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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 732x549, AN451-Butter-732x549-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11495020 No.11495020 [Reply] [Original]

Wait a fucking second...

Butter is BAD for you?

>> No.11495036

Even water is bad for you if you drink enough of it.

>> No.11495038

uhhh no? my great grandfather ate a stick of butter a day and he lived till 90.

>> No.11495039

Clarify it

>> No.11495075

If you already have heart disease then it can clog your arteries. It probably doesn't CAUSE heart disease though.

It's strange how vegetable shortening was marketed as being healthier because it's made from plants, but we later learned it actually was directly responsible for heart disease and deaths. But people still believed butter is unhealthy.

>> No.11495085


I tried, but it kept repeating the same logical fallacies you see everywhere on /ck/

>> No.11495089


>> No.11495130

No but the average amerilard has too much fat and carbs in their diet anyway so using more butter shouldn't be encouraged

>> No.11495196

Americans actually don't consume that much fat, especially when compared with some parts of Europe. They have way too many carbs though, especially refined ones like sugar. I think the average sugar consumption in America is 120g per person per day or something like that.

>> No.11495210

That would be surprising to me considering all the fried foods

>> No.11495227

What macros are the best for a healthy diet? Inb4 300g protein

>> No.11495230

Yeah well the diet isn't low fat but it's not the same as adding large amounts of fat directly to the food that get eaten. I don't think most Americans are frying food at home and aren't eating full plates of it when they go out to eat either.

>> No.11495258
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it's not the main meals that fuck us americans over, it's all the other shit. the soda, the chips, the soda, the candy, the soda, the "nutritional" snack bars, and also all the fucking soda we can't stop drinking

>> No.11495272

>the soda
I think that's mainly it, it's so cheap and widely available in large quantities, and people don't know how much sugar is actually in soda.

>> No.11495289

People are very well aware nowadays about sugar content, but they just don't care. They just call it an indulgence and drink it anyways. As long as it fits in their daily calories, they can justify it in any way they can think of.

>> No.11495303

'member that one time when health ''experts'' thought coconut butter was worse than aids just because it had butter in the name?

>> No.11495306

the fried food is carbs dipped in oil, so it's still mostly carbs

>> No.11495323

show me a reputable tv personality, author, or health expert who put forward that claim. oh wait, you can't. because you're wrong. i win, you lose. buh bye.

>> No.11495324


It might sound terrible, but I really like shortening on toast.

>> No.11495350

its any convenience food because cooking is a lost art here. before i left work on friday i heard so many people saying "thank god we pre-ordered a turkey dinner from the store because i dont have the first clue how to cook a turkey, i barely know how to use my oven." it's so sad that there's so may grandmas out there whose cooking secrets are going to be lost because everyone just buys heat and eat meal kits. and as far as soda don't forget fucking starbucks either, every god damn morning people line up in the drive through to get their 2000 calorie coffee milkshakes and then get another one for lunch and feel good about it because they drink it with a salad ... topped with 800 calories of dressing.

>> No.11495353
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*dabs on your arteries*

>> No.11495396


>> No.11495409

You can eat whatever you like if you exercsiee enough

>> No.11495416

That does sound terrible. Why do you like it? It doesn't have as much flavor as butter and has a worse texture since it doesn't melt in your mouth as easily.

>> No.11495976

If I drink ten gallons of carrot juice in a week, no matter how much I work out, I will die of Vitamin A poisoning.

>> No.11496007

Most fry over here isn't cooked using lard or anything like that (It's fucking great when it is tho) it's mostly vegetable oil and peanut oil which the other anon stated was carbs.
And that brings up the other other anon and the side meals, yeah we eat fried shit from time to time but it's not a staple, it's the sides and "snacks" that turn in to meals.

>> No.11496028

>you eat too much
>avoid something so simple and wholesomely delicious it can satiate your cravings in smaller portions than tonnes of cheap, bland, over salted and sugared McDonald's

Good Goy. I'm American I'm not fat and I cook at home and use a little bit of butter in most of my meals per week. The sooner Americans can understand this the sooner obesity will go down.

>> No.11496041

>vegetable oil and peanut oil are carbs
the hell

>> No.11496057

well they're not fats because there's no fats in celery

>> No.11496081


I'm not sure, but I just find it very palatable. I tried it one day when there was no butter around and I've enjoyed every now and then as a cheeky snack.

I kind of like the 'worse texture' aspect.

