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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11528185 No.11528185 [Reply] [Original]

There's a man in my town. He reviews things. He uh, never gives a bad review either. It's kind of hard to explain but the real benefit of his reviews doesn't have anything to do with how the food tastes. I think most people are aware of this, so I'm on the side of the reviewer for once. I think it's uncouth to point out the apparent pointlessness of his reviews.

>> No.11528187

Arnold's a dick

>> No.11528194

More like Arnold Dicksen.

>> No.11528195

based and redpilled. reviewing local fast food franchises is a service to the community.

arnold derksen is a fag

>> No.11528196

What the FUCK is Arnold's problem?

>> No.11528201

Arnold seems pretentious as fuck.

>> No.11528213
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The first reply is a good example of how he never says anything bad about local restaurants. He instead chooses to remain silent.

>> No.11528218

He said it was "different," not bad. OP, are you Arnold?

>> No.11528220

What a queer

>> No.11528225

no sireebob

>> No.11528232

Arnold Dicklet just got RICED.

>> No.11528234
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>has spooky clown as profile pic
>expects to be taken seriously

>> No.11528293


people are more likely to write shit if it's negative anyway, he's cancelling them out

>> No.11528632

Arnold is too fuckign edgy
even if it's "protocol fastfood" some will still be miles above others or have better qualities

>> No.11529253

Arnold is the town faggot I presume

>> No.11529257

>pennywise avatar
>shittalking wholesome content creators
>has one of the top 100 dumbest/gayest names for a man in the world

Arnold Derksen? More like Arnold "Sucks Dicks for Fun".

>> No.11529259

Ol Arnold going off at minorities again!!

>> No.11529291

>tfw you escape the brutal dictatorship of Laos and become an American citizen appreciating all the things people who lived here all their life took for granted only to have some fag named Arnold Dickedson rush in and shit on your parade
Fuck Arnold.

>> No.11529314

whats up with arnold does think like does he d-does he think clowns are cool like batman did in heathledger bah yeah pffffttt. huh?

>> No.11529342
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>Argues about trivial topics
>Holds sense of superiority, even though stupid
>Dunning-Kruger Effect
>Can't hold the topic to prove ambiguous and vague point
>Continues arguing even though he secretly knows he's wrong

Arnold is a 4chan fag that hasn't discovered 4chan yet. He should come here and post.

>> No.11529377

Who team /tuan/ here?

>> No.11529391

>wholesome content creators
Underaged b&

>> No.11529406

Arnold completely and utterly BTFO by Tuan

>> No.11529423

shut the fuck up zoomer stop posting on 4chan and pay attention to your 8am lecture on basic statistics

>> No.11529471

Based small town Alberta gook fast-food reviewer

>> No.11529591

The Chad Arnold vs the virgin Tuan. Typical immigrant supporting the destruction of their small town while Arnold wants to promote and strengthen small, local businesses.

>> No.11529600

t. ass blasted boomer

>> No.11529604

This tread is a good example of the kind of people that post here these days.

Shills, Lards and Gullible Garys who'll follow any trend as long as they don't have to work for an alternative.

>> No.11529609
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What a LOSER

>> No.11529655

He's a fag alright.

>> No.11529819

He sounds like a retard who doesn't realize franchisees aren't run by corporate

>> No.11529822

You military?

>> No.11529825
File: 191 KB, 1440x2392, Capture+_2018-11-26-11-05-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fag

>> No.11529831

Based notification poster

>> No.11529842

>wholesome content creators
No one wants to hear reviews about disgusting fast food. Not here, and not on Facebook, and not in real life. If your worldview window is small enough that you truly care about reviews on fast food rubber stamp grub stands, I have bad news for you about your taste level and your opinion goes in the trash.

What is wrong with any of you? Who fucking cares what a self-important gook thinks about a slop o shit second-rate burger from an ice cream shop?

>> No.11529845

Shut the fuck up Arnold.

>> No.11529853

Only libcucks actually believe the "buy local" meme, Chad capitalists get whatever product has the best quality:price ratio, regardless of how huge or evil the corporation who made it is.

>> No.11529858

>No one wants to hear reviews about disgusting fast food

Then don't open fast food threads lol
The absolute state of Arnold

>> No.11529872

Is it because you're brown and have lots of worthless opinions you want to share, just like Tuan?
Save us all the trouble and just eat your burger with your head down. You are an embarrassment.

>> No.11529880

Dairy Queen is a local business.

