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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 962x539, pepe (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11543068 No.11543068 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing tastes good any more fuck my life.

Not even spicy foods have any actual taste. Theres like a constant gross taste on my mouth and its making me want to unironically kms.
What the fuck is the point of living if you can't enjoy food

>> No.11543070

I've got good news... You are probably going to die soon.
But being serious describe the taste

>> No.11543082
File: 231 KB, 584x301, pepe (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like a perpetual nasty egg flavor stuck to my tongue no matter how much I brush my teeth, rinse or whatever.

It goes away sometimes, but I noticed that I haven't actually been able to taste several different flavors for a long time now.

I think parts of my tongue are permanently damaged or something. I can't taste things that are normally supposed to be sweet, sour, or tangy. Its fucking pissing me off.

>> No.11543085

You got thrush or something nigga? clean your mouth hole every now and then

>> No.11543091

I brush my teeth every day

>> No.11543092

clean your tongue jesus
if your tongue is anything other than pink, it's covered in a layer of shit
you fucking americans with your hygiene practices god...

>> No.11543097

Stop smoking.

>> No.11543104

Go see a doctor you idiot. Also get a tongue scraper. It's amazing.

>> No.11543120

I never knew that you needed to brush your tongue as well. My momma never taught me that!

>> No.11543131
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1444609048025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuugh brush your tongue? lol

Listen, kids. I know you may think that tongue brushing is some kind of chinese secret no one but you guys no about but im about to blow your minds right now.

What if i told you roughly the vast majority of people that brush their teeth, also brush their tongues....? Shocking i know, but stay with me now. What if I said I happen to brush my tongue daily despite having this strange condition

>> No.11543134

shut up nigger

>> No.11543137

Maybe something from the stomach. I'm not a doctor but kinda sounds like some kind of baterial stomach thing.

Or you know how when you go into ketosis, if you have ever done that, you get that strange taste all the time? It's like something is outgassing..

>> No.11543143

Brushing your tongue with a tooth brush is sub-par at best. Gotta get a tongue scraper.

>> No.11543146

Maybe tonsil stones? Or you are indeed dying and your insides are slowly rotting away. There just isn't another explanation.

>> No.11543149
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>> No.11543161
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Enjoy grills being repulsed by your kisses then.

>> No.11543163

did you eat chinese pine nuts recently?

>> No.11543165
File: 204 KB, 500x404, 1542376331882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the doctor man, what if is some kind of tumor in the brain that affects your taste?. I don't want to scare you but man seek help.

>> No.11543166

So you claim to clean your tongue but don't?
if your tongue is anything other than pink, then its filthy
also stop smokin

>> No.11543167

i knew a girl from high school that lost her sense of taste completely. she got an MRI and stuff, but no one could find anything wrong with her. I think it may have come back eventually but I forget. You should go to a doctor, faggot, what if you have a tumor or something?

>> No.11543175

I don't smoke, and nothing in that post implied I didn't clean my tongue, despite saying it several times in the thread already that I do.
Stop being an illiterate jackass.

>> No.11543183

get a tongue scraper and stop smoking
It's guaranteed to be caused by something you do, but you are probably just seeking a miracle cure like the guys who ask for diet plans and programs on fit

>> No.11543188

I had a head injury about a year or two ago. Changed the way a bunch of stuff tasted for the longest time. Pizza finally started to not taste disgusting to me a few months ago, I was worried it would never come back.

So yeah, brains stuff can affect your sense of taste.

>> No.11543193
File: 363 KB, 427x698, image (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a tongue scraper
Its just an overpriced piece of plastic that doesn't do anything a toothbrush can't.
If you enjoy getting ripped off, then by all means...

>> No.11543194

>brains stuff can affect your sense of taste
fucking, who knew?

