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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11522623 No.11522623 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this boys

>> No.11522630

depends on the dish, innit

>> No.11522632


>> No.11522919

Potato wins.

>> No.11522921

I like sweet potatoes for holiday cooking but both are equally good

>> No.11522926

Eskimo (Inuit) potatoes are pretty good with eggs and sausage/bacon apparently

>> No.11522929

If you put sweet potatoes in a stew instead of regular potatoes then become one with the liquid and their starch thickens and flavors the whole thing.

>> No.11522933

That's a yam, not a sweet potato

>> No.11522937

>even need their potatoes to be sugary
do americans REALLY?

>> No.11522940

u wot

>> No.11522952
File: 53 KB, 838x559, yam.jpg.838x0_q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, pic related is a yam. yams are generally poisonous until cooked and are almost never sweet.
americans just mistaken call sweet potatoes yams because of visual similarity as actual yams are almost never used outside of tropical cuisines

>> No.11522958

Sweet Potato like a starchy mild pumpkin.

>> No.11522973

sweet potatoes are disgusting

>> No.11522980

sweet potato wedges are ok
real potato wedges are comparable, and potato can be used for other more gooder things

>> No.11523018

I like white potatoes better in general, but sweet potatoes can be great too when done right.

>> No.11523024
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Stokes Purple

>> No.11523111
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I'm torn because I like sweet potato fries but I prefer mashed potato as a side for dinner

>> No.11524831

>implying that sweet potatoes shouldn't be genocided faster than the jews

>> No.11524840

Sweet potatoes and yams are disgusting abominations.

>> No.11524873
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>mfw i just learned that sweet potatoes have a different sales tax rate because they are apparently not really potatoes.

>> No.11524968

Why would I choose one?

>> No.11524972

sweet potato has alot of estrogen. so keep that in mind.

>> No.11526146

Patrician taste

>> No.11526165

Purple sweet potato, next question

>> No.11526200

Red > Sweet > Russet


>> No.11526216

>hammer vs saw
>Let's settle this boys

OP is a tard.

>> No.11526217

>potato tax for potatoes
>sweet potato tax for sweet potatoes

lol wut?

>> No.11526405

Apparently potatoes are considered a kind of basic food which qualifies for a reduced taxrate and sweet potatoes are not.

>> No.11526461

That's foodist.

>> No.11526546

Japanese potatoes have high sugar content too, Hoshi.

>> No.11526554

Sweet potatoes are healthier than normal ones retarded cuck. You're comparing starches to starches.

>> No.11526560

Sweet potatoes taste like a cross between carrots and regular potatoes.
I prefer monoracial vegetables.

>> No.11526570

Potatoes with sweetener

debate me

>> No.11526590

The thinking man consumes a 50/50 mix.

>> No.11526602

Generally potatoes but specialized sweet. I'd never broadly choose sweet over regular for life but in their niche sweet are unstoppable.

>> No.11528350
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>turns out, little monkey fella

>> No.11528435
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>> No.11528464
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Sweet potatoes are one of the most nutritionally complete and dense foods known to man. Chock full of beta-cartenoids that will give your skin a healthy warm Aryan glow.

Potatoes will keep you alive, not a life worth living though. They are popular among Irish and Slavs giving them that pale, dull incel skin coloration.

>> No.11528486

white sweet potatoes

potatoes are amerindian

eat wheat

>> No.11528535

Anyone have a sweet potato pie recipe they like?

>> No.11529311

may my sweet potato fries get that crispy in the future

>> No.11529322

Imagine not making brune kartofler

>> No.11529328 [DELETED] 

Neither. Garbohydrates are slave food. Alpha pussy-slaying kings like me only eat meat.

>> No.11530445

Thats just a white yam, retard. OP posted a sweet orange yam. Sweet potatoes are white on the inside

>> No.11530569

This is literally the opposite of the truth

>> No.11530584

They're both pretty tasty!

I am eating a potato/sausage medley rn. Sweet potatoes wouldn't be good with sausage!

Otoh, regular potatoes would be shit in a sweet potato pie!

>> No.11530595

Hmm, anon you seem to keep misspelling carbohydrates. Now once or twice might be a mistake, but it seems like you might be deliberately posting poor content on 4channel. I would prefer that you not do this.

>> No.11530714

I like the sweet potato fries but I can't eat them any other way.

>> No.11531550

youre a fucking loser

>> No.11531966

You realize all Brassicas are the result of rabe mixing, right?

>> No.11533686

What about sweet potato mash?

>> No.11534776

I read this story about a family who were growing potatoes in their cellar but they didn't know how to do it right and the potatoes began releasing some kind of toxic potato gas.
Then one day the daughter went down to the cellar to get something and dropped dead.
After she didn't come back the dad went down and then just dropped dead on top of her.
Then when they didn't come back another went down and died.
At the end the whole family got killed by potato gas in a big body pile.

>> No.11535013

What is the best way to make sweet potato Fries? Should they be crunchy?

>> No.11535018

Seconding this request

>> No.11535109

id literally rather eat any other food than potato

>> No.11535118
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>> No.11535428


>> No.11535442


>> No.11536788

Hash Brown
Baked Potato

Normal potato wins every time hands down. Who looked at a menu and thought potato was the one thing that needed sprucing up. Only an autistic would think sweet potato

>> No.11536794

while we're on the subject of sweet taters someone redpill me on african groundnut stew

>> No.11536812

Potato no matter what

>> No.11537672
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>not eating kumura
why even live?

>> No.11537684
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oh hell yes. A little butter and a little dill, perfection.

>> No.11538062

>Actually telling yourself that caramelised potatoes are good.

Get the fuck out, denmark.

>> No.11538148

Thank you.