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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.05 MB, 2448x3264, P_20181123_123821_vHDR_On.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11516565 No.11516565 [Reply] [Original]

I just got my first ever memechicken. I will review it ITT.

>> No.11516566


>> No.11516568

okay, this is epic

>> No.11516582

Shove it up your ass.

>> No.11516583

I got home and they gave me a McDouble on accident. Give me an hour and I'll go fix it.

>> No.11516584


>> No.11516585

Go into detail about the lettuce and the amount of mayo

>> No.11516587

Maybe it was romaine and OP is ded?

>> No.11516591
File: 2.75 MB, 3264x2448, P_20181123_125403_vHDR_On.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many will disagree with me on this, but I've always found the smell of McDonald's items very appetizing. It might have something to do with my childhood, when going to McDonald's was very rare, but to me it definitely has the promise of a good meal.
With that said, I don't find the smell of the McChicken especially striking. The strongest component is the bun, and in a sandwich that's definitely saying something. The roundness of the bun's smell is partially compensated by the pungeant of the mayo. I do find it disappointing how little the chicken is contributing, with just a hint of generic "fried" smell thrown in there.

Not me

>> No.11516600

Not OP, but shoving a sandwich up my ass actually sounds pretty fucking sexy.

>> No.11516601

Intradesting. Pls continue

>> No.11516604

2.75 MB for that, good job faggot.

>> No.11516606

Stench might be a better word, anything from McD has a stench to it.

>> No.11516607
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Now here is where McDonald's, and all fast food joints for that matter, really should improve. Every sandwich I've ever gotten has looked like the ingredients were thrown in the box without care, with only speed in mind. Considering how simple this one is, it doesn't seem to make an exception. The amount of lettuce around the sandwich instead of inside it is absolutely unprofessional.
Aside for that, McDicks items are not known for looking nice, so it's no surprise that this one looks a little dead. If nothing else they made it when I asked for it, so it doesn't have that "has been sitting on the shelf for a week" look.
I guess the chicken is the best looking part: it's nice and golden, without signs of burning and it seems crispy enough.
The toasting on the buns also looks properly done.

Sorry about that, but my phone won't let me go any lower. You'll have to enjoy high res mcchick pic.

>> No.11516610

I can deal with that, a lot of folk will start whining like cunts.

>> No.11516613
File: 7 KB, 250x193, 1464963399503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that autist that criticizes image filesizes as if he’s paying the 4chan server bill each month

>> No.11516616

That looks like something that the sneak attack nips put in their restaurant windows to advertise shit, it's just plastic, just like them. Those asians have no hearts or souls.

>> No.11516620

It took me less than a ms to DL, I'm not some stupid phone. I'll just shutup. So should you since you don't know about that either.

>> No.11516624
File: 851 KB, 1242x2205, 544DF757-E427-475E-829C-A497637D769F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m on my phone and it loaded just as fast for me. Anyone that has trouble loading large images because of their third world garbage internet shouldn’t be here to begin with.

>> No.11516627

>idiot that still uses simpsons memes in 2018

>> No.11516630

OK, I can deal with that.

>> No.11516634

America - A Horse With No Name+Lyrics

>> No.11516636

3 MB pic for the cheapest, shit tier thing on the menu. Thanks anon

>> No.11516638


>> No.11516654

>Every sandwich I've ever gotten has looked like the ingredients were thrown in the box without care
So you're saying the food was kind disordered of tossed around? Wow. It's almost as if it was carried in a paper bag or something. That's crazy.

>> No.11516657

Imo not as good as the McTurkey Sandwich heh.

