from underage genz to boomers. The genzers and young millennials are the ones who worship at the feet of e-celebs and insist on shitting up this board with these threads. The next world war and military draft can't come soon enough.

>> No.11548164

his teeth are too perfect.
Dude has veneers or something.

>> No.11548213

Looking forward to your autobiography, OP.
Don't know why you posted that guy's pic, though.

>> No.11548216

It's a relatively new thing. I blame jack posting. Before that we only really talked about actual cooking channels on YT. Now we have /tv/ tier waifu threads about bon appetit e celebs posted literally every single day like it's normal.

>> No.11548424 [DELETED] 

>tfw you keep your affinity for Kamen Rider a secret because people like this are in the fandom

>> No.11548468

his lips make him look allergic to that food

>> No.11548502
File: 1.90 MB, 4032x3024, 1DD69B77-FB81-4473-B4C4-445963209E37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is pretty annoying, but his fried chicken recipe is amazing, used it to batter and deep fry these two thighs into these McChicken ripoffs the other day. Thy were pretty damn fucking good.

>> No.11548511
File: 593 KB, 1273x1600, b1d218b89c4ed5bae56bafabb259fb5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice appetizer, now what's the main course?

>> No.11548513

can you fucking explain to me how to cook chicken thigh without it being miserable

do you buy boneless thighs or something?

>> No.11548529

They were 700-800 calories each, and I’m cutting, so they left me with 600-400 calories left in the day, think I had a beer and some trail mix and strawberries to close off the day

Yes, I’m not even sure if my supermarket sells bone in thighs.

>> No.11548531

Don't know who he is but from one look at the picture I'd guess this is that epic Filipino cuisine I've been hearing about: steamed whole vegetables and crustaceans served cold and dumped on the floor.

>> No.11548537
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Got the recipe for that?

>> No.11548547

Ignore the asmr and mukbang parts, the recipe is top notch, he used halved chicken breasts, I used thighs because I’m a cheap bastard and I think their juicier

>> No.11548549
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>> No.11548574

Thanks homie