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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11505386 No.11505386 [Reply] [Original]

So how you boys holding up? Salt your bird, make your cranberry sauce, and make your collared greens yet?

It's the calm before the storm. Who else getting ready for gameday here?

>> No.11505397

Bruh would you like an image dump of what I've done so far or is this a meme thread?

>> No.11505404

Tha fuq is a meme thread? If you can give pointers to the dishes you can make before the big game, then by all means share your shit!

>> No.11505436
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Alright here's the stock I made yesterday in the slow cooker. Ill boil my potatoes in it and then add it the dressing. I'm also making a lasagna I got a fuck ton of pics of the sauce that I put in the slow cooker tonight. Want those?

>> No.11505443


>> No.11505444
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>> No.11505449
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>> No.11505453

What's the gameplan for the big day? I foolishly haven't made mine yet, but tomorrow will be a big cook-off and getting the timeline set.

>> No.11505454

Trying to make a baked brie using gluten free dough and it's not going well. Dang.

>> No.11505483

Well there's a big lunch at 1 with like 100 ppl but I'm making dinner for a smaller group to be served at 7. I'm making a 13 lb bird and it will go in a buttermilk brine tomorrow night. I'm doing dressing, traditional mashed potatoes, a loaded baked potato casserole, and the lasagna with scratch made sauce to go with too. The lasagna and potato casserole will be ready tomorrow and get baked on Thursday. The dressing and the mashed potatoes will be made while everything else bakes.

>> No.11505553

Nice. Always good to have a plan, and a backup plan, which I'm doing as well. Do you have any advice for the bird? That's the only wildcard I've got, because I've made all the sides to perfection, but the last time it took 2 more hours to come up to temp. Any guidelines on that turkey?

>> No.11505556

are you retarded?

>> No.11505564

Yes. Yes, anon.

>> No.11505635

Yeah. Keep the oven closed the whole cooking time then put it in an ice chest to to help it finish cooking thoroughly if it needs without it drying out. Let it rest in there minimum of 30 minutes. My uncle is a caterer and my grandpa owned a restaurant

>> No.11505867

I hate this time of year.
My mom can cook but has bad habits that ruins shit. Won't let me cook but bitches and moans all holiday about having no help. Try to help and get yelled at for not doing things how she likes.
Will throw a fit if I bail out on holiday dinner.
Another year of doing last minute runs to the store and cleaning dishes as my "contribution".
All this for reheated fucking turkey and dry overcooked ham.
I wanted to brine a turkey this year and be left alone.

>> No.11506023

Deep Fried Turkey
Brown Sugar Crusted Ham

Green Bean Casserole
Potatoes Au Gratin
Giblet and Turkey Neck Gravy
Backed Macaroni and Cheese
Sausage Dressing
Garlic and Horseradish Mashed Potatoes
Cranberry Sauce
King's Hawaiian Garlic Bread
Creamed Corn
Granny's Fried Cornbread

Boozey Apple Cider
Hot Toddy

Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Pie
Pumpkin Roll
Spinach Dip
Fried Chicken Gizzards and Hearts
Stuffed Mushrooms
Hot Crab Dip
Deviled Eggs

I'm waking up early to go to my mom's house in about 6hours to get started on everything that can be made the day before Thanksgiving. I've got my Nana handling all the baking and I'll be making everything else. My family let's me handle Thanksgiving every year which would suck for most people but I've got an ace up my sleeve. See I'm broke as fuck always so I always plan out these impossibly large and complex Thanksgiving for like 7 people. 20lb turkey, 6lb ham, all of those side dishes, etc. Inevitably when everyone is stuffed and can't eat another bite I >volunteer to put all the food away. I Tupperware everything and while everyone's watching the game I pack my car with the leftovers and slip out. I usually end up not needing to buy groceries for a week or two since it's just me and my girl who live here. This year I plan to make out like a bandit. My parents always buy the groceries too, my dad shops at the commissary and gets 2$ bottles of wine tax free. So while they have to deal with a mountain of dishes I'll be at my clean house getting drunk on two buck chuck and enjoying a fridge filled with food.

>> No.11506027

I should add that my dad already took me shopping for everything and we spent about $375 on groceries and maybe $125 at the liquor store.

>> No.11506029

You're lucky you have a mom to spend holidays with. Try to be a little nicer to her, you only get one mother. When you're older and she's dead you'll wish you had spent more time together. Or maybe she's just a dumb cunt.

>> No.11506039

Pro tip for anyone who has friends in the military but doesn't know what a commissary is. It's just a grocery store that's on base and everything is tax free including alcohol. My brother is in the army and you can buy handles of whiskey for 5$ and a 24 pack of beer for like 6$.

>> No.11506103

Posted most of this in another thread, but here's my gameplan:

>turkey (15-20 lbs, getting it fresh tomorrow)
>homemade stuffing w/ dried cranberries
>mashed potatoes w/ gravy
>bacon-wrapped carrots in maple syrup glaze
>roasted parmesan Brussels sprouts
>Pillsbury biscuits
>cranberry sauce
>sweet corn
>pimento olives

And a cherry pie for dessert. My kitchen was a mess, so I spent this evening cleaning it. Still have a round of dishes to do, need to pick up a lot of shit. (note to self: flour, baster, bacon, biscuits, carrots, syrup, olives, Brussels sprouts, toothpicks. fuck) Tomorrow, I'm gonna buy that, make the sauce, and prepare the turkey for the oven.

>> No.11506125

Oh, and per some anon's suggestion I'm using this recipe for the turkey:

Minus the bacon, and I'm not making his gravy. Dammit, I need parsley too.

>> No.11506146

Just got 2 ~20 lb turkeys from my roommate who got them from work for free. Never did deep fry them before but we are going to do 2 this year both brined one wet one dry. Gotta go to the grocery store for sides and alcohol tomorrow, it's going to be a shit show!

>> No.11506536

bump for interest

>> No.11506576

Spatchcocked the bird (didn't end up salting it because I noticed that it had been prebrined) probably going to do an herb butter rub before cooking it. Made stock from the neck, wing tips, and tail. Made the cranberry sauce and the pies. Cooked the sweet potatoes and got them ready for final assembly into sweet potato casserole day of. Also roasted a head of garlic to mash up into the potatoes when they're made on Thursday.

