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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 352 KB, 1632x1224, Fish and Chips (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11523315 No.11523315 [Reply] [Original]

What is the general consensus on UK's favourite, fish and chips?

>> No.11523325

its just fried potatoes and fish who gives a fuck

>> No.11523330
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>The tradition in England of fish battered and fried in oil may have come from Jewish immigrants from Spain and Portugal. Originally, Western Sephardic Jews settling in England as early as the 16th century would have prepared fried fish in a manner similar to pescado frito, which is coated in flour then fried in oil. Charles Dickens mentions "fried fish warehouses" in Oliver Twist (1838), and in 1845 Alexis Soyer in his first edition of A Shilling cookery for the People, gives a recipe for "Fried fish, Jewish fashion", which is dipped in a batter of flour and water.
Fish and Chips is Jewish, not English.

>> No.11523335

wtf is that green sludge

>> No.11523337

It's UK's favourite.

>> No.11523342

Those fries look weak but I think steak fries are probably the best thing for crispy fried fish. A bunch of remoulade for both, and that's good and hearty

>> No.11523349

I actually had fish and chips at Bob Evans the other day and it was surprisingly delicious.

>> No.11523366

isn't it kebab?

>> No.11524218

Mushy peas. It's just peas that are mushed.

They're traditional, but nobody ever really eats it, normally.
...Maybe in the country side.

>> No.11524233

its actually jewish,

>> No.11524239

But it's UK's favourite.
That's like claiming modern pizza is Italian.

>> No.11524349

Its Italian you retard

>> No.11524527

>it's a thread about fish and chips which isn't a picture of a battered sav spammed by the water ortist
what a nice change

>> No.11524541

How do you eat the peas?
Like a chunky dip?

>> No.11524553

why is the uk such a black hole when it comes to food

>> No.11524557

Fries look like shit. Fish looks excellent.

>> No.11524564


years of inbreeding

>> No.11524575

I don't like it.
I don't get why it's so hyped up over there.

It's just really fatty fish with some chips, nothing special about it. It's nice when you're ad the harbor and get some fresh fish but it's still just soaked in fat.

Not my type of food. Now breakfast, that's something the english have figured out. Fucking A+ breakfast game.

>> No.11524615

Hah, clearly no idea of the art of frying the perfect fish and chips, its not just frying fish, its selecting the correct species, the freshness, the recipe of the batter, the fat used to fry, the temperature its fired at, the time its fried for, the types of potato used, how they are prepped etc.

>> No.11524617

Doubt it, the UK is an island nation thats been eating fish caught in its surrounding waters since forever, i find it hard to believe that with all the fish being eaten nobody thought to fry it in fat. Maybe someone from somewhere else made it more widespread and popular.

>> No.11524618

The british somehow have nothing to contibute to the culinary arts in general, unless you are interested in cooking with the shittiest part of the animal
>Now breakfast, that's something the english have figured out.
The english breakfast is by far one of the most overrated pieces of garbage I've ever fucking seen. Giant whole tomatos, mushrooms, canned beans, blood sausage?
>Actually eating garbage

>> No.11524620

>Giant whole tomatos
Fair point, didn't get them with most of my english breakfasts tho
>mushrooms, canned beans, blood sausage
Actually good food but I can see how the zoomer mind needs to put everything in either garbage tier or GOD tier. I hope you can one day grow up and actually experience food to it's fullest extend.

>> No.11524625

>mushrooms, canned beans, blood sausage
sorry I don't consider the actual leavings and leftovers at the end of the process high cuisine
You're like one step above livestock feed with those ingredients

>> No.11524627

Name your countries cuisine so we can tear it to shreds

>> No.11524629

I'm not the one claiming my country has the best breakfast, Though it does. America.

>> No.11524634
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Fucking lmao

>> No.11524635

Go back to 4chan

>> No.11524638

If you think their food is shit you should come to Australia. It’s fucking terrible what people eat here.

>> No.11524640
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>> No.11524644

honestly I prefer my fish in a flour-eggwash-potato flake dredge and my fries thin and crispy

>> No.11524645

k. best food in the world. we are fatasses for a reason
I 100% believe it

>> No.11524649

You are fat because you are gluttonous sloths not because of the quality of your food.

>> No.11524712

Best at sharting in marts

>> No.11524783
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Based as fuck.

>> No.11524784
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>> No.11524786

What fish is best for breading and frying?

>> No.11524791


>> No.11524797

Pretty good. Although I rather eat the fried fish with something else than chips.

>> No.11524802

Although I respect your opinion and palate, that's horribly unbased and extremely bluepilled.

>> No.11524803

And? we're gluttonous sloths for the same reason. Been the world over and it's quite obvious.
All this in a thread about shit-tier deepfried food that would be a pretty hard sell to the homeless here. Not hard to find better in a god damn dumpster. Fucking kek.

>> No.11524808

Wait, the dumpsters in the US actually have food better than freshly fried, hot fish and chips?!
Where are these dumpsters?
Is the general public aware of this?
You sound based as fuck and full of inside knowledge.

