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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 485x323, first-date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11497271 No.11497271 [Reply] [Original]

Do you pay for the meal (both yours and hers) or go dutch?

>I've never dated so I dont know

>> No.11497273

ask her preference beforehand?

>> No.11497299

Stay single

You pay for everything if you want to at least have a CHANCE to get laid. They expected it

>> No.11497302


you'd become "that guy" whom she gossips about with her friends

>"can you believe he actually asked if I would want to pay for it? oh my gosh LMAO"

the alpha and suave move is to assertively open your wallet and flick out your AMEX Black Card® and give it to the waiter while winking at her and say 'I've got it"

>> No.11497313

ok honey, I will go out first and have the car running outside....

>> No.11497317

You pay unless

>she offers to split the bill
>the date didn't go that well

>> No.11497328

If its a date you pay for it. If youre trying to keep it professional (or not-a-date) then split it.

>> No.11497332

Quick lay means you pay

Long term means you split. If you don't, they'll start expecting and when you don't pay, they'll get upset. Bad idea

>> No.11497336
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Here's is what you do kid, you want to make her remember your kindness

Ok *cough*

Tell her you will pay even she insist, they are just trying to be polite but knowing you will end up paying, pull out a super broke ass wallet, the dirtier and beat up it looks the better. It shows you are wise in saving money and paying for her is a very important deal, put any pet and parents photo too, that really moves the ladies.

Never put a condom in your wallet. I end up having the ring shape imprinted on the wallet after seating on it for the night

Thank me later kid. Enjoy the ride.

>> No.11497339

They also didn't expect to lose their virginity to me. If I'm paying, she's paying

>> No.11497345

This. Or just Dutch because fuck it

>> No.11497440

>or go dutch?
This is a worksafe board dumbass. Don't discuss your perverted fetishes here.

>> No.11497449

Depends on the vibe of the date. If its going good then you pay. If its going bad then you ask to split

>> No.11497455

yeaaaa bitch look at this pasta uhmmm hmm

>> No.11497460

I get the girl to pay

>> No.11497461

I, currently, make more money than my girlfriend so I pay for more of the meals. However, she pays every once in a while, and she usually gets coffee or the small things.

>> No.11497463

Paying for a woman's date or a woman who expects you to pay for her date are forms of toxic masculinity.
You (or her) are enforcing traditional gender roles, which are harmful for men, women and for society.
It's harmful for men if you don't actually earn more than she does, as it's unfair.
It's harmful for women as it commodifies sex and can lead to sexual assault and rape culture, when men expect something in return, especially after they have been drinking and might feel 'cheated' if the woman won't put out after you've paid for her meal.
And it's bad for society as it strains gender relations.

So I'll explain this to her in an open way before we go out together and if she disagrees with me then she's perpetrating toxic masculinity and acting as an agent of the patriarchy, and I do not want to date a toxic male woman.

>> No.11497464

Depends on culture. I find its best to shout the dinner, but then let her pay for drinks/movie/? afterwards
I hope for your sake this is a bait post for (you)'s, because getting 3dpd advice on an albanian bunker building forum is pretty dumb 2bh

>> No.11497468

>Never put a condom in your wallet. I end up having the ring shape imprinted on the wallet after seating on it for the night
Not only that it damages the integrity of the condom

>> No.11497470

You are as mentally unwell as the people you deride. Get a life

>> No.11497475
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>> No.11497479

i would do this if i were dating a feminist.

in fact, i would ask her to pay, to subvert gender expectations.

>> No.11497497

I'd punch her in the fucking face to subvert gender expectations. Praise Kek!

>> No.11497504

im not joking

>> No.11497509

i dated a russian girl and she expected me to pay but the tradeoff was that she was massively submissive. the rest of the girls i've gone out with have been very flexible about it. i'm not gonna pay for shit i don't want.

>> No.11497542

>she expected me to pay but the tradeoff was that she was massively submissive

thats wifey material

>> No.11497543

The man always pays on the first date. After that, it's whoever.

