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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11539738 No.11539738 [Reply] [Original]

>Better quality
>Doesn’t charge as much for memeshit
>no boogie sophist pretense

Explain this

>> No.11539740

Their staff are literally underclass zoomers.

>> No.11539748

>>no boogie sophist pretense
That's why I'd guess

>> No.11539780


Yet somehow the coffee remains drinkable. It's almost as if you don't need a PhD to make coffee.


you stupid fucking faggot cunt. Stop drinking coffee and go back to pokemon go you absolute piece of shit.

>> No.11539787

bizarre post. it goes down so many paths

>> No.11539795

does anyone actually drink at dunkin donuts in america? In australia the only people that even go to dunkin donuts are old people with vouchers on the back of supermarket coupons for something to do while they wait to die.

>> No.11539797

based schizo

>> No.11539802

t. Dunkin Donut Zoomer

>> No.11539804


t. Starbucks purple hair male feminist shill

>> No.11539830

Their overall quality has been in freefall since the 90s. You might as well go to McDonald's to get a coffee for $1.

>> No.11539833
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The hero /ck/ needs, but doesn't deserve.

>> No.11539836

Because McDonald's coffee is cheap too and actually good

>> No.11539978

Not to sound like a shill or anything, but more often than not I'll usually take McDick's coffee over Dunkin'. Don't get me wrong, I like em both equally, but I just think any-size coffee for just a buck is way more enjoyable than paying a dollar or two more for Dunkin's.

A lot of us New Englanders do.

>> No.11540104

the coffee is too thin

>> No.11540120

FL fagg checking in (352). The NPC's here will drink coffee no matter where it comes from as they're all uni students and 'intellectual' libs.

Starbucks is obviously more expensive, and more professional too. Here - and probably all across the world - it's ran by pink-haired girls w/ at least three genders and faggots who care about their barista jobs. DD (the coffee analog of McD's) though here is ran by incompetent niggers and highschool dropouts. Lines to both stores are 16mi. long day and night though. I'll drink either, but yea, DD is more bang for your buck if you can stand the unprofessional-ism of the place.

>> No.11540150

It’s to New Englanders like Tim Hortons is to Canucks.

>> No.11540179

people should learn to just make their own coffee

>> No.11540186

DD is a NE brand, and everyone hates NE almost as much as flyover land, and much more than the West Coast/PNE. DD is also terrible, and nobody in NE likes them.

>> No.11540197

This. Starbucks coffee actually has a body to it even though it tastes like Black and Milds. Dunkin is coffee flavored water, also tastes unusually saccharine

>> No.11540202


yes its extremely popular and based

>> No.11540224

I'd never go there if I had a choice, in China starbucks is a good latte and they're the only ones that do soy lattes.
Also, they're the only place to reliably offer power and wifi which I basically live on since I often work in Starbucks and my laptop doesn't go eight hours in work mode.

>> No.11540273

Starbucks generally has a better atmosphere. For people who just want something to grab and go Dunkin' Donuts is ok (McDonald's is better if you're just getting coffee though), but for people who want to stick around to drink their coffee and maybe linger to do work on their computers or hang out with friends, Starbucks is best.

Also if you just get regular coffee, Starbucks doesn't cost that much more than Dunkin'. It's the sugar-and-cream bombs that cost a lot.

>> No.11540277
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>> No.11540322

i d dont have a dunkin in my town, instead i have about a dozen local donut places that do coffee which is pretty great since they all run specials to compete with each other.

>> No.11541491

It has on the east coast

>> No.11541596

I like DD more than Starbucks, but all the DDs around here are staffed almost entirely by dirty pajeets. at least Starbucks employees are intelligible.

>> No.11542118

Why do people dislike new England? Is it because we're whiter and richer than them?

>> No.11542298

I don't know that hating on New England is a thing. I just don't like it because it's terrible compared to the West Coast/PNW. It's obviously still better than flyover land and the south.

>> No.11542302

A lot of people feel like Starbucks makes them sophisticated. DD doesn't really do that.

>> No.11542311

Nearly all the DD's on the east coast are run by pajeets just like Subway. If I see it is staffed by poo in the loos I walk right out

>> No.11542337


>> No.11542408

>Worse at signalling your wealth
>Doesn't matter
>Worse at signalling your wealth
>Worse at signalling your wealth

Poor people don't go to coffee shops unless that's their Thing, they make coffee on the office drip filter machine, and rich people don't go to coffee shops to buy coffee, they go to coffee shops to buy coffee that shows off their wealth, otherwise they'd use the same filter machine in the break room as their secretary.

>> No.11543075

The one I worked at was run by Brazilians.

>> No.11543080

>he signals his wealth

Found Gen X boomer cuck

>> No.11543090

My soy lattes at Starbucks for a medium size are 4.70, the same size for an almond milk latte at Dunkin was 2.67

Although the soy latte at Starbucks was far better, actually was a full bodied beverage, I think DD is better fit for iced which costs extra

>> No.11543095
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>people drink coffee to show off

>> No.11543102

imagine the smell

>> No.11543110

Their coffee is worse than Starbucks. Simple as. Their donuts are wretched too.

>> No.11543116
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I asked myself the same question OP.
Its much cheaper than Starbucks by comparison, and they have a wider variety of pastries.

I guess the name brand simply has more meme value than Dunkin's

>> No.11543128

Why haven't you learned how to make your coffee at home? For the price of a meal at both places you could get a pound of some bitchin' high quality coffee beans. Both of these companies are shit so why bother?

