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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11545142 No.11545142 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else make really hearty stew and eat in a wooden bowl with wooden spoon outside their yard at night pretending to be a cowboy?

>> No.11545239

Best be beans in there motherfucker

>> No.11545254
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>romanticizing murderers and r*pists

>> No.11545256
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yes, but with beans though.

>> No.11545282

this except I'm a Bohemian peasant

>> No.11545283
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Beans because of Switchblade Sam

>> No.11545361

no because my life isn't so pathetic and tragic that I need to engage in fantasy just to make it through a meal

>> No.11545630

This needed a king of the hill image
Most cowboys were actual herdsmen who just ran cattle drives for months at a time. All dudes, no women, no people no towns until Kansas City no nothing no people to murder no women to rape. Pay was shitty and most of em had no family that cared about them or they cared about. And it was a relatively short lived era as train networks expanded and fencing got affordably mass produced the days of the cattle drive were effectively over by the dawn of the 20th century and it had only really began in full post civil war so about 40 years total.

>> No.11545635

nigga i'm eating beans

>> No.11545637

No, but I will make really spicy chili in a cauldron over a fire, set up a fog machine and some green mood lighting, and cackle like a witch sometimes.

>> No.11545660

it isn't 1980 anymore gramps, nerding is cool now

>> No.11546215

>trying to prove how cool he is on 4chan
Mate analyze your behaviour and realize how pathetic it is

>> No.11546229


>> No.11546242


>> No.11546251

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11546284

Loooool, I had this same thought. I called him a soiboi because he fantasizes about being a real man.

>> No.11546286

Just when I watch Rawhide or Bonanza 'kay?

>> No.11546290

Gay too, because he'd be eating with a group of other dudes. Weiner and meatballs galore.

>> No.11546415

I'm not quite that autistic, but I've always believed that soup tastes better with a wooden spoon.

>> No.11546476

>Anyone else make really hearty stew
>and eat in a wooden bowl
>with wooden spoon
Ah no, metal spoon. I guess I could have used a wooden spoon
>outside their yard at night
>pretending to be a cowboy?

>> No.11546540
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The cattle drives coming up from TX began because those returning from the civil war came home to nothing. So the more enterprising started rounding up the longhorn cattle that had gone feral since the ranches had fallen apart with no men to manage them in order to build up a money stake. They were desparate and hardbitten men although being on the trail w/o women for a good part of the year led them into avenues of, shall we say, sexual exploration (pic related). That's where the phrase, "the only things that come from TX are steers and queers."

>> No.11546627

Anyone else sip canned soup heated by a fire and pretend to be a survivor of a post apocalyptic wasteland? Sometimes i even play a record from 50s for maximum aesthetic

>> No.11546643

>no because my life isn't so pathetic and tragic that I need to engage in fantasy
lol, sad little man you sound like

>> No.11546646
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only if i also eat cornbread

>> No.11546650

>not being inspired by role models and constantly striving to be a better version of yourself
Woman detected.

>> No.11546654
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What are some recipes featuring MANGOES?

>> No.11546967

Banta, man, bants.

>> No.11546995

>Falling for the Jewish Hollywood lie

Anon, pls

Cowboys were just farmers.

All this wild west shoot em up shit is Hollywood bullshit. Think for yourself from time to time

Unless this is bait, in which case please get a life. You could have applied for a better job the evening you wrote this, you could have lifted weights and focused on health

>> No.11546997

>Think for yourself from time to time
I'd tell you the same.
Go read Elmer Keith and then try to tell us that was all bullshit.

>> No.11546999

lol fag detected
kill your fucking self, homoboi

>> No.11547003

Cowboys don't put beans in their chili.

>> No.11547013

>Cites one guy born in 1900 who was an autistic pyro, literally born after the "cowboy" era.
>Hahaha gotem

Kill yourself.

>> No.11547047

Cow boys kept moving constantly which is the fucking opposite of farming.

>> No.11547058

A single counter-example is all it takes to disprove a claim, anon.

And the point wasn't his own life, but rather the actions of others which he witnessed and described, including the famous "chink noodle parlor" incident.

>>Kill yourself.
Why are you so mad at being proved wrong? One would think you'd be used to it by now.

>> No.11547059

no but i'm gonna start now

>> No.11547084

I love LARP eating.

My fave is on the weekends when I can medieval larp. Thicc cut slice of ham, knob of sausage or a kipper. skillet fried with some eggs. And a good lump of bread torn off a home baked loaf.
Pour up a big mug of dark beer or kvass and and apple for desert.
Turn on the gas fire place (which I obviously pretend is a wood burning hearth) and enjoy.

>> No.11547432

>Hey look this faggot said cowboys were wild
>He was born after the cowboy era, he wouldn't know

>Hahaha gotten

Again, you should killyourself

>> No.11547762

Without the wooden bowl and stew but yeah I did. Brb gonna whittle a wooden bowl and spoon