Have stuffing, whipped cream, mashed potatoes, gravy, and a salad to make tomorrow. Though I might go ahead and make a gravy with the stock today and just add some drippings when heating it up for serving.

>> No.11506831

Make sure your wet brine turkey is EXTREMELY EXCESSIVELY patted dry before you put it in the frier.

>> No.11506865

Well today is the triage day. I just arrived at the parents and they have a frozen turkey, which is fine but I wanted to get one fresh from the butcher for about the same cost. Now I say triage because...
>canned cranberry gel
>stove top stuffing, no plans for dressing
>my boomer mom who never learned to cook has raw sweet potatoes and I -know- she cant make them

So I have to politely figure this all out.

>> No.11506872
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>> No.11506877

Did that guy who does the different turkey cooking methods come back this year? The one who like, takes the drumsticks off and takes all the tendons out of them then sews them back up and cooks them, or blends the turkey into a clay consistency that he then molds back into the drumstick and cooks?

>> No.11506906

So how long does it take to thaw a frozen turkey? I just realized that I forgot to take my turkey out of the freezer this morning and now I'm going to have to wait until I get back home from work at 6 pm to take it out, will it be thawed enough to cook tomorrow morning or am I screwed?

>> No.11506914

Just pretend she’s a typical power tripping know-it-all chef and your his bitch line cook. Do what she tells you while you get drunk because you are just an extra pair of hands with zero responsibility.

>> No.11507023

Thank you for this, it inspired me to make my own as well. Dawn of the last day before hand.... it must be done.

>> No.11507038

She's the latter. As I got older I saw more and more of how mean spirited and dumb my mom was. She is very much a control freak and taker. You do something nice and she will either find a flaw or question why we didn't do more. It's a complicated affection-less onesided relationship and it makes me sad. Reason why I'd rather be elsewhere for the holidays.
She's the chef that throws you out of the kitchen for anything. So I'll end up a gofor all day until dinner.

>> No.11507039
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>Bird spatchcocked and brining in the fridge
>Vanilla custard ice cram churned
>Pumpkins roasted and reduced

Today the wife is home making lemon sorbet for the palate cleanser before dinner. She's also making dinner rolls ahead and prepping the house for company.

I'm going to be grilling my turkey over lump charcoal. I'm fucking hyped, I did it over the summer and it was the best turkey I've ever eaten.

>> No.11507041

>>how long does it take to thaw a turkey
How long is a piece of string?

It depends on a lot of variables. Size of the turkey, how cold your freezer was, etc. Thawed by tomorrow morning? Yeesh, stick it in a sink full of cold water and hope.


>> No.11507047

>Yeesh, stick it in a sink full of cold water and hope.

Better yet, thaw it in a brine. The salt will probably help thawing and you'll be improving the taste of the meat.

>> No.11507063

>The salt will probably help thawing
Why do you believe this nonsense?

There's nothing wrong with brining, but it sure as fuck won't make anything thaw faster.

>> No.11507075

Because salt lowers the freezing point for water and thus should improve thawing over using unsalted water.

Are ya dumb, boy?

>> No.11507084

Yeah, but that’s because you don’t know how to ask for instructions before you do anything and questions if you aren’t clear on anything. It’s a pain, but I worked at a place that had a lead line, sous, head, and exec that would all tell me to do something a different way every time without initiating instruction and get pissy (sous would be red skin vein popping spittle flying profanity laced belittling and insulting tirade pissy) if it wasn’t exactly what they were expecting. I do not understand it other than some people are terrible communicators or just that disorganized and still manage to hold onto their job somehow. It’s pretty common in kitchens and if you can find someone that you work well with without that kind of BS, count yourself lucky.

>> No.11507096
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You're welcome. This board needs more inspiration. I'm going to start that dump of sauce for my lasagna. Pic related my non traditional soffrito

>> No.11507097

>Because salt lowers the freezing point for water

Sure. but we're not throwing salt on ice. We're mixing salt in water. It's already thawed.

You'd have a point if you could magically teleport the salt inside the turkey, but we can't really do that.

>>Are ya dumb, boy?
Look in a mirror.
Then retake your high school chemistry classes.

>> No.11507102

I was legit disheartened by my family's laziness with the holiday but now I've got bread rising and I sent someone out to get me vegetables for the stock! All thanks to you and this thread.

>> No.11507105

>You'd have a point if you could magically teleport the salt inside the turkey
Maybe, just maybe, we can leave the turkey inside the salt solution for an extended period of time.

>> No.11507109
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>asks you to gofor ice
>drink natty ice in the parking lot for two hours and toss a pigskin with a cousin or nephew
>earnestly tell her it was a simple miscommunication while she explodes like a Chinese dam.
Fresh ground peppercorn, clove, and cinnamon

>> No.11507117
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That's what this holiday is all about friend. Coming together at the last moment and collaborating to make a delicious meal for everyone. Best holiday.
Into the hot olive oil it all goes

>> No.11507122

>Maybe, just maybe, we can leave the turkey inside the salt solution for an extended period of time.
Sure we can.
How would that effect faster thawing though? The salt is already dissolved in liquid water, therefore the change in melting point is already moot.

>> No.11507125

Because the TURKEY is frozen, and you are surrounding and filling the turkey with a salted solution instead of just clean water. The thawing effect the salt has will take to the turkey.

In any case, there's literally no downside to it. I can't find anyone who's tested if brining thaws faster than just equal temperature water.

>> No.11507127
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Meat portion is two patted dry and salted grass fed beef shanks from my local farmer and friend (1/2 off thanksgiving special!!!) And two hot Italian links

>> No.11507132
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Just fuck each other already
Squeeze the sausage out into the cooked down soffrito

>> No.11507134

>and you are surrounding and filling the turkey with a salted solution instead of just clean water.
...which will make no difference whatsoever unless your salt can magically teleport through the cell membranes into the turkey, which it cannot.

>>The thawing effect the salt has will take to the turkey.
It will not.

>>In any case, there's literally no downside to it.
Agreed. In fact, it's beneficial since you end up brining the turkey at the same time. But it sure as fuck won't thaw it faster.

>>I can't find anyone who's tested if brining thaws faster than just equal temperature water.
You don't need to. You just need a good understanding of how freezing point depression works.

