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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11489022 No.11489022 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good packed lunch to take to work? I'm looking for something
>Low calorie
>High protein
>Easy to prepare

>> No.11489027

how about you go 8 hours without eating like a normal person?

>> No.11489044

Didn't you post something similar before? Go ask /fit/

>> No.11489063

those elf ears are disgusting and I’m not even saying that as some larping crusader faggot

>> No.11489071

I work 16 hour shifts 5 days a week so I normally don't have time to make much. Bur I normally make some pasta in a red sauce with a few chunks of sausage throw in.

>> No.11489072
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>> No.11489075

>starving yourself for capitalism
good slave

>> No.11489200

In what country are lunch breaks not obligatory?

>> No.11489223
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>> No.11489226

Two spam musubi, an iced tea, a 4oz flask of vodka.

>> No.11489245

Ham and cheese sandwich meets all your criteria

>> No.11489271

Cottage cheese - either savory with chives, onions, radishes, etc., or sweet with fruit, cinnamon, etc.

>> No.11489272

>no lunch breaks are normal


>> No.11489313
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My bf's hot steamy morning load in my ass.

>> No.11489318

Chicken breast and broccoli is usually mentioned here, op
Be sure to make all five days' worth on Sundays

>> No.11489335

Agreed here, mostly. I don’t eat lunch so I can have a nice dinner. But you should still get away for a break instead of sitting at the desk and putting in more work.

What in the fuck kind of schedule is this? You’re being raped. Stop it, unless you’re in a third world country where you have to do this not to die.

>> No.11489342

>Chicken breast and broccoli
I guess that could work in combination with some bread or potatoes (no rice, I don't want to look like a fucking weeb).

>> No.11489357

>working 5 16s


>> No.11489367

>(no rice, I don't want to look like a fucking weeb).
What flyover shithole do you live in that people think like this

>> No.11489370


>> No.11489386

Somewhere in Western europe. Still, how can you see someone take chicken with rice and vegetables to work rather than a sandwich and not think he's a weeb?

>> No.11489411

Rice is normalized here (USA). Nobody thinks about weeabs or any of that shit for eating rice. White people eat it, latinos eat it, blacks eat it, asians most definitely eat it. Of course bread and potatoes and pasta are ahead but not by a particularly large margin

>> No.11489423
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Big bowl of salad.

All of OP's quota will be met.

Toss your salad fixings into a bowl, rinse clean with water, then divide salads into smaller rubbermaid or tupperware containers and stack them into the fridge.

Grab a bag of frozen (or fresh) chicken breasts, sling them into a glass baking dish and season to your liking, bake and then slice into thick slices and then toss them into a zip lock baggie.

Every morning, grab a salad and a few chicken strips and toss them in together and throw it in your bag and run out the door.

Cheap, easy, healthy, filling.

I also recommend prepping fruit and veggies for breakfast smoothies. invest in a good blender. you will never regret dropping coin on a good blender.

Toss frozen fruit, spinach, carrots, banana, avocado or protein powder or whatever the hell you want into blender, whiz up until smooth and then pour into a to-go container (I use a quart sized mason jar with lid.) and toss it in with the rest of your food/snacks.

I also like to get a dozen eggs every week, boil them, deshell them and toss them in a big zip lock back so that I can have them with my morning smoothies. It's a healthy, high protein snack that's cheap and quick.

>> No.11489430

Wraps are good since they don't get soggy.

>> No.11489440

Beef Jerky! But that can get pricey sometimes and it has lots of salt. Some dark green vegetables maybe, but that's boring. Boiled eggs? But they smell sulferous. What about chunky peanut butter by the spoon or with some apple slices? It's full of fiber and protein I think.

>> No.11489463

You've obviously never set foot in the real America. Only self-hating hipsters and immigrants in sanctuary cities eat that stuff on a regular basis. America was founded by bread eating people from Northern Europe.

>> No.11489472

I think /pol/ broke your brain if eating rice sets off your miscegenation sense

>> No.11489480

Fuck off cuck, adults are talking. I've lived in the same town for 28 years and I've never seen anyone buy rice in a grocery store. It's something that you get for free with chinese takeout and everyone I know just throws it out or feeds it to the dog.

>> No.11489517

I’m glad cretins like you are getting owned by refugees now.

>> No.11489520

Niggah, most rice is grown in AR, LA, and MS, and has been since we stole the country and they're some of the most racist, stormfront backwards states you could name. I know /pol/ is absolutely tard level, but christ, you're below even that.

>> No.11489528
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>I've lived in the same town for 28 years and I've never seen anyone buy rice in a grocery store
Too bad you never saw anyone buying rice at your town's Walmart Cletus but most everyone who live in non-flyovers like variety of sides. I'll bet you eat corn with every meal too

>> No.11489545

Rice is used in all kinds of Southern dishes.

>> No.11489559

I'm in the middle of flyover territory and I fried up some rice just last night. It's a good way to use up leftover meat, just shred and mix into the rice as you fry it. An egg and some pepper is good too, or minced garlic. I'm sorry you limit yourself anon but I believe in you.

>> No.11489560

If you are working that much you want more calories...

With the stipulations you posted it is just going to be really uninspiring stuff that you will get sick of quick. if you work that much you shouldn't be prepping lunches because you can use that huge income to buy good stuff and better use your free time.

I mean shit, low calorie is relative too and so is easy to prepare. You need to explain better if you want anyone to help you.

>> No.11489586

Some of you folk need to chill, it's like the majority of you have an axe to grind and you're not doing very well at it.

>> No.11489595

Tuna/chicken salad lettuce wraps

>> No.11489607

based in healthiness

>> No.11489608

I dunno about a lettuce wraps, a wrap with a flour tortilla wont get soggy after sitting around for some hours before lunch but a lettuce wrap seems like it would get all weird and mushy.

>> No.11489619

What do you mean "you folk"?

>> No.11489646
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This triggers the /pol/ refugee

>> No.11489648

You bring the salad and the lettuce in separate containers and then make the wraps when you're ready to eat them

>> No.11489654

>not howling at an uncaring universe with impotent rage
What are you even doing with your life, bro?

>> No.11489667

Do you have a microwave at work?

I work in construction inspection and what I like to pack is a jar of overnight oats for the morning, a chickpea wrap for lunch, and then carrot sticks or nuts for the afternoon. For my wrap I just use two cans of chickpeas and a jar of Patak's spicy Tikka masala sauce. Makes four or five wraps.

>> No.11489691

Based "What do you mean "you folk"?" poster

>> No.11489744

What the fuck am I reading? Red beans and rice is a staple where I'm from (Southern US) you ignorant faggot.