>> No.11529898

>jumping from Facebook to 4chan just to complain about people calling you out
mmm ok Arnold

>> No.11529904
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>immigrants are coming to our country and giving nice reviews to dairy queen
>this is unacceptable

>> No.11529908

>what wrong with any of you?
I hope this is ironic shitposting.
OP have you ever considered maybe you're just bitter as fuck?

Oh you have autism. I see now. What an obnoxious prick lmao

>> No.11529911

Stay mad, Arnold

>> No.11529920

You aren't talking to who you think you're talking to.
>if you disagree with me you must be OP
OP is on your side, not my side. You can't even read.

First of all, I don't live in Canuckistan, so I'm not affected by gook immigrants there.
Secondly, yes. It is unacceptable. It's like watching a starving man eat a turd. Probably the best thing he's ever had given his circumstances, but I'm not about to dig in.

>> No.11529945

Give it a rest Arnold. If this guy starts a blog I'll genuinely follow him.
He rewards good service and good food with positive feedback.
Why does that make you so angry Arnold?

>> No.11529949

>You aren't talking to who you think you're talking to.
I'm talking to the posters who make statements such as-
>Is it because you're brown and have lots of worthless opinions you want to share, just like Tuan?
>No one wants to hear reviews about disgusting fast food. Who fucking cares what a self-important gook thinks
And then pointing out how polite he is being
>he never says anything bad about local restaurants

I don't care if you're not OP or arnold; you're just as obnoxious of a faggot as them.
>I don't care about other peoples opinions
>but here is my opinion which you all must care about

>> No.11529997

Money's good, but my decisions aren't motivated by money. You can either work hard and eventually die or live a life of leisure and eventually die.

>> No.11530010 [DELETED] 

>You can either work hard and eventually die or live a life of leisure and eventually die.

It's sad to see so many people not even applying themselves in life and then at the end regret that they couldn't afford to do the things they wanted.

I see so many YOLO niggers and other young millenials sitting on their asses complaining about work and how life is passing them by. Well, unless you were born wealthy, life is all about work to achieve the lifestyle that you dream of. Being a lazy, leisurely, manchild nigger for all your life isn't most people's definition of "living."

>> No.11530021
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>Arnold as a first name
That’s a pig’s name

>> No.11530023

>$13.72 for a fucking hamburger and a shake
Canada was a mistake

>> No.11530026
File: 477 KB, 600x600, strap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lifestyle I dream of is laziness and rest assured, I have a plan to fulfill my dream of living a leisurely life while also doing as little work as possible.

The creativity of the lazy trumps the hard work put in by the unimaginative.

>> No.11530049

>lives in Edgerton
Holy shit. Is this fake?

>> No.11530051
File: 46 KB, 541x480, 8490541332118623818[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arnold is a boy's name. Abner is a pig's name.

>> No.11530065

That's about 9-10 dollar in green money

>> No.11530116

There's a restaurant in KC called Blue Sushi. I went there for the first time with a girl I was dating at the time. I think I made a reservation on OpenTable, or maybe just looked it up on Yelp.

One of the more verbose reviews was from some clod who bore the self-appointed title of Professional Restaurant Reviewer, or somesuch nonsense.

About 80% of his review concerned how "classy" the place is. This impression was staked by the fact that the place serves their table water with a slice of cucumber. He went on and on about how he had only seen that before in Michelin-Star restaurants (of which there are none in KC, I think). He continued about the lighting, the decor, the furniture, the view (of Rainbow Blvd., if you know where that is - there really is nothing to see), what the staff was wearing, and countless other non-food-related observations.

He wrapped up the "review" by telling the readers that he's not really a sushi guy, and he just had some appetizers. He wrote that he would come back with someone who likes sushi to give their impression of the food.

I thought maybe he was trolling, but I found several of his other reviews of places that I knew, and they were all a little daft.

I looked for the review, but couldn't find it. It was funny.

>> No.11530125

Good story.

I laughed. I cried.

>> No.11530141

Fuck off funnyj*nk

>> No.11530371

>reddit app

>> No.11530725

I don't think you meant to reply to me

>> No.11531164

More like Arnold DERPsen xD

>> No.11531172

Oh so OP is Arnold. It makes sense now

>> No.11531181

More like A-Knob Dicksuck heh

>> No.11531188

Based and redpilled Tuan Lieu

>> No.11531191

Why is it always fags who have clown pictures as their pfps

This nibba got RICED

>> No.11531197

Tuan is too based for edgy clown boy

>> No.11531250

No reason to be racist anon, that was unnecessarily rude and uncalled for

>> No.11531264

This will go over well

>> No.11531413

Probably drinks faygo by the gallon & has a kitchen stocked with meat cleavers

>> No.11531415

Ton of Edge

>> No.11531505

Unbased and cringepilled

>> No.11531524
File: 42 KB, 600x727, 1540582287336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's Arnold "the faggot" Derksen.

