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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11539869 No.11539869 [Reply] [Original]

>one scrambled egg please
How will cast iron cucks ever recover?

>> No.11539883

oiling the pan and cleaning it after cooking...?

>> No.11539910
File: 109 KB, 750x622, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a better image. I can't even make out the image

>> No.11539917

I made scrambled eggs in my cast iron this morning. My secret? I used oil ;) shhh no telling

>> No.11539961

>Spend several hours re seasoning my pan layer by layer to get a perfect finish
>Apartment smells like shit but at least my cast iron will work right
>Eggs still stick
>Clean it off with salt
>Seasoning looks like shit now
What's the advantage of these pans again?

>> No.11540045

Yeah fuck that shit that's what Teflons for

>> No.11540075
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Cast iron is for trannies

>> No.11540088

Shut up i dont use cast iron

>> No.11540130

I don't use salt.

I give mine a quick rinse with cold water and use the softer side of a sponge if it needs spot cleaning; wipe it off and briefly heat it with a touch of oil rubbed in. Good as new.

>> No.11540148

Nothing ever comes off well enough to clean it without some abrasion.

>> No.11540169

Imagine being so asshurt about cast iron that you need to make threads like this. Someone is veeeerrryyyy obsessed.

>> No.11540203

>use stainless steel
>works perfectly every time
>no maintenance required


>> No.11540259


>> No.11540458
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>> No.11540480

i like sunny side up eggs and doing them in cast iron is a pain in the ass. is there a trick to it so i can avoid my non-stick pan's cancer coating?

i use liberal amounts of butter and have tried oil in the past

>> No.11540495

Use the nonstick pan and move on with your life, jesus fucking christ.

>> No.11540500

Use butter, you cockwomble

>> No.11540509

Is carbon steel a meme?

>> No.11540517

No, but they're expensive.

>> No.11540533

But for me but for my money though, it's gotta be the The Rock cookware

>> No.11540596
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>don't pre-heat pan on medium low flame for ~5 god damned minutes and then add butter/oil and wait until it starts shimmering
>"Oh no, my eggs are reacting with the ice cold surface of the pan, cast iron SUXSS!!"
>"I'm retarded, this is all your fault /ck/!"

>> No.11540614

Then your pan is improperly seasoned, dummy.

>> No.11540617

is this postmodernism or contemporary art
i can never tell the difference

>> No.11540641

imagine wanting to have such a maintenance heavy cooking utensil that eggs become a hassle

>> No.11540653

You can use wooden utensils, the eggs don't stick. If they stick then you're doing something wrong because the oil/butter will cook them before they touch the surface of the pan and prevent a chemical reaction of the proteins in the egg.

>> No.11540655

>posts coated cast iron

>> No.11540663

That's a pre-seasoned cheap as dirt lodge. All it takes is 2-3 additional seasoning cycles before they're fully ready to be used for cooking. If they didn't pre-season (ie bare metal) then you'd have to apply like 10 seasoning cycles and it would probably already be rusted by the time you bought it.

>> No.11540668

Its Teflon coated

>> No.11540676

No, it isn't you mong. Just because you're dumb as rock doesn't mean cast iron doesn't work.


>> No.11540685

>get autism

>> No.11540687

Just use teflon pans to cook fucking eggs :V

I swear cast irons ade the fedora of cooking utensils.

>> No.11540701

Wrong meme, sweetie

>> No.11540702

see >>11540596

You just don't know how to properly use it and I don't blame you because neither did I when I bought my first pan. I'd slap on eggs, meats on it after only a few seconds and when it came time to wash the burn't on crud I would use steel wood and concentrated soap and sometimes even leave it soaking in hot water all night long. It was absolute hell but I was doing EVERYTHING wrong. Know how to use your tools.

>> No.11540732

Too clean pans do this, grease needs to burn into the surface to makes it less sticky. That's why they are used by unwashed "gay cus there's no women around" cowboy type guys, living in beat up cabins cooking spam in cast iron skillets over campfires. Those eggs won't stick.

>> No.11540734
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>lodge marketing video
>still visible burnt black shit on the egg (not pepper) on top of a side being burnt beyond salvation

>> No.11540740

I got difficulties smelling what's being cooked

>> No.11540744

see >>11540596

How is that burnt? It just looks like the seared part of the egg. Do you eat microwaved eggs?