>> No.11507138

I'm being co-opted by my family and have been forced into meme plastic-bag turkey cooking, but I think I'm going to smoke the turkey, even though I've never really worked with something even close to this weight (13.4 lbs = 6.08 kilos). I have hickory wood for days, plus some mesquite so my approach is going to be a wet brine, pat dry, dry rub and after about the second hour of smoking, liberal basting utilizing lard/chicken stock. Am I retarded and if so, please educate me.

>he can't into autonomy
>tfw he's single so it can't be held at his house
>male nurse
>actual homosexual

>> No.11507139

>...which will make no difference whatsoever unless your salt can magically teleport through the cell membranes into the turkey, which it cannot.
That's... kind of the point of brining. The water in the brine displaces the water in the turkey. A salted solution will aid this process.

>> No.11507144

Smoking is great for turkey.
If you're worried about time you can spatchcock it it and it will cook faster.

>> No.11507149

>That's... kind of the point of brining.
Yeah, but:
the brine (liquid) cannot get into the turkey's cells until they are thawed. In other words, the thawing must happen before the brine can penetrate.

>>A salted solution will aid this process.
The reason why you salt brine is to make an isotonic solution.

>> No.11507158
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Sear the beef shanks on each side in a smoking hot pan. They tend to curl especially if you don't cut the outer ribbon of fat and tendon

>> No.11507163

yeah he's a retard, ignore him, there's a reason we salt icy roads lol, it won't magically be different for a turkey.

>> No.11507178

>>salt water is the same thing as salt when it comes to thawing ice

>>thawing ice is the same thing as thawing a piece of meat composed of cells

Looks like there's another one retard who needs to retake remedial chemistry.

>> No.11507189


>salt water and salt are not the same thing

it literally is the same fucking thing lol are you trolling now? Do you really think freshwater and saltwater freeze at the same temperature?

>muh cells
cells may slow it down, but they sure as fuck aren't going to stop salt from penetrating and thawing ice, you can't be this stupid.

>> No.11507193
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Minced thyme rosemary sage and cremini shrooms and whole San marzano tomatoes. Crush the tomatoes with your hand into a big bowl and mix in the minced stuff

>> No.11507197

God damn you even have the good tomatoes, you are basically who I want to be...

>> No.11507206
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Grate some hella old cheese and pop a bottle of medium body red. I have an Italian primativo here but any tasty wine of the type will do

>> No.11507213

>it literally is the same fucking thing
Lolno. Granulated salt is 100% salt. It is a solid. Brine is far lower concentration, and it is a liquid. Are you trying to tell me that solids and liquids are the same thing? And that 100% concentration of salt is similar to a 1% standard brine?

>> Do you really think freshwater and saltwater freeze at the same temperature?
Nope. I'm saying the difference in freezing point doesn't matter because our brine is already thawed. What temperature it freezes at is immaterial because we are dealing with temperatures above its freezing point, not below it.

>>cells may slow it down

>>but they sure as fuck aren't going to stop salt from penetrating and thawing ice, you can't be this stupid.
they slow it down enough to make the difference negligible.

when you put salt crystals on ice the thawing starts immeldetely, and the resulting melted water RUNS OFF, allowing the salt to contact the freshly exposed solid ice. That's why salt crystals thaw ice on roads. But in the case of our turkey the thawed portion never runs off to allow the salt to contact the ice below it, thus the situation is totally different than ice on a road.

It sounds like you memorized a little factoid without understanding the underlying principles.

>> No.11507223
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Thanks for the compliment. Its not hard friend I'm neither rich nor particularly talented just interested in food and I consume a lot of content about it from all sources (not so much YouTube mostly books and old shows shout out to the home girl Lidia for teaching me about dank Italian sauces.)

That was all last night this is my sauce this morning after spending the evening on high in the slow cooker

>> No.11507271
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>dry brined (kosher, sugar, pepper)
>cranbizzle w/ orange zest
>baked sourdough for god tier dressing
>baked breakfast ciabatta to check my dough recipe
>prepped for puff pastry (cheat method)
>baked cooking pumpkin and now defrosting
>shopping done
>harvested herbs from garden
>potatoes boiled
Just need to prep my preferment dough and herb butter tonight, should have time to clean my fish tanks. T-day should take about 10 min a dish, including the burd (rinse, pat dry, truss, into roaster oven with thermo probe). No, we don't eat ghetto food, so we left the collared greens and hog maws at the store.

>> No.11507278
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>> No.11507287

Nigga, I could make that meal for less than $75. LARP elsewhere.

>> No.11507291

>Giant expensive fuckoff piece of shit that can be easily maxed out and only gets used once a year

How about no.

>> No.11507293

PROTIP: dry brine now, butter bird at dawn
You're welcome

>> No.11507344

>essentially butterflying

Never heard the terminology, but excellent point. Thanks anon.

>> No.11507389
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I didn't know they let poorfags with no space host Thanksgiving. You must be a Europoor since you can't afford a $40 roaster oven and be unable to store it for use on hams, chickens, turkeys, geese, whole racks of ribs, roasts, etc. on T-day, X-mas, NY Day, Easter, 4oJ, weddings, b-days etc.

>> No.11507592


>turkey (15-20 lbs, getting it fresh tomorrow)

I hope you know what you're doing trying to get a fresh turkey this close to Thanksgiving. In my experience, the day before Thanksgiving is the day all the soccer moms and other procrastinators come out and start screeching "what do you mean you sold out of fresh turkeys? My Thanksgiving is ruined I hope you feel good about yourself".

>> No.11507628

They're never out of turkeys anymore. They have em discounted like a motherfucker on Friday and sell another big round in December for Christmas. Its a tired holiday comedy trope.

>> No.11507631

going to be tasty gravy

>> No.11507633

damn anon my mouth is water. Never had turkey this way

>> No.11507723

That's the whole idea. The genesis of this thanksgiving dinner started with the simple question: how am I going to make the dankest gravy and dressing these boomers have ever ate?

>> No.11507725

How long does it need to be basted?

>> No.11507832

Man, my family used to do it fuckin big each year at my parent's house, I'm talking two big ass turkeys, two full hams, a fuckton of everything else, plus people would bring more food, friends and neighbors would pop in, say howdy and grab a plate...a literal feast for 15-20+ people and have a fuckload of food left over, but we had a couple deaths in the family within the past 3 years and now every year around this time everyone just kinda does their own little Thanksgiving at their own house. I fucking miss big ass get together's on Thanksgiving. I hope everyone here has a great Thanksgiving, and for the foreignfags I hope you have a good day too. Be sure to tell your family that you see that you love them.