>> No.11531538

I post reviews on Google pretty regularly, I don't really eat at many fast food chains so pretty much all my restaurant reviews are for family owned, single location sort of places.

I think most of my reviews give 4 or 5 stars. If I go to a restaurant that I don't like I won't review it, I simply won't return to that restaurant.
One star reviews can damage businesses and that's bad for the whole community if places shut down and people become unemployed and go on welfare.

>> No.11532173

Seriously, the guy just wants to post a nice review of a meal he ate and some edgelord faggot has to be all edgy

>> No.11532190

this is all an elaborate ruse. you have convinced most others. well done my friend, heh.

>> No.11532194

Simpsons did it

>> No.11532583

The Chad Tuan
the virgin arnold

>> No.11532780

Even if his review basically translates to "it wasn't shit", that's a useful data point in deciding whether to eat there.

>> No.11532798

>Ton of Edge
"ton" in that sense is town (derived from a middle english word for an enclosed group of buildings).

So; Town of Edge or Town ON THE EDGE
Which makes way more sense and sounds way edgier to me

>> No.11532911

Honestly pretty pissed at Arnold but glad everybody roasted him ITT


>> No.11532950

this Tuan Lieu is getting out of control, we have to do something

>> No.11533002

>There's a man in my town. He reviews things.
Why did I start reading this to the tune of "The Man Comes Around"?

>> No.11533425

Based Than dabbing on the overly-emotional manchild who has to bully others to feel adequate.

>> No.11534652

What kind of retard shits on reviews like this

>> No.11534663

Virgin Arnold and Chad Tuan

>> No.11534699

Why are people so upset with this? He's obviously an "i like everything guy". This is a burger for someone that isn't a spice freak but enjoys the occasional change of pace.
Does he need to swear or something, I don't understand the problem.

>> No.11534723

i guess someone should now show tuan all the posts arnold has made on here including the one that touches on racism

>> No.11534725

but that also creates a system that is rife for exploitation

>> No.11534845

who gives a flying fuck, arnold
it was a good burger so he posted a review saying it was a good burger, what's your damage

>> No.11534866

Probably because of the copious amounts of dicks in your mouth.

>> No.11535230

Haven't you ever been taught that if you don't got anything nice to say then you don't say anything at all? Tuan seems to have some manners unlike Arnold.

>> No.11535285

Seriously fuck arnold. Imagine being a fast-food review reviewer.

>> No.11535290

based tuan.

>> No.11535293

I fucking hate Arnold

>> No.11535328

>works at jiffylube
>criticizes other people's fast food reviews
>browses fast food reviews to begin with
>really like edgy clowns
what the hell went wrong in arnolds life

>> No.11535463

So Arnold, when you made this thread I bet you werent expecting to get rekt so hard were you faggot

>> No.11535470

> ITT: Arnold unequivocally BTFO

>> No.11535694

>Tfw a man thinks that he's cool for bullying an innocent man making a post about a hamburger

>> No.11535883

>"spooky" clown profile pic
>In the current year of our Lord
jfc arnold. Did he become maturity stunted in 2006 or some shit

>> No.11536488

>reviewing local fast food franchises is a service to the community.
One he didn't do? He just paid lip service to a fucking burger he got, just like he paid lip service to every single other thing he ever posted about, he literally doesn't review anything.

>> No.11536495

This is how bitches fight. (Tuan Lieu)
If they have even a remotely accurate point to cling to they will consistently screech "Muh changing argument" to anyone that tries to elaborate on a point.
Tuan Lieu is a nigger fag queerbag and you cockmunching dildosleeves can fuck the fuck off.

>> No.11536644

>t. Arnold

>> No.11536649

Arnold you need to change your profile picture it’s hard to take you seriously

>> No.11537232

Hey Arnold!

>> No.11537802

Are you aware that your post says "based and redpilled"? I've been seeing a lot of this recently and I'm wondering if there is a word filter again.

>> No.11537856

based and redpilled

>> No.11537902

tryhard insult, not as funny as you think
I actually think this really could be Arnold now, because it seems like something someone with that whole hot topic aesthetic would say

>> No.11538131 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, why do you cuntfag dickniggers assume I'm Arnold just because I'm not a fast food cocksucker like Tuan?
Get fucked faggot.