>> No.11496089

Vegetable oil comes from soybeans

>> No.11496169

Old shortening was bad because it had high levels of transfats. Modern shortenings (at least if you live in the US) have next to no transfats.
Unsaturated fat is somewhat healthier than saturated fat, so modern shortening should be somewhat healthier than butter, but this is becoming a bit controversial. Certainly modern shortening isn't any worse than butter.

>> No.11497768

Holy shit you're dumb

>> No.11497791

There's absolutely no reason to sit there at face value and fucking say

"Vegetable oil clogs arteries, but butter? How absurd!!!"

The amount of nonexistent presuppositions you'd have to have is astounding. Not even taking into account the obvious negative effects of saturated fat and cholesterol

>> No.11497797

Why did he eat a stick of butter a day? Did he have it with bread?

>> No.11497800

I started cutting down on a maximum of one soda a day, slowly getting lower, and it makes me feel better. Unless its mountain dew ice which has 3x less sugar than a normal mountain dew.

>> No.11498331


>> No.11498363

not as bad as margerine

>> No.11498369

>Not even taking into account the obvious negative effects of saturated fat and cholesterol
go ahead and post the studies proving this to be the case, peer reviewed and with control groups.

you can't find a single one because it's all bullshit from the 80s pushed by the government to brainwash people into eating the foods that our bodies require, keep eating your vegetables you dumb slave.

>> No.11498490

People ate way more butter and other saturated fats 100 years ago and heart disease was almost unheard of back then. Spoilers: it's sugar. As always.

>> No.11498529

consuming too much fat/oil is bad for you period, but at least butter's not as bad as fucking margarine
>durr what is saturated fat
>durr what is unsaturated fat
>durr what is trans fat

>> No.11498547

Saturated fats, trans fats, and refined carbs increase serum cholesterol and atherosclerotic risk

Dietary cholesterol increases LDL oxidation

Dietary cholesterol increases serum cholesterol, a meta analysis.

The progression of cholesterol and atherosclerosis

Show me your randomized, controlled, dietary intervention, metabolic ward, baseline calculated studies that disprove this otherwise

Saturated fats impair antioxidative properties of HDL and disrupt endothelial function

Coconut oil is nearly as horrible as butter for LDL cholesterol and serum lipids

Meta analysis claiming saturated fats are harmless is seriously misleading

Egg consumption increases LDL levels and LDL oxidation

Now where’s your proofs?

Go jump off a cliff to disprove gravity, faggot.

>pushed by the government to brainwash people into eating the foods that our bodies require, keep eating your vegetables you dumb slave.
Eat all the butter you want then you retarded fat fuck. Make yourself the case study for why its so healthy!!! You’re a morbidly obese kike killing people with your retarded advice because he has an addiction to bovine breast milk

>> No.11498556
File: 153 KB, 1350x875, BA43DF3A-7F76-4867-B3A6-EEFC2DAFAA99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People ate way more butter and other saturated fats 100 years ago and heart disease was almost unheard of back then
Do you actually think anyone above your 80IQ is going to believe this shit?

>durrr saturated fat healthy in butter

>> No.11498617

>USDA bought and paid for by the HFCS corn producers
>hey, guys, time to make a chart showing people are eating less sugar, 'cause we define sugar as beet and cane sugar, *wink* *wink*, ok, it's true, believe me, really, it's definitely not sugar, for sure.

>> No.11498624
File: 373 KB, 1125x728, 0D9A8E71-9A45-482D-B1C2-486A2B98E4C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be humiliating to be so stupid all the time

>> No.11498630
File: 128 KB, 792x612, 8DA9079D-5525-4B8A-8D3C-86B87A8C2D85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11498649

Doesn't include simple carbohydrates. Also Americans eat tons of shitty seed oils. Whatever the problem is it's not butter.

>> No.11498679
File: 335 KB, 1600x1159, 4D0CC084-79EB-4713-9987-A2208E5ECC23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously shithead, it’s SUGAR consumption. Not carb consumption you dumbass

>say something retarded
>get proven wrong
>move the goalposts
>say another unsupported retarded statement

What’s next, Tweetledee? Nothing could possibly be wrong with atherosclerotic butter!!!

>> No.11498688
File: 27 KB, 550x382, 8252D565-6E4B-49BF-B1DE-774A37CC7BB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like do you just get off to being so fucking stupid?

>> No.11498700

soy doesn't have fat otherwise vegans wouldn't eat it

>> No.11498705
File: 31 KB, 750x475, B126EDA7-9284-42B4-9397-AC3E49D8AFA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how you’ll justify this cognitive dissonance?