>> No.11507856

Same deal here anon. My grandma was the only one who did any cooking and since she died my mother really grudgingly makes some lazy stuff. The past few years we have had less and less people show up, and now my sister is serious with a guy and visiting his family for the event. I'm going all out this year though and taking over the cooking mantle to try and inject some cheer.

>> No.11507914

We used to pack 100 people into my aunts house for thanksgiving the kids would all eat outside on the back yard just crisscross applesauce like a picnic (California) then we'd all go play flag football with all the cousins and their friends like 20 vs 20 lol. My aunt would captain one team and my uncle (her older brother) the other. Best time of my life. This will always be the best holiday to me even if we don't do that. We'd pass around a hat at the end and the cousins name you chose was yours for the Christmas gift exchange. It all pretty much jumped the shark as everyone got older and had their own kids, and then my grandfather got really sick and was in the hospital one year on thanksgiving from an illness he eventually died from in the coming months. Tensions were really high. People started fighting, one cousin thought this was the ideal time to tell my aunt they wouldn't be participating in the gift exchange this year (turns out a little rebel contingent had decided to not) and made her cry. We tried to shake it all off and go play football again but tensions were still there. A new husband to one of my cousins tried to play rough on one of the cousins and I guess he wasn't aware that the guy he was trying to get rough with played streetball on a cul de sac in the hood as one of like 3 white boys on the street. Needless to say they had to be split up. That was our last one. I loved our thanksgiving. It was never boring, stuffy, or pretentious; just getting together and having a good time and its still my favorite holiday and I'm most thankful for the memories of it and all of us together.

>> No.11508022
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I agree, big thanksgivings are awesome. Ours has been growing over the last decade, despite a lot of the more immediate family getting more distant because of bad relations. They just seem to come in from a little further out on the wings now.

>Stock reducing with more stuff, then strained and more stock added to reduce more. Maple chili pecans.
Making roux now to add to the stock for gravy base to finish up tomorrow. Getting eggs on.

>> No.11508171

Looks dank m8. You're doing it all exactly right.

>> No.11508240

Spending money on convenience items you don't actually need is a poor person's mentality. That's how people get poor and stay poor.
Already have an oven? Spend that $40 on cooking classes to teach you how to use it rather than buying a unitasker Easy Bake oven, retard. Then you won't be such a waste of space.

>> No.11508821

>Main Course
2 Turkeys in my secret brine
5lbs of Beef Tounge for Tacos
100 Tamales (Red Beef, Green Chile & Sweet)
Kale & Cheese Mash
Bacon Mac & Cheese
Green Bean Caserole
Collard Greens
Bacon Mushroom Gravy
King Hawaiian rolls
Pumpkin Pie
Chocolate Peacan Pie
Chocolate Creme Pie
Spiked Warm Cider
Sparkling Berry Cider
Hot Chocolate

>> No.11508848
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All prepped and ready.

>> No.11508852

Based Mexican American poster. I've been on my bro for years to get me some of his mom's thanksgiving tacos

>> No.11508858

This. Learn technique, use of spices and seasonings, and all you need are the basics of any kitchen.

>> No.11508902
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>roasted turkey
>baked ziti
>cornbread stuffing with sausage, apples and cranberries
>garlic mashed potatoes with gravy from the turkey drippings
>roasted parmesan Brussels sprouts with bacon
>glazed carrots
>green bean casserole (I personally hate it but the boomers seem to love it so I make it for them)
>cranberry sauce
>yeast rolls
>pumpkin, apple and pecan pies with fresh whipped cream
>brownies and ice cream
>homemade eggnog
This is my favorite day of the year, I'm so excited. We comfy now

>> No.11508908

Is that cheeee I see? I'll steal your cat if it is!

>> No.11508915

Damn boys, new day. Hope you're all pumped and ready for the spotlight. Got my greens, sauce, backup bird, and prep ready. Get a good night's sleep and I hope you all the best!

>> No.11508936
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Take a gander at this baby!

But the amount of fat i got out of it is appaling.

>> No.11508954
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>"getting it fresh tommorow"


>> No.11508960

I'm two years away from having my own place with my boyfriend. I can't wait to host Thanksgiving with him for the first time. I think about it all the time, lads.

>> No.11509025
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It is cheese and keep your hands off my kots!
Mas grasa es mas bueno

>> No.11509049

Came here to bitch, boys. I do all the cooking and I love it. I don't like input other than after it's been made, input while I'm cooking fucks me all up. Boyfriend proclaimed he was going to do the cooking for thanksgiving this year and I'm okay with that. It means i get to do nothing. Two hours ago he informs me that he wants me to help. We have nothing for a good brine, but a turkey' s a turkey. I started a brine to put it in and he starts suggesting things left and right. We are now back to him cooking by himself. I fucking hate holidays.

>> No.11509072
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This ain't a bitch and moan thread this is a /good vibes turkey day/ thread. We can't fix your relationship just drink and put the potatoes on the front burner and your ego on the back!

>> No.11509077

Samefag harder

>> No.11509081

made my pie last night and let it cool in the fridge today. will be bringing it to m'om's house tomorrow to see what she needs me to do. it's just us this year, so there shouldn't be much.

>> No.11509084

I will post absolutely as much negativity as id like anon. I wish upon you dry turkey.

>> No.11509095
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I just made these roasted veggies. It’s got parsnips, carrots, sweet potato and Brussels sprouts tossed with pecans, dried cranberries and thyme. It’s not super impressive but I’m new to cooking so I’m proud of it.

>> No.11509096
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Fanny flustered?

>> No.11509101

dry turkey is the reason God (praise Him) invented gravy

>> No.11509115

This is true and I am now, again, looking forward to tomorrow's feast.

>> No.11509138

My oven just died today and couldn't be fixed. I'm picking up a turkey fryer and have no idea what to do other than how to fry it. Doing a dry brine on my turkey and have a stock already made. Anyone got any tips for frying a turkey?

>> No.11509142
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Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see what fills up faster. Ain't no chance luck or fate in my bird game son.

>> No.11509152

Are you a fag? Why not just nut up and tell him you'll supervise him.