>> No.11516665

thats not a real mcchicken you euroshit

>> No.11516670
File: 3.06 MB, 3264x2448, P_20181123_131212_vHDR_On.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we are at the core of my little review. I'll start with the positives: in general, it was a pleasant surprise. Keep in mind that as I said before it was very fresh, so your experience might vary depending on how long the thing has been sitting in the heater.
The buns were what you expect from McD buns: extremely sweet, almost playfully soft, wich actually worked well in this case more than in others. The toasting got confirmed as decent.
The chicken was the big surprise. The bun was relatively thick and very, very crispy. I'm not gonna say that it was full of flavour like some organic pricy chicken, but it definitely wasn't bland, it was correctly salted and peppered, and overall it was some good fried chicken. It also didn't leave a weird taste in the mouth the way McD's beef sometimes does. The breading does contribute to the flavor quite a lot, unlike in some other establishments where it mainly helps the texture.
It felt like too much to stuff all the lettuce that had fallen out back in there, so I just ate it with what was left of the green. Needless to say it is far from flavorful, and I really believe that it is mainly there to dilute the taste of the other components. Considering how those do not have an overpowering taste though, I would advise either McD to put less of it, or you to remove part of it when you enjoy this sandwich.
Now for the mayo. The amount was undoubtedly abundant, although not unbelievably so as I've seen memed on here before. Now I'm a mayo fan myself, so it really didn't bother me too much. I do wish it were more flavorful though, because it's a little bland as is and the result is that one feels a lot of the texture with little of the taste, not the best experience in my opinion.

That will be it for my review, thanks for reading.

All in all, a good sandwich.

>> No.11516678

out of 10 you bong what’s the score

>> No.11516687

I have never been a big fan of scores, mainly because they lack relativity. What are we factoring in when assessing?
All things considered, for what it is, I would say that 8.2/10 is accurate.

>> No.11516688

was it the blur or oasis of fast food sandwiches?

>> No.11516701

>he ate the poison called "mayo"

>> No.11516767

>eating the cum

>> No.11516829
File: 201 KB, 852x581, 1530596484684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things that /ck/ memes that are actually good:
>secret aardvark
>japanese fuzzy logic rice cookers
>sous vide immersion circulators
>angry grandma sauce
>michelin starred restaurants
>anchovy pizza

Things that /ck/ memes that are actually terrible, and only posted ironically:
>monster energy drinks
>chili without beans
>not tipping

>> No.11516846

Things that anon is gay:

>> No.11516848
File: 98 KB, 1190x906, 47583F55-43F9-43A4-B3E4-09A7FE9AEC8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11516853

>not tipping
Spotted the waiter, get a real job.

>> No.11516854

this is so fucking bluepilled i got blueballs reading it

>> No.11516855

>supporting tip culture
>liking IPAs
Go back to /v/, pubeface.

>> No.11516857


>> No.11517016

>got my first ever mcChicken
>i've always found the smell

you already contradicted yourself; you mcDonnies are fuckin' retarded

>> No.11517027

While mcDonnies may be retarded, you're equally retarded for thinking "McDonald's items" must be referring to the best fast food sandwich, the McChicken when it could mean literally anything else on the menu

>> No.11517047

Dude, I'm from a third world country and it loads fast here

>> No.11517064

Agreed aside from Indomie and IPAs

>> No.11517065

based and mcpilled

>> No.11517091


bless up, but we miss u, 3pac :(

>> No.11517182

Get off /ck/ you fucking shill

>> No.11517277

>sa posted in hot sauce threads for 8-9 years
>some anon tries to force it as a meme less than a year ago

>> No.11517307
File: 461 KB, 917x681, 1542956225200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, i bet you did this face when you tasted your first McChicken(TM)

>> No.11517321

It's a very mediocre sauce. Definitely not worthy of whatever recognition it gets.

>> No.11517326

Post something you consider to be an above average sauce.
>inb4 the walmart starter pack or some 100,000+ su bullshit

>> No.11517338
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>> No.11517340

My favourite thing used to be the value menu chicken burgers but I'd have them add buffalo sauce back when they had that. Dirt cheap and delicious.

>> No.11517362

are you going to do a proper review or a reviewbrah-style review?

>> No.11517364

i think you're quite correct describing the smell and the looks, but that is actually a good looking burger from mcd.
Honestly, someone could think that they've actually placed the bun&chicken on there and not just thrown it with their eyes closed (which is McD standard)

>> No.11517374

What's wrong with instapot?

>> No.11517375

Reviewbrah-style is a proper review. How can you get any more proper than him? He wears a suit ffs.

>> No.11517385
File: 531 KB, 1448x1448, 1539785999824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but this shit is amazing

>> No.11517390

China Express Kung Pao

>> No.11517394

This stuff I just recently tried and is way better. Malinda's ghost pepper blend is excellent. Even El Yucateco green is much better.