>> No.11543130

You in Boston?

>> No.11543132

I live in New England, Dunks outnumbers Starcucks like 5-1 in most cities

>> No.11543135

why are americans so fuckign retarded when it comes to coffee

>> No.11543138

Why hasn't LG overtaken Apple? It's a status symbol to have the latter and people desire to appear wealthy as opposed to actually being wealthy. It's just like the emblem on cars, purses, and shoes.

>> No.11543140

Starbucks taste like cigarette ash

>> No.11543153

They are retarded in everything, they excuse everything with "muh practicality" to die of a stroke after their 30 th year.

>> No.11543171

There are a lot of poor people in New England

>> No.11543187

Lived in Maine for a year and there was a Dunkin Donuts every block

>> No.11543225

No, just a tiny town full of heroin addicts on the border of New Hampshire.

>> No.11543226

Think wawa has the best coffee out of all the chains I tried.

>> No.11543235

dunkin will forever be a donut shop. if you get coffee from there, people will assume you also got a bunch of donuts and hogged them down like a fatty.

people get starbucks coffee not because it is better in any way but because it's "cool" to do so.

>> No.11543254

>dunkin will forever be a donut shop
Lately they've been trying to distance themselves from donuts to the point of removing it from their name.

>> No.11543255

>dunkin will forever be a donut shop. if you get coffee from there, people will assume you also got a bunch of donuts and hogged them down like a fatty.

The fuck you from? Kansas? Almost nobody actually buys donuts from Dunkin Donuts anymore

>> No.11543263

>people with iphones are rich

>> No.11543480

Nah, it's because the area acts like the crowded and trashy place they lived or were born in makes them special.. People only move there either because of an overglorification in some hallmark movie or are forced there by some boomer company that they work at. People who have moved to my area from there are also largely unpleasant and thoughtless as well.

>> No.11543518

But dunkins taste like sour piss water. Id rather have over roasted than that. Plus dunkins is so watered down I can't even get my fix. I'm comparing black for black btw so this is the objective truth for the coffee I have no info on who has the better additives. Its quite possible that dunkins type of coffee goes better in the breakfast milk shakes so popular these days. Plus can you even order traditional espresso drinks like a straight macchiato at dunkins?

>> No.11543527
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I tried it once and it was almost unbearably acidic. Maybe someone actually pissed in my coffee, won't be drinking that shit again

>> No.11543535


>> No.11543536

dd coffee is fucking garbage. the only thing that makes it tolerable is the fact that you're mostly drinking cream and sugar. try drinking that shit black and you'll be thoroughly disgusted.

>> No.11543577

Their coffee tastes like shit and their donuts are garbage.

>> No.11543584
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>> No.11543654
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Better than millenials with a liberal arts degree at Starbucks. At least Dunkin Donuts never had an official policy to try to start up conversations about race with their customers.

>> No.11543662

Learn to read, you dumb fucking asshole.

>> No.11543682

Probably because you're whiter and richer, and then proceed to vote for awful racial and economic policies for everyone else. Rich white leftists who vote to let in brown hordes because they don't have to feel the effects of it (yet) are the worst, and will be first against the wall.

>> No.11543691

Conspicuous consumption is a well-studied and understood concept in economics. You know that, right, you insufferable midwit?

>> No.11543695

>no boogie sophist pretense
Thats poor people for
>Its for poor people

>> No.11543705

holy shit

>> No.11544606

Dunkin' only has like...what, 10-16 types of donuts now? That's nothing compared to the hundreds they sold back in the day. And those only make up a small margin of their sales. Over the years they've shifted more towards advertising their coffee and sandwiches, which make up the bulk of their sales in general. Also explains why they're now dropping "Donuts" from their name.

>> No.11544982

No it just means you’re not upper middle class faggotry

>> No.11544988

Your tastebuds are shot. Starbucks black coffee is objectively fucking terrible and the worst out there. DD tastes like a Jolly Rancher

>> No.11546464

Is that a store? Why are they selling "POP"?

>> No.11546483

Nothing is as shitty as the west coast thanks to the people who live there. The region is trying to cleanse itself of you retards with fire.

>> No.11546569
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At least DD isn't this cucked.

>> No.11546584

They are either located in Michigan, Ohio, or Wisconsin. Judging by their mutant apperance I'd say probably Michigan. Why? Because I used to live there and for whatever reason the public looks like they were concived in toxic waste dumps. Check out any MI nudes thread and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.11546610
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>people drink coffee to show off

>> No.11547756

>the region is trying to cleanse itself of retards with fire
Makes sense, seeing as how pretty much everyone hit by the camp fire were Trump tards.

>> No.11547883

>our thoughts and prayers are with them

>> No.11548413

Dunkins is the same level of quality roast and taste wise as Starbucks. The only reason you don't notice is because Starbucks drinks are LOADED with sugar. Both beans are over roasted and tasteless so just pay two dollars and get dunkins

>> No.11548417

watered down coffee

>> No.11548636

go away cities aren't meant to be in the forest. They actually complained that PG&E was clearing trees and brush this last spring
the old fucking boomers even reduced their only main road from 4 lanes to 2 a year ago because
>it was more quaint
That way. The fire response and evacuation started at 7:30 am but it took all day to evacuate because there was no roads open to move 50k people down the hill. The camp fire was a boomer hell on earth like a 21st century Soddom and Gomorrah where God punished them for their arrogant Boomerism. Many Teflon pans and family casserole recipes were lost that day.