>> No.11509163

as somebody who cut off their alcoholic bitch mom years ago, shut the fuck up.
fall off your high horse and break your fucking head open you worthless piece of shit

>> No.11509175


you have the majority of the rest of the website to be negative on, please allow us our good vibes thread.

and maybe seek counseling if your relationship is brought into question every holiday desu

>> No.11509180

looks good anon! would eat happily.

>> No.11509203

in a foreign country this year with my in-laws. since everyone is working we are doing the game on saturday. this will be their first thanksgiving so I'm hoping to do it right! I'm planning on making glazed carrots, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, sweet potato fries (for the two year old), stuffing, cranberry sauce (if I can find cranberries), and pumpkin pie. this is the most I've ever cooked for one day, and I've never had to plan to be done at a specific time before. wish me luck, friends

>> No.11509207

what country?

>> No.11509221

Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.11509230

Good luck. You'll fall into a rhythm and as long as you have everything at the house timing shouldn't be an issue, just oven or stove space.
Faggots will burn for eternity with aids

>> No.11509245

This would cost $17.00 at Aldi's

>> No.11509248


the appliances are definitely something I'm worried about, they're quite small compared to the US (I want to say about half as large oven and refrigerator but I am probably exaggerating). they have a separate broiler on top of their oven though so I'm planning to use it to keep stuff warm.

>> No.11509252
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>> No.11509255

Poor baby has a history of suicide attempts :'(
I'm so excited for tomorrow. I bought all my favorites for it.

>> No.11509289

why the hell would you put cheese in broth?

>> No.11509301

Luck goes your way, hope you made the carrots, casserole, and cranberry sauce, and prepped the pie today so you have less to worry about tomorrow. I was freaking the fuck out earlier, but I think I made it more of a problem in my mind than reality.

>> No.11509395

I got too fat so will be eating very little tomorrow. Also, all my family is in another state, so I'm alone. Enjoy your Thanksgivings, anons.

>> No.11509398

Don't put that delicious wing in the stockpot, anon

>> No.11509414

Turkey is airdrying in the fridge, gonna start slowroasting the bitch in a few hours.

Bread is cubed and drying out for the stuffing.

But first, I shall roast up some shallots for this fucking chronic cranberry sauce:

...After I get back from band rehearsal which ends at 9pm.

Fuck me!

>> No.11509429

It's past 9pm now which means Amazon officially fucked me over for thanksgiving. Was expecting a bunch of mushrooms and other shit in the mail today to make some shit and it's "out for delivery - arrival by 9pm" all day long.

That's what I get for using nigger amazon shipping instead of USPS or UPS.

>> No.11509474

I’m nervous but, hey, it’s a big day. A lot of weight on these shoulders. Good luck boys.

>> No.11509488

I put my turkey in the fridge last sunday but it still wasn't close to being thawed when I got home today. I put it in a plastic bag and put it back in the fridge submerged in water. is this going to work?

>> No.11509494

you can cook a frozen turkey

>> No.11509499
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Thanks man. I'm sticking to what I know on some stuff and making other stuff up as I go (though inspired by other stuff I probably couldn't pinpoint if I tried).
Seeing a bunch of people making stock on /ck/ is beautiful. I once had a chef tell me
>I don't like recipes that use stock.
Fucking dropped.
Looks great. What are they dressed with?

>pears cooking in wine, water, sugar, with coriander, cardamom, and bay leaf - to be used in salad dressing. Gravy base done.
About to peel the eggs after being distracted with other things.

>> No.11509500

holy shit did you think this through before you posted it?

F in molecular gastronomy

>> No.11509502

Keep your chin up, in a couple years you will have your mushrooms dropped off by a drone.

Maybe. I don't fucking know anymore.

>> No.11509505

Should be fine. Other guy who just took his out the freezer, I don't know. Just put it in cold water, will thaw faster.

>> No.11509511

Oh, I forgot I didn’t add sugar to the pears, since I’ll be using honey when making the dressing.

>> No.11509538

I’ve dealt with 1/2 frozen 16 pound turkeys the day of. Running cold water around the thighs and wings until you can gently pry them away from the body, same with in the cavity until you can get the neck and gizzards out, then just flip it around every few minutes under cold water. Put it in a pan with a rack and use high heat until the skin browns, then turn the heat down to 350, cover in foil and add about a cup of water to the pan, replenishing when almost dry. That’s the fastest way I’ve ever cooked a turkey, and it turned out pretty good.

>> No.11509541

I want to spatchcock my turkey again this year but last year I think I accidentally lost the oysters when I was de-spining it. where exactly are they on a raw turkey?

>> No.11509563

I can tell you that trying to cook a large meal at my family in the UKs was aids. Had to remove every rack and put the turkey ontop of a cookie rack placed on the floor of the oven to make room and them had to seal it with tinfoil because the door wouldn't close. You'll survive but damn it's nice to have an American sized kitchen and appliances. Also I don't know if you are fine cooking in C° but you might want a little cheat sheet of what you're cooking and what temperature that is converted just to make it easier on yourself or you can so quick maths for fun. Also enjoy your in laws being in awe at the feast and make sure to get incredibly inebriated and barely hold onto yourself narrowly avoiding burning important stuff, makes it a lot more fun.

>> No.11509588

About to take wrap off of the turkey to let it air dry for tomorrow. Got the dough for my batch of rolls proofing. Made cranberry sauce. Made a double batch of pie crust for my pies, gonna make the pecan tonight, dunno about the apple (will probably just prebake the bottom tonight), and the lemon meringue will be tomorrow. Made the base for green bean casserole, will blanch the beans and assemble tonight so I can just pop it in tomorrow. Tomorrow's stuff to do are cooking the turkey, the aforementioned pies, baking the rolls and casserole, brussels sprouts prep, corn pudding, mashed potatoes, and stuffing.

>> No.11509634

We ain't doing turkey because apparently my family hates bird. My dad also decided to order from Omaha Steaks, don't know which ones he picked but it will be a new thing for me.