>> No.11517450
File: 153 KB, 1000x400, face_chili-1000x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if these are international, but most stuff from Poppamies are god tier.

>> No.11517490

good review
because of this review, ill pick up a mchicken later today, thanks

>> No.11517499

Do yourself a favor and get the buttermilk chicken sandwich instead. It's only $1 if you download their app and order from it. Soo delicious, holy shit.

>> No.11517552

For me, it's liverwurst

>> No.11517578

Also affordable and readily available at the best grocery chain (S-kauppa). Thank you based medicine man

>> No.11517918

thread theme

>> No.11518015

OP is Canadian. The McChicken here is a full size burger that comes in a box like a big Mac. Canada's Jr chicken is the equivalent of America's McChicken.
OP is so fucking retarded he spent like $7 on the wrong sandwich.
The jr chicken/american McChicken is so good because it's cheap and you can eat a bunch of them

>> No.11518028

>>japanese fuzzy logic rice cookers
What's that?

>> No.11518030

Consider the greenery around the inside of the box as garnish. It is artfully deliberate.

>> No.11518162

Yeah whatchu know about that? Probably NOTHING.

>> No.11518174

"smart" rice cookers that has sensors to adjust cooking time as needed

>> No.11518677

speak for yourself

>> No.11518760

>canadian version

>> No.11518784

Indomie is good you faggot

>> No.11518828

Aussies not welcome, bin that 56kbps modem already

>> No.11519166


>> No.11520195

How drunk are you?

>> No.11520230

You forgot the potted meat under good.

>> No.11520300

I'll add Spam to the list.

>> No.11520331

Funny it's literally the opposite of the truth in all cases

>> No.11520412


>> No.11520473
File: 27 KB, 430x235, 1523731423838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks the steamed buns are toasted

>> No.11520579

very nice post, I like how you masterfully baited all the retards into autistic rage over insulting their favorite keto chili

>> No.11520664

Get Marie Sharp's instead and send your money to the true mastermind behind that delicious shit.

>> No.11520666

your reading comprehension is abysmal, you idiot

>> No.11520679

the "memes" that are good are hardly memes. they are just discussion topics. and mcchicken is the best meme to come out of this board other than wa la maybe

>> No.11520681

You might be the same dude that rec'd it to me before, but which stores even sell that sauce?

>> No.11520698

I don't know of any physical stores but I got mine on Amazon. I mean it's not cheap but it's definitely worth the price. Get the sampler pack thing if you decide to order some.

>> No.11520729

Hmm, I'll think about it

>> No.11520758

>>chili without beans
yeah no thanks, if i wanted a bread bowl i'd go to panera

>> No.11520788

>using meme as a verb

>> No.11522463

wow thats a lot of buttmad baited retards

>> No.11522759
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Holy shit that resolution tho
Bout to use that bitch as wallpaper OP

>> No.11522783
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>> No.11524591

If you're a bong the chicken version of the big tasty got released. Try that anon

>> No.11524818

"That's right, shove it up your ugly ass!"

>> No.11524823

>Implying hiromoot doesn't frequent his own boards anonymously.

>> No.11524825
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>playfully soft

>> No.11524832

I also want to know...I just bought my mom one.

>> No.11524959
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>> No.11525014

Based huh? poster

>> No.11525220
File: 2.97 MB, 1280x720, some pulp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11525252
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More like this

>> No.11525405
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>> No.11526192
File: 14 KB, 364x342, 1529222491103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to read retard

>> No.11526215

Here in phoenix they don't even offer the mcchicken. They only have hot and spicy mcchickens. My fat female coworker from one of the cheese-lake states lik michigan or indiana or ohio or whatever said she thinks they're too spicy.

>> No.11527391

Alcoholism is actually one of the most awesome things you can partake in in this life, that is until your health takes a hit in some way.
>inb4 trouble with the law
If you are a self aware individual it's highly possible to drink all the time, and a lot, and not get in trouble. You have to be retarded to not know when you can't drive among other things.

>> No.11527414

The thinking man gets his McChicken plain and gets bbq sauce on the side to pour onto the patty instead.

>> No.11527464

That's some real fucking bullshit right there. I'd rather have the Hot N Spicy than normal