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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 418 KB, 768x960, chantelle_houghton_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11499939 No.11499939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>don't respond to angry meatcucks edition
If you're here to argue you can fuck right off. You want us to have a containment thread, so here you are.
Questions and recipes welcome

>> No.11499990

If you want to fuck
fuck yourself

>> No.11499997

>impotent? go vegan and finish your castration

>> No.11500000

>anything i don't like causes impotence
I've seen that used before

>> No.11500010

PETA has freezers full of dead animals.

>> No.11500012
File: 330 KB, 800x1054, PETAwaka1-72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a waste of digits

>> No.11500013

I promise but to hurt any vegan feefees on this thread if the vegans promise to stay in this containment thread

>> No.11500015

What are you into OP? I have so much to share from appetizers to snacks to desserts to breakfast/lunch/dinner entrees and mains.

>> No.11500023
File: 293 KB, 320x276, 2iazjuv[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw lab-grown meat becomes available and vegans all stop talking about how unhealthy meat is and finally only focus on treating animals better

>> No.11500025


>> No.11500029

Can we please ban vegan shitposting now?

>> No.11500031

I don't know who that woman is but she doesn't look like she's a stranger to having some meat in her mouth if you know what I mean*.

*She looks like a cocksucking whore.

>> No.11500032

But vegans can't have meat so what's the point of potency?

>> No.11500035

I just found out the wonder that is TVP. I had the most legit tendies at a vegan restaurant.
I need meal prep recipes for work tbqhfam.

>> No.11500039

refined sugar/carbs were proven to CAUSE heart disease. tobacco and alcohol are vegan. vegans can be obese.

saturated fat might be bad for people who already have heart disease, but it doesn't cause it, unless you're overeating and obese and then the issue is overeating.

also another risk factor for erectile dysfunction is lower testosterone, and vegan men have higher levels of SHBG which is normally found at higher levels in women and children, and it binds to testosterone.

>> No.11500044

I've never tried TVP but i'm all about Vital Wheat Gluten.

I'll look through the list and see if there's anything noteworthy for meal prep.

>> No.11500045

That picture is funny considering peta gasses >95% of the animals that come through their doors.

>> No.11500052
File: 122 KB, 1000x1317, PAMshowerSCARED-72-lo-res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont respond to meatcucks
>dont respond to meatcucks
For every antivegan post I will post vegan propoganda

>> No.11500056

now if only the prison system did that with all the filthy nigge-... I mean fine dark skinned gentleman
heh...heh don't wanna be perma banned from the new r/4channel

>> No.11500058
File: 1.48 MB, 2363x3113, Jim-Morris-Vegan-Thinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks breh

>> No.11500064

what type of fucking absurd mud name is waka waka flame? jeesssus christ

>> No.11500066

I found this
but honestly Ive never done meal prep so I don't even know what one does for this.

>> No.11500068
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>> No.11500070

Nobody is going to care about the lies of animal products being unhealthy once lab-grown meat and other products are available because there will be no moral issue with eating them. Get ready for the future because those arguments are going to become obsolete. If you actually care about the animals then you'll try to get people to just reduce their intake and buy from better sources, because most people won't ever go vegan, and even most vegans go back to eating meat, but you can get meat eaters to reduce their intake which means less animals killed.


>> No.11500074
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Nice opinion man

>> No.11500078

yeah but didn't you guys also commit arson?

>> No.11500085
File: 29 KB, 600x337, peta-last-longer-vegan-sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys
I'm not PETA you doublefaggot, I'm just a ethically superior vegoon

>> No.11500091

>last longer
>by raising your SHBG levels to be closer to that of women and children and bind testosterone in your body

>> No.11500093

He’s right, though. The health argument is something vegans fall back on when appeals to emotion don’t work. It’s not something they actually believe, or they wouldn’t constantly be raving about Oreos and french fries.

>> No.11500103
File: 441 KB, 1600x1066, d2c62aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pesto pasta takes 10 minutes and is absolutely delish

>> No.11500113

>using the appeal to bandwagoning with known retard celebrities

I'm perfectly happy doing the opposite of whatever waka flocka and pam Anderson do.

>> No.11500116

are you doing it just to spite them? because that would be a bit immature.

>> No.11500125

Do you buy understand SHBG? Higher estrogen, regardless of homeostasis state, increases SHBG. Having a larger hormone imbalance is having increased SHBG. More testosterone literally causes higher SHBG levels. Take a dietary class you utter retard.

>> No.11500134
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>> No.11500136
File: 143 KB, 608x589, 1542431298979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: Vegans live longer than meat eaters.
Fact: Vegans are less likely to suffer E.D.
Fact: Vegans spare the lives of 30 animals each year

>> No.11500153
File: 119 KB, 704x669, Hehehe 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mobile poster
>bald, ugly, smelly, weak, sunstaring, flatearth, antivax runescaper

>> No.11500161

do you live in america?

