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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 620x349, 6512DFAF-98C1-4785-A5BC-B22B2BEE0C3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11534925 No.11534925[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The Sentinelese are not believed to have evolved their practices beyond those of the Stone Age. Metalworking, agriculture, and even the ability to make fire are unknown to them
>some hundred people living on a 60 square kilometer island for thousands of years without any contact with the outside world

What do you eat if you were living in the stone age?

>> No.11534928


>> No.11534939


>> No.11534943


>> No.11534951


>> No.11534955
File: 53 KB, 568x539, wololo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare footage from the incident

>> No.11534971

I always thought that the archers had a faggot ponytail throughout decades of playing this game, but now I just realized that it was the quiver.

>> No.11534978

They make some pretty badass bows though.

>> No.11534985

A bet a bunch of their tribe would make amazing rappers and basketball players

>> No.11534997

Or targets.

>> No.11535001

Their blood is way too pure for that. The only reason Americans can do that so well is because their blood is so mingled.

>> No.11535004

Your kind is not welcome on 4channel you racist prick.

>> No.11535007

if they can't make fire, it's probably dried fish with fruit and vegetables.

>> No.11535033

>thousands of years without any contact with the outside world
that island has only been a no-go zone since like 2012 when hotel lobbyists made the government ban access to it because people were camping on it instead of staying at the resorts right across the way

>> No.11535034
File: 16 KB, 400x300, 1397247693125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, is that the island they call Satan Island because they're all satanists?

>> No.11535043

Does anyone think they are aware of the practice of veganism?

>> No.11535063
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>> No.11535080

Checked and keked

>> No.11535249

Go cry yourself to sleep you cancerous little crybaby pussy. Hope you get ass cancer.

>> No.11535299

where did you hear this? I am interested in reading into it.

>> No.11535310

His last BRAAPPP

>> No.11535311
File: 48 KB, 389x388, 1542652654998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11535318

this must be why these threads keep getting deleted, someone is trying to say something and someone is trying to keep it hush-hush

>> No.11535320

Excuse me, this is a blue board, please delete that NSFW image or I will have to get a moderator.

>> No.11535388
File: 302 KB, 1280x960, goatse_danish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this NSFW?

>> No.11535425


>> No.11535430

Yes, but the image of that drooling loli with the nip slip is not. Please rectify this.

>> No.11535455

nah The sentalise probably don't have a language adapted enough as english to rap or write true poetry

and they probably aren't big enough or have proper work out routines to be athletic enough to play a high intensity game like Basketball.

>> No.11535465
File: 151 KB, 680x977, 1a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, but the image of that drooling loli with the nip slip is not. Please rectify this.
A donut is NSFW but the drooling female is not? You don't make any sense, little man.

>> No.11535506

Woops, I meant that the danish is SFW, thats a yikes for me, haha. Why would anyone put anything from subway in or around their mouth? It is your images that make no sense and I think you post them to rile people up, better delete them before the mods see them, wouldn't want to get banned from this forum, would you?

>> No.11535537

Man I fucking hate you guys

>> No.11535543

For real. Scientists should kidnap one of them in the night and study their physiology

>> No.11535555
File: 47 KB, 480x480, 902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people really like subway in and around their mouth.

>> No.11535564

Wow, that one is the worst so far. I'm going to have to report you to the mods if you don't delete these images soon.

>> No.11535575
File: 497 KB, 850x637, 657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid I do not understand. Because you do not like subway is not a reason to ban Subway. There are many Subway lovers here at /ck/.

>> No.11535919

Can I get a source on this?

>> No.11536390


>> No.11536413

nuke Detroit when?

>> No.11536446

Idea: Float 2 vats of chili onto their shore. One with beans, one without. See which they prefer.
Fucking science right there.

>> No.11536630

calm down jungle bunny

>> No.11536634

Let's send guns so they can settle the debate like men

>> No.11536637

You guys are the reason my wife divorced me.

