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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 550x518, housewife roast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11506743 No.11506743 [Reply] [Original]

>Boyfriend comes home after a hard day's work
>dinner is ready with roastbeef, rösti and whiskysauce
Who where /traditional/? Who /housewife/?

inb4 roastie

>> No.11506751

Meeeeee c:
I always wait for him with some beef, pasta and oatmeal, today i was thinking to do a chocolate for him and burgers, he's eating a lot more lately

>> No.11506792

I do all the cooking, cleaning child raising in my house. But its not very traditional as I a man.

>> No.11506802

I think it's cool. As much as I like the traditional roles, having a hand to help or just a day off is so nice.

>> No.11506803

I miss the times when wifes were punching bags

>> No.11506805

>housework is stressful

>> No.11506810

/househusband/ here I guess although I work from home and make 4x as much as my wife. I do all the cooking because I'm better at it and enjoy it more but the wife does everything else.

>> No.11506820

I love pretending to be a woman on the internet

>> No.11506821

Housework is stressful when someone destroys what you spent hours doing.
>Clean livingroom table
>guy puts his stinking feet on it
>polish windows
>guy for some reason decides to put his greasy palms on it
>scrub bathroom
>guy decides to piss on the floor
fuck you

>> No.11506823

We both enjoy good food, gf hates to cook, I love to cook. We both enjoy not living in a pigsty, I hate cleaning, gf doesn't mind cleaning at all. Our separation of duties is pretty clear, and I like it this way.

>> No.11506825

what you described takes less than two hours of minimal effort

>> No.11506827

Sounds like you fuck manchildren. Or maybe just children.

>> No.11506829

how is that somehow a bad thing?

>> No.11506830

Your man is just shit.

>> No.11506832

because you whined about housework being stressful when it takes zero time or effort
if you weren’t the original person whining about housework, you have no reason to respond and this conversation is irrelevant to you

>> No.11506836

I thought this was normal for guys. I should talk to him about this.

>> No.11506873

>I should talk to him about this.
I hope he hits you

>> No.11506887

>boyfriend comes home
You're living in sin like a common whore.

>> No.11506889

t. Dude who masturbates and is alone in his 20s.

>> No.11506893

So salty... Must've really struck a nerve

>> No.11506894

those were the times man

>> No.11506899

I love the old genderroles. I became a nurse because of the feminin appeal of the job. Turns out it's just a bachelor in cleaning and changing diapers.
Wish I had time to cook and someone to cook for

>> No.11506903

I'm not a housewife, but my mom was. I can see how it would be stressful. My mom managed all of the bills and finance, insurance, shopping, car maintenance, etc on top of keeping the house clean, raising my brother and I, and cooking. It really can be a full time job.

>> No.11506904

It must suck having such an unfulfilling life that you decide to side with pepe posting weird cunts on 4chan lmao

p.s If you wanna be a breeder that's fine but don't shame women for wanting to do what they want

>> No.11506905

Traditional is not necessarily christian, mate.

>> No.11506908

>car maintenance
She fixed cars too??? Hawt.

>> No.11506911

AGP larper detected

>> No.11506912

It is in the western hemisphere, mate.

>> No.11506913

>car mechanic accountant chef mum

>> No.11506916

>dinner is ready with roastbeef, rösti and whiskysauce
so you went to arbys?

>> No.11506917

Not in the north. I don't know anyone that's christian. My best friend is old asetro, but that's weird and mostly larping

>> No.11506919

I bought the rösti because I don't know how to make them. I made the sauce though

>> No.11506922

Dishwashers cannot speak

>> No.11506926
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>> No.11506929
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>not in the North
Nothing north of Russia bro.

>> No.11506931

slavs aren't people

>> No.11506945

You deserve a cinder block for this post

>> No.11506947

out in siberia there are plenty of people still doing the whole shamanic thing tbf...and since annon said his friends were asateru im asumming theyre from iceland which, latitudinaly speaking is further north than russia

>> No.11506948

How did you make the roast?

>> No.11506949

Schematics are more people than non Christians.

>> No.11506983

I'm from Denmark. I would like to move to Iceland at some point, but they talk strange and it would cost a fortune

>> No.11506996

Via sex with many men before I met my hubby

>> No.11507005

>im going to die alone surrounded by cats who will eat my eyes before my body even cools
>but at least i dont have CHILDREN

>> No.11507009

Leave it room tempature for an hour plus, put salt, pepper and rosemary on it and a little bit of oil. Then 35 minutes at 170 degrees untill 55 degrees at the center. Beef gets gray at something like 62 degrees or so.
And that's it really. It was very good

>> No.11507015
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t. atheist

>> No.11507026


>> No.11507028

good for you anon
traditional women are based and pretty rare where i live. the only people my age who know how to cook are men

>> No.11507045

My sister kinda is since she comes home first from her classes and I work, so she takes on the cooking herself. It's nice I don't have to worry about it since she has it all prepared before I get home, but I still wanna cook dammit, it's a natural urge. Glad Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Gonna be busy later prepping the bird.