>> No.11540778

>use teflon
>that's it
Just werks

>> No.11540794

>use teflon
>get cancer
Just kills

>> No.11541055
File: 16 KB, 397x500, The Rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These pans are unironically quite nice, I got some for christmas last year and they perform extremely well, fond peels right off of them and I can reliably make french omelettes.

>> No.11541066

Seared shit isn't black/grey. There's no searing there. It just goes from normal coloration to flecks of black shit and the complete absence of any sort of browning, those eggs are burnt.

>> No.11541206

crispy eggs are good though.

>> No.11541211

I fucking love crispy eggs, my eggs foam up and get crisp real nicely frying it in the leftover bacon fat, but that's not what's in the picture. Those aren't crispy eggs that's overcooked but not crispy eggs with fucking crap on them.

>> No.11541214

Use ceramic then

>> No.11541217

So these are teflon free apparently. Nice.

>> No.11541220

You can see in the view from above that spot just had thinner egg, its brown and you're seeing it as very dark due to the darkness of the pan. For an autist you sure have poor eyesight, your intellectual dishonesty is spot on though.

>> No.11541221
File: 177 KB, 900x1200, treshueggos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based stainless

>> No.11541246

I cook only on a plate of armor my grandfather stole from a damaged Panzer IV tank.

>> No.11541250

can you be serious please?

>> No.11541361

So get nonstick then?

>> No.11541381

ask me how i know these eggs turned out like shit

>> No.11541416

lookout we have an amateur egg cooking riddle master

>> No.11541427

daily reminder that nonstick (or any) pans dont get hot enough to start vaporizing the fucking polymer coatings unless you are severely handicapped in which case the teflon cough is the least of your worries

>> No.11541455

You mean unless you leave them on high heat for a long time?

>> No.11541458

They're a meme made for hipsters.

>> No.11541532

if you somehow manage to leave your pan sitting at 500 degrees for an extended period of time yes

>> No.11541840

500f is not that high

>> No.11542115

>rinse with water, run with sponge, dry it off, add oil, heat up every time u want to make an egg


>wash with soapy sponge

>> No.11542264

Edges are browned/crispy and the top of the egg isn't even cooked through yet. Heat was set way to high on these.

>> No.11542285

>seasoning cycles
what the fuck is this guy talking about lmao

>> No.11542297

>he doesn't even sear his eggs to lock in the juices

>> No.11542353

i use teflon pan because

easier to use for eggs
makes someone seethe on /ck/

win win basically

>> No.11542368

just cook it longer until it gets flaky. it'll wipe out easily

>> No.11542373

You people disgrace our surly king of the egg fort with your burnt eggs and spilled yolks. What would he have to say to you?

>> No.11542377

i don't understand how you can have these issues. i got my pan, cooked just bacon in it for a week, then it basically became nonstick for life. i treat it like shit. i almost never scrub it out. a little butter and my eggs slide around like it's a water slide. yall must be fuckin braindead

>> No.11542387

he uses a legendary pan of ancient damascus steel

>> No.11542390

How far down does your neck beard grow bro?

>> No.11542393

you realize most stoves get pans to 500 or more right? if you're cooking for an extended time or you're a professional chef, your pan is gonna get wear and tear.

>> No.11542407

I use Teflon pans all the time to sear and literally nothing has happened to me, it just works. Maybe you should learn to use Teflon pans.
The 'it gives you cancer' memers are actually retarded or just pretending?
Also all professionals chefs use stainless not cast iron

>> No.11542426

i'm a chef. we use both.

i have nothing against teflon. just replying about the temperature.

>> No.11542622
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>flipping the eggs

>> No.11542650
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Actually? I feel sorry for you cousin. This is how mine looked after making scrambled eggs this morning

>> No.11542687

>not using olive oil to fry eggs

>> No.11542771
File: 1.38 MB, 2560x1440, 20170131_103549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stainless left less residue than your cast iron (pic related)

>> No.11542909

First time I cooked bacon it created a sticky residue in the pan. Made more of a mess than the eggs.