>> No.11509810

Damn, hope you got at least two ovens.
Hell, sounds good to me. Steak dinner for all

>> No.11509835

Today I assembled most of the stuff so tomorrow will be easy.
>savory sweet potato casserole
>sweet sweet potato casserole
>corn pudding
>balsamic brussels with hard cheese
>lemon garlic green beans
All on baking sheets or in casserole dishes, in the fridge, ready to bake. Also made
>stock for gravy
>chestnut jam for the apple pie
>pie crust
And tomorrow around noon when I start baking, the turkey will have been in brine for three days.
Tomorrow I just have to make the stuffing, dinner rolls, pumpkin bars, turkey, gravy, and finish the apple pie.
I'm ready bros. Bring it on.

>> No.11509869
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>eggs peeled, filling mixed, tester eaten

>> No.11509911
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Where the thighs meet the spine at the top of the Turkey butt.

>> No.11510012

A good aged cheese rind is high in naturally occurring glutamates and salt.

>> No.11510074

what is the best way to cut around them? last year I had to use my ka-bar but this year I have poultry shears.

>> No.11510196

Damn. Nice job

>> No.11510208
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>ka-bar to spatchcock
Find a thinner bladed knife, as in from edge to spine thin, not left side to right side thin. Something more similar to a boning, paring, or utility knife shape would be easiest to work with. Slice along each side of the spine, then slice the skin around the thighs, then use the knife to carve them out like you're using a sharp scoop.

>> No.11510224

Oh wait, you're trying to leave all the skin intact, aren't you, like to lay it flat to roast or smoke? I typically wrap mine back into a nice bundle, so slicing the skin works fine for that method. If you're going from the inside out, just follow as close to the bone as you can. Turkey oyster muscles are a little less discernible from the rest of the thigh muscle in the area than chicken oyster muscles.

>> No.11510353
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>turkey dry brining rn, planning to do a mix of various poultry herbs with a bit of French flair via tarragon and lemons, pretty baseline stuff

>spicy cranberry chutney, 10/10 always delicious and I make it every year (can post the recipe if anyone wants it)

>mashed potatoes with a ridiculous amount of butter and heavy cream

>green bean casserole, all from scratch

>fluffy biscuits from aldi

>pumpkin pie (homemade filling) which was spiced with fresh ginger and cloves

Pretty standard stuff; will post pix later. I hope all of your game day plans go well! We have a lot to be thankful for, no matter our lot in life, even if it's the clothes on our back, or a nice warm meal we can partake in. We can also take a moment to appreciate our family, or at least find some silver lining in anything they've done for us. If you don't have family, you're always welcome here, and we're thankful to have you.

>> No.11510377

should I try to cut it so it stays attached to the thigh?

>> No.11510380
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oh here was my attempt last year. I think I accidentally threw the oysters out with the spine.

>> No.11510402

It can be done, for sure. If you screw up, you can always just be sure you don't pierce the skin while carving out the bone, then carve any remaining stuff off the bone and stuff it back into the crevices of the thigh meat that you managed to leave intact. If it comes to that, you will need to be more gentle when moving it from surface to surface while cooking to resting to serving so you don't leave a trail of gore behind you.

>> No.11510406

lemme see that cranberry recipe, if you don't mind

>> No.11510432

It looks like you might have. If the oyster is intact, there would usually be a relatively thin flap of muscle and skin at the end of the thick part of the thighs. There are some connective tissues to the rest of the thigh musculature, of course, but, like I said before, the oyster on turkeys blends in more with the rest of the muscles. They're flatter, and not as oyster like as in chickens. It really more of a case of getting all the muscle you can off a turkey as opposed to that extra tender lighter colored identifiable bit on a chicken.

>> No.11511471

The day has come, good luck boys

>> No.11511501

kill yourself boomer

>> No.11512020
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Parents are doing prime rib up and we the underlings are making sides and dessert. Did the cake yesterday a meyer lemon buttermilk bundt cake. No its not very festive but meyer lemons are in season in november so suck eggs pls disregard bad decorating

>> No.11512026
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My mom is making her signature corn pudding and a salad.

My dad is making the turkey. I bought a 13 lb heritage bird and 6 lbs of turkey breast roast separately for those preferring white meat.

I made a mushrooms gravy, cornbread stuffing (made cornbread from scratch), sweet potato casserole with homemade marshmallows, twice baked potatoes, cider glazed shallots, fried carrots wrapped in homemade whole wheat puff pastry, whole cranberry sauce with orange zest and juice and some local unpasteurized cider (also have some cider to serve), chocolate custard pecan pie, lemon meringue pie, apple pie, and a pumpkin cheesecake. And mixed berry sorbet and chocolate custard ice cream (homemade). Only thing I didn't make from scratch is the cheesecake crust. Reduced homemade beef stock to add to stuffing and to make gravy. Also forgot, whole wheat parker house rolls. took me a week. made all by myself.

>> No.11512039

that reminds me of your mom for some reason, son

>> No.11512046
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Creepy as fuck. Why would someone make painted steel racks when there's chromed or brushed stainless finish?

>> No.11512111

Trust your thermometer. 165 breast, 180 thigh.

>> No.11512190
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Coconut cream

>> No.11512195
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Lemon pound cake

>> No.11512201
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Lemon meringue

>> No.11512209
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>> No.11512212
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And cupcakes.

>> No.11512264
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looks good, how many did you make?

I just took my turkey out of the brine, cut it in half and covered it in a dry rub and stuck it in my smoker, looking forward to when it's done.

>> No.11512283

I made them for today!

>> No.11512287

nice you made them all? I thought for sure the cupcakes were bought they look so professional, good job!

>> No.11512322

I get the case and boxes at this cake supply store nearby. Those were the best looking ones. The strawberry ones were uncooperative so I had to remake them. But it was worth it.

>> No.11512450

I tried to make pumpkin and pecan pie but failed, so now I'm that loser whose gonna be bringing storebought pie. I did make some chocolates that turned out good, though.

>> No.11512454
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Parmesan biscuits. On to the turkey

>> No.11512460

What happened anon?

>> No.11512554

Looks delicious, nice. Nice baking skills

>> No.11512573

Honestly not sure what happened with the pecan pie, I think I put too much butter because it was a liquid bubbled mess when I pulled it out and it didn'tset right. With the pumpkin pie I forgot to put in the evaporated milk even though I made a specific second store trip to buy it, it also didn't set. I've made both pies in previous years with no issue but I guess I was just too braindead yesterday since I worked overnight then stayed up all day shopping, doing errands, then cooking. At least I wasn't responsible for anything important like the Turkey.