>> No.11497550

dutch or take turns
t. fag

>> No.11497563

i sometimes wonder if i should've just gone for it with her because it was so fucking simple and we never argued. i just didn't enjoy her company that much

>> No.11497585

Split on first date unless you're just trying to get some pussy. Pay every time after if you'd like.

>> No.11497590

In my experience with Tinder hookups I've got about the same ratio of dates to sex either paying or splitting so I just decided to cut the bullshit and cull poorfags/gold diggers/tramps just looking for a free meal.

>> No.11497592

I usually flip a coin so probabilistically I pay half. It also gamifies the date so she would want to go on another one next time. Women are degenerate gamblers too

>> No.11497600

If you suggest the date, you pay

If she (male) suggests it, she pays. Not the way everyone does it but it filters out girls who go on dates for free food

>> No.11497602

Usually i find that
>offer to cover it
>If she declines offer only once more
>If she declines split it
Most dates I've had this year have been split and if it wasn't the other person got the next meal. Honestly i don't think people care about splitting anymore. The literal only time i was called on it was by an older chick on tinder and i just left her on "lol".

>> No.11497622

I always pay. It doesn't matter who I'm with - wife, girlfriends, friends, mom, co-workers, relatives ...

I always pay.

>> No.11497625


>> No.11497628

My dad's dead, but yes, I'd pay if we were having dinner, too.

>> No.11497632

isnt that kinda...expensive?

>> No.11497634


>> No.11497637

I meant, the one person who will never let me pay is my dad. I did it behind his back once and he actually got pissed, old coot.

>> No.11497641

Been with gf for 3 years, and we always split the bill

>> No.11497645

I've always split it with my gf. She found it weird that the guy was expected to pay.

>> No.11497656

There are a few times when I don't pay, like when I'm the guest of someone important or the situation is otherwise advantageous to me that they are the host. But in casual, everyday situations, I always pay. I am a gracious host. Whenever possible, my guests never see me pay. If it's a remotely respectable place, I will have arranged payment beforehand. If it's a run-of-the-mill joint, I'll intercept the waiter/waitress away from the table and give them cash (if the bill is likely to be <$300) or my card, which I will retrieve when I leave.

A few friends of mine try to out-fox me on this from time to time, like a game. Some of them are getting really good at it. It's kind of fun!

>> No.11497679

nah no one ever invites him out so it's not a problem.
Not even his family.

>> No.11497733

Just say it's on me today and leave it at that. If she's ever interested in going out with you she'll invite you. If she doesn't in a few months ghost her.

>> No.11497742

we alternate and the other person generally covers the small amount of impulse groceries on the way home

>> No.11497886

I order my meal, eat it, excuse myself to take a phone call and then leave her with bill as I exit the restaurant

>> No.11497906

If you invite someone to dinner, pay for their dinner, it’s not a potluck. If the dinner ends in a fight, still pay for the dinner because still, you invited them.

>> No.11497914

Someone should shop a black kid in that pic

>> No.11497919

>im paying for this meal so this forkful of pasta is all you get, you greedy whore

>> No.11498147

Will do it next time

>> No.11498234

you pay. if she wants to pay, she'll tell you

>> No.11498253
File: 27 KB, 800x450, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take turns! You pay for this meal, he/she's got the next meal and so on and so on.

You buy the movie tickets, she buys the popcorn and drinks.

Start off the relationship right by being equal about everything from the beginning. A partnership isn't 80/20, nor 60/40. It's supposed to be a 50/50 set up where each person has the other's back and helps each other so that both can enjoy themselves.

If the person you're dating expects you to foot the bill for everything and to basically carry her princess ass around, that should be a very large red flag for you. This kind of useless woman is either looking for a free ride through life, or she's a selfish nitwit who isn't worth your time.

Women want equality - this means that they have to pull their weight and fair share in all aspects of life.

>> No.11498280

I whip out the card initially. If she's a strong independent woman she will offer you some cash. Then you say "na I asked you to come here with me" but that's the last time I refuse money

>> No.11498396

Shut up roastie

>> No.11498421

Great, so men pay for all dinners because women don't ever ask anyone out. Brilliant

>> No.11498425

Presumably, I like this woman, right? Therefore I'd enjoy doing something nice for her, something to make her feel special. So yeah I'd pay. I'd also open doors, help her to her chair, etc. Not because of anyone's expectations; simply because to me, she's worth the effort. Let's not overcomplicate tings.

