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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11527853 No.11527853 [Reply] [Original]

Now that's a meal!

>> No.11527862

>racist pizza
no thanks

>> No.11527865

thats what i would call edible food!

>> No.11527868

You're a big guy.

>> No.11527872

needs a side salad

>> No.11527873

>carbs with a side of grease

>> No.11527877

>CEO and founder kicked out for making racist comments
>so obviously Papa John's is racist


>> No.11527884

Checked AND kekked

>> No.11527896

Well that's the mindset

>> No.11528035

Papa John's is shit pizza, you faggot.

>> No.11528043

He didn't make racist comments though

>> No.11528046

Oh yeah? Explain his racist company.

Check and mate.

>> No.11528055

you think this is a motherfucking game of chess

>> No.11528059
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I love the pepperoncini you get with every pie from Papa's. I like to squirt out its juice on the cheese and crust. What fun! And tasty too.

>> No.11528077

calling a pizza a pie is when I know never to be friends with someone.

>> No.11528128

>Papa John's
>One topping large for $8.50
>Pizza Hut
>Two topping large for $7.99
The absolute state of Papafags.

>> No.11528131

Better toppings negro

>> No.11528135

>Papa John's
>One topping large for $8.50
The thing is you can get X-large often for that price with coupons

>> No.11528142

>noun. a flat, open-faced baked pie of Italian origin

>> No.11528148

there you go thats the word pizza for you

>> No.11528207

audible kek

>> No.11528214

fuck you racist

>> No.11528238

I always bite off the end and pour the juice onto the slices before I squeeze the rest out and then tear it open and rub the seeds as evenly as I can over half the pizza. I always ask for two pepperoncini so I can do it for the whole pizza. If I don't eat it all it soakes into the crust and marinates with the grease in the fridge and tastes excellent the next day.

>> No.11528258

>people will eat this cardboard and say it's good cause ol' Johnny said nigger once

I've had Little Caesar's better than PJ.

>> No.11528273

Your english sucks, han

>> No.11528292

PJ is more common in a lot of places and also has a pretty good $5 takeout dealio on Wednesdays. The sauce is a bit sweet for me but the quality of manufacture is as good or better than LS objectively.

>> No.11528313
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>cheese only
Some of you americans disgust me.

>> No.11528357

>all that dough in muh gut
get their whole wheat and it passes easier.

>> No.11528358

Actually it's a pepperoncini. Pronounced "pepp-rin-chee-nee." Big difference between them and pepperoni, pronounced "pep-ir-ohh-nee." The former is a little pickled pepper and the latter is a kind of salami.

>> No.11528531

now this is a fucking pizza. looks good but i'd have gone with anchovies.

>> No.11528578

I always used to wonder why every time I ate papa johns it felt like it'd take days to fucking digest. what the fuck is in their dough

>> No.11528584

thats gluten bro.

>> No.11528586

Your face is gluten

>> No.11528594

bread flour has extra gluten you dumbfuck

>> No.11528599

>4 different kinds of cheese including gorgonzola
>chili peppers
>optional bacon
Now that's a pizza.

>> No.11528601

it's alarming how many people think gluten is some kind of hipster myth or something, but then regularly complain about feeling bad after eating certain foods or getting particularly bad hangovers from certain beers

>> No.11528603

why does no other pizza make me suffer like papa's?

>> No.11528606

that i can't answer.

>> No.11528610

"muh gluten intolerance" gets me too. however there are like 6 types of wheat and its baking 101 that gluten=chewy. which is why things like cereal don't use that (red IIRC) wheat

>> No.11528615

i would guess different suppliers use different wheats because some crusts are chewier

>> No.11528621

also papa johns cheese might have more casein which takes longer to digest

more gluten and casein would probably be the main factors

>> No.11528642

thanks for the info, i'm never ordering papa johns again, i can hardly chew it down either

I've puked up papa johns, and it comes out like whole globs of cheese and bread stuffed together

>> No.11528664
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i need to try that

>> No.11528668

I mean I'll eat some pappa dicks if i'm like drunk and hungry but it's basically a doughnut with some cheese on top let's not pretend here

also their garlic sauce is dogshit literally just canola oil and salt at least have the decency to make your own

>> No.11528715

Little Ceasars is better than P.Johns and that should not be the way it is

>> No.11528720

You're fucking full of shit

>> No.11528723

i dont mean the pizza, I mean the garlic sauce

>> No.11528924

nah he's black

>> No.11528931

Whats wrong with being racist?