>> No.11507046

Thanks anon. I do take pride in my housework. I lost a friend once because we got in a fight over traditional gender roles. I think a lot of young women is pressured into becomming strong and independent.

>> No.11507049
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Do you live with your sister? fuggen lewd

>> No.11507067

they never existed and if they did it was forced with knuckle sandwiches. i'm not saying you shouldn't hit a woman, i'm saying you need to for that wife.

>> No.11507072

don't do it, Danon, they have really really bad food there and i've been told that they hate cinnamon. is that what you want ? a cinnamonless life ?

>> No.11507076

i think so too. my mother grew up as a bra burning feminist who never wanted children but then she fell in love with my father and had 2. she gave up her career to become a housewife and never looked back. i think it contributed to us turning out so well desu. there is a lot to be said for the nuclear family if the husband and wife are right for each other

>> No.11507079

Nobody has ever hit me, and I have a great relationship with my parents and sister, and I thoroughly enjoy being traditional. It's pretty rare, I'll give you that, but you don't have to be beaten or traumatized to become a housewife.

>> No.11507080

It's just family, Anon. Calm your horses.

>> No.11507082

>Just family
make little inbred babies with her, anon

>> No.11507086

I'm not surprised actually. I don't think scandinavians use cinnamon in anything, it's an awkward spice for us. We use it on a sort of rise pudding at christmas, but other than that I don't think we use it in anything

>> No.11507135

mulled wine at christmas

>> No.11507147

Well, my mom is and was a very right wing art painter, so maybe I got those traditional core family values with my mothers milk.
Also, we had that very nuclear family as you mentioned. My sister went full academic and "modern power woman", and I went traditional housewife, eventhough we had the same upbringing. I think a lot of it is circumstance and another part is just down to who you are as a person

>> No.11507148


you wouldnt care if you love him. A home is for living in, not a sterile lab.

>> No.11507175

I like cleaning though. I do it for myself, since he wouldn't care how it looked anyway

>> No.11507180

>A home is for living in
Do you consider putting your nasty-ass feet up on a table to be a normal part of living? What about getting greasy handprints on windows?

I guess slobs gonna slob.

>> No.11507186

it's got to be clean when he gets up and clean when he comes home from work.
take a power nap from 10AM to 4PM

>> No.11507195

based and homepilled!

>> No.11507203
File: 80 KB, 500x375, 66364520-C273-494D-842C-8B2CAB42253D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get home from work
>cook for 2 but eats it all myself because I just dumped my bf’s ass last week
Lmao living the life lads (please help I’m so lonely)

>> No.11507216

why are you even with the guy if you dont like his habits? nothing's more of a turn off than a constantly nagging spouse. The world aint gonna end because your windows are slightly dirty. Of course there are limits but feet on the table after a long day at work is such a picky thing to fuss over. literally 5 seconds with a wet wipe.

>> No.11507233

this rosti is tosti

>> No.11507234

That wasn't me, that was some other anon. But like I said, I clean for myself because I like it.
And to be honest, I don't mind that he dirties the place a bit, I just wanted to complain.

>> No.11507240

>why are you even with the guy if you dont like his habits?
I'm not with the guy. I'm a random 3rd party anon. that's a valid question though.

>>nothing's more of a turn off than a constantly nagging spouse.
Agreed. I'm asking a different question entirely. I'm wondering why an adult would choose to put dirty feet up on a table in the first place. Or how an adult would even get greasy handprints on windows (I use my windows often, and all I touch is the handle on the sash and the little locks...why would your fingers ever actually contact the glass?

>>The world aint gonna end because your windows are slightly dirty.
Clearly. It's a really minor thing. But I'm puzzled as to how it happens in the first place. Little kids playing around I can understand, but why would an adult get fingerprints on a window? Why would their fingers even touch the glass in the first place?

>> is such a picky thing to fuss over.
I agree it's silly to bitch about. But I'm even more confused as to why it happens in the first place.

>>wet wipes
throwaway society plz go

>> No.11507248

>Abused, beaten roastie housewife thought it was normal for her husband to piss all over the floor after she mops it.

