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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11539845 No.11539845 [Reply] [Original]

>Was at Tesco's earlier - feeling adventurous
>Looking at the cheeses on offer
>Red Leicester, Blue Stilton, Chedder (made up half of all the cheeses), Feta and Mozarella
>Given I was feeling adventurous I opted for Mozarella and took it home with me
>Was going to put it on my pasta but I open it up and it's like some fucking paste and it's surrounded my water
What the fuck?
Am I supposed to get rid of all the water?
Why is cheese covered in fucking water?

What does Mozarella cheese even go with other than pizza anyway?

>> No.11539855

>being this fat, stupid, and worthless

>> No.11539856

Haha stick to kraft slices and let the BIG BOYS handle the mootzarell

>> No.11539870

not useful
may as well not have posted

>> No.11539874

Indeed, fat fuck

>> No.11539879

Please remember this next time you think of posting

>> No.11539880
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>the sheer amount of sadness in this post
l e l

>> No.11539891

what is it actually used for though?
I google it but Tesco's Mozzarella doesn't come up.

>> No.11539931

Yeah, drain the water off.
It's fucking useless for pizza. It's too wet and doesn't melt well.
It's good in sandwiches and salads.
But it's bland as fuck so hit it up with some salt, olive oil or pesto or some shit.

Next time get some comte (must eat the rind, its the best bit) or roquefort (which will blow your fucking mind its so good).

>> No.11539936

its just brine, salt and water. good mozzarella will usually have it. drink it, throw it away, who gives a shit.

>> No.11539991

>drink it

>> No.11540562

>It's fucking useless for pizza. It's too wet and doesn't melt well.
Imagine being so fucking fundamentally wrong about food

>> No.11541544

He's right though you shithead.
Fatty OP has some fresh mozz, not the low-moisture shit that goes on pizza.

>> No.11541569

Pizza is made with mozzarelissima, which is cherished for it's ability to stretch very long lengths under heat when melted.

>> No.11541823

thanks for reminding me to make a stilton and broccoli soup fatty

>> No.11542083
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>tfw wog

>> No.11542654

Why not, you festering ball of cuck juice

>> No.11544687

you can still use fresh mozarella on pizza, you just need to hang it in a cheesecloth overnight