>> No.11500170
File: 392 KB, 1080x973, Vegan teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11500182

not him but everyone know this is a /ck/ristian meat board. wut do vegans expect?

>> No.11500192

im a Christian and vegan, though I respect each individuals choice to eat whatever they want.

>> No.11500206

Christianity is literally vegan bro

>> No.11500230

Well stop posting bullshit PETA propaganda. You're turning the kids gay.

>> No.11500245

I'm not posting that stuff

I'm all for the betterment and safety of animals but my faith comes first.

Romans 14:3-4

3 The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them. 4 Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand.

>> No.11500247

what was with the forestry footage?
kind of went off point, not to shit on the guy moralizing or anything but seems like it wouldn't be that hard to scrape together something cohesive

>> No.11500248

If you don't want to support peta, then fuck off
>turning kids gay
Thats a fucking meme. It been debunked.

>> No.11500261

>no tits
Did she get her implants removed or something?

>> No.11500300
File: 57 KB, 750x750, 40b6af3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat 5 bananas per day questions welcome

>> No.11500310

what's so appealing about bananas?
do you have a prehensile tail?

>> No.11500330

Help me make cashew cheese all-knowing veganbro

>> No.11500404

how often do you shit?

>> No.11500426

Bananas are delicious, healthy and cheap
Once per day. Golden, solid, beautiful logs. I once curled one 4 times. I wish I still had the picture of it.

>> No.11500652

can i eat eggs

>> No.11500660

I do not trust in the judgement of them, in fact, i'd be willing to wager they are not only mentally deficient but morally bankrupt and wholly unworthy of respect.

>> No.11500763
File: 26 KB, 540x456, 1541624912794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a good vegan burger recipe, tried one made of chickpeas and i didn't like it.I want one that is simple but tasty, never cooked anything vegan tho.

>> No.11500917

Anyone here tried the Forks Over Knives meal planner? It's oil free but some of the recipes are pretty damn good. Tried it this week and thought about buying a year.

>> No.11500978

You need to use TVP if you want to make your own, it's the only way to make them satiating enough. Bean burgers have too much starch, and mushroom burgers just aren't substantial.

>> No.11500981

Vital wheat gluten is another option

>> No.11501118

TVP bound with a mix of beans, flax eggs, bread crumbs, and shredded/sauteed veggies makes a satisfying burger that has some bite and actually fills you up.

>> No.11501133

>over 90% of the country is impotent
How can anyone still listen to this pet stealing and killing extremist group?

>> No.11501145

PETA doesn't speak for vegans, they speak for themselves. The Vegan Society sets the standards on veganism and are far less extreme. Most vegans I know hate PETA.

>> No.11501150
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>> No.11501155

There is no way veganism makes you less impotent. Semen is protein. The more protein (animals) you eat the more protein you have in your nut protein. I actually noticed a change in the quality of my protein when I switched to a meat-laden diet. Before it was all chunky. Now it's always smooth and there is SO MUCH of it I love it.

>> No.11501157
File: 26 KB, 440x414, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11501160

Veganism will only make you less impotent if your diet was full of junk food and you were an obese diabetic. An omnivore with a balanced diet who exercises will be a little healthier than a vegan who does the same, and the vegan will be healthier than the average overweight sedentary omnivore.

>> No.11501168
File: 1.75 MB, 2363x3113, Tia_Mowry_Vegan_Lifestyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seitan has more protein content than meat.
Soy has more protein content than meat.
Black beans have more protein content than beef.
You're also incorrect, semen is mostly fructose apparently.

>> No.11501179

>seitan/soy/black beans have more protein than meat
Maybe in their dried forms, but good luck eating dry seitan/soy/black beans, because you can't. Dunno about seitan but COOKED soy and black beans have about half the protein of beef, while also not being as bioavailable.

>> No.11501186

>veganism is better for your health
>while wearing shoes that are obviously fucking up her toes
>while dying her hair which is literally using toxic chemicals for fashion reasons

>> No.11501187

>muh protein
Back to /fit/ with you.

>> No.11501192
File: 24 KB, 640x363, a7b5a32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it
>you can't

>calculates for equivalent obesity, vegans lived longer in every study, about a decade
The third largest cause of death is cancer and:
>vegan blood fights cancer eight times better
>meat causes cancer, is not considered healthy by any dietician practice or health organization

>> No.11501200
File: 419 KB, 1080x1387, Cheaper healthier and better than meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certain soy is 97% bioavailibe, twice that of cooked meat, and has more protein when cooked.
Seitan is literally 90% protein.
Try doing research before posting.