Lmfao this bitch doesn't realize she's in some misogyny fantasy. I bet he makes her lick the toilet bowl clean too like a good wife

>> No.11507250

>why would your fingers ever actually contact the glass?
we have a terrase with a window door that he uses when he goes out to smoke. Appearantly he opens the door with his hand on the middle of the window. Again, I don't mind so much, I just want to whine a bit.

>> No.11507258

>shame women for wanting to do what they want
You'll regret it when you're old and barren, or when the kid you had in your thirties is an autist with a dozen allergies.

We shame because we care, repent roastie before it's too late.

>> No.11507263

While I don't agree with the sin part, you really shouldn't move in with your boyfriend and play "wifey" - he'll never propose because what is the point? You're already doing all the things a wife does.

t. Tradwife

>> No.11507267

I don't think the motivation behind a healthy marriage would be "I want someone to cook and clean for me".

>> No.11507270

>Appearantly he opens the door with his hand on the middle of the window.

Does your window/door/whatever not have a handle? Or is this person just a massive retard?

>> No.11507272

>living with boyfriend
pick one

>> No.11507273

No, but "I want to provide what I can to the person I love" certainly is.

>> No.11507275

then you aren't a man and should shut your fucking bitch mouth

>> No.11507288

If the main reason for his proposal is that he wants someone to cook and clean, I think you went wrong somewhere. If my boyfriend proposes it likely won't be because of my household tendencies, but because he wants to make me his by law and share a life together.

>> No.11507294

yeah, that's what he will tell you

>> No.11507299

You sound miserable. You'll end up as an alcoholic winemom living off his good graces

>> No.11507300
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Fuck yes, wife fight. Loser has to cook, and winner gets to strap on rape her

>> No.11507302

You might want to give a good think as to why men and women marry.
Hint: Life isn't a Disney movie.

>> No.11507309

I'm a man trying to explain reality to women, and it's not working

>> No.11507311

No, I'll make my own fairytale if I have to. I'll use any means I have to to make it happen and he will be grateful when I'm finished. If you had any dedication you would too.

>> No.11507319

Whoops. You're insane. Figured there had to be a drawback somewhere with all those good traits.

>> No.11507323

he definitely senses that you have this philosophy and knows he has to pretend that you're succeeding in making a magical fairytale or else you'll spazz out having a vagina tantrum and he'll have to deal with you

>> No.11507326

Ah, yes, I lack dedication because I believe I bring more my marriage than just blushing "I love you"s and warm kisses.

Let's hear back from you in a few years after you manage to beg your way into an engagement~

>> No.11507327

You forgot the part where she turns into a lazy fatass after 5 years and he dumps her for a much younger woman.

>> No.11507348
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how to get psychotic yandere homewife?

>> No.11507353

First of all like I said I'm a man. But how does your speculation go against my point, at all?

You seem to be saying that men end up dumping women who become lazy. In other words, they are expected to cook and clean and if they don't then the relationship is over. So your view of heterosexual relationships is the same as mine.

>> No.11507354

I'm a lazy slob, but trying to string in some woman to do housework just seems entirely counterproductive. Their demands will eat into my free time far more than doing a little housework when even I can't stand the mess any more.

Your reality is a little warped.

>> No.11507361

Just because you realize what a pain in the ass women are doesn't mean all men do. When a woman is still being pleasant and doing good housework without being a demanding bitch, marriage seems like a good deal to a lot of stupid men

>> No.11507369

Lmao you're dating a manchild. I haven't missed the bowl since I was like 6.

>> No.11507376

Let me guess you think you are special and unique and that's why he is with you right?

>> No.11507382

Didn't take long for the incels to pour in

>> No.11507384
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>I'll use any means I have
>I should talk to him
>make me his by law
I feel like you are the type to stab your spouse over percieved faults

>> No.11507403

I do. And I'm fairly pretty and come from a good family so that counts in my favor as well. But more than that he is with me because I'm a good girlfriend.

>> No.11507409

I cook and she cleans. I love cooking, hate cleaning. There's no downside for me.

>> No.11507417

OP must be asian.

I've dated plenty of white bitches and none of them could cook even the most basic dishes to save their lives.

I swear, if white women weren't so easy, they'd be absolutely fucking useless in this world.

>> No.11507423

You forgot where you were. You can only blame yourself, anon.

>> No.11507431
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>post coitus
>have impossibly strong urge to piss
>still a little stiff
>residual semen splits the stream
>piss everywhere
It happens sorry. I try to clean up tho.

