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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 424 KB, 1334x872, Our Lord Was Vegan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11534621 No.11534621[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Adam and Eve, the first vegans on this planet, resided in the Garden of Eden, the world's first vegan paradise.

They were living testaments to Genesis 1:29, God's first dietary law: "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

Isaiah 11:7, God's last dietary law, states, "The wolf will live with the lamb, the cow will feed with the bear, the lion will eat straw like the ox, and a little child will lead them. And neither will harm nor destroy on My Holy Mountain." The beginning and the end are vegan because veganism is the only way to live without bloodshed and cruelty.

>> No.11534627

Fish is vegan right?

>> No.11534633

>combining jesus shit with vegan shitposting
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...

>> No.11534641

What a bullshit image. God demands so many blood sacrifices in the bible it's ridiculous. Remember when Cain tried to get away with making an offering of fruit instead of an offering of slaughter? Yeah. God doesn't play that vegan shit.

>> No.11534653

True christians were historically vegan. Both my parents were and taught me to not eat meat. I've always associated meat eating with sin & hellfire.

>> No.11534659


Why are so many vegans angry at god? Eating meat is the devils work. God himself was originally vegan.

>> No.11534662

Jesus was black

>> No.11534668

“And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” —Genesis 1:30

>> No.11534670

Sure is seventh day Adventist in here

>> No.11534680

No god has ever been vegan.

>> No.11534697


“I will make for you a covenant on that day with the wild animals, the birds of the air, and the creeping things of the ground; and I will abolish the bow, the sword, and war from the land; and I will make you lie down in safety.” —Hosea 2:18

>> No.11534710

You stupid fuck, it's not literal. Are you a Christian? Is Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior?

>> No.11534718


> “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your judgments are like the great deep; you save humans and animals alike, O Lord.” —Psalms 36:6

>> No.11534721

Insanely out of context and still means nothing pertaining to veganism.

>> No.11534724

I dont have it on me but
>You should do what I want because jesus said so
>No Im not Christian and I have nothing but contempt for your backwards superstitions
>So yeah heres so out of context bible quotes

>> No.11534726

you idiot

Genesis 9
>And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
>And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
>Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you

>> No.11534734

Noah fucked his children, and the children fucked each other. Is that what you want?

>> No.11534736

You think carrots would have prevented that?

>> No.11534743

But Jesus was a Jew, not a Christian

>> No.11534744


How about the simple fact that eating meat is morally wrong in almost every religion, despite whichever god OP believes?

>> No.11534746

Name two.

>> No.11534748

I'm just pointing out your faulty logic.
He renounced his Jewish faith when he was baptized
I don't care about those that worship false gods

>> No.11534749

Jains and i want to say hindu bit I feel like thats just beef.

>How about the simple fact that eating meat is morally wrong in almost every religion
Swing and a miss

>> No.11534753

You dumbfuck vegans ALWAYS use the shittiest of biblical justification. I could give you some pointers if you wish.

>> No.11534754

So you named one. That is not "almost every religion".

>> No.11534756

Explain this, then.

>About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”

“Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”

The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”

This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven. - Acts 10:9-16

The Bible contains no explicit command to embrace veganism, many animals are sacrificed in God's name, and the miracle of transubstantiation in the Eucharist makes the ritual inherently non-vegan. Don't try to co-opt Scripture to suit your agenda when you're not willing to do the theology homework.

>> No.11534762
File: 32 KB, 645x729, 1542215623424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What faulty logic? That's god literally saying to eat meat. What does noah's children banging each other have to do with anything at all, you simp?

This is your brain on vegetables.

>> No.11534768


So you're arguing for veganism using cherry-picked Biblical morality, yet you're bashing that same text for immoral practices. Is having one's cake and eating it part of a vegan diet too?

>> No.11534772


>> No.11534775
File: 121 KB, 1200x628, I-Am-A-Fat-Vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is having one's cake and eating it part of a vegan diet too?
Caketarians and dessert vegans are a thing.

>> No.11534782

That's figurative, the gospel (food) is open for everyone (unclean goys). Room 1.16
What does God's old law to the Jews have to do with me? Do you wear mixed fabric?

>> No.11534785

These aren't all me you stupid fuck. I'm a omnivore, btw.

>> No.11534787

What do you think the thread's about, ya dope?

>> No.11534789

The devil plays lots of tricks, including false flag sacrifices to god, when they are really for himself. Non christians do not understand the trickery & evil of the devil & the lengths he will go to satisfy his lust for meats.

>> No.11534790

Would that be the same Christ who cast demons into a heard of pigs and ran them off a cliff?

>> No.11534795

This is such a worthless post

>> No.11534796

Wait, does that mean they're only vegans when it comes to desserts?

Also, fat vegans aren't a surprise at all when weight gain is largely up to caloric intake with the assistance of other biological factors. If you're eating deep-fried seitan, buttered yams, and soymilk donuts every day, the absence of animal products won't save you from packing on pounds.

>> No.11534798

> demons

Do you count cows, pigs, & livestock as "demons?"

>> No.11534805

do you think jesus would like lab-grown meat? a lot of his miracles seem to involve using science to improve farming methods and lab-grown meat is similar.