>> No.11536638

>even the ability to make fire are unknown to them
I mean, probably false, right? It's said that one of the only gifts they accepted was aluminum cookware. Unless they're just using it as decor/weaponry (which I guess is very much in the realm of possibilities), there's got to be a good chance that they know how to make fires.
>What do you eat if you were living in the stone age?
Animals on the island, fish, probably whatever edible plants there are.

>> No.11536642

1000 us army soldiers vs 600 sentinel
>Who would win?

>> No.11536645

no, we're the excuse she used

>> No.11536664

what's her Kik? i'm gonna fuck that

>> No.11536675


>> No.11536687

They have fire, but not the ability to light it up. They get fire from lighten strikes and then keep their fireplaces burning the whole time.

>> No.11536691

it was in the articles when they recently killed that asian guy
people used to go there all the time, it has nothing to do with preservation of the culture or whatever

he went there, gave them gifts, left, and then went back the following day and that's when they killed him

>> No.11536700
File: 407 KB, 500x277, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a screaming, mostly-naked savage with pots and pans strapped to him runs at me

>> No.11536719

I'd slam

>> No.11536773


Well they are definitely inbred and retarded, so naturally, they would prefer beans in their “chili”.

>> No.11536814
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, scratch-peck-scratch-peck-cluckin-good-grubs-20oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11536836
File: 315 KB, 1262x1214, crockpot-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually not a bad idea. We could use a long-range drone to airdrop stuff to them, like heroin or LSD. Then they'll either OD or go insane and kill each other.

After that, we can secretly move onto the island and LARP that we're still a bunch of paleolithic savages while actually creating a race of genetically engineered catgirls for domestic ownership without any government interference.

>> No.11536849

But why no one die than?

>> No.11536890

>(((someone))) is trying to keep it hush-hush
It's the kikes, is this what you're saying? Those yellow jews are as greedy as mook.

>> No.11537265

Do they still remember how to build boats? You know, for more variable fishing yield.

>> No.11537323

Oh shit, you're right, I also thought it was their hair.

>> No.11537345

not just becoming there god


>> No.11537351

They are further away from negroes than any European person.

>> No.11537367

I am pretty sure every single human group has discovered fire, especially outside sub-saharan africa, because by discovering fire they could eat fish and follow rivers for more food safely, which meant that they would travel

>> No.11537377

You could have spent 10 seconds on wikipedia and saved yourself the embarrassment.

>> No.11537401

Every time my wife makes chili she has to make two seperate batches for us because she likes so many fucking beans in her chili that I swear it's like 60% beans. I don't like beans but I can handle a mouthful every now and then, especially spurtingoutofafatcock. So my wife makes me a FUCK FUCK FUXK FUCK FUCK FUCK

>> No.11537437

I really want to know how many and to what degree these inbred fucks are mutated after all that time in seclusion.

>> No.11537662

>roasted fish

>> No.11537676

Sorry. I thought it was generally understood that "discovering fire" meant being able to make it.
And there really is no indication that the North Sentinelese can.
Same as the abos they may very well have simply forgot the techniques and ended up relying on keeping existing fire going forever.

Furthermore, your source also claims that "They are not hostile people. They warn; they don’t kill people, including outsiders"

So, yeah...

>> No.11537680

came for this reply

>> No.11537687

I'd like to drop some junk food and drugs on their island and see them slowly succumb and degrade.

>> No.11537695

You know what? FUCK you motherfuckers. Jews became good with money BECAUSE CHRISTIANS WERE AFRAID TO TOUCH IT. Now Christians say Jews have all the money. GEE, I WONDER HOW THAT HAPPENED
Get fucked and stop with your stupid conspiracy theories

>> No.11537758

They're Southeast Asian manlets who vaguely look African. No.

>> No.11537828

There are only 150 sentinels living in the island.

>> No.11537846

this desu