>> No.11498434

Does she not like you back? Are you not worth the effort of her paying?

>> No.11498444


I usually convince them to pay for me and repay them with dickings and cooking for them at their place (with food they paid for) and dicking them more.

>> No.11498461

That doesn't matter to me. Sometimes humans just enjoy being "nice" for the sake of it. I take pleasure in knowing I made another human being feel cared for. Regardless of the type of relationship that bonds me to them.

Do not overcomplicate things!

>> No.11498470

How is it complicated for her to pay? She would just pull her wallet out as simply as you.

>> No.11498517

I am surprised at all these answers. I have never paid on dates with any girl I have gotten laid with. If a girl rejects me because I didn't pay on a date, she's probably an entitled ho.

>> No.11498537

>AMEX Black Card®

How old are, 75 or something?

>> No.11498540

One day you will be hurt, humiliated, and you will change. Not to a bitter person, but to a better person. Until then, please shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.

>> No.11498746

>>I've never dated so I dont know
Unironically this

I agree with
>>11497332 but I'd pay if I really like them or randomly when I feel like it

>> No.11498755

every fucking restaurant can split the bill, if she's not paying for her shit, she's either a goner or a quick fuck.

>> No.11498768

also be sure she pays if you're not sure she's into the bootycall, I mean is she just gonna leave the restaurant? Call the cops on that bitch. Pay for your shit. Be a man.
I aint no money dispenser, bitch.

>> No.11498786

I'm in my forties. But nice try.

>> No.11498795

Depends on if I invited them out to a meal. Think it's only fair that I pay for both if I personally asked if they'd like to come.

>> No.11498808

The fuck is with you dudes always thinking about black people.

>> No.11499016

First couple of dates you always pay as the dude. Having her pay half would be a turn off and practically guaranteed to not get laid unless you're some aesthetic chad.

After that if you hit it off and actually have relationship potential and not just hooking up if the girl is worth anything she'll pay half or you'll take turns.

Whenever you date make sure you date a woman with a job.

>> No.11499034

I always plan on paying, but literally every woman I've dated has insisted on paying half

>> No.11499045
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>> No.11499060

If you guys havent fucked yet then split the check.

>> No.11499236

>I haven't found any long term girlfriends that this applies to but obviously it has nothing to do with my rule, which is very smart

>> No.11499239
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One time I took a girl out on a second date and since I paid for the first one, she agreed to get the second. She forgot her wallet so I paid, but she felt so bad she got me a gift card to my most frequented restaurant. She would've been nice to be with longer but we had to part ways and I haven't seen her or been to that restaurant since.

>> No.11500224

always pay 1st date, especially if you are the one who asked her out and picked the venue.

>> No.11500343
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As an Australian I have never paid for a woman on a date nor have had her ask me to. I've been on maybe 20 dates idk. Its one of the (few, unfortunately) good things about this country. I've also had women offer to buy me coffee or beer but that is more a friendly thing we do to each other not necessarily indicative of sexual intent.

>> No.11500476

If you pay then you'll look like a stupid fucking mark

>> No.11500488

Paying is for soyboys

>> No.11500491

Fuck no

>> No.11500497

I had 2 dates, one girl was super upset when I tried to pay. Then I thought I've learnt the lesson, so with the next one I wanted to split, she got super upset because I didn't want to pay.

>> No.11500506

It's not because you are nice. IS she not a nice person? Then why doesn't she pay? It's an outdated tradition. I don't even care about the money, it's just stupid, men and women are equals in this society. she shouldn't even want to be treated like that.

>> No.11500711

t. poorfags who trip over $40

>> No.11501350

Wow sounds like you got scammed hard

>> No.11501361

>alpha move
>paying for a womans dinner
The alpha move is to either pay for it or don't and not make a big thing out of either one of those

>> No.11501387

Surely alpha move is u make her pay for it, take her back to your dungeon and make her beg for the D

>> No.11501470

>get bill
>don't look at it
>give the waiter your credit/debit card and tell them "add on 20% for yourself."

