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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11519956 No.11519956 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to prepare this?

>> No.11519958

dont. eat some real food.

>> No.11519965
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>> No.11519968

throw it away.
make a bechamel, put whatever kinds of cheese you like in it, pour it over some macaroni and bake it. mac and cheese is piss easy.

>> No.11519969

With a dollop of marscapone

>> No.11519973
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>> No.11519977
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>> No.11519978

Do Canadians really...?

>> No.11520055

With hamburger meat browned in green salsa

>> No.11520206

As per instructions, stir in cut up cooked hot dog pieces, squeeze ketchup on top.

>> No.11520277


By the way, she lives on the third floor

>> No.11520345

I like putting a little real cheese, pepper and whatever veg I've got around in.

>> No.11520350

Holy christ too much butter.

>> No.11520353


>> No.11520387

That's literally how much it says to add on the back of the box on kraft mac+cheese.
A half stick.

I heard it's different in other countries though. And really you can do what you want, but that was just following the box.

>> No.11520462

once upon a time, in 3rd world country, someone brought me one of this, literally shittiest food i've ever tasted, i've had 1 dollar meals better than this

>> No.11520719

With 2 cans of tuna, peas, and love <3

>> No.11520733

Salsa just means sauce. He’s probably talking about a tamatillo salsa verde

>> No.11520737

it literally takes 3 more minutes to make your own mac n cheese. are you really that braindead where you cant make a fucking roux?

>> No.11520754

empty box contents into open mouth. crispy and exciting

>> No.11520755

I know it's a le EPIC maymay but you don't really think you can make it better than Kraft, do you?

>> No.11520781

tomatillos you tastelet

>> No.11520813

>make your own
where do you grow your semolina and what do you feed your cow? humble bragging piece of shit