>> No.11528938
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>> No.11529593

Shitty dominos tier pizza. First time I walked into one I thought I was in a twilight zone it was exactly the same as dominos but red, and had slightly different toppings.

>> No.11529601

It's just a bunch of carbs with more carbs senpai

Like at least skip the bread sticks and have a salad on the side so you have some fiber to push all that shit through you.

>> No.11529614

>Founder said the word nigger in context of racial harrassment not being tolerated in his company

>> No.11529617 [DELETED] 

>glorified consumption of garbohydrate poison
That is drugs, not food.

>> No.11529620

Because gluten intolerance effects less than 1% of the population you are more likely to have gender disphoria and be a trap than to actually be allergic to gluten

>> No.11529637

What's the point of ordering breadsticks with a pizza? You're already getting all the bread you need via the pizza itself. Get something else, like chicken wings.

>> No.11529662

Pizza chain wings are notoriously shit tier
agree about the bread tho

>> No.11529694

I appreciate what you're doing, fleshbro. Keep up the good work!

>> No.11529757

My best friends brother was hit by a texting papa johns driver who turned left on a double yellow and the family sued papa johns corporate and then settled on the day of the trial for $26 million

>> No.11529772

Why do you think Papa's adds the pepper to their meal?

>> No.11529883

>rub the seeds as evenly as I can over half the pizza.
For what purpose?

>> No.11529896

To give it a bit of extra zing. Not enough seeds in one pepper for the whole pizza usually though.

>> No.11529902

>To give it a bit of extra zing
You do know that pepper seeds contain zero capsicum, right? It's the membrane they're connected to that holds the most spice.

>> No.11529914 [DELETED] 

Thank you. It's often thankless work pushing against the GRAIN. I shall redouble my efforts with renewed vigor!

>> No.11529924

Zing as in acidity. Pepperoncini don't have enough piquancy to make your eye water if you shoved one into the socket but they have a pretty nice flavor when they're pickled.

>> No.11529925

Zip-a-de doo da
Zip-a-de day
Ni**ers are inferior, in every way.

>> No.11529926
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Better ingredients. Better pizza. Niggers.

>> No.11529932

All of you are fucking stupid obviously home made pizza or margarita pizza from whole foods is significantly better. Get on my level

>> No.11529951
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>he posts this image from a mobile phone

>> No.11529962
File: 67 KB, 440x442, 649a5e73dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you people not realize that this is bait? It's not even trying to hide it. Why are election tourists so fucking retarded?

>> No.11530081

Whats so bad about phone posting? Maybe im too lazy to get out of bed.

>> No.11530088

I didnt know election tourism started in 2007.

>> No.11530106

I don't see anything wrong with it. But I hate posting from my phone because sometimes it makes images show up sideways.

>> No.11530117
File: 75 KB, 1229x417, phoneposters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whats so bad about phone posting

>> No.11530229

A lot of people have phones with easy access to the internet anon its just bound to happen

>> No.11531007
File: 96 KB, 388x389, 1539138361273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carbs on top of trans fats

>> No.11531162

>"cheese" dipping sauce


>> No.11531451
File: 127 KB, 573x572, retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people start browsing from both their pc and their phone
>hurr users doubled

>> No.11531846

I always wondered why that sauce even exists. Who wants fake nacho cheese anywhere near their pizza? Or is it for chicken wings?

>> No.11532923 [DELETED] 


>> No.11533569

After the racial controversy about the owner, clearly the owner is based. So I went to local Papa Johns a few times over the summer to taste some of that sweet, sweet based, redpilled pizza.

It's shit. But I hope you enjoyed. Please keep going to support Papa John, who is still the largest shareholder.

>> No.11533572

it's for the pizza handle so it's not plain dry bread

>> No.11533699

But that's what the garlic sauce is for.

>> No.11535295

Fuck white people

>> No.11535321
File: 102 KB, 500x1200, 1519366278438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No incentive to make long quality posts, u type lyk dis, incredibly easy to ban evade, more likely to shitpost and go do something out, the type of people who phonepost think 4chan should play by normalfag rules

The vegan christian guy is definitely a baiting phoneposter

>> No.11535330

>dough with a side of dough
Do americans really do this?

>> No.11535802

Does anyone actually use the garlic sauce that it comes with?

>> No.11535925

dity john's is the best chain pizza.

not to mention they're pretty much giving them away ever since john dropped that N-bomb on the conference call.

there's a code in my town you can use for 50% any pizza any time, and you can abuse it.

I threw a party last weekend and got 6 large pizzas for $60