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File: 88 KB, 1024x728, Mama-Natural-kids-school-lunch-ideas-34-1024x728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11485011 No.11485011 [Reply] [Original]

Someone redpill me on school lunches. I am dutch and I've never seen a high school who supplies their students with food on trays. Usually we bring our own food or just go to a nearby super market for some snacks.

Is school lunch system an American scheme for capitalism?

>> No.11485034

eat shit, you wooden shoe wearing dickless wonder

>> No.11485036

Yes, because you never saw school lunches growing up means it's a phenomenon unique to the USA.

>> No.11485037

Have you by chance read The Inamorati by Midori Snyder?

>> No.11485042


>> No.11485043

Yeah, school lunch programs are funded by the state legislatures and red states controlled by the GOP have contracted them out to the same corporations which supply pig slop to prisons in return for campaign donations (bribes). Sucks living under corporate fascism.

>> No.11485046

I remember ny senior year of high school we were given mini bottles of water during lunch. Well within a few weeks were no longer provided with them because it wasn't a coke product. Coke actually threaten to sue the district if those waters were given out during lunch.

>> No.11485055

its shitty food for kids from shitty parents. Kids dont really eat it they throw it in the trash most of the time

>> No.11485059

Majority of the people in USA actually live below poverty line. These kids live on free school lunches. During the weekend when there is no school they literally starve.

t. poorfaggrowingupblack

>> No.11485064

>Is school lunch system an American scheme for capitalism?
Pretty much. I would have brought my own lunch to school, but my county's schools had a rule against it.

>> No.11485072

MY school forced you to pay for the lunch even if you didn't want it. You had to go through line and enter your ID number

>> No.11485088

As a Brit, I never really understood why so many Americans were disillusioned with capitalism. But then this video probably explains why. We sort of take our constitutional framework for granted - strict regulations on lobbying, strict conflict of interest laws and regulatory commissions being fully nonpartisan and independent and run by experts. We've always had an understanding that regulation is needed to rein in corporations. And we've always separated public and private sector functions. It would be inappropriate for the private sector to run your police, fire departments or hospitals. So our version of "capitalism" turns out to be very different from American capitalism. The fact that companies can just buy their way into schools, hospitals and public institutions really shows the rampant corporate corruption in America. No wonder people are disillusioned.

>> No.11485093

i dont think this is real

>> No.11485382

how does this happen? even poorest of the poors in europe have money for food or go to food banks.

>> No.11485432

You get 200$ a month per person in foodstamps if you are poor here. But you can trade those foodstamps for drugs and liquor so the kids starve

>> No.11485442

If your parents didn’t pack a lunch for you, they failed as parents.

>> No.11485444

corporations charge the lowest price the govt is required to go with the cheapest option no matter what

>> No.11485447 [DELETED] 

>majority of niggers in the USA grow up below the poverty line
Fixed that for you. Actual people here do alright.

>> No.11485627

Not the majority, but it's @ 40%. Yeah, the US is a corporate fascist oligarchy and it's getting worse.

>> No.11485649

I grew up eating school lunches and wasn't poor. they are perfect balance on nutrition and decent quality if prepared well which my school district did

>> No.11485662

You always have the option to bring your own, and, at least for me, couldn't leave for lunch until high school.

>> No.11485664

its federally funded and they get nothing if they refuse to do it

>> No.11485672

Why didn't the Democrats changed it when they controlled the presidency, the house, and the senate at the same time?

>> No.11485682

direct welfare and corporate welfare to sustain stable agriculture market bad

throwing money at poor people with bad spending habits good

>> No.11485685
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>> No.11485689

What's the poverty line 40% you speak of? If a shit ton of spics are trying to invade your country, it can't be that bad.

>> No.11485694

Please describe your family and home life growing up.

>> No.11485703

its amusing these are the same liberals who bitch about food deserts and when the state tries to fix it though not as well as possible they bitch and moan. you really think republicans are the only ones who have attacker earmarks and kickback into these funding bills? get real

>> No.11485712 [DELETED] 

Texas Senate Democrat only lost by 2%. You're time is up wh*toid

>> No.11485721

you still seething over the beta loss? get over it already.

>> No.11485724

Where I'm from schools have stalls contracted to owners. My school had like 12 stalls selling anything from Chinese to Thai to vegetarian food for really cheap prices. Absolutely based

>> No.11485733

Racebait on >>>/b/ >>>/pol/ >>>/r9k/ or >>>/trash/.

>> No.11485798

Yes we are literally the only country that serves school lunches and it is done for the purposes of capitalism.

>> No.11485803

>when the state tries to fix it though not as well as possible
What are you referring to here?

>> No.11485821

bad grammar. I mean to say that it could be done better.

>> No.11485842


i bet a hundred dollars that if you called someone a whiteoid in public they would scratch their head

say it ten times to yourself

>> No.11485844


>> No.11485877

Yeah, growing up I always found it weird to watch cartoons where grade school kids would all gather to eat in a cafeteria, and lunch would apparently be free. At the time I wondered if we were poor; when I grew up I realized it was the opposite. Canada, btw.