Complete power move. If she isn't frothing when you hand the waiter the check back, she's a complete ice queen

>> No.11501490
File: 37 KB, 600x528, 140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this sick motherfucker? God damn this was hilarious.

>> No.11501524

If you think stuff like this or what car you drive really matter I have bad news for you lmao

>> No.11501527

it does matter. to gold diggers. Go watch those youtube compilations

>> No.11501530

one thing you learn when you hit your late twenties is that all stereotypes are true in some section of society

>> No.11501562
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Don't listen to the retards on this faggot board.

Think about it, all of them are here posting on a Monday at 4 am. They either aren't from the states or are losers, either way they don't know what they're talking about.

In America it's standard to split tabs now. Also if you are doing dinner as a first date you're doing it wrong. Start with something simpler.

Coffee at 11 am is great. If you get along you can go do lunch an hour later, if not you're out a couple cups of coffee. You should pay for the coffee, split the lunch if you get there. Movie after maybe cocktails.

Walk in a local park, ice skating in the metro, walk down holiday street, bar with a pool table and darts, etc. If you want to pay for a fuck just get a prostitute, if you want to find someone special, you need to appreciate some compromise. Healthy relationships aren't just one way. Any girl that would give you attitude about not paying for her meal is not someone you want to be with anyways.

>> No.11501566

>reddit spacing

>> No.11501573

>Wanting one non stop long post that's annoying to read





>> No.11501579

it's much more annoying to read a post that is formatted like a listicle.

>> No.11501587

Make the woman pay ofc. What kind of silly question is this?

>> No.11501653

Stop it Ruski Bot, u have done enough dmg today

>> No.11501690

So you think a girl would rather go home with you because you told her about your Audi and paid for her dinner than with a handsome guy she thinks is really hot? Grow up lol. Sexual attraction is based on money and status too but women will project or overlook money if it's a hot guy.

Unless you're willfully trying to become some kind of beta provider for a woman this is retarded behaviour. "Look at my big toys and much money!! Will you fuck me now? :("

>> No.11501730

Or you're just insecure that someone's been on multiple dates let alone knows how to date. Incel.

>> No.11501779

Reddit spacing is the patricians choice

>> No.11501789

Do ____ always do ____ ?

>> No.11501803

>So you think a girl would rather go home with you because you told her about your Audi and paid for her dinner than with a handsome guy she thinks is really hot?
i don't think anyone said that, but still you would be surprised.

>Sexual attraction is based on money and status too but women will project or overlook money if it's a hot guy.
you're dismissing a generalisation with your own retarded generalisation. of course there are women who seek out wealthy people over attractive ones. are you fucking blind

>> No.11501805

I do it too.

And you know what? The more people bitch about it, the more I'm gonna do it.

>> No.11501878
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Girl here, I always split the bill. I think most girls worth your time will be proactive about it too. When the waitress comes back and inevitably asks "together or separate" a good girl should say "separate" before you even get a chance to speak. Be wary of girls that don't do this, especially if they are early 20s. I have girlfriends that work shit waitressing jobs and do dates just to get free drinks and food with no long term intentions. Also insisting on paying is not attractive. I think some guys get this idea that it makes you look like a gentleman or something, it doesn't. If I say separate just go with it.

>> No.11501917

Depends on how long you are going out for. First couple of dates the guy should pay.
As time goes on there should be a balance of going Dutch, the guy picking up the bill and maybe even the girl picking it up some times.

>> No.11501971

>of course there are women who seek out wealthy people over attractive ones. are you fucking blind
Yeah after they rode the cock carousel for her 20s and settle down with some reliable, nice guy who makes 150k a year

>I think some guys get this idea that it makes you look like a gentleman or something, it doesn't.
Thank you. It's so cringey to think that this makes you attractive or a real badass lol. I thought stuff like this or wearing cool sunglasses matter when I was 13 or something, can't believe guys in their 20s haven't realized what really drives attraction.