>> No.11524813 [DELETED] 
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the centuries of incestuous relationships have caused this mess. British """"people"""""" are basically low-intelligence inbred island monkeys.

>> No.11524819

So I am told! Here it would be chicken or cow though, we don't have to resort to the sea trash.

>> No.11524834
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this is 4channel lad

>> No.11524914

i like fish n chips. lose the mushy peas and replace tartar sauce with cocktail sauce.

>> No.11524931

Shit those fries look bland as fuck.
Wouldn't even give to seagulls/10

>> No.11524935

That's what sauce is for.

>> No.11525053


This is definitely regional.

>> No.11525058


Your beef is trash pal. Grain fed, hormone full trash.

>> No.11525059

It's honestly good. I don't know how anyone could dislike this based dish.

>> No.11525069

it's only appropriate that UK's favorite food be lacking any real sustenance or flavor.

>> No.11525070
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any skater bois on /ck/ or are you all cod players

>> No.11525080

Actually best? Any of the Spanish Mackerel species.

Traditional best? Cod, hake, haddock.

>> No.11525096
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England has been majority Semetic genome for 2 - 3 millennia at this point. No use bringing up the obvious in this day and age. Anglos, similar to Americans, have a fever for culinary theft to supplement their distinct lack of culture. The "white people have no culture" meme/cliché literally comes from Anglo Semites and their North American spawn. The rest of Europe is very vibrant.

>> No.11525203


>> No.11525294


>> No.11525310

All done with little to no variation because British cuisine is shit

>> No.11525454

Considering that practically everyone around the North Sea has some fish-frying tradition, I think it's more likely originated through the fact that people had the resources to fry a fucking fish rather than a Jewish conspiracy.

>> No.11525460

fuck you i like them

>> No.11525478

>i don't get it, it's just a bunch of protein soaked in fat
>but THIS bunch of protein soaked in fat is where it's at!
nigga are you hearing yourself, same reason you like an english is why others like fish n chips

>> No.11525489

>What is the general consensus on UK
Cancer. 100% cancer.

>> No.11525496

England was founded by Jews

>> No.11525503

The UK's favourite hasn't been fish and chips for a long time. It's been some form of curry since the 90s.

>> No.11525517
File: 634 KB, 2560x1425, pieter_claesz-_-_stilleven_met_kalkoenpastei_-_google_art_project-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating good food makes you morbidly obese
No, a combination of being lazy slobs + eating absolute trash does. Fucking upper class folk across the world were rarely fat in the past, despite feasting on way higher quality ingredients than the average person now. Hell, it still applies now. It isn't the Rockefellers or Bushes that are hamplanets, it's Shaneesqa and Cletus who guzzle barrelloads of soda.

>> No.11525524

Hillary Clinton is tubby

>> No.11525568

she's not really that fat for being so old. she's a bit porky but that's all

>> No.11525569


>> No.11525573

>I’m with her!

>> No.11525584

Me too. I like it with mint also

>> No.11525591

So is Trump, but they're hardly obese and, give em a break, they're over 70. Your body is inevitably going to get flabby at the point unless you have some insane Iggy Pop routine.

Hardly comparable to the national situation, in which millions of kids under the age of 16 are already obese fuckers and people are dying at absurdly young ages because of their elefantine bodies.

>> No.11525597

They probably are both technically obese by their BMI. I'm American so don't take this the wrong way, but we're used to seeing obese people all the time. We only start noticing when they get morbidly obese

>> No.11525601
File: 593 KB, 1273x1600, b1d218b89c4ed5bae56bafabb259fb5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump's bmi 30+ and rising
>not obese

>> No.11525606

>hardly obese

>> No.11525648

>30 BMI
>not literally the threshold of obesity
Now compare him to Wallmart Americans and tell me that they belong in the same category of overweight.

>> No.11525661

Remember when the clintons raped and plundered Haiti?


>> No.11525662

That's why there's another category. Morbidly obese. Do you want even more categories than that, you fucking disgusting American? Do you want different categories for your 400 lbs mom, your 500 lbs dad, and your 600 lbs aunt? What should we call these categories, since they're already more than "morbidly obese"? Should we call them "Super Sized", "USA level obese", or "Trumpistan obese"?

>> No.11525672

>30 bmi
Didn't that same guy say that Trump could live to 200 if he just laid off the fast food a bit and was offered a cabinet position shortly after?

Pro-tip: you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.11525673

Coming across pretty try hard here

>> No.11525813

I'm not saying any of that you dumb faggot, read the fucking thread. Only that obesity generally isn't an upper class thing. Even Trump is just barely obese and very far from the landwhales that exist by the hundreds of thousands.

Ik ben overigens ook niet Amerikaans, rasmongool.
The fuck are you even talking about. How is anything you just said related to what I was saying? Do you dumb niggers not even read what you're replying to?

>> No.11525822

He's right though.