>> No.11542933

doesn't look like it to me desu. seems pretty negligible in either case, your grasping at straws my dude.

>> No.11542944

>pic from 2017
idiot, try posting something from the current year

>> No.11542960

The reason why food sticks to cast iron is because it reacts with the iron and forms chemical bonds. Burning a very thin layer of oil causes the oil to polymerize and form a teflon like coating that also prevents food from making contact with the iron. As time goes on this layer of protection will thicken if used properly and you will start to get teflon like properties.

>> No.11542969

just get a teflon from the get go then

>> No.11542984

And then get it again and again and again and again. Teflon pans are nice for what they are but unless you use them with a low flame, use silicone utensils, and only wipe it down with paper towels for cleaning you will never see them maintain factory non-stick properties for more than a year which also means you've been eating teflon flakes (Isn't that toxic?). Personally I'll just stick to stainless steel but I wouldn't recommend teflon pans to anyone desu.

>> No.11544864

Maybe we dont like eating out of disgusting pans with caked on rotting grease?

>> No.11544877

Kek. Based retard poster

>> No.11544889


>> No.11544897

Nice reference bro!

>> No.11544902

marshall don't come through but once a month

>> No.11544905

>What's the advantage of these pans again?

>Lasts forever
>Holds heat like a motherfucker
>Sears super hot
>Not hard at all to care for: Get super hot, hold under hot water and rub with a brush if you need to, dry out hot, light coat of oil you bring up to smoking hot

Enjoying the shit out of the sir-fry I just made in my new lodge 14" wok.

>> No.11544908

This, cast iron weeds out the impatient idiots.

>> No.11544930

Complete bullshit.
I have a 5-year old Cuisinart nonstick skillet that I use every day at temps ranging from medium-low to medium-high, use rubber, wood (and occasionally metal) utensils, and clean it with a normal dish sponge or brush (nylon) and soapy water. The teflon is completely unblemished and perfectly nonstick to this day.
Contrarywise, I break out my All-Clad stainless steel skillet only 2-3 times per year because everything sticks and it is a pain in the ass to clean.

>> No.11544938

You're dick (female) is for trannies

>> No.11544939

You first.

>> No.11544941

>Contrarywise, I break out my All-Clad stainless steel skillet only 2-3 times per year because everything sticks and it is a pain in the ass to clean.
It's supposed to stick, you're supposed to deglaze the fond and use it to make a sauce.

>> No.11544944

Deglaze your stainless and make a sauce. Its not hard you just suck.

>> No.11544950

Teflon is garbage.

And yes, it is toxic. I use ceramic. I've been using the same 3 ceramic coated pans for about 10 years, frequently. I tried iron, really tried. Too much mixed info out there. Too my trial and error on my part. Found some expensive (at the time at least) ceramic coated pans and I'll get the same again when these finally show that its time. A decade in, and they're still near perfect condition and as non-stick as day one, with no upkeeping needed, can wash and dry in nearly every way... I have no reason to look elsewhere.

>> No.11544951

Also, if stuff is sticking and you tear it up off the pan, it was neither running hot enough or left long enough to release on its own.

>> No.11544959

Post it right now i don't believe you.

>> No.11544968

Holy shit you are literally so retarded that you fucked up a piece of metal

>> No.11544970

Also also, fuck you for wasting money on an amazing and stupid expensive pan you don't know how to use.

>> No.11545016

Only cost me $25 brand new - lid included - about 10 years ago when they were on sale.
Must suck if you're a fag who paid over a hundred bucks for the All-Clad meme pan.

>> No.11545032

You still suck if you're blaming a pan like that for your shit cooking.

>> No.11545044

>cooking the egg
your just as bad as the rest

>> No.11545268

>"perfect finish"
>damaged by salt

You did it wrong.

>> No.11545773

Scrambled eggs;
Mix eggs with small amount of milk in a mug
Add salt and pepper
Take out mix and add butter
Perfect scrambled eggs

>> No.11545808

Fucking neck yourself.

>> No.11545945
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Sup ?

