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11477051 No.11477051 [Reply] [Original]

why do people hate pineapple pizza?

>> No.11477059

Whale penis is the preferred topping for pizza in Iceland

>> No.11477072

They probably had low quality canned pineapple on their pizza.

>> No.11477114

The real answer to pineapple on pizza:

>Ham & Pineapple
More boring than disgusting, really.

>Pineapple & Olive
Most people who have tried this only did so because of Deadpool, but hey, misery loves company.

>Pineapple included by default in a "Deluxe"
This is the real crime here.

>> No.11477122

Because sweet flavors don't blend with the other traditional pizza toppings. When I want pizza I crave a savory, garlic and spicy sausage, salty cheese, onion pizza. I like pineapple and ham as an entree of its own, but it doesn't belong anywhere near the realm of pizza

>> No.11477136


The patrician choice is jalapeño pineapple. Also fuck a you salty meat and the sweetness of pineapple blend together quite well.

>> No.11477141

>Also fuck a you salty meat and the sweetness of pineapple blend together quite well.
Ham isn't salty enough. Bacon + pineapple + hot peppers is the way to go.

>> No.11477154
File: 99 KB, 700x500, honey-baked-ham-princess-kidwell.jpg?&targetx=-25&targety=0&imagewidth=750&imageheight=499&modelwidth=700&modelheight=500&backgroundcolor=6F1316&orientation=0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put pineapple on ham
>perfectly acceptable holiday dinner with family

>put pineapple & ham on pizza
>people lose their shit

>> No.11477156

not really a realm if there's only 1

>> No.11477162

Because ham doesn't have tomato sauce, oregano, garlic and mozzarella

>> No.11477163

I like it only with certain toppings.
If if I get I'll get pineapple, bacon, chicken and onions. Love this combo.

>> No.11477172

Some pizza places offer different kinds of sauces. So not just the usual tomato/marinara sauce, but also white garlic sauce, BBQ sauce, etc.

I wonder how pineapple would taste on other sauces.

>> No.11477177

So you're saying it's not ham & pineapple that's unacceptable with pizza, but that pizza is unacceptable with ham & pineapple?

>> No.11477188

Because it tastes like wet cardboard I guess

>> No.11477201

Sure, either way you put it the two foods don't compliment eachother well.

>> No.11477206

Cooked pineapple is vile.

>> No.11477208

What if they added the pineapple after baking the pizza?

>> No.11477212

I don't care about it, I rarely have pineapple on pizza but people who get angry about it are mega autists.

>> No.11477239


>Warm, soft, salty
>Cold, crunchy, sweet.

Geez you got me anon, these two things are made for each other. Wish my marriage would be this perfect.

>> No.11477243
File: 240 KB, 2000x1500, 897D272C-457C-43C8-8BF39FE1ADC56FAD-zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the patrician combination for sweet pizza toppings. Blue cheese and pineapple = great
Blue cheese and persimmon = great
Blue cheese and peach = great.

>> No.11477287

The world over people are enjoying spicy, savoury dishes with fruit elements and accompaniments. Cheese and fruit pairings. Fruit sauces over meats and poultry. Why does everyone freak out over pineapple on pizza?

Fruit and savoury works, its not weird.

>> No.11477315

It's a meme to not like it.

>> No.11477337


The same reason everyone seemed to have gotten together to hate the word moist. Because everyone is jumping off a bridge and they don't want to be left out.

>> No.11477531


A retarded normie meme, nothing more.

I guess it's possible to go overboard with it and ruin a 'za by covering it with so much pineapple that it's all you taste, but if you use it correctly it just improves the flavor of almost anything else.

>> No.11477618

Because if theres something everyone has in common, its enjoying being butthurt about shit other people do that doesnt affect them

>> No.11477623

>cold crunchy pineapple

>> No.11477634


It was invented by a Greek immigrant in Canada. That's why.

>> No.11477654

I get pineapple and bacon pizza every time I order pizza. It’s amazing live your best life. God bless America

>> No.11477675

They have no taste. Pineapple, jalapeno, hot sauce and some sort of meat on a pizza is delicious as fuck.

>> No.11477721

reminder that ordering pineapple on pizza is a crime punishable with death in italy

>> No.11477794

And yet people love ketchup, which is just sweeter, more sour tomato sauce. Incidentally pineapples are similar to tomatoes but sweeter and more sour.

>> No.11478007

>Because sweet flavors don't blend with the other traditional pizza toppings
the fuck?
what are bell peppers?
what is the fucking tomato sauce itself?
neither of those are sweet like a pineapple is but they all have their own sweetness

>> No.11478023

IIRC it was inspired by 50s tiki-bar culture. People were putting pineapple on everything.