>> No.11501989

it's cringey that you think this thread is about what 'drives attraction' rather than how to navigate the arbitrary processes of dating. going on this campaign where you try to educate the public on being an alpha is just a pure, transparent ego trip

>> No.11502002

Someone else started turning this into being "alpha" and getting laid dude. I'm simply telling you fools that it's cringey and wont get you laid.

Also my point is that it doesn't matter how you pay the bill to how "alpha" or attractive someone perceives you. It's not even in the equation.

>> No.11502015

you pay for the first date, but when you are in a comfy relationship you go dutch.

>> No.11502018 [DELETED] 


>> No.11502022
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>> No.11502137

I don’t think you’re half as worldly as you think you are and you seem to have no contingency planned for when you’re seeing a woman who does have these kinds of expectations of men. They do exist, anon.

>> No.11502142

That's another way of saying 'the man pays' since women never initiate you realize this right?

>> No.11502151

Women don't actually want equality though

>> No.11502160

What is this meme? I'm not even hot and get asked out. This might have been true years ago, but times are a'changing whether we like it or not.

>> No.11502165

It’s still a lot rarer

>> No.11502170

On a first date I would go dutch but if you're seeing someone for 3+ dates then I'm fine paying with the expectation that they will get it next time. I'm gay man btw

>> No.11502174

please be in london

>> No.11502184

never pay for a girl, unless it's her birthday

>> No.11502187

You mean gold digging whores?

>> No.11502200

it would take a feminist to twist a nice gesture into oppression. if a girl makes a big thing about how she’s gonna split the bill because she don’t need no man, congrats, you’ve dodged a bullet.

>> No.11502208

Pretty much this for all occasions: business, friends or etc. With dating after a couple of dates the process is no longer formal for “asking someone out” and the topic of going Dutch can discussed.

>> No.11502209

Since I started dating my girlfriend we've always taken turns paying. I don't usually go dutch when eating with other people unless the other person asks for it, usually I prefer just splitting the bill evenly.

>> No.11502229

this man dates and this man fucks like a walrus

>> No.11502236

equal right equal lefts

>> No.11502260

The man pays for dinner and does not make a big deal about it. If you weren’t a pussy about the way you asked her out, then she knows it’s a date. You picked the spot, you probably ordered the wine, you foot the bill.

Women want a man who will take care of them and be decisive. It is actually hilarious watching people kvetch about this and call it a “socialized gender role” blabla. No, it is you who has been socialized to believe otherwise.

>> No.11502277

I agree with what you said, but I dont know what kvetch means.

>> No.11502288

I (male) invited another man out for drinks, on the assumption that he was straight and we would just be hanging out as friends. Anyway he picked up the tab, which was probably $60+ together, not a lot but I still wondered if he was a closeted fag and wanted to fuck me. He did this on two separate occasions

>> No.11502293

So offer to suck his dick. It would be rude not to

>> No.11502298

Its yiddish

>> No.11502312

That made sense in the long past when women were not as much in the workforce and received less pay when they were, gramps. Nowadays women are performing the same jobs for equal pay as men and in fact are often the bosses of men. The outdated tradition you describe as still being applicable is just your romantic longing for the mythological "good 'ol days" of a patriarchal society. Well, it ain't coming back, pops, so if you're that enamored of it move your ass to an Islamic country where they still drag their knuckles and drool when they walk, lol.

>> No.11502325

>offer to suck his dick

gay men want to suck YOUR dick, not the other way round.

>> No.11502374

Women increasingly have the ability to be financially independent in relationships where they live in areas with the economic infrastructure to support that, but that doesn’t mean it is the orthodox/most prevalent dynamic in relationships. You sound extremely npc-tier just reeling off this ‘progressive’ platitude. You’re also probably talking to someone a lot closer to your age than you think.

>> No.11502377

depends on the individual, some like to do co-operation and others like to be coddled. if she truly likes you, she will not care about bill splittings.

>> No.11502381

no chick wants to go dutch. take a chick on a date and expect to spend around $100 or more. cheaper to just give that money to a hooker...you know you're getting laid if you go this route

>> No.11502453

>implying the patriarchy isn't why we are the advanced society we are today


>> No.11502562


>> No.11502609

Split the bill. It is supercringey to pay and if a girl wants to fuck she does not care about paying for her own food.