>> No.11543199

>he doesn't have a toothbursh with an integrated tongue scraper on the back
I'm lmaoing at ur life right now
a proper scraper will do the job a million times better than a brush

>> No.11543205

They're like $2 (and metal)

>> No.11543215

you have a decaying tooth go to the dentist

>> No.11543222

Post a picture of mouth

>> No.11543425

I think I spent 3 dollars for a pack of 3 which last a year and compared to my old toothbrush does a much better job. Just get you one. After that first scrape take a look at what's coming off your tongue and you'll wish you had started sooner. Even helps me feel a little less congested sometimes.

>> No.11543429

You guys are starting to scare me.
I would go to the doctor to find out wtf is wrong with me but I don't have any insurance which is why im asking a food board of all places.

>> No.11543444

might be caused by acid reflux/heartburn

>> No.11543460

u dyin senpai

>> No.11543613

Go to one of the poor clinics.

>> No.11543639

Have you eaten pine nuts or anything with pine nuts in them, like pesto, lately? If so this might be your problem:


>> No.11543734

>poor clinic
Those exist to treat communicable diseases, not cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. They'll laugh at him and tell him he's lucky he doesn't want to eat since he's too poor to buy food.

>> No.11543794

>everything is shit
It's called being a cynical asshole.

>> No.11543856

That’s what you get for being a frogposter

>> No.11544162

Who are you, Stan Marsh? Shut the fuck up, frogposting nigger.

>> No.11544431

Have you gone through long periods of time without brushing your teeth? It could be some kind of tongue fungus. If not, I’m not too sure. Sounds a bit weird. I know manic depression can cancel out the enjoyment in food.

>> No.11544724

that is a side effect of some medications so if you started a new drug recently that could be it. though really you should see a doctor about this

>> No.11545523

did you go to a doctor yet?

>> No.11545577 [DELETED] 

This comic is a dishonest representation of what women face being gawked at by men. What the man is doing is not the same as wearing a top.

>> No.11545583

>Not even spicy foods have any actual taste.

Probably burned out your tastebuds OP, this is why you should use hot sauce and such very infrequent

>> No.11545591
File: 25 KB, 326x293, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most toothbrushes I see for sale have tongue scrapers built into the other side of the brush?

>> No.11545592
File: 15 KB, 253x199, 99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11546316

Unironically, you should see an ENT or a dentist asap.
You might be suffering from rotting of the jaw. While it sounds nasty but fairly tame, it isn't. A rotting jaw can kill you.

Get checked asap, it is fairly easily treatable as long as it hasn't spread too much (it IS always treatable though).

Good luck.

>> No.11546319

This is good advice if it applies. Smoking actually made me less of a picky eater by dulling my massively overactive taste buds. But it fucks your taste up is the point.

>> No.11546324

Probably acid reflux. GERD. It isn't always accompanied by heart burn.

>> No.11546329

Also a good answer.
OP, have you take cold prevention medicine like coldeeze or zicam? (I'm not a doctor or lawyer)

>> No.11546337

If you're starving in the US, you are fucking up. US also has amongst the highest heart attack survival rates in the world, as well.
My grandma had a heart attack on a plane, plane landed, air lifted to hospital, quadruple bypass.
She didn't pay dick, basically. Maybe a couple grand. She lived in a doublewide in the desert. They were like fuck it, can't get blood from a stone. She lived like 10 more years.
You can't be refused treatment for life threatening conditions.
Healthcare here mostly sucks for the middle class, and ACA only made it worse.

>> No.11546340

And by plane I mean a 747 jumbo jet full of passengers.

>> No.11546355

Yeah coldeez nutz

>> No.11546630

anon you have the cancer, specifically butt cancer

>> No.11546635

Bullshit. If that were true literally no one would buy insurance, idiot. ER's are required to stabilize you w/o requiring payment, not treat the disease.
>aca makes it worse
Yeah, they can't refuse you insurance if you have a preexisting condition or terminate your insurance if you get sick like before aca. The horror, the horror!