>> No.11507440

I'm danish. Pale and strawberry blond. I don't think asians cook roasts. They more like rice and chicken and stuff like that

>> No.11507452


This. Fuck white bitches, friend black bitches, marry asian bitches.

>> No.11507464

>managed all of the bills and finance, insurance, shopping

Spending money is hard

>> No.11507481

Well, you'd probably like far eastern culture with your traits and values

>> No.11507486

I don't really like non whites. I have a hard time even with southern europeans. But I'll admit the chinese and their neighbours have some decent values. They are just so unlikable

>> No.11507507

>tfw spic
Would my Mexican cooking skills help?

>> No.11507524

Help with what? I wouldn't have sex with you, nor should you betray your own people with a white girl.
I like enchilladas though, they are nice

>> No.11507552

At this point my country is whiter than most of Europe.

>> No.11507711

I'm english and I've visited Denmark a handful of times.
You cement the belief I have that danish women are charmingly insane.
I like to think it's because you are all imported saxon chicks, and we are left with the just plain insane ones.

>> No.11507726

>charmingly insane
thanks i suppose. Is this one of those dating tips where you are supposed to give the girl an insult and a compliment at the same time?

>> No.11507754

t. hoarder
I bet your room would be considered a biohazard by a hazmat team

>> No.11507760

Very good advice.
And I was wondering why my bf wouldn't propose after 4 years

>> No.11507787

why don't you propose to him you fucking dumb roastie?

>> No.11507799

My mom lounges around the home and doesn't prepare meals for my 8-5 dad

>> No.11507830

I thought boomerwives were trained in traditional housework

>> No.11507995

Boomers are where it started to go wrong.

>> No.11508003
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His feet are stinky and his palms are greasy because he works for a living

I imagine this is a troll but so many relationships are like this. He's slaving away to put a roof over your head, meanwhile you repay him by nagging about how hard it is watching the Hallmark channel and wiping the same table for "hours"

>> No.11508010

Why did she leave her ponytails in when she's showering?

>> No.11508149
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what a shock

>> No.11508185

>using logic and rationality on two women arguing
So whos the actual idiot here, anon

>> No.11508215 [DELETED] 

Please don't remind me of this OP. My wife left for another man. She left our baby. At least I have full custody but I see her face every time I look at him

>> No.11508249

>implying that femanons think
nice one

>> No.11508255
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It's sad but I think the average dude is just accustomed to not having a gf or wife that will look after them.

For the first time in my life I have a gf that can cook and clean for me and is happy to do so. I definitly don't take it for granted. Even after 2 years it's still surreal to have a girl make me a meal.

My previous relationships I was the bread winner and did all the cooking and half the cleaning. My last ex made me food twice over 5 years and probably picked up the bill for 10 meals total. That's the new normal, and I am not going back to it, fuck that.

>> No.11508273

raise him to hate her

>> No.11508432

Because that would be pathetic and emasculating for him

>> No.11508489

This. A woman should never propose. She can bug the guy untill he proposes though

>> No.11508527

Why didn't you get her pregnant then and marry her?

>> No.11508531

>ITT: larping faggots

>> No.11508546

Women are so disgusting and idiotic. The reason why you are all doomed to live and die by man's will is because you fucking act like this. How can you ever expect anyone to respect your wishes when you just sit on your lazy ass dropping hints forever until someone gets you what you want? You're nothing but a bitch, a walking talking set of udders and a dripping baby hole, just waiting for any guy to come along and inseminate you

>> No.11508559

anyone but you lmao

>> No.11508589

I don't mind cooking but my eating schedule is too different to make the 1950s tradwife a sensible reality. I suppose it is cultural differences but my breakfast is very light (coffee and animal crackers) and it offsets the timing of every meal that comes after. Dinner at 5 is waayyy too fucking early. Are whiteys only able to eat dinner at 5 because they really are going to bed at 8?

>> No.11508635

Historically it actually wasn't uncommon for boyfriend and girlfriend to just move in together, especially in more rural areas. The act of moving in together initiated the marriage, this is where common law marriage stems from. Some countries have had formal registrars and documentation for marriage longer than others, and even then it wasn't evenly applied (the nobility would have their marriage legally recorded but peasants would just rely on social recognition of the marriage and technically weren't on the books).

Lots of people move in to save money, but if you're living together and can't fuck other people without making your partner sad/upset I'd agree I don't see how it is any different from being married. We should bring back common law marriage. Shit or get off the pot.

>> No.11508688

some day soon

>> No.11508690
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>t.third wave feminist who is angry at women for not behaving like men
This thread is about tradwives, not degenerate assertive females brainwashed by cultural marxism who think they ought to larp as the opposite gender to gain respect and credibility.