>> No.11485885

>mum stopped making lunch when I went to highschool
>too lazy to make my own
>breakfast always gave me crippling stomach aches for the whole day so stopped eating it
>had an expensive canteen but she didn't give me money for it because we weren't well-off in those days
>therefore didn't eat anything between dinner and 4pm the next day, basically a 21 hour fast thinking about it
No wonder I barely scraped through graduation. I still have the same habits 12 years later too. It's also given me a strange aversion to eating in public.

>> No.11485892

you believe that?

>> No.11485904

I'm not the guy you originally responded to, but why is it not believable?

>> No.11486024

I'm also an ausfag I went to an especially shit school, I'm asian so my mum doesn't really know how to make typical lunches for kids instead push like rice and whatever meats we had the last night but I didn't want to bring that because I'd be bullied for having weird/disgusting/smelly food. I willingly starved myself all through highschool.

>> No.11486108

Here's just one example from seven years ago, using "allergies" as an excuse. Our local schools were doing this for as long as I can remember, but I don't know what their given justification was. It certainly wasn't health, because we had vending machines for junkfood and soda. The truth was simple: it's all about the money.
My school didn't force you to buy lunch like the other guy, but if you didn't, it just meant you weren't eating anything.

>> No.11486209
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Based uninformed poster

>> No.11486499
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It goes beyond capitalism. It's Judaism.

>> No.11486509
File: 88 KB, 640x586, School-scat-on-a-tray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11486523

School lunches were fine in the 90s. Obamas nigger wife made it worst, She probably had a good intention but instead of getting the lunch ladies to actually make the food again she just made the lunch companies go "healthy" which is just heavily processed shit covered as healthy.

>> No.11486571

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act was approved by the senate unanimously.

>> No.11486583

>Hunger-Free Kids Act
Good intentions. Shitty implementation, don't half of something but it's the government so it's to be expected.

>> No.11486610

They were getting the ACA passed during that time.

>> No.11487760

Is that a BLT on apple slices?

>> No.11487764

nice copypasta anon

>> No.11487780


It happens becuase the parents sell the food stamps (basically government-backed coupons for free food) to cash to people in the grocery store, so they can use that cash to buy other things (often drugs)

>> No.11487797

I (American) always brought lunch from home but my school had "school lunch". I remember my friends saying they were okay until they changed them when I was in high school (so sometime between 2005-2009) and all of a sudden they were disgusting. I don't know why exactly becuase I never had them, but I assume the school tried to save money by having shittier food.

>> No.11487897

School lunches were provided here in Canada. They would give the kids a monthly calendar schedule of the lunches as well as an empty envelope, the schedule said that $20 donations help tremendously. I can’t remember if it was touted as donations or a fee that they couldn’t enforce. But anyway, brat that I was, I pocketed a 20 my parents had given me to give to the school staff and I still feel bad about it.
The pizza days were the best.

>> No.11487941

I thought they took bepsi out of schools

>> No.11487973

Doesn't look that bad, desu, just lacks presentation.

>> No.11487982

Half your budget goes to welfare, and you have had zero economic growth in 20 years, and you lost your entire empire in a generation. How are you so in love with socialism?

>> No.11488077

Propaganda probably also bongs are culturally bootlickers

>> No.11488117

When i was in highschool my school would make you fill out forms equivalent to tax forms to determine if you qualified for free or reduced lunch. If you were really below the poverty line (which i was) you got free lunch, if you were close to it but not quite above you got reduced lunch (which was 75 cents if i remember correctly), and if you were over it which was the case for most students cause the school was in a nice area, you paid full price, $1.50 but i could be remembering it wrong.

>> No.11488871

You shouldn't have kids if you cant afford to make them a damn sandwich for lunch. Tired of paying into welfare for these pieces of shit.

>> No.11488885

A whole pickle, cheese, and some kind of multi-grain pressed patties, pumpkin seeds, a bacon lettuce apple sandwich, and oven baked dried and pressed pumpkin chips.

>> No.11488890

it's really something that can't be explained, you'd have to go to a highschool and see. I found my highschools food options to be plentiful and the quality was good.

>> No.11488953

Some schools have it, some schools don't. Same in asia. The public schools I went to had it, usually the main dish wasn't really healthy and the sides you can pick are more healthy as well as the drink. Some have designated areas that will basically act like a food cart that sells meals at a cheaper price like a sub or a chicken patty sandwich w/ fries and milk or fries with cheese and/or chili for $2.

Although this was before the Obama administration so I don't know what happened when the healthy lunches program came in.

>> No.11488983


cringe. I remember having to get free lunch as my dad lost his job, and my mom was the only one working for a while. You would have to audibly tell the lunch lady at the end that you were getting free lunch while in front of a line of kids. it used to make me feel like a fucking loser.