>> No.11502617

I always offer but I never insist, how a woman acts when the check comes is one of the things I use to judge if I want another date or not.

>> No.11502627

This has to be bait. It applies today just as it did in the past because it’s the truth. It’s only delusional people like you who wasted money “studying” complete bullshit like muh patriarchy.

>> No.11502633

>This is what betas actually believe

Stop putting the pussy on a pedastal

>> No.11502676

>my fantasy and denial of reality is truth 'cause I say so
Very orange of you, friendo.

>> No.11502704

I work my ass off to pay for your fucking food? Fuck off, cunt. I barely fucking know you. Split the bill? How about I split your fucking skull. YOU'RE paying. How does that sound you stupid little bitch?

>> No.11502705

>y-you’re the one denying reality

Says the one who denies that there is a natural basis for men to take care of women. And then you have the gall to bring up women in the workplace. Why do they get maternity leave? It’s almost as if there’s a natural basis for that norm... Why should men who court women offer to pay for dinner? It’s almost as if... no, it’s the evil patriarchy, you’re right.

>> No.11502938
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Depends on her personality. With girls that loved to be pampered, I'd pick up the check. With girls who liked to see themselves as independent, we'd go dutch. My fiancee is pic related, so I let her pay.

>> No.11503535

Depends on many factors. Location, occupation, attractiveness, politics. Some countries have a general preference for one or the other. If you're employed and she isn't, you should pay. If she's your attractiveness or higher, you pay. If she's generally more in favour of traditional values, you pay.

>> No.11503944

>woman makes more $$ than you
>hey, wanna go out for dinner and a movie?
>ok I'll get the check to show I'm still grasping at a failed concept of patriarchal masculinity which the exponential growth of technology has obliterated.
Keep living in your 1950's "Leave it to Beaver" fantasyland, lol!

>> No.11503951

t. cuck

>> No.11504034

I didn't know this was a cringe thread

>> No.11504146

Honestly it can vary

In general you should assume you'll be paying for it but you get some girls who are really insistent that you split it.

It's not necessarily a good or bad sign, some girls just don't want you to pay for everything.

Never ASK to split it though, always act on the unspoken assumption that it's your responsibility to pay for it in full

>> No.11504194

If he earns a lot more than you then he's probably just being polite

>> No.11504196

If I ask a girl out to dinner, I pay. Not very controversial. If it's some kind of matchmaking thing online we're we both agree to grab a bite, I pay for myself.

>> No.11504212

Back in the day, the phrase was "let ME take you out to dinner", it was implied you were gonna pay. Nowadays the waters are muddled, but the only one who will profit is men.

>> No.11504253
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Sorry sir, we don't take AMEX, do you have cash or another card maybe?

>> No.11504268

This is why I like the "Always offer, never insist" way.
If I offer to pay and she:
Allows me to pay and expresses appreciation, that's a plus
Just assumes she was always going to get a free meal: kind of a minus, desu
If offer to pay and she:
Politely counter offers to split the check, plus
Gets competitive/argumentative about insisting to split the check, minus.
Mostly I just gauge how she reacts to someone doing something nice for her. It's one if those things that can highlight future problems down the road.

>> No.11504333

I swear most people in this thread learned all they know about dating from r9k.

On a first date? Pay for the both of you. If she insists on splitting it, then split it. If you've been dating for a while though it is somewhat odd to get the bill for every meal. Some sort of balance should be automatically established as your familiarity and comfort around each other increases

>> No.11504347

liar you would do it even if no one said shit. You're just retarded plane and simple

>> No.11504353

i don't eat restaurant food

>> No.11504374

l sure as hell dont go to a restaurant for a full meal on a first date
we're having beers and maybe some fries? sure, l buy

>> No.11504379

My last first date she paid for dinner then I paid for the movie per her suggestion. Impressed me so much I've been fucking her for almost 8 years now.