Now go be angry at gender roles on >>>/t/umblr rather than spoiling this thread will you

>> No.11508729


I'm a housewife and a stay at home mom.

I accidentally made my husband gain like 50 lbs when we first got married. Fed him way too much, and made tasty, unhealthy food because I thought that was what he wanted and all I wanted was a happy husband.

It's our fifth year of marriage now. Our kids are four, three, and one. I make him and the kids healthy, tasty food. I eat after I get the kids to sleep. Usually a huge portion of vegetables.

>> No.11508749


Is his name Hildigarr?

>> No.11508757

>cultural marxism
Nice meaningless term meant to inflame knuckledragging mouthbreathers, you bootlicker.

>> No.11508770

This. I try to picture in my mind the males larping as females and the machos, club in hand, ready to drag those females back to the 19th century. Those pictures are not aesthetic.

>> No.11508789

>useless existential bullshit and historical events that have no relevance to him

>practical strategising about how to attract and keep a suitable mate
The image implies this is one of the few things they do think about.

lmaoing at retarded showerthoughtcucks.

>> No.11508794

Post pics of your bathroom then, Martha Stewart

>> No.11508797

This. The man comes home from work and sheds his clothes like a snake wherever the fuck he will, and it won't bother him. At least when I ask for some help getting housework done he doesn't complain much, especially since I usually have dinner ready.

>> No.11508853

As long as you buy the right potato you can't go wrong. Anything you'd do chips with (high starch) will be great. Your average Maris Piper is fine. I have done rosti many different ways but the fastest and simplest way is thus:
>thick stainless steel pan very hot
>grate potato in long strips on the large raindrop side of the grater onto a plate
>squeeze a double handful at a time over the sink and return to plate segregated from still wet stuff until all is squeezed
>season (salt obv but I like nutmeg and thyme, can also mix in melted butter but easier to add later)
>1-2mm puddle of oil in the pan until shimmering
>gently spread the potato sparsely, do not pack down as the steam needs to disperse and cook the centre
>can add bits of butter on top here if desired
>lower heat to med after a minute
>wait 5 mins and shake the pan to see if it is free
>check colour (golden brown)
>invert onto a plate, heat pan to very hot and slide it back in
>compress if desired
>cut in wedges or half for just a 2 person rosti
Should be crispy outside, soft inside. As I said, many ways to do a rosti and this is not top tier, but it's ready in 15 mins or so start to finish and pretty good.

>> No.11508866

Awesome! Thanks man!

>> No.11508946
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>Stacy actually believes this


>> No.11509029

why is she so smart, anon?

>> No.11509071

its me and my brother. Your mom is based tho. Whats your dad do for work?

>> No.11509169

>meaningless term
we're coming for you, kike.

>> No.11509438


Tradthots btfo

>> No.11509457

I thought having a wife who likes combat sports and converting your living room into a gym was a recent phenomenon.

>> No.11509473


>still doing
bro, you're aware no one has any clue what ancient european pagan beliefs actually were, right? It's all based on notes from Christian missionaries.

Even your precious eddas were written by Christians.

>> No.11509530

it happens in the first place because he needs a place to put his feet up and thinks a table that can be cleaned easily is better than another place. Literally learn to relax.

>> No.11509700
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I feel sorry for you anon

>> No.11509740


>> No.11509760

That sounds sweet, but you gotta find you a man who has a good enough job to let you stay home and cook and clean. That's probably the biggest reason why women go feminazi is working a full time job and coming home to having to do another fulll time job.

>> No.11509762

>tfw male and guaranteed to die alone
It hurts, b-bros...

>> No.11509767

most everyone dies alone.

>> No.11511278

How is highschool?

>> No.11511283

yet a single parent can do all of this and work.

>> No.11512752
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cause they got a fucking job to wake up for Ahmed

>> No.11512762

Why is there no porn in this thread?

>> No.11512927

>a woman nagging a guy until he proposes to her is a traditional gender role
the absolute state of society

>> No.11512934

4channel board, dumb*ss

>> No.11512938

>being a tradwife
>not being a stay-at-home studywife to compliment your husbands professional discipline
disgusting lack of ambition

>> No.11512950

sounds more like a woman

>> No.11512955

Fuck niggers lol

>> No.11512998 [DELETED] 

Hey fuck you. I fucking work hard. If I want to take my pants off wherever the fuck I want why would you care? I don't say anything when you make me lug the heavy ass trash down the stairs.