>> No.11498711

What year is it?

Dietary cholesterol has no effect on blood cholesterol except on the immediate time scale. As soon as it goes up your liver immediately stops producing it and levels goes back to homeostasis.

>> No.11498717

It's not about dietary cholesterol, it's about dietary saturated fat.

>> No.11498762

>dietary cholesterol has no effect on blood cholesterol except when it does

Am i in the same universe as you nutless monkeys?

>> No.11498813

100 years ago people didn't even live long enough to get a heart attack

>> No.11498816

Your liver stops once you pass a relatively high threshold, it doesn’t reset unless you halt dietary consumption

>> No.11498820

citation needed

>> No.11498832
File: 1.08 MB, 1125x1453, 2F1B0D4D-861A-4C08-BE97-795CF81D66DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll do it for him ;)

>> No.11498898
File: 239 KB, 961x816, 1540173630133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy that thinks it's le carb or le fat boogeyman making him obese rather than a total caloric surplus from literally any source at all
how are americans so fat like just stop eating lmao

>> No.11498931

Thoughts on zevia? I have 3 of their ginger ales probably every 2 weeks. IMO its best ginger ale

>> No.11498932

How long does butter last left out on the counter in a butter tray? My parents used to always have one out but I've lived on my own some 10 years now and never kept it out and really only cut a bit off of a bar in the fridge to cook.

Do I dare to keep it out and soft for easier use?

>> No.11499031

I do but in my house, one or more sticks are used in a day

>> No.11499819


carbs trick your brain into thinking you need to eat more than you really do same with sugar to an even larger degree
So a diet high in carbs and sugar AKA the American diet does contribute greatly to obesity
Americans can't just stop eating because what they're eating actually makes them want to eat more
fat is actually like the opposite of the carbs and sugar

>> No.11499834

it is le carb you fucking brainlet /int/monkey

>> No.11500403

I prefer rape

>> No.11500470

Based and rapepilled

>> No.11500877

Sometimes I take bites out of the extra butter sticks I have in the refrigerator. I have tried high milk-fat butter and raw butter, and the raw butter is the best. I am trying to gain weight and love butter, I don't think I'll stop.

>> No.11500958

Can someone explain unsalted butter to me? People in cooking shows swear by it, people always get angry about salted butter on /ck/, but I just don't get it. I've got some and it just seems less flavorful. Gotta add more salt to anything I cook with it and it's not as good for buttering things like toast.

>> No.11500991

People who say unsalted butter is better only want it so they can control the amount of salt in their food. The amount of salt can vary between brands I suppose and getting unsalted gives more control. I haven't found it making a difference though. It's not really meant to be a "table butter" that you just spread on bread, unless you want to add salt to that too.

I might not be remembering this correctly but I think someone from Poland said some older people there don't like salted butter because it reminds them of war rations when they couldn't get fresh butter.

>> No.11501026

it depends on what you cooking with
unsalted butter is best for delicate desserts due to lack of salty flavour
salted can be eaten as it is usually as a spread.but it is up to your taste buds

>> No.11501591

They also did far more laborious work. Seriously the average lumberjack (before power tools) burned somewhere between 6-8 thousand calories.

>> No.11501776

Hold your wee for a Wii!!

>> No.11501851

Can't keep unsalted out for over 2 weeks if you're into that kind of thing.

>> No.11502204

Broscience at its finest

>> No.11502221

Thumb looks like a brown dog has his white balls plopped on the table.

>> No.11502413


It's really not though
It becomes obvious what a diet high in carbs and fructose leads to if you just look at the biochemistry of what they're actually doing in your body how glycolysis/ketogenesis work etc...
All of this stuff is the whole reason keto works as a diet and the science behind it has been known for a while

>> No.11502931

carrots have provitamin beta-carotene which your body uses to produce vitamin a. makes what it needs and thats it

>> No.11502944

1kg pure protein.

>> No.11502949

You forgot soda.

>> No.11502960

Sugars are the devil. Eat healthy fats, good meat, and some nice clean vegetables. Eat occasional fruits and healthy carbs in moderation and you wont be a fat fuck.

>> No.11504575

haha, look up Jim Fixx. He is the guy that started the jogging craze in the 70's . He believed you could eat whatever you wanted as long as you burned it off with exercise. Died at 50 something with 90 + % clogged arteries

>> No.11506525

well maybe if he hadn't eaten it he'd have lived to a 100