>> No.11504391

if you asked her, assume you're paying. if she wants to split the check at the end of the meal, allow it. some dudes are really insistent on paying after you've tried to pay for yourself; i personally always found it extremely off-putting. never liked feeling like i "owed" someone something, so i've generally always tried to pay for myself on a first date, especially if i have no intention of furthering the relationship.
long term relationships are a different story. been with my boyfriend for going on 3 years. at the start i would usually pay for both of us because i would invite him out, and because i made more money than him. now that he's done with school he makes more than me, so he usually pays. sometimes i pick up the bill. thanks for reading my blog

>> No.11504396


>> No.11504407

Yeah. Going to fancy sit down dinner on your first date is awkward and uncomfortable as fuck.

>> No.11504411

>Whiteknight detected

You always split the first bill

>> No.11504431

Mine's kinda like that but more clumsy. We either split the bill or if anyone really insisted on going out for a meal then they usually pay. Sometimes she pays, though, to subvert gender roles because that's her kink, after all.

>> No.11504440

First date: Pay. If she complains, tell her she is welcome to pay at the next date. Insert winking emoji here.

>> No.11504441

Show titties

>> No.11504442

Holy fuck you are absolutely a virgin or a roastie

>> No.11504444
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>> No.11504453

I'll pay if it's a romantic date. Sometimes I pay out of habit if it's a female friend. Last weekend I met up with an old female friend and I paid. Haven't seen her in years. But you don't have to pay for every female.

>> No.11504999

First date, never.
Second date, I'll get dinner bill if the date's going well, in which case she'll always pick up the bill at the next place (bar, cafe, dessert or whatever)
Third date usually it's me cooking for her at my place, or her cooking for me at hers.

>> No.11505042

Never do coffee as a first date, it sets you up to be friend zoned. I always save the day time/coffee date for after I've kissed or fucked her at least once already.

>> No.11505505

4x4 quads

>> No.11505517

What, 3x3 trips

>> No.11505557

I pick the place and pay and then she picks and pays next time. This is also a test to see A her taste and B if she is cheap or not.

>> No.11505567

but dont you want a cheap (frugal) wife? you can have good cosy food at low prices

>> No.11505598

you seem like a dreamboat desu

>> No.11505604

Why the fuck would you go out to a restaurant if you are not going somewhere nice? Just eat at home for your cheap meals.

Its people like you that keep McDonalds in business.

>> No.11505654
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>he thinks an expensive restaurant guarantees a good meal and a good time

nobody's talking about macdonalds, I was thinking more of a personal, cosy, family run place with no airs or pretentiousness

its so superficial that you equate money to taste and "niceness" when you can easily be a rich person with zero taste.

>> No.11505687

I want to eat good food that I can't make at home for 1/4 the cost. Yea the burger place down the road has a good burger but I can go to the grocery store and buy the ingredients to make a burger just as good in an hour. I want to go somewhere that has nice high labor food like roasted lamb with mint demi-glace. You know how long it takes to make demi from scratch? Would much rather spend $40 on that than $14 on the "ok" burger that I would have more fun making myself anyways.

>> No.11506140

Nothing is awkward as fuck if you’re actually worth dating you dumb fucks. What’s so hard about going to a restaurant and having a conversation while you eat? You know it usually precedes going to a club or something right

>> No.11506141

Most restaurants have about the same margins on food cost and lots of ‘fast foods’ actually require a lot of labour in prep. This idea that French style restaurant food is a more privileged experience assuming you can afford both is kinda dumb. Roast lamb and Demi is such a generic meal.

>> No.11506378

This, basically.

If she's feeling bad about you paying or whatever (read: shittest) say she can get the first round of drinks in the bar you're going to afterwards. In practice this will be a lot cheaper or you'll end up getting it anyway but in my experience it does the job

>> No.11506388

Yeah if she gets super insistent about just paying for what you each had then that's a bad sign.

If she wants to split but gives in after nominal resistance it just means she's a polite girl that's conscious of just taking the meal from you, but also knows how dating works

But if you offer to let her get the first round of drinks in the next place and she actually does then in my experience it's a very good sign

>> No.11506391

Yeah this actually

It's kind of okay in college if you're both on campus and poor as shit, but when you're both working (or especially if you're working and she's not) then it's a bad idea.