>> No.11525853

>upper class folk across the world were rarely fat in the past,
Now that's just wrong, at least in the US past, in fact it was quite the opposite. The rich were fat and the poor and middle class had very little body fat and were mostly muscle. It was only after WWII when that began to change in the US. Now, the only rich fucks who are obese are those who lack self control and are self-centered gluttons in more than just food, one of which has already been identified itt.

>> No.11525866

>confirmed fucking idiot

>> No.11525878

Mushy peas are good, t. Irish culchie

>> No.11526117

it's fish, and chips
they don't really work off each other
kind of meh, don't really get it

>> No.11526509


Based British Israelism poster

>> No.11527076

rofl. We have some of the best fucking beef in the world, what the hell are you smoking? Oh, sorry, that's right, in the UK you're busying eating BSE-infected cows and horse meat.
Fucking hysterical.

>> No.11527107

Burger here. I absolutely love fish and chips, but when I get it i douse the whole thing in tons of malt vinegar. Is this bad form in bongistan?

>> No.11527202

you gotta try it with pineapple juice and bbq sauce

>> No.11527209

King Arthur was black

>> No.11527519

Haddock > cod

>> No.11528266


>> No.11528401


cod is simply not firm enough to be fried

>> No.11528406

You're not firm enough to be fried

>> No.11528411

not unless your mom is around

>> No.11528415

try New Zealand

>> No.11528456

Wouldn't need to get fish then, just eat her prolapsed pussy for ultimate fish flavor.

>> No.11528496
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Idk I like it. Fried fish, french fries, tartar sauce, and malt vinegar is a really tasty meal especially if you have a few brewskis to go with it.

I'm not british but I totally understand the appeal. It's not a complicated dish. It's not good for you. There's nothing really super exciting going on flavor wise, but by god does that kind of food hit the spot sometimes.

It's also really easy to replicate anywhere else in the world(inb4 some britfag tells me "no u hav to come to england 4 fish n chips m8 innit".

You don't, it's just fried fish and french fries and it's great comfort food. I view it as the british equivalent to the burger.

>> No.11528916

Poetically well-spoken.

>> No.11528922

Better in America. The yukes can't make a decent batch of freedom fries to save their Islamic lives, and in the US they serve a palatable cole slaw as the second side dish instead of pea vomit.

>> No.11528939

They're chips not fries lardburger

>> No.11528941

>cole slaw
Is that the same as coleslaw?

>> No.11529027

I think that's a regional spelling like tobasco?

>> No.11529028


I like fish and chips with malt vinegar. I like the mushy peas too. Sometimes you want something easy and greasy.

For the actual bongs here, do you guys use malt vinegar or is that some weird American stereotype? I always see it plated up with lemon slices.

>> No.11529034

Sometimes but only for the chips

>> No.11529092

Then they're even more off the mark, can't even make proper, crispy, crunch, potato chips either

>> No.11529105

Who the fuck serves Lay's with a plate of fish and fries?

>> No.11529111

>wut is fish and chips?
maybe you should try sticking to turkey heh

>> No.11529158

maybe you should try sticking to curry huh

>> No.11529160

turkey curry heh

>> No.11529163

Thuhrkheh!? Chuhurrheh!?

>> No.11529222 [DELETED] 

>ruining perfectly good fish with refined seed oils and poisonous garbohydrate coating
>serving ruined fish with neurotoxic fried starches
I knew it must have been the Jews.

>> No.11529368

UK manors and monasteries also used to have ponds set up specifically for farming fish, and raising eels, going back to probably the Middle Ages or earlier.

>> No.11529383
File: 91 KB, 481x600, 8E1B572D-6DEA-4D0E-89D2-182C2FD063C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italy learned the technique of oil paintng from people from England.
Possibly the art of watercolor as well.

>> No.11529389

Would Chilean sea Bass work?

>> No.11529434

You have to remember fat was not exactly cheap like it is now. That's why people use to collect and reuse oil from the pan. The Jews sold the fish as a form of fastfood before refrigeration. Since they couldn't just keep the raw fish fillets lying around they would just fry all of them and the batter would protect the fish while it sat there waiting for someone to buy them. They probably give it a second fry when you bought one if they were feeling generous. Btw they probably didn't keep the fish overnight and only sold what they bought or caught that day.

>> No.11529573

>British fish and chips is a Jewish conspiracy
Jfc you white identitarians are just as bad as the we wuz kangz niggers claiming whites cheated them out of everything despite being inferior

>> No.11529774

Strange comma placement/sentance structure could mean 3 things

>whats your opinion on fish an chips, UKs favorite dish
>whats your favorite fish and chips in the UK
>what is UKs favorite dish? Fish and chips?

>> No.11530353

Denny's grand slam ftw

>> No.11530841
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I honestly think 90% of these sort of replies are actually serious opinions.

>> No.11530853

>Best beef in the world
Haha 2/10

>> No.11531056

A culinary delight

>> No.11531488

Nope. Look at the trump rallys, those people have to ask their grandchildren how to "do" email, lol!