>> No.11512581

>collared greens
fuck you guys

>> No.11512638

ok I just woke up. how long will it take to cook a spatchcocked 7lb turkey? I want to eat around 8 hours from now.

>> No.11512674

>oh anon we were just going to use these costco ciabatta rolls for dinner
Now I have to get rolls made in addition to everything else

>> No.11512693
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Sure thing.

1-inch piece fresh ginger
3 cloves finely chopped garlic
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
4 tablespoons sugar
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1-pound can cranberry sauce with berries
1/2 teaspoon salt (or less)
ground black pepper

The recipe I use says to cut the ginger into fine slivers, but I find that grating the ginger using a very fine microplane is much better since you're not biting into the hard ginger fibers.

Then you combine the garlic, vinegar, sugar and cayenne in a small pot, and simmer on medium flame about 15 minutes, or until there are about four tablespoons of liquid left.

You add the can of cranberry sauce and salt and pepper. Mix and then bring to a simmer for about 10 minutes. Chill in the fridge, preferably overnight.

>> No.11512737

Who /breaking into the nog/ here? 4 months of aging. Can't fucking wait, it's gonna be smooth as fuck.

>> No.11512740
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Looks amazing desu

The finished sauce. I added some clementine juice and zest because why the fuck not. Forgot to mince the garlic but it's not a big deal.

>> No.11512748
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>> No.11512774

Sucks anon, but at least there’s storebought. Can’t win them all
What am I looking at here

>> No.11512798


How do you reduce pumpkin?

>> No.11512813

>turkey was still frozen last night
>put it in water
>when I checked it this morning the water had frozen into an ice shell around the turkey
fuck what do I do now?

>> No.11512875

Isn’t it full of water? I don’t know, just guessing. Seems strange to reduce after roasting

>> No.11512911

Keep changing the water every 30 minutes. Once you get it to the point you can break it down into smaller pieces, do one or two final soaks and you'll be fine.

>> No.11512922
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Cheesecake made last night
Deviled eggs done and half eaten
Turkey still cooking
Potatoes and sweet potatoes peeled, waiting to be cooked
Green bean casserole prepped and waiting
Cranberry sauce in the trash, where it belongs
Rolls are just rolling

Pic related is cat's Thanksgiving. Rice, sweet potatoes, and chicken.

>> No.11512963

is it safe to move it to the sink or do I need to keep putting it back in the fridge?

>> No.11512984
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I'm 3:40 into smoking this bird.

Brined it in my cooler last night.

>> No.11512995
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These fucking greenbeans...

>> No.11513000
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...are finally cooking.
>chicken broth, fuck water.

>> No.11513044

looks great to me

>> No.11513069

is that an actual woman?

>> No.11513095

Thanks anon, looks great. I didn't realize how much I've wanted a spicy cranberry chutney until you said those words lol. Might make that around Christmas or sooner

>> No.11513104

lol tell me about it man.

>> No.11513269
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Yes my wife helps me with all the things.

Bacon beans is tendies. Time to add back to the pot with the Cream of mushroom and Cream of chicken.
Any wild ideas to add?

>have to pass 7 captchas
>the fucking state of this place

>> No.11513271
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I'm thinking one more hour.

>> No.11513292

meyer lemons are god tier

>> No.11513301

you're going to regret not getting a tray
don't burn your hands

>> No.11513309

Out of all the complications and failures I've experienced in cooking none piss me off more than snapping green beans. Fucking love them but it's the most annoying step in prepping.

>> No.11513310
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Not bad. Going to my aunts house in about an hour, promises to be good. Plus shes apparently got more beer than fridge space, so I might take a six pack or two home.

>> No.11513333
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What are anons drinking while you cook?
I'm sticking with breakfast for a bit.
>8 captchas this time jesus fuck

>> No.11513347

Damn fine looking cake, friend

Mom works most thanksgivings (thanks a bunch, greedy corporations) so I assumed the role of head cook almost fifteen years ago. This year she asked if we could do the meal on Wednesday so I agreed. That way we didn't have to rush so she could go wage slave on Black "Friday."

>Dry brined, spatchcocked turkey
>Sausage and mushroom dressing
>Mashed potatoes
>Hawaiian rolls
>Homemade cranberry relish
>Homemade gravy with roux
>Roasted Brussels sprouts with olive oil
>Mincemeat pie
>Pumpkin pie
>Pumpkin custard pie
>Cherry Brandy liqueur cake
>Shrimp and corn cakes for appetizers
>Wine, beer, fruit punch, and milk

Gonna cook a twelve pound ham and roast sweet potatoes over the weekend once the turkey is all eaten

>> No.11513350

Hop bullet from Sierra Nevada. Balanced and crisp, a really nice DIPA. Nice quads btw.

>> No.11513396

Some punch I made. It’s knocking me on my ass. I think I might have gotten the entire family drunk

>> No.11513411
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Nice man. I can't wait to finally get to my destination and have a real drink.

Finally done with this shit. Into the oven it goes when I get there.

>> No.11513499
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>gravy with roux

>> No.11513510


>> No.11513530
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Why is it so complicated for you/in general?

>> No.11513558

Not him, but it's tedious as fuck. Unless you have some secret super swift method of doing it.

>> No.11513624

I just line up the ends against something flat and then cut them all with a knife, it doesn't take long?

>> No.11513641

>ng to make a baked brie using gluten free dough and it's not going well. Dang.
Did you add soy???

>> No.11513654
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Nah. Just snap and go. It helps to have a partner in crime.

It tastes better when you have to suffer for it.

>> No.11513909

How do you thicken your gravy? Corn starch? Kek

>> No.11513913

Saying "gravy with roux" is like saying "turkey with meat". Of course it fucking has it.

>> No.11513931

Believe it or not, Anon, but some terrible people use gravy out of a jar or, God forbid, make it out of a powdered mix!

>> No.11513994


>> No.11514127

>you only get one mother.
Such a shitty fucking thing to say to a person who doesn't like their parent.
Who gives a shit if you only get one. If they are a shitty person no child should be forced to take their shit because of that.
I've sat and listen to people talk about the shitty abusive behavior of a parent and then have some ignorant faggot use this line.
It's disgusting and stupid to expect someone to just forgive and forget because "it's you mother/father and you only get one."

