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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 800x419, MSG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11504617 No.11504617 [Reply] [Original]

Should I add MSG to every single thing I cook from now on? Why or why not?

>> No.11504966

Pic is bullshit, but why bother with it if you have perfectly fine spices.

>> No.11504976

I take in way more msg that human being should and I've never experienced a single negative effect from it. Certainly nothing on that troll list. But that's just me.

>> No.11505105

>a bunch of unsourced bullshit
the answer is YES op
and also google glutamate excitotoxicity and contemplate your existence

>> No.11505558

Maybe we can nip this in the bud:
MSG instantly separates into sodium and glutamate ions the second it hits water. There's no way for your body to know if such ions originated from MSG, tomatoes, broccoli, walnuts, etc.

If you experience genuine excitotoxicity caused by glutamate, it means your blood brain barrier is fucked up and you have far, far more horrifying things to worry about. People who have a genuine glutamate allergy probably exist, but their life would be a hell, unable eat anything that's even vaguely umami, or has been more than lightly cooked, let alone dried or fermented. Or legumes, nuts, dairy, bread, oats AND SO ON. No, not even tendies.

>> No.11505585

Reminder that anti-MSG propaganda is actually crypto anti-Chinese propaganda created by racist white Americans. Never mind that it was a chinamen doctor in America who first brought the idea of Chinese Restaurant Syndrome to public attention.

>> No.11505590

I am making near the entire thanksgiving dinner for my family, and almost every dish, savory or sweet, I've added some msg to, save the cranberry sauce, all made from scratch. You just have to learn to add a little bit. It isn't so far off salting your food properly. Brings out the taste.

>> No.11505601

are you retarded?

>> No.11505608

this board convinced me to buy msg maybe 2 years ago and i use it in almost everything since.

>> No.11505611

Not everything, but that's more of a matter of taste and culinary sense than health. Chinese restaurant syndrome is bullshit.

I fucking loathe China but Americans can't even be racist against China right and that really chaps my fuckin' ass.

>> No.11505612


>> No.11505613

what does the BBB have to do with it?

>> No.11505622
File: 10 KB, 252x244, dog fag enabler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe we can nip this in the bud:
***nip this in the butt

>> No.11505625

this thread is fucking hilarious

>> No.11505626

Watch this from beginning to end immediately.

>> No.11505637

MSG allergies are made up by attention-seeking, busybody, middle-aged white women. They are always searching for something to complain about and P.F. Changs Beef and Broccoli is an easy target.

>> No.11505700
File: 1.51 MB, 788x900, autolyzed yeast extract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: "Yeast extract" is just a method of producing MSG. If it says "yeast extract" on the ingredients that's MSG in disguise. They do this because white women won't buy it otherwise.

Pic related: My favorite prepackaged commercial broth thing. It's got MSG.

>> No.11505708

Can't believe you missed the hydrolyzed soy protein. Probably a lot more common to replace MSG than yeast extract.

>> No.11505709

Side effects lists are pointless without occurrence percentages. You could come up with a similar list for shit like tap water, sugar, beans and pretty much anything.

>> No.11505716

Good catch. Noted.

>> No.11505717

You shouldn't because not every dish actually benefits from the umami flavor of MSG, but you should use it where appropriate.

>> No.11505724

That's not a "troll list" you cucklord, those are negatives people have experienced. Just like people can be deadly allergic to peanut butter, they can have adverse effects to man-made flavorniggering spicing.

>> No.11505727

It is. This is the easiest way to shut down MSGtards. When they claim sensitvity ask them if they've ever had trouble with literally any processed, packaged, frozen, or fast food.

>> No.11505730

"Better than boullion" . Yeah, shits delicious

>> No.11505734

There is no evidence for non-psychosomatic negative reactions to MSG that aren't part of a wider problem with glutamates in general. If you give someone who thinks they have an MSG sensitivity something with MSG without telling them they won't react, if you give them something without MSG in it and tell them it has MSG they will react to that.

>> No.11505738

No, it's a troll list. Man-made purified food chemicals are in fact much safer than most natural foods, since there's no allergy risk

>> No.11505743
File: 118 KB, 600x600, rice redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a nice side of bullshit that idiots will lap up because it's in a spiffy infographic.

>> No.11505744

It is. This is the easiest way to shut down MSGtards. When they claim sensitvity ask them if they've ever had trouble with literally any processed, packaged, frozen, or fast food. >>11505724
You're a fucking moron of a troll. All of the most delicious foods have high levels of natural glutamic acid.

>> No.11505750
File: 271 KB, 1024x510, lactose intolerance map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another bullshit. /pol/ and /fit/ (same people) love this one

>> No.11505803

I fucking love the retarded electric alkaline niggers. Dr. Sebi and those other hucksters found a genius way to profit from the atrocious diet and poor health of black Americans. They say some of the stupidest shit ever.
>mucus causes all illness and disease
>eat alkaline (not acidic) foods to clear the body of mucus
>eat electric foods that still have their life energy
>decolonize your palate
>africans aren't meant to eat meat

>> No.11506053

>muh racism
No, MSG hysteria had nothing to do with being anti-Chinese and everything to do with granola hippies screeching about food additives and indulging hypochondriac fantasies.

>> No.11506067

this, subbing part msg for salt works great

>> No.11506333

No, asshole, modern ice cream has nothing to do with its origins in 17th century Europe because people today are fat and can't stop their insulin-craving guts.

Misdirecting non-sequiturs are fun and easy!

>> No.11506369


>> No.11506542

>idiots will lap up because it's in a spiffy infographic
Graphic design will be the end of our civilization.

>> No.11506670

I bought MSG recently. Don't use it much, I expected it to be much more intense. It's underwhelmingly mild.

>> No.11506680
File: 31 KB, 450x450, ba3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about MSG. DHMO is the real problem!

>> No.11506685

The controls are clunky but the story makes them worth playing.

>> No.11506717

No he was right the first time. Twat