>> No.11501203

Adventist studies are performed by people with a religion that pushes for vegetarianism. It also says "vegan diets protect against obesity", which makes it seem like most of the benefits ascribed to veganism are just about paying attention to what you eat and not overeating. Vegans can be fat and unhealthy, there are plenty of high calorie vegan foods, refined vegan junk foods, sugar and alcohol are vegan, etc.

And this is from a vegan magazine, another biased source. The study they link doesn't say anything about veganism helping fight cancer better, but low-fat diets and exercise helping. So, not being overweight and exercising helps fight cancer, that's not anything new.

Only processed meats were shown to cause cancer, and it increased your risk of bowel cancer from 5% to 5.9%. Fresh meat wasn't proven to cause it. A lot of people recommend that your diet should mostly be based on whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, but adding in a bit of meat or other animal product has some benefits too.

>> No.11501204

The problem isn't meat. The problem is cows fed with corn instead of grass. Everybody knows this now.

>> No.11501207

If you really want to stop impotence, ban / stop using porn and masturbation

>> No.11501210

barely any veggies in there, 80% carbs

>> No.11501212

>last night I Burger Rifled your sister
what does that mean?

>> No.11501214

i fap at least once a day and i'm still plenty horny for sex. i think this is some kind of incel myth

>> No.11501215
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And if you do your research there's more!
This is not a thread to argue about veganism and the proven health benefits of veganism. Go argue on /fit/.

>> No.11501218

>Certain soy is 97% bioavailibe
Heavily refined soy.

>twice that of cooked meat, and has more protein when cooked.
Twice is a heavy exaggeration. Beef is VERY SLIGHTLY lower on the chart of protein rankings for digestibility, but the protein from beef is also better quality for growth. Eggs and milk are actually the best, which makes sense since they're more easily digested than meat, and black beans are actually pretty far down on the list for quality and digestibility.

>Seitan is literally 90% protein.
Yes, when it's dry. And you are not eating dry seitan. It's like trying to eat raw flour. Once it's been rehydrated, the protein percentage drops because of the added water. Just like when comparing dry beans and cooked beans.

>> No.11501222

your use of the word "delish" on this here websight is how i know you are trolling

>> No.11501225

Interesting, although most of those links are about processed meat, and most people know they aren't healthy when eaten in large quantities. One of your studies also says that obesity and smoking are still the biggest risk factors for cancer, and that obesity and smoking could be affecting why meat seems to raise the risk of cancer.

>> No.11501231

>Meat causes impotence
>Normal people before vegetarism was a thing ate meat
>We didn't go extinct.

Your argument is invalid, go eat ham you posers. Veganism is just a failed concept where you "don't want to hurt noone". Guess what plants and mushrooms feel pain too.
Just because they can't scream it hurts them.

>> No.11501233
File: 110 KB, 640x764, e8defef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This argument is retarded. The bioavailibility is trumped by trophic levels and the fact that meat has zero fiber and low vitamin levels. Meat is also cancerous and unethical.
Meat also tastes like shit without plants on it.
Saturated fat.
Meat is wasteful.
>eating corpses in 2018
>not simply drinking a protein shake per day and eating a healthy plant based diet

Fuck off to another thread. No more (you).

>> No.11501234

What everyone having for their chest meal this week?

I'm thinking I might get some chicken tenders and fries

>> No.11501236

Peta is shit you nigger. Go get cucked somewhere else.

>> No.11501248

>meat has zero fiber and low vitamin levels
Not saying to not eat plants, but some things that meat provides aren't as readily available from plants. There's also organs, milk, eggs, etc. so acting like meat is entirely its own thing would be like saying all plants aren't nutritious because refined flour isn't.

Sort of agree, which is why I support lab-grown meat companies and try to spread awareness of it

>Meat also tastes like shit without plants on it.
Maybe old shitty supermarket meat. I've had high quality beef that almost smelled sweet and had an appetizing aroma to it even when raw.

>Saturated fat.
Not a problem for healthy individuals. Is a problem for obese smokers who developed heart disease.

>Meat is wasteful.
See unethical response.

>eating corpses
Stop with this bullshit emotional wordplay.

>and eating a healthy plant based diet
I can eat a full pound of vegetables with dinner, I eat lots of beans and whole grains, salads, etc. but animal products still provide things that plants don't provide as well.

>> No.11501257

Wrong on all accounts.

>> No.11501258

Is that a kink?

>> No.11501265
File: 37 KB, 600x483, howcanshe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u?

>> No.11501267

desu i'd rather be an animal on a small farm with good workers than a wild animal that's going to slowly die from disease or predators, it's factory farming that fucked up that symbiosis

>> No.11501315

>German facists spread bullshit and gas the jews
>"Oh noes we must do something!"
>Animal facists spread bullshit and gas puppies
>"If you don't like it fuck off!"