>> No.11538263

you read as someone that has the same mental processing as arnold.

you are complaining about what other people do with their life.
think about it: what you are doing, even if its just for a few minutes a day (which im inclined to think its not the case) could be seen as sitting down, reading some social media post about someone you do not know personally and about stuff you claim you do not care about, take it personally for some reason or other, and proceed to post a few lines that only come out as a rant.
and in the case of arnold, those lines are not posted in his own social media, but clings to the post of another person, in order to (in my opinion) leech atention.

some people might see that as pathetic.

im not critizing you btw, only making an observation.

>> No.11538294

lol, can you post the continuation?

>> No.11538307

the lady doth protest too much

>> No.11538334
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doesn't look like it's there anymore. Knowing you guys, your harassment probably made him think it was wise to delete it.

>> No.11538363

>unironically siding with any of these two losers
i wish i could bully all of you at the same time

>> No.11538375
File: 14 KB, 236x321, 39dceefc6133981f7a1a885adcdea72a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the madman actually said it

>> No.11539679

>food was tasty
>beer was cold
That's a pointless review, brings no important information at all and any dingus can do such type of reviews.

>> No.11539876
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a Blizzard isn't beer Ivan.

>> No.11539886
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not Russian and it doesn't change what I said though. The guy in OP's thread is pretty much pic related tier food reviewer

>> No.11539983

>not Russian
sure thing Vladimir

>> No.11540006
File: 16 KB, 519x94, AnotherFEWWDREVIEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11540024

why is arnold reading reviews of DQ then? what useful information does he expect to find?

>> No.11540041

He should really focus less on who enjoys what and more on why he went to welding school and yet works at Jiffy Lube. And changing that avatar.

>> No.11540241

Arnold is a fucking retard, like preparation differences do not exist.

>> No.11540344


holy fuck based

>> No.11540355


get him fired

>> No.11540366


This post is just as bad.

>> No.11540375

>no better or different than any other
The ingredients maybe. The preparation and presentation are hugely variant depending on the store and who's working there.

For me, if a fast food place has hot food, thick shakes, and doesn't serve me cold/soggy fries, it's an A+ service-wise. The food quality is up to the company, and that's a different story.

>> No.11540382

How quickly his (clown) mask slipped. Hes just on a crusade against fast food.

>> No.11540398

What do you do if a local business becomes a successful national corporation?

>> No.11541203
File: 471 KB, 512x288, 12F60B04-614C-4F4B-8953-C873F67555B9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no matter how bad things get, you’ll never be as faggy as Arnold

>> No.11542202

Tuan more like twat

>> No.11542209

Sign me up for #TeamTuan <3

>> No.11542266

A moron too...the amount that the bun is toasted, the amount of sauce used, and the temperature at which the food was served is dependent on whatever the employee[s] are doing at the time.

>> No.11542268

bet you have no friends lole

>> No.11542271

based tuan BTFOs arnold

>> No.11542277

it's slave morality...

>> No.11542309

Arnold has a point

>> No.11542314

This Arnold fella I mean uh... this guy is a real jerk!

>> No.11542365

Is Arnold a child or simply a faggot?

>> No.11542371


>> No.11542400

arnold is being a bit of a dick tbqh

>> No.11543331

Most of these places are franchises anyway. Arnold is being a retard

>> No.11543588

>studied welding
>used to work in an oilfield
>now works at jiffylube

where did it all go wrong for Arnold?

>> No.11543631

Damn, we really do be living in a society where people eat at fast food establishments.

>> No.11544588
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>> No.11546160

Have never seen a man btfo so hard in my entire life

>> No.11546199

you're not even using the right slur, arnold

>> No.11546244

I like that this thread is being kept alive

>> No.11547651

does Arnold an hero yet?

>> No.11549902

Seems like both

>> No.11550151

they're trying to say based and bluepilled but it keeps turning into red because of shills

>> No.11550656


>> No.11550687

>if you don't got anything nice to say then you don't say anything at all
Sounds fascist. I have the right to voice my opinion regardless of your feelings.

>> No.11551553

Lol nobody’s saying you shouldn’t have that right, it’s just a warning that if you do it, you’ll look like a whiny faggot, like Arnold

>> No.11552332

>Arnold gets btfo itt
>Arnold shows up to defend himself
>Gets btfo again
Arnold is a jerk AND a retard it seems

>> No.11552575

What does this mean?

>> No.11554261

There's a guy in my town who does the same shit, posts on our local page constantly. Nobody gives a fuck about your trip to east sides faggot.