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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 346 KB, 965x611, 3a1509608476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11495557 No.11495557 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on mukbang (eating) shows

who are the best hosts in this emergent genre?

>> No.11495569

Just look for the one you think is hottest from the thumbnail, you freak.

>> No.11495579
File: 701 KB, 244x160, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked the whore who made this

>> No.11496316

He already posted her.

>> No.11496330


>> No.11496338

The Crying Homosexual
The Black Family with the Painfully Gay Son They Pretend Isn't Gay
The Compulsively Lying Lesbian

>> No.11496776
File: 352 KB, 866x771, gay cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Crying Homosexual

>> No.11496789
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>> No.11496890

Scared girls are my fetish. Is that bad?

>> No.11496894

Gpddamn what a waste. She would be a solid 8/10 if she was a fifth of her weight

>> No.11496906
File: 181 KB, 1016x1200, 1511642972917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crying homosexual is retired now though

>> No.11496917

In time we'll be able to identify those with the gay affliction before the window is shut on abortion, and channels like this will cease to exist.

>> No.11496928

I'm sure the thought of that makes you smile as you lay in bed at night, but we both know that's bullshit.

>> No.11496939
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>tfw it’s not legal to kill gay people for fun

>> No.11496944
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>3 hours of warcraft nightelf hunter creation

>> No.11496953

None of them because it's made and promoted by Jews to help prevent you from having a normal social life and having children.

>> No.11497027

I only watch carly and erin mukbangs because i want to fuck carly

>> No.11497055

>1 year ago
did she died

>> No.11497078
File: 888 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-11-19-21-25-06-892_com.google.android.youtube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also she has no shortage of men paying for her to eat.. aka feeders

>> No.11497485

Now THAT is funny. That us TOO funny. hahahahahahahahaha

>> No.11497521
File: 1.86 MB, 320x256, 1540865098391.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a feederism fetish
>gf really wants to please me by indulging in any fetishes i have
>don't want her to end up like a ham planet like the chick in op but still shamefully beat off to that sort of thing regularly

>> No.11497642
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181119-090959_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes still at it.

>> No.11497673

i hate it when i can watch people killing themselfs on the internet.
i have enough troubles with me trying to kill myself

>> No.11497676

what do I need to get started

>> No.11497684

It's a long road ahead of us brother

>> No.11497689

I hate how this rather harmless korean meme because an excuse for ugly western whales to pig out on camera

>> No.11497694

Just feed her enough she plumps up some and has some belly to play with.

>> No.11497698
File: 235 KB, 656x1024, 1479038454128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 hours of night elf hunter creation

>> No.11497707

It's very sad. Hes even made several crying videos about his declining health, I dont know how he can just keep eating like that. I guess it's all he knows now.

>> No.11499468

I’m 37 white, married, 2 kids. But i would plow Wendy from YouTubes Wendy’s eating show and give that girl a second helping. Something about her. Makes me want to fudge

>> No.11499480

You would think she would stop eating when her forearm grows to be bigger than her open hand.

>> No.11499566

Not when It's Sarah Michelle Gellar
She was smoking hot back then

>> No.11500921
File: 100 KB, 1208x721, F2B9BA2F-7950-495B-AB7C-4B50D2E19FE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.11500932

what turns you on about this? does this video give you a boner:


>> No.11500943

Have I got a channel for you.

>> No.11501335
File: 1.06 MB, 5000x5000, 1364697558377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quang tran
>peggie nao
these are my favorite

>> No.11501466

you people are strange, if it was just something harmless like a feet fetish then I wouldn't hate you as much but a "feederism" fetish? what the fuck, there's something wrong with you.

>> No.11501479
File: 147 KB, 1920x508, aaa65f8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11501499


>> No.11501555

>Over 1k views
Nah get this literal whore outta here.

>> No.11501899

that's fucked up

>> No.11501906

no, it's nice

>> No.11502176

this is what modern society has driven the youth to. fame and attention is more valuable than ones own mental and physical health. this is nothing new with celebrities.

>> No.11502181

>The Black Family with the Painfully Gay Son They Pretend Isn't Gay


>> No.11502201

why does this make me feel grossed out and laugh at the same time

>> No.11502259

>he's literally smiling more and more
you can't fucking make this shit up

>> No.11502291

For me, it's Bloveslife eating king crab legs

>> No.11502586

The way he holds her stomach

>> No.11502621 [DELETED] 
File: 344 KB, 1908x1146, 3F9EA3AE00000578-0-image-a-13_1493199398745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all according to plan.jpg

>> No.11502624
File: 127 KB, 700x420, scrape_15008962018709_photo-1-1500272198836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all according to plan.jpg

>> No.11502631

Did he have an allergic reaction to a bee sting in the third thumbnail down?