Basically it's just too soft-touch for a first date, I used to do it a lot and it never fucking worked out. Go for a drink (NOT a meal) on the first date, keep it light

>> No.11506465

I split the bill unless I had a particularly good time, in which case I'm happy anyway so I act like a prince and pay for everything.

One of the worst dates I've been to, I was with a chinese girl and it was a bit boring, no connection at all. I asked the girl to split and she adamantly refused (even though she chose the restaurant and it was her idea to go). She said she had no money (despite boasting about all the Michelin-starred restaurants she went to all evening) and claimed she'd get the next one instead. I wasn't so keen on dating again but I agreed. After she left she sent me a message that no man had done that to her before and that it was unacceptable, then blocked me.
Morale of the story: never back down on splitting the bill, especially with sub-humans.

>> No.11506470

women, even feminists which might claim otherwise, are attracted to dominant, assertive and confident men.

>> No.11506561

Mostly depends on the person you're dating, OP. Some one-off dates hinted the fuck out of me paying for it, others would go dutch.

Been with my current gf for a year and aside from a brief stint of her being unemployed when we first started dating we take turns. Usually whoever doesn't pay drives instead

>> No.11507634
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lmao based and redpilled. What will follow is the entire low IQ board of /pol/ calling for the genocide of all non-white races, sexual deviants, and non christians. Many lulz will be had.

>> No.11507644

We live together and switch off. She wanted us ti share food bills entirely but I let her know that that would be stupid for her because I eat 3000+ calories a day.

>> No.11507650

better than fantasizing about the girlfriend you dont have sucking black dick desu

>> No.11507675

I pay. If she nsists on paying I just sya "how about we got for a drink and you buy the first round?" That usually makes them happy about it. And it generally leads further because now we're out in a pub or something laughing and joking about.

But I am fairly old fashioned when it comes to chivalry. To be fair this was before my wife though so yeah... Not what I do anymore. Now we just split unless I'm treating her or vice versa.

>> No.11507761

>that projection

>> No.11507813
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Depends on which one of us asks to go out or wants to try a place. I usually cook. If it's vacation we'd have it saved up for or split the bill.

>> No.11508563

Real answer, no politics involved:
Who ever invited someone somewhere should be prepared to pay, but if the invited person tries to pay for themselves dont argue too much beyond "are you sure? I invited you", though you can argue a bit, (civilly) if the invited party tries to pay for the person who extended the invitation depending on your relationship with them that might count as an insult.

>> No.11509959

>big family gathering
>2 or more people fight over the bill with the waiter
>"no no no I insist!"
>lots of hand pushing
>*frantically beckons the waiter to take their card*

>> No.11509991

Very redpill bro.

>> No.11512487

I do the same thing. The mark of a good man.

>> No.11512498

I bought drinks for her on the first date and everything after that we'd either split or go back and forth. i bought one meal, she bought the next.

>> No.11513410

Every "date" I've had the bitch has offered to pay half, if not at least her meal.

My current gf of 5 years and I take turns paying for meals when we go out. Sometimes, I even time it so that when we eat somewhere where I want a bunch of foods and sides plus beer, it's her turn to pay. We've never had a problem.

I'd say that if your date just sits there expecting you to pay when the check comes, she's probably not that good of a catch. In that case, just pay, hit it and quit it if you believe you have access that night. If she's a total bitch, then just say straight up say you're paying for your meal and she can pay for hers.

Don't treat women like they're princesses and shit, that's a bad idea.

>> No.11513655

You just go dutch. Any girl that feels entitled to a free dinner with you on first chance will feel entitled to other things without offering anything in return. Seen it so many times.

>> No.11513848

The one who gave the invitation and picks the restaurant is expected to pay. If you're worried about paying a lot pick a cheaper place.

>> No.11514291

>ask her preference beforehand?
This is genuinely unusual advice.

I try to pay and don't ask my date. If she speaks up and wants to pay, I insist on paying. If she pushes the matter a second time then I let her pay her share only.

It's an annoying decision but that's the policy I go with.