>> No.11514384

Idk man. My dad beat my ass until I got old enough to beat his ass, and then I did. I don’t forgive him, but still. It’s one dad. We still talk. I always encourage people to make amends. Not that anon

>> No.11514416

I may have one dad or mom, but I also only have one life and I don't intend to waste it trying to appease hateful people.

>> No.11514433

Your choice, buddy. No right or wrong answer, just what feels right.

>> No.11514600
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I finally put my turkey in at 6:15. I injected it with seasoned butter but I think I should have put more seasoning on the outside too.

>> No.11514630
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So how did everyone's birds turn out? Mine turned out great, love smoked turkey.

>> No.11514650

Turkey came out alright. Skin was salty from the brine but overall decent.

>> No.11514712

Looks delicious anon, nice
How much salt did you use in the brine?

>> No.11514714
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I just got off work. I'm gonna make chicken pot pie for the first time, get drunk and watch Trailer Park Boys

Have a good night /ck/

>> No.11514734

Wow. I feel kind of bad for you.

>> No.11514744

1 cup of kosher salt. Brined it for 13 hrs.

>> No.11514774
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it's out. sadly it cooked a little unevenly because there was still some ice in it when I put it in so the legs and thighs are probably overdone.

>> No.11514782

Phew, good pointers boys. I made a mountain out of a molehill, fretted my ass off, and ultimately made way too many dishes and in too many proportions. Still a good Thanksgiving, next is pie and the family photo, along with some bourbon to calm the nerves. Cheers!

>> No.11514784
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First year spending the holidays alone. Decided I'd still eat good for Thanksgiving. Braised Beef Shank, mashed potatoes, and parmesan garlic asparagus.

Did I do good, /ck/?

>> No.11514786

Not a bad call my man

>> No.11514794
File: 538 KB, 400x226, HopesDeleted_zps70bf5c1d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have let all of us down.

>> No.11514796

You did WELL anon, but remember to ditch the Leiny next time

>> No.11514803

That's a pleb beer but otherwise ok.

>> No.11514808

Huge lager person, and I can't get Yuengling in Wisconsin. The choice is either that or New Glarus Two Women, and Northwoods beats Two Women every time

>> No.11514813

Wisconsin has some great breweries anon, surely there’s something else in terms of lager?

>> No.11514819

Not as far as I know. I don't go out of my way to special stores. Just whatever the grocery store has. Otherwise, the IPA meme is still in full swing.

>> No.11514833

>Damn, hope you got at least two ovens.
Did it all in one oven. In the interlude between dinner and dessert. Food came out alright, with the rolls being the worst thing since I overproofed them and gave them a alcohol taste and aroma. Desserts seem promising, though.

>> No.11514835

Wisconsin is pretty well known for beers, you need to get out more.

>> No.11514848

I know. Broke up with the girlfriend last week, and she was a controlling bitch who didn't let me get out often. Things are starting to look up. We're all gonna make it

>> No.11514850

Dunno if it needs to be a special store, but there might be some really nice lagers. Leiny is too sweet in my opinion

>> No.11514868

Oof, need to take this step soon. Can’t date this girl anymore. How old are you?

>> No.11514877

We're done dating. 4 years ended with her in handcuffs. 'Tis the season for domestics. I'm 26. Things have been good so far, talking to a few girls. Hopefully gonna have a few dates in the next couple weeks

>> No.11514883

Good luck out there. Ending a relationship is this sucks. Even worse is realizing it needs to happen, yet lacking the initiative to do it

>> No.11514996

That sounds delicious and the shier quantity of food alone is most impressive

>> No.11515268
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I fucked it up but at least there's no one but me to be disappointed

>> No.11515329

looks except the shells. What did you mess up?

>> No.11515347

I’d eat the shit out of that anon, looks absolutely delicious

>> No.11515353

Doesn't look that bad anon, just a bit bland. I'm also on the solo Thanksgiving wagon today. Made the whole meal. Spent 10 hours cooking to spend 20 minutes eating in silence. Got the mess cleaned up and leftovers put away. Dishes can wait until tomorrow though

>> No.11515391
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Eh no reason to. The holidays aren't the same with mom being gone. I'm not close with the rest of my family at all and they're 200 miles away so I'm making the best of it. It's probably better this way. I have my spouse and it's our first holiday in our own place so it's rad.

Thanks man. I hope your night is going well.

>> No.11515538

This post is so stupid. Not only does Wisconsin have many great local and state breweries, but we can also buy Yuengling.

>> No.11515569

temp probe was reading 155 in the breast and 165 in the thigh when I took it out, but then when I went to carve it there was still blood in the leg/thigh joint.

>> No.11515606

I have the feeling that the advice is wrong, but I could just be an assclown. 15 minutes a pound seems to work better than 165-175 gahrenheit. Then again, I like a slightly dry bird and gravy hides all sins.

>> No.11515804
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Brined for 48 hours in a spice-salt solution with apples, muddled oranges, vanilla extract, Vermont maple syrup, garlic cloves, rosemary, tyme, sage, and apple cider, stuffed with sourdough and mushroom blend stuffing and then roasted for 6 hours in low heat, basted every 30 minutes with drippings and butter.

Fed 16 people. Shit was incredible. Goddamn I fucking love being a New Englander and doing it right.

>> No.11515955

the advantage of snapping them by hand is that they will naturally snap at the correct point

>> No.11515960

are you saying that jar or powdered gravy doesn't contain a thickening agent?

>> No.11516070

what about the gravy packet that comes inside the turkey?

>> No.11516099
File: 503 KB, 2048x1536, turkerdurker.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mfin turkey ama

>> No.11516102

lmao nooo anon

>> No.11516133

That's fancy as fuck

>> No.11516137

Please tell me the poor thing is raised and not swimming in its own drippings.

>> No.11516149

yessir it is placed onto classy china to be carved up

>> No.11516154

I don't care where it ended, was it cooked like that?

>> No.11516166
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Yes you ignorant bitch learn to cook a mfin turkey

>> No.11516298
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im trigged what the FUCK do you catch ur bastings in u ignorant slut

>> No.11516306

I feel like we need to step back for a moment.
When you were cooking the bird was it elevated in anyway, such as on a rack? Or was it sitting in the roasting pan in the liquid?

>> No.11516414

>What am I looking at here

Looks like a roasted pumpkin or something similar

>> No.11516881
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If it was, what is wrong with that?
Honest question.