>> No.11534811

>Wait, does that mean they're only vegans when it comes to desserts
Basically walking personifications of the statement "Oreos are Vegan." You dont need animal products to stuff yourself with emotionally fulfilling carbs

>> No.11534812

>be vegan
>cannot eat a single apple

what a prick

>> No.11534814

Abortion is one of these
Jesus fed us fish, the best example of this vegan stuff is nonsense. Along with bread.

>> No.11534815

Your brain does not work. You're like a woman.

>> No.11534818

> lab-grown meat

As long as the protein is from soy or other vegetables, and not from animals, then God will have no issue with it.

>> No.11534826

>Jesus fed us fish

Only to test the faith of some "true" believers. Most people in the bible failed the test, that's the point of His mercy.

>> No.11534829

Have have ran out of thoughts and are now down to name calling?

>> No.11534832

Explain. Use chapter and verse, and be as explicit as you can.

>> No.11534834

HAHAHA no, I KNEW you were going to deliberately misinterpret this. Superficially, it's a metaphor for the divergence of Christian dietary laws from Judaic ones (which were hardly vegan either because they only define particular meats as unclean, not all of them). But the deeper meaning is that God's authority trumps all rules established by man, meaning that whatever he tells you to eat, say, or do must be obeyed without question, no matter how contrary it is to orthodoxy. It's another presentation of the same parable of Abraham being commanded to murder and sacrifice Isaac, which he almost does until God stops him and asks for a sheep instead.

>> No.11534838

Country girls make do

>Is having one's cake and eating it part of a vegan diet too?


>> No.11534840

Jesus wasn't that kind of dick, and you know it. He would never trick people into damning themselves and do the Devil's work. Again, you pervert Scripture for your own purposes.

>> No.11534843

Do you need help, buddy?
He cast the demons into the pigs, and then killed the pigs.
Is that vegan? Do you think he'd have cast them into a bunch of human children and done the same?

>> No.11534850

There are sects of hinduism and buddhism that are vegan.
>inb4 sects aren't religions
Then protestantism and catholicism aren't religions

>> No.11534851

Got a citation on that?

>> No.11534853

>What does God's old law to the Jews have to do with me?
YOU'RE the one posting out of context bible quotes in some idiotic bid to prove that "god is vegan" in a thread about the same thing. You have no right to be asking such a stupid question after having all your idiocy pointed out. Your brain. does. not. work.

>> No.11534856

protestantism is not a religion. It's the name of a family of religions.

>> No.11534858

>you pervert Scripture for your own purposes
That's the literal definition of a christian, christcuck.

>> No.11534859

I'm not here to spoonfeed you information, do some research yourself

>> No.11534864

Nope sorry. Early Christian's thought the gospel was only for Jews. The Jews always had priority to salvation first. Jn 4.22 But as rom1.16 showed the earliest xtians, it's for everyone. Rom 11.24 also showed gospel was for jews.
You don't have anything then, ok.

>> No.11534870

You should read what Jesus says that Heretics in the last days would say not to eat meat and not to marry.

1 Timothy 4:3


Vulgata says Cibis
Too lazy to check greek right now.


At first I thought it was "Shitpost Monday". But it is actually "Shitpost Tuesday".

>> No.11534880

And surprise, that has nothing to do with supporting veganism at ALL. The passages I quoted clearly show that God not only permitted the eating of meat, but He also 'cleansed' traditionally impure food as His way of expressing how supreme his law is. As a matter of fact, you've scored an own goal, because you've admitted that no matter what kind of dietary beliefs you have and how different they are from Kashrut, you're still welcome into the fold. That includes vegans as well, so don't try to hog Christianity for yourselves too like with public attention.

>> No.11534886

>Early Christian's thought the gospel was only for Jews. The Jews always had priority to salvation first
Are you forgetting the faith of the caananite woman? The gospel is for all who put their faith in Christ, not just the Jews.

>> No.11534896


>> No.11534897

Way to completely misinterpret the purpose of God rejecting Cains offering.

>> No.11534902

There's no rule against it in every Abrahamic religion, and their combined believers are easily the majority of all religious believers on Earth. That's a lot of 'immoral' people, and we're not counting all the other faiths without vegan laws too.

>> No.11534903

why would I lose my time reading a fantasy book?

>> No.11534907

Because it is the backbone of Western literature.
You don't have to believe in the Greek pantheon to read Homer either, faggot.

>> No.11534921

Not forgetting anything. Salvation was only for Jews. Acts 13.46, rom 11.17 onwards. Jesus came along and changed that. Early xtians we're just old Jews that still believed salvation was only for Jews. Paul put the smackdown on this idea with the whole clean unclean thing.
I'm not supporting veganism, but since you forced my hand, I'm going nuclear. Flip over to the book of Daniel and explain the Lord's diet

>> No.11534944

The purpose is never explicitly revealed. The only conclusion to draw is that slaughter was acceptable and fruit was not.

>> No.11535042

A dysfunctional family at that.

>> No.11535061

t. cathlicuck pedo mary worshiper

>> No.11535069

Isaiah was a metaphor, and each animal represented a people. Jesus ate fish, and the LORD loved the smell of flesh of the animal and the burning smell of fat. I am a Christian and Vegan but don't you dare try to use Jesus as a way to push veganism.