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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11479648 No.11479648 [Reply] [Original]

So you hotshots think you're too cool for a big turkey?

>> No.11479676

Big old turkeys are dry and tasteless shit birds.
Unless you're feeding 12 or more just get the smallest bird you can find.

>> No.11479686

>smaller families
>zoomers are the incel generation
Incels are ruining everything.

>> No.11479701

>wasteful leftovers
>stupid retards can't look up recipes that use Thanksgiving leftovers
Absolute idiots.

>> No.11479709


>> No.11479719

leftovers are the best part of Thanksgiving

>> No.11479726

>eating leftover shit
Yikes, eat fresh food you flyover fuck

>> No.11479729

Are millennials really gay?

>> No.11479730


who hurt you?

>> No.11479733

at that point just get a goose right

>> No.11479737

>who hurt you?

>> No.11479742


oh sweet summer child...

>> No.11479744

>growing guilt over wasteful leftovers
how the fuck is this even real like nigga just eat your food haha

seriously though, what the fuck? do americans just munch on bone once and immediately discard it because "picking" the bone too clean makes you look like starving dog or something? my parents always told me to never waste food, gotta pick those bones clean

>> No.11479747

I prefer ham

>> No.11479757

Californian, retard. Not even snobbish people waste leftovers. They didnt get rich by wasting.

>> No.11479760

Why are you reddit spacing?

>> No.11479806

Absolutely disgusting. It doesn't cost that much to just buy food. Storing leftovers is barely a step above dumpster diving. There's literally nothing wrong with throwing out food you don't finish. Despite what your parents might have told you throwing out food doesn't make world hunger any worse.

>> No.11479810

wow, just wow

>> No.11479822

That's why people are eating smaller turkeys, to not waste. Idiot

>> No.11479866

I'm not a millennial but it's just my wife and I because we weren't selfish or cruel enough to shit out filthy spawn to further the destruction of the planet, so a 15-20lb turkey would absurd. We just splurge on an air chilled organic heritage breed roasting chicken with dressing, mashed potatoes, butternut squash soup, salad, succotash and sometimes I make a pecan pie. Megacorporate factory turkey farmers can shove it up their greedy asses, I'm with millennials on this one.

>> No.11479924

This. This year its just my wife and my parents with some family friends. My mom and I both want to do a turkey so we are each doing a small one with variety.

>> No.11479933

when my family has an abundance of left overs it typically gets eaten you bunch of fucking faggots

>> No.11479946
File: 127 KB, 600x500, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up poor. My mom would get us a bunch of cornish hens so we could all have our own "little turkey". I actually like this better than a traditional turkey to this day.

>> No.11479951

Yeah, you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.11479957

Women are to blame. They all think they deserve a 10 who's 6'3 and makes high six figures.

>> No.11479959

Do people actually read that shit?

>> No.11479973

spoken like a true foreveralone

>> No.11479983

Probably because Turkey fucking sucks.

>> No.11479992

Yeah, I suppose. The dark meat is the only "valuable" part that's worth picking at. The rest is flavorless dry soup-fodder.

>> No.11479995


>> No.11480000

Takes one to know one
t. entitled feminist

>> No.11480014

>not brining and make it sous vide with fresh herbs

Yikes, imagine dismissing turkey without cooking it to perfection.

>> No.11480020
File: 1.13 MB, 1004x713, turkeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>see pic related
>buy this
>literally only have to reheat the turkey and some sides
>still have leftovers
>get to relax

But oh no I should spend 8 hours cooking and prepping shit

>> No.11480028

Nice diggits. Stick around on the ol' chan and keep them coming

>> No.11480031

>plebs still eat turkey for thanksgiving

Prime rib master race.

>> No.11480051

This, my family rarely has turkey on Thanksgiving, rotisserie chicken and pork shoulder all the way

>> No.11480054
File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sous vide is just a 2018 trend. Had the immersion cooker not come out this year, nobody would even know what or how it's done. Don't act like it's anything more than a glorified way to poach shit.

>> No.11480067
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married to the love of my life for over 6 years. good try though.

>> No.11480068
File: 11 KB, 409x367, comfy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw family is getting big enough to have two full sized turkeys for thanksgiving

>> No.11480070

Pretty sure I bought my immersion circulator around 3 years ago.

>> No.11480127

It's called being a decent human being.

>> No.11480147

Agreed. Sous vide is terrible. Just had both steak and chicken prepared as such this week and they were both tasteless and dry.

>> No.11480155

>not making an open face turkey-potato-stuffing sandwich the day after Thanksgiving
This year I'm thankful to not be you.

>> No.11480163

"Just throw away your money, you can get more"
At least you're successful in getting replies

>> No.11480165

>murder is fine if the turkey had a few extra feet to wallow in misery

>> No.11480168

You’re the redite. Fuck off.

>> No.11480169

Turkey lives matter!

>> No.11480170

I'm making a mock meat with Vital Wheat Gluten. It's going to be delicious, and no animals will have to suffer. win win.

>> No.11480204

>Grew up poor
>Buying lots of expensive little birds instead of one big crappy one

>> No.11480213

Reddit spacing has got to be the shittiest argument in the history of this site.
At least it's a good way to tell who's opinions don't matter.

>> No.11480242
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They weren't expensive in the early 90's. Usually $3/bird. For a family of three, that was cheap af. Looks like you can get a two-pack at walmart these days for $8. That's still a cheaper option at $16 for two packs.

Like I said, we were poor.

>> No.11480252

What state gave you faggots a marriage license?

>> No.11480269
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1/10. You can do better.

>> No.11480563

t. Doesn't know how to cook a turkey properly

>> No.11480568

Is this what unadulterated dipshittery looks like?

>> No.11480575

>wasting food
This is what's wrong with you boomer faggots.

>> No.11480583

I'll show you murder bitch

>> No.11480596

Turkey cooked to perfection is still less delicious than chicken cooked to mediocrity. Fuck off with your meme bird.

>> No.11480682
File: 1.52 MB, 1110x1035, tina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not reheating leftover gravy and turkey in the pan and eating it with egg noodles the next day