>> No.11546071
File: 3.08 MB, 4032x3024, 4D637FCE-6992-43E1-AE69-CC278C521778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cast iron is goat for a mountain man breakfast

>> No.11546544

>Teflon BAD
>Burnt oil that chemically reacts with heavy metals GOOD
>B-but don't burn olive oil, that's BAD
>But use a lot of grease and let it make a sticky icky mess GOOD

>> No.11546586

nothing man
what is up with you?

>> No.11546917

Are those crutons

>> No.11547061

Left over thanksgiving stuffing with some sausage

>> No.11547099

You're not supposed to use cast iron for eggs. Or pancakes. Or for acidic sauces.

It's great for certain things but it's not supposed to be used for literally everything.

>> No.11547336

Its the GOAT for pancakes, flapjacks, johnnycakes, hotcakes, and johnnyjacks you absolutely retarded mouth breathing waste of matter do the universe a fucking favor and get smart or make yourself useful and reincorporate yourself into the organic milieu of soil so at least my garden can get something of worth from you.

>> No.11547347
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>use Teflon
>just werks
Feels good not being a contrarian

>> No.11547374

>Need special soft tools
>Can't sear
>Can't go above a medium heat
I get way more use out of my cast iron than I do from the one teflon I have.

>> No.11547385
File: 54 KB, 908x800, screen-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sear and go high heat with it, nothing happens to it maybe learn to use one!

>> No.11547404

Different tools for different jobs bro. There are no points awarded for using one pan for everything.

Nonstick for delicate foods which stick easily.
Iron for searing
Stainless for when you want to generate fond for later deglazing
Copper for delicate emulsified sauces, candy, and jam.

You'd be stupid, or a very limited cook, not to own and use them all.

>> No.11547411

Show us a "sear" faggot. Anyone can talk big. I squat 1000 lbs am a billionaire and have a personal harem

>> No.11547428

>Burning and outgassing his teflon because he keeps using it wrong

And I do have a great array.

Though I'd argue you get a lot more use out of a nice multi-layer stainless saucier (I got a decent deal on a Mauviel a while back) than spending extra on copper if you aren't constantly doing "copper ideal" stuff.

>> No.11547440

I just start by frying the bacon in the pan, then cook the eggs in the bacon fat.

>> No.11547457
File: 13 KB, 343x307, YLnAfan_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if you believe me or not I have nothing to prove to your autistic ass.
I'm not burning it at all it still works perfectly

>> No.11547481

>t. tefloneater
You know that food normally doesn't smell like burnt plastic, right?

>> No.11547491

There is a point awarded for using one pan for everything. You're good enough to make shit with one tool.
i do not count a pot as a 'pan' though like people seem to do, that's for a different type of food, but you can still totally use the wide shallow pan for that

>> No.11547500

>>Burning and outgassing his teflon because he keeps using it wrong

There's nothing wrong with using teflon on high heat. What matters is that the surface of the pan doesn't get too hot. That's easily done by making sure there is food in the pan, and/or not keeping it on high heat long enough to get the pan that hot.

>>Though I'd argue you get a lot more use out of a nice multi-layer stainless saucier (I got a decent deal on a Mauviel a while back) than spending extra on copper if you aren't constantly doing "copper ideal" stuff.

>> No.11547502
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I know my food is very good and has been enjoyed by many people in several countries around the world.
You sound like you started cooking after coming to /ck/ and got spooked by the Teflon memes before even trying it.
Learn to use a Teflon pan

>> No.11547691

My gf(bf) swears by her cast iron pans, you're onto something.

>> No.11547785


>> No.11548029

Cast iron is only important for the visual aesthetics in this
Ceramic pan would do everything this does just as well

>> No.11548043

Eh. The way cast iron interacts with heat and oil gives you a different result.

Plus you're probably not going to be using your ceramics over an open fire.

>> No.11548055

>ceramics over an open fire
Not that anon, but fun fact. That's the only time I use my ceramic pan.

>> No.11548563

Except I had to cook the sausage before I threw it in the oven.

>> No.11548608
File: 25 KB, 307x352, 1507330137552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch why the fuck are you cooking eggs in a cast iron skillet

>> No.11548633

I make surly eggfort sandwiches most weekends in my cast iron. I furtively cook the liquid eggs and bread, leisurely eat, and then wipe out the still hot pan with paper towel once finished. Never have I been left with a dirty pan.