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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11547161 No.11547161 [Reply] [Original]

High effort low reward-food/fruit/whatever edible

>> No.11547163
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>> No.11547190
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Let's cook this son of a bitch then pick it apart for 6 minutes for a thimble full of meat

>> No.11547210

Part of the reward is picking it apart imo. You'll never understand the satisfaction of pulling claw meat perfectly intact out of its shell. Afterward you get to play with the empty claw and it's tendon and pretend to be a crab to annoy dinner guests. :3

>> No.11547213
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tiny amount of meat and lots of bones

>> No.11547215
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all organic foods

>> No.11547230

Picking crabs is more of an event than a meal. Sitting at picnic table drinking beer and picking crabs is top tier comfy.

>> No.11547232

if you really do this nobody you are dining with finds it cute or enjoys it

>> No.11547241

Jesus how lonely are you? My dad would do this type of stuff when we were kids. I still do it to fuck with my girlfriend.

>> No.11547248

that sounds a lot better than >>11547210 where it ended in :3 its all about how it comes across

>> No.11547254

>preferring a guy doing it and cussing rather than a cute little girl doing it and making cute faces
Jesus how gay are you?

>> No.11547256

>not eating crab gut like a bitch
you bitch

>> No.11547258 [DELETED] 

goddamn, you're a fucking faggot

>> No.11547259

what is wrong with you lol just play with your crab claw im sorry i got you so riled up

>> No.11547263
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>tfw eating the yellow stuff inside the shell because it's yummy
>tfw don't know wtf it is

>> No.11547293


like wtf dude you have to get 10 ingredients out of the fridge and then assemble them all in order and then put everything back in the fridge

>> No.11547327

its a bit of a hassle maybe but its not as bad as actually cooking and has high reward if you make a good one

>> No.11547343
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>low reward

>> No.11547423

>low reward
you go fuck yourself now, son

>> No.11547426
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I like their taste, but eating them is too messy

>> No.11547525


I'm gay btw

>> No.11547580

>messy ass nibbas
dont @ me

>> No.11547632

An orange is way less effort than cooking

>> No.11547872
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not only does it take a lot of time, it wrecks also your tongue.

>> No.11547879

That's the best fruit though

>> No.11547937

orange is high effort high reward

>> No.11547947

Die in a fire motherfucker

>> No.11547951

get the ones you can peel with your hands if you're a lazy sod

>> No.11547956
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I'd like some macadamias with a side of broken thumbs

>> No.11548108

how one added sentence and a :3 can enrage the channel guests

>> No.11548122
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>> No.11548135

Orange shills are in full force today I see.

>> No.11548145

This, you have to cut up veggies and shit and you finish the sandwich in like 1 minute

You also gotta toast the bread and shit
Fuck them

>> No.11548156

You just suck as you're biting into it. Or go the extra step and cut it into cubes after you cut it into slices and eat with a fork.

>> No.11548641

Pomegranates is high effort high reward
>more vit C than oranges
>may increase testosterone
>decrease blood pressure

>> No.11548949

Artichoke hearts. F U. I’m going to the store.

>> No.11549255

chicken feet
theres way too many bones and shit its so annoying to eat
t. gook

>> No.11549314
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>> No.11549653

Sounds like a wholesome time, anon

>> No.11549696
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so sad seeing froggy die :( not worth it

>> No.11549700

baste and clawpilled

>> No.11550069
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Oranges are as low effort as apples or onions. How the fuck do you complicate eating oranges?

>> No.11550075
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I like that one, wish the main character was a girl though

>> No.11550078
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Do any of you just eat a kiwi whole instead of pealing it first? Skinning it just seems to be a waste and the skin isnt bad at all

>> No.11550079

>high effort
you're peeling it wrong

>> No.11550089

I do, it's a nice surprise when you realize you really can just eat it. I'm not 100% sure, but it probably has some decent fiber and micronutrients too.

>> No.11550133

Indeed. I was fooled thinking that eating the skin is bad until a friend told me that you can eat them as they are (I still cut a small piece off each end though). It's my favorite fruit now because of it.

>> No.11550179

it tastes better WITH the skin

>> No.11550402
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Fuck these things and bomb Iran.

>> No.11550599

I feel the same way. Are we just lazy? Idk.

>spread condiment with knife
>place piece of meat
>wash hands of meat juices
>spread more condiment
>wash hands of meat juices
>spread more condiment


>> No.11550613

What's the source of that comic?

>> No.11551229
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>> No.11551436


>> No.11551486
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How is this high effort? Literally just cut it into four pieces and it's perfectly edible.

>> No.11551545

Pineapple is better cooked than raw.

>> No.11551566

This is true, like how you can't stop eating pistachios, or how candy that comes in little wrappers is satisfying

>> No.11552268

This. It always takes me around 15 minutes to deseed it, just for a bite of fruit.

>> No.11552402

>wash hands of meat juices
excuse me what?

>> No.11552665
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