>> No.11478025

Properly cooked pineapple in the right dish is a delicacy, it's hot on the outside but watery in the middle.

>> No.11478042
File: 220 KB, 1200x900, pepperoni-pineapple-jalapeno-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepperoni, jalapeno, and pineapple is a god-tier topping combination

Salty, spicy, and sweet

>> No.11478252

This. I agree any other pineapple type pizza is vile, especially hawaiian. But as a skeptic I tried this pizza and honestly its fucking GOAT

>> No.11478266
File: 1.85 MB, 2800x2484, maximumflavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is a good combo.

>> No.11478285

This plus mushrooms is my favourite topping combination.

>> No.11478306

They were told to and can't think for themselves.

>> No.11478308

because it's too yellow... Because it's fucking disgusting you pathetic retard.

>> No.11478389

Tuna and pineapple pizza is god tier and no one can convince me otherwise.

>> No.11478391


>> No.11478407
File: 281 KB, 1024x683, DSC05532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When with you heathens learn.

>> No.11478423

It's one of the few examples of the sweet / savoury pairing common in fast food. For some people, it'll be the only time they ever encounter it.

>> No.11478430

They hate olives too

>> No.11478447
File: 426 KB, 2000x1334, gorgonzola grape pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell, Swedish people have pineapple, banana, mushroom, peanut and curry pizzas.

>> No.11478454

What's next? Anchovies? Fucking tomatoes??

>> No.11478467

>Pineapple included by default in a "Deluxe"
If they do this then they need to give you a hospice-like pamphlet to prepare you for what is soon to happen.

>> No.11478584

because people who like pineapple on pizza are equally obnoxious about it as vegans and homosexuals in that they make a big fucking show over how its the best thing in the world and rage hard at anyone who doesn't agree with their shit opinions
in my experience, people who like pineapple on pizza have something pathologically wrong with them and they never make it into my friends group

>> No.11478677

I can't fucking wait to put my old folks in a shitty hospice.

>> No.11478711

>implying they ever had any in the first place

>> No.11478753

Most people only hate pineapple on pizza because of the meme honestly. I doubt most really care about it and if it weren't for the meme that pineapple on pizza is gross then more people would eat it/like it. I'm not a huge fan but its not disgusting or anything, its just not great. The disgustingness of pineapple on pizza is overrated.

>> No.11478852


>> No.11479699

The problem for me is not the taste, but a) it's too wet and watery, and makes the pizza soggy and b) the pieces are usually too big and thus too heavy which makes the slice flop down. Those two things together make just for an unappetizing mess.

And yes, there are totally ways to get around this, but most places don't, and it just doesn't taste good enough to justify the extra work.

There are just so many toppings and combinations that are a hundred times better than pineapple, so why bother?

>> No.11480063
File: 11 KB, 264x274, npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eww gross
>pineapple on pizza is disgusting

>> No.11481034

I looked this up,it's real,lads!

"As much as I do not like pineapple on pizza, the individual freedom of having the topping of your choice overrides that."

'For pizzas, I recommend seafood'

"I have nothing against pineapples, but when they're put on pizza they get all sort of mushy," he said.

Later hes said you have the freedom to choose your toppings and the press said he flip-flopped.

Imagine living in a country where that is the main controversy,must be nice.

>> No.11481045

pineapple and pepperoni is pretty good I'll have to try it with jalepeno like some of the others suggested.

>> No.11481066

Pineapple does not belong on cooked food.

>> No.11481085

pls for jesus

>> No.11481121

Because people don't like to eat bread with fruits

>> No.11481139

>It's one of the few examples of the sweet / savoury pairing common in fast food. For some people, it'll be the only time they ever encounter it.
Every hamburger bun has sugar, ketchup qualifies as a fruit preserve, fries are encrusted in sugar.
Sauces, meat, bread, everything has sugar or at least added sweetness. Everything.

The entire industry is built around pairing meat with sugar water.
American Chinese food is literally based around pairing pineapple-based sauces with savory flavors.
The fuck are you talking about

>> No.11481179

>Every hamburger bun has sugar, ketchup qualifies as a fruit preserve, fries are encrusted in sugar.
I didn't know how bad it was, my condolences.

>> No.11482535

Why don't you fucking go out and smear ketchup on a pineapple ring then you godless pedantic shitfuck?

>> No.11482573


>> No.11482785
File: 182 KB, 400x305, hogjowls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing anything for a jew
>wew lad

>> No.11482840

the americana
>blue cheese

ze best there is

>> No.11482842

Meme psy-op to distract normies from important things.

>> No.11482925

Is that Kale?! What is this blend of toppings?

>> No.11482926

That’s because Somalis have terrible taste.

>> No.11482957

Found the Mexican.