>> No.11489000

This rustles my jimmies

>> No.11489025

Also, you could still bring your own lunch, go outside to the gas station and get food, or if you had a car, drive down to whatever place you wanted.

Breakfast would also be free or reduced.

In elementary, we would all eat the free food unless the kid had allergies or a special diet. In middleschool and highschool, it was a stupid stigma of being poor if you went for the free food so most wouldn't line up for it anymore and would shell out the money at the paying lines for lunches. I was one of those dumb kids until the last few years of both school and just ate food wherever it came from. I was basically skipping breakfast and lunch basically for 6 years until I got home and made some small quick meal like fried rice or spam and eggs or a ham sandwich before dinner time.

tl;dr Yes, it was capitalism but in my experience, you could still pick to bring your own lunch if you wanted or thought to pack a lunch the day before. Most teens today wouldn't think to though.

>> No.11489029
File: 85 KB, 866x625, best pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile these people have water, food, beer, housing, clothes, cars, air conditioning, iphones, all that shit
that's what american poverty looks like

if you are able to be obese you aren't actually living in poverty, you're just wasting your money

>> No.11489057

>You would have to audibly tell the lunch lady at the end that you were getting free lunch while in front of a line of kids. it used to make me feel like a fucking loser.

We got numbers to memorize. The same number could be used at the paid lunch line to basically make it free food too. But like I said, I didn't care anymore later on. Food is food, I was denying my body the (still highly deficient) nutrients it needed to develop from any source I could get it from and that is the worst thing a child can do to themselves while going through puberty and highschool.

>> No.11489077

If that's true im sorry to hear that bro.

Are you still embarrassed of your native cuisine if front of others?

>> No.11489103

It's pretty fucking cheap to be a lardass

>> No.11489110

nothing says fine like chicken sponge nuggets and cardboard pizza

>> No.11489125

exactly the point though
"poverty" here isn't really poverty, its just poverty by our incredibly high standard of living
even our homeless routinely get clothes, shelter, and meals provided for them. and truthfully the only people genuinely living on the street long term are people with serious drug addiction or psychological illness.

people don't understand what poverty really is

>> No.11489157
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rate my canadian hospital meal

>> No.11489159

Looks good 100% american made food right there

>> No.11489170
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they were passable but they don't season anything so its bland unless you go steal pepper/salt from the cafeteria

>> No.11489175

That's it? That's not nearly enough for a sick person who needs to build up strength.

>> No.11489186

t. Lardo

>> No.11489188

yup and thats on double portions
you can get more food if you ask them to put you on a special diet

>> No.11489264

This. They exist in Britain and from what I've heard schools are forced to provide lunch in France by law.

>> No.11489308

Thats plenty for old people and children. Hospitals main customers are not healthy adult men

>> No.11489355
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>ranch dressing for a few cucumber slices

>> No.11489899

Long story short:

Schools in the US typically have a vendor they pair up with to produce meals that can be quickly heated up for kids to eat. It is very rare that schools have cafeteria workers actually cook anything, usually it is just heating up stuff in a big oven and either pre-plating everything or having a "buffet" style where you pay extra for anything major you get double of. The quality of these lunches vary depending on the vendor, but many of them are pretty bad. There are also a few of them that are also vendors for the prison and serve the same food, so there are many schools that have less then stellar quality due to cheapness.

Some higher end schools have special lines for higher quality/namebrand foods (Our school had a tyson chicken line where you get better quality chicken patties or other things). Some even offer fast food, although a lot of politics has intervened with it and caused some of that to close. Some schools have vending machines, but the high school I went to back in the early 2000s had to swap out all the junk food and drinks for "healthy" options.

I personally have not eaten in a school cafeteria since 2007, but from what I have heard from friends or relatives that work in the school system lunches have gotten way worse then when I was going to school with portion sizes being cut and a lot of "treat/snack" items being eliminated due to a lot of healthy school lunch programs that made it worse.

>> No.11490394

that really was the only thing they did wasn't it. Thanks obango

>> No.11490473

doesnt coke own a brand of water bottles

>> No.11490624

Modern society at it's "finest".

>> No.11490707

have you never been to a hospital?
the cafeteria is mostly for the guests
Have you also never been sick before?
Most sick people cant digest stuff like that, so they get jello and soup

>> No.11490723


>> No.11490881

>lets pass something that will cost the tax payers millions of dollars to fix their cripplying health problems
>don't feed our children good food so they get healthy later in life or anything and don't need as much care
Why are democrats such niggers? oh wait.
>implying red states are any different than blue states
Nog hives and red state food deserts aside, even my libshit white ass richer public schools sold literally pizza ontop of french fries as their number one item. by the time high school rolled around, they stopped even trying to have a salad bar.

>> No.11491613

In japan the kids go and cart it to their rooms and dish it up for themselves, too.
I feel sorry for the teachers of year one because at the beginning of the year shit goes flying every on a daily basis.