>> No.11502664

Don't post her here you faggot. Some autist will scare her off

>> No.11502757
File: 178 KB, 404x422, 1480140431226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread just depresses me.
I'm fine with people doing whatever they want with their own bodies, but just gorging themselves on camera is upsetting.
It also somehow feels really dystopian. Watching the already obese eat themselves to death over the internet, while there are people starving on the streets.

>> No.11502795

Is this supposed to be ironic or moronic?

>> No.11502898

Yeah, it’s disgusting, both in act and implication. Ignore the dissolving world around you and focus on yourself. It’s the only solace you’ll get

>> No.11502990

>muh sekrit waifuu
Fuck kind a retard are you?

>> No.11503237

>The Compulsively Lying Lesbian
Amberlynn reid? a classic, truly

>> No.11503249

>one day the gay gene will be identified and we'll be able to cure it
i fucking love science!

>> No.11503323

>what's up my beeeeloveliiieeeesss?!?!?

>> No.11503337

>Korean muckbang
>tiny cute Korean grills eating large quantities of food that they shouldn't be able to consume
>American muckbang
>absolute hamplanets using it as an excuse to stuff their faces on cam
Leave it to Americans to completely ruin something good.

>> No.11503346
File: 59 KB, 800x450, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this is great

>> No.11503362

while they would be eating themselves to death regardless, might as well make a pretty penny from it to buy more food

>> No.11503410

>The Streetshitter Vagrant Abuser

>> No.11503551

christ, she barely finishes what's in her mouth and already takes a new bite.

>> No.11504685

>implying it was ever good in the 1st place

degenerate anti social trash from worst korea

>> No.11505324

Weren't the implausible gorging ones a sort of spin-off/sub-genre to begin with? I seem to recall the original mukbang being qts having regular meals on camera as a sort of ASMR thing, or for lonely NEETs eating in front of their computers wanting to feel like they had company.

>> No.11506667

i wish female feeders and male gainers was a thing
it's always a gay thing with male gainers

>> No.11506718

I rather see a cute Asian girl eat

>> No.11506789

So what's the point of all this? Some fetish shit?

>> No.11507131
File: 62 KB, 600x497, 1473228190257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this so much

>> No.11507406

Holy kek

>> No.11507418

Yeah this would fit perfectly into one of those 80s dystopian future movies

>> No.11507445
File: 18 KB, 480x360, Nogs Luv Fatties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11507461

253 is best weight

>> No.11507477

GOD DAMN IT NOOOOO, I'm falling in love with someone that doesn't even know I exist again.

>> No.11507863

Heard this was a big thing is china, since they have a massive gender imbalance (due to families aborting female babies under the one child policy), leading to a whole generation of lonely dudes.
I can kind of imagine it being soothing to have someone to eat with, even if it's only a video fantasy.
I remember there was a crackdown a few years ago over girls making erotic banana eating videos.
China is a wild place.

>> No.11508428

hes trying to push that shit back in

>> No.11508648


>> No.11508895

fucking faggots need to be gassed

>> No.11509591

quang tran. he has really fucking good recipes and he eats what he makes at the end of the vid as a mukbang if ur into that.

>> No.11509600

hell yeah another quang tran viewer.

>> No.11509685

Go on nofap to reset yourself
you must not allow her an inch of being fat, or she'll go full planet in a snap

>> No.11510267
File: 178 KB, 1920x1080, 1476940240555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recipe to a good Mukbang:
>Cute girl
>Asian (optional but preferred)
>cooker her own food
>eats the food in a cute manner
>mild mouth noise and crushing
>tells cute nonsense stories
>makes you feel good inside

Bad mukbang stew:
>uggos, men, fatties
>shit skin or mutts
>eating prepackage, fast food, premade garbage
>stuffs their face with no manners
>a car is involved
>some retarded gimmick is involved
>sloppy gross mouth noise
>awkward pauses, silence, and talks about stupid shit
>makes you feel icky, disgusted, and full of disdain

>> No.11510295
File: 1.49 MB, 1424x760, basedguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/OurGuy/ Ben

>> No.11510308

what if i want to see a cute boy eating...?

is there such a thing

>> No.11510315

If you find one let me know.
This guy isn't too bad looking I guess.

>> No.11510322

Does he have a nice voice?

>> No.11510330


>> No.11510334

>Fucks the hottest women
>Eats the best food
>Gets paid to eat

Truly based

>> No.11510461

Ok what the fuck sort of horrifying dystopian sub genre is “man cries while eating grotesque amount of food”


>> No.11510477

>"all my friends have used or use reddit"
Fucking dropped. And he eats like an animal.

>> No.11510490

Cute korean people only since that's where the term came from.

>> No.11511161

Quang Tran makes great cooking videos but I can't fucking stand watching him eat. It feels like I'm watching someone slowly die.