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11544885 No.11544885 [Reply] [Original]

I made some chicken last night and it came out plain and dry. I have to eat the leftovers and was hoping I could add something to save it? Some kind of sauce or seasoning I could add? I put salt, pepper, and tonys on it.

>> No.11544892

Soak it in salt water for an hour. Really brings out the hidden juices

>> No.11544901

chicken noodle soup

>> No.11544963

I've never made soup broth and feel like it would end up not great like the chicken did.

>> No.11544966

Next time put a pad of butter on top of the chicken breast before baking. Also don't cook it super-hot, you'll dry it out faster. You can also tent it with tinfoil, but you shouldn't have to.

>> No.11544984

>Also don't cook it super-hot, you'll dry it out faster.
Oh thank you for this tip. I think thats where I fucked up.

I can't use butter cause I'm trying to lose weight by not eating awful food.

Tinfoil is a good idea, my old roommate used to make chicken in a bag and it was really good!

>> No.11544995

>I can't use butter cause I'm trying to lose weight by not eating awful food.
Adding a little fat to chicken is fine since it's pretty lean. You need some fat in your diet to help with satiety. The biggest things are just avoiding refined carbs and eating more whole grains and vegetables, and not overeating in general. But a little butter on chicken doesn't suddenly make it bad for you.

>> No.11545003

For an average breast I do 350*F for around half an hour, a little less if it's smaller and a few minutes longer if it's larger. You don't need much butter, just a thin section from the end of a stick.
In place of that however, you can give the breast a light spray with cooking spray, especially if you've breaded it this can stop it from becoming dry and crumbling off.

>> No.11545048

Can't have breading either..

I have a diet coach who will kill me if I use butter or eat anymore even remotely fatty foods. I can't have any sugars, bread, or foods that are high in carbs. I have never dieted before and this is something I'm gonna do for the rest of my life now because I grew up eating nutella out of a jar and hot pockets so I just can't take the risk and coat all the food I eat in butter. The reason I can't have cheat food is cause I will just go overboard. I can't have just a little butter this time because then it will be every time and then I will be wasting my time exercising.

>> No.11545068
File: 98 KB, 609x960, positive self-improvement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ I'm glad I've never been fat. I guess just brush the breasts with a little olive oil or hit it with the pam then, either method will give you the slightly crispy coating that butter provides.
Hope your diet gets you what you're after, anon, I would not have the willpower if I had to do that.

>> No.11545069

I saute mine in a pan, both sides a few quick minutes until it gets nice color on it, then I stick it in the 350 oven in a foil tent for like 10-15 minutes, depending. Always comes out nice and juicy, and I use lotsa butter.

>> No.11545077

sorry about the butter comment, i didnt read the thread.

>> No.11545085

I've been fat since I was a kid and never cared about my appearance until now. It sucks, that's for sure. I feel like a poor person when I forcefeed myself this shit and I'm not fucking poor.. like I could just buy more and try again but then I'd waste something I already have to eat and I hate that I fucked it up so bad.

>> No.11545086

Huh, I've never done a pre-saute before, I'll have to try that next time I do chicken.
For any anons who don't yet have diabetes and don't mind some sweet with their meat, I suggest breading breasts with finely crushed frosted flakes then baking with a pad of butter per piece. It's strangely delicious, like brown sugar meatloaf. Not so good with fish though.

>> No.11545091

Shred it, add mayo, put it on bread.

>> No.11545109

Aww thanks anon. I'm glad I didn't lay into you. I'm still looking for decent healthy leftover chicken recipes as the chicken will still be safe to eat tomorrow night. I'll just buy something else to eat for tonight so I can be safe about it.

>> No.11545121
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Well if nothing else, you could get a can of chicken noodle soup, or even plain broth/stock and just cut up your leftovers to make it extra chunky soup. Balance it out with some cut up carrot and whatever other healthy veggies you enjoy. As for fucking up the chicken the first time, just remember that the moment you realize what went wrong is the moment you figure out how not to fuck it up that way ever again.
Also, pic related as an option depending on your available spices and veggies.

>> No.11545297

I have fucked up chicken in the past too. I was pretty uneasy about attempting it as stir fry but I have to try.

what kind of sauce is in pic related?

Thanks for not reading the thread. I obviously can not have mayo. I don't even like it, there are better sauces.. that I also can't have.

wow that is not even something I would eat if I wanted to stay fat.

>> No.11545308

never mind I found it through reverse image search - soy sauce and seasame seed oil. Seems like it might ok for me.

>> No.11545311
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Here's the recipe the pic came from anon.

>> No.11545372

i became a real fat ass as a teenager, but dropped most of it due to manual labor, and now i still feel like shit about myself. i think it is how my mind has been conditioned

>> No.11545377

i have never really felt good about myself regardless of weight

>> No.11545381


>> No.11545412

I worked at Walmart pushing carts for awhile but only lost a little bit of weight visibly because I was eating fuckin tubs of ice cream on my lunch break. I have insanely bad eating habits.

>> No.11545449

i think you are a bitch

>> No.11545458
File: 746 KB, 681x1059, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.43_[2018.09.22_21.07.26].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which part of the chicken? If it's breasts you can rip it up and fry rice with it, if it's the entire cock then you should suck it until it cums in your mouth

>> No.11545495

Like I'm mean or like I'm a pussy?


>> No.11545498

Your cooking

>> No.11545503

If it isn't flavoured, mix it in with a pasta sauce or broth.

>> No.11545615

My wife did this and it was the only thing in my life I could not force myself to finish. It was saltier than the fucking sea

>> No.11545657

can't have pasta.

I have no trouble following recipes however!

>> No.11546341

Make a potato salad with onions, mayo and sour cream and eat the chicken with that.

>> No.11546370

Get some olive oil, a lemon, crushed garlic, mustard, hotsauce and mayonnaise and you got yourself a pretty good sandwich filling kid.