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11476089 No.11476089 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on jug wine or boxed wine/goon?

>> No.11476093

Carlo Rossi is my nigga Burgundy is the best

>> No.11476101

Not op but was wondering if you still get the same health benefits from boxed wine than from fancy expensive bottle wines. Gf is on my ass about being healthy so i told her i'd switch from spirits to wine

>> No.11476103

alcohol has no health benefits man

>> No.11476108
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I felt a psychological sting of WDs just looking at that shit.

>> No.11476110

Cheapest way to get drunk pretty much. None of it really tastes that great so I like to cut it with some water and ice to make it extra slammable. Unfortunately the heart-burn will catch up with you.

>> No.11476112

I like the Chablis. Pairs nicely with linguine and clam sauce. I usethis recipe from BA: https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/best-linguine-and-clams

>> No.11476120
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>$10 bottle marked up to $30 at the state liquor monopoly

How's a man supposed to have a spot of fun with the lads with this sort of nonsense

>> No.11476121

U were saying?

>> No.11476123

it makes the existential dread go away so fuck off

>> No.11476128

Boxed wine is the cheapest way to get drunk where I live. And it tastes a hell of a lot better than malt liquor or cheap vodka.

>> No.11476132

Bible-belter detected. Went and visited the old south last summer and holy fuck you alcohol is expensive. You can't even drink away your misery of living in a shit state

>> No.11476136

What state? I live in Mississippi and alcohol here is pretty cheap.

>> No.11476143

Visited Kentucky Tennessee and new Orleans. Bought a cousin of mine a 1.75 of evans williams and paid over $50 for it. By comparison, i can get a 750 of evans for $20 here in cali

>> No.11476149

1.75 i ment

>> No.11476155

me and a girl i knew bought a jug just like that when we were like 22 or something, barely remember shit, but i ended up at my moms house at some point and puked red stringy barf all over the toilet, some of it made it inside.

Having said that, I think you could have an ok time with it if you ate some fruit and drank water that day, and didn't mix it with beer and other drinks in the same night.

>> No.11476234

It’s still bad for you idiot. It’s like putting a vitamin in a cigarette.

>> No.11476325

Your understanding of health is worse than a middle school kid who just sat through a D.A.R.E. presentation and believed it

>> No.11476354

fpbp. Just had a chugalugjug of Burgundy the other day. My shit's been purple for days.

Carlo Rossi is pretty foul, but after a few rocks glasses who cares. I like their CabSav but haven't found it in stores in a long time. The Burgundy is exactly what you want to accompany pastas with marinara sauce or a steak dish. I like Paisano, it's VERY easy drinking. I've never tried any of their white wines.

Tbhwy CR is pretty underrated. I imagine the quality is near to or better than what the ancient Greeks drank, unmixed.

>> No.11476387
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>> No.11476388

you would need to drink red wine daily, over the course of years, to get the resveritrol benefits.

this chink fooled even the biggest wine experts by buying and selling his own home-mixed fake french wine:

wrong, it helps with circulation
and stress reduction is arguably a health benefit.

>> No.11476396

wow, thought whiskey would be cheap in those states. fucking taxes, man.

>> No.11476397

>It’s still bad for you
[citation needed]

>> No.11476401

Top-tier review of Rossi jug wine. That Paisano is liquid panty remover.

Also, when I was a kid, I was an altar boy. Didn't get molested at all. But we did get very drunk on the unconsecrated communion wine. Carlo Rossi burgundy.

>> No.11476410

boxed wine like franzia is better than CR, which is nig-tier. if you must drink CR then soak fresh-cut orange and apple slices in it. mellows it out and the fruit absorbs all the unwanted "congeners"

drinking too much of any bottom-shelf shit will fuck you up. mid-tier vodka like Finlandia is better value.

>> No.11476806

A small amount of alcohol has been shown to be beneficial to the cardiovascular system. That benefit is negated once you've had more than a drink or two. If you drink like that, a big jug or box of wine will turn to vinegar long before it's finished.

>> No.11476818


>> No.11476880

They call it "sinners tax". Fuck the bible belt. Even commie cali's know lifes a bitch and give their citizens a break

>> No.11476898

Alcohol is very cheap in louisiana. $6 fifths of cheap vodka, $12.50 for 5L of franzia, 2 for $2.50 25oz beers, etc.

>> No.11477014

Must have just been in NOLA then

>> No.11477031
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11477235

is it actually the alcohol in the wine that leads to the benefits though? or just some other compound?

i'm assuming it has nothing to do with the alcohol because people always say a glass of wine a day has positive effects for the heart and shit, but i've never heard people say the same thing about beer or whiskey

>> No.11477338


>> No.11478773

>Chosen wines
Those things are like syrup.

>> No.11478777

Is what I use for cooking

>> No.11478784

only the sickest cunts drink goon

>> No.11478794

I use cheap box wine for cooking, usually. It lasts a lot longer than jug wine after opening. I usually buy the 5L Franzia and it sits in my pantry for ~6 months.

>> No.11479085

I live in KY. A fifth (metric fifth = 750ml) of Evan Williams is $11.00 here with tax.

>> No.11479104

>liquid panty remover
>alter boy didn't get molested tho
>just very drunk on liquid panty remover
Umm anon perhaps things happened that you're less than aware of...

>> No.11479113

Not if you're drinking with a group...

>> No.11479165

My wife loves the chosen wine

>> No.11479225

Okay, if you have your 26 friends over to have one glass of wine for your cardiovascular health, the 4L jug of Carlo Rossi might be your best bet.

>> No.11479599

TN here, Evan Williams is $25/1.75 ltr anywhere you go. Stop buying liquor out of the trunk of someone's car you underaged faggot

>> No.11479639

I saw a guy down a whole jug of that shit at a house party once

>> No.11479647

>26 friends over
Breh if we're inviting them too ill need another bottle for my cousins and one for my aunts and uncles and parents. I guess we'll set up extra tables outside for everyone.

>> No.11479659

That man quite possibly experienced one of the worst hangovers in human history.

>> No.11479779

He probably unironically died

>> No.11479800

NC here, just bought a fifth of EW Black label for 13 bucks. Stop lying you underage faggot.

>> No.11480923


shaky shaky anon

>> No.11480932

I don't believe you.

>> No.11480938
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For me, it's Franzia

>> No.11480971

I drank 5 liters of Franzia chillable red in a 16 hour span and agree with this post. Worst part is I ended up unexpectedly having to drive ten hours the next day when I could barely open my eyes.

>> No.11481038

suicide is always on the table

>> No.11481068

I'd have probably done it if I had the balls that day but I don't drink anymore.

>> No.11481098

>memes make me not look like a big stoopy dum dum xD

>> No.11481131

>killing yourself because you over-drank for one night

Never read something as stupid as this, desu.

>> No.11481152

Its odd because when I read that post I thought he was pretty clearly implying he had other issues and the booze was making it worse but now im pretty sure I was just projecting. Fuck which is it?

>> No.11481161
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It's not from a jug but it might as well be.
I think pic related is actually pretty good.

>> No.11481164
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> one night

makin' some fuckin' assumptions there, pard'

>> No.11481185

reduces anxiety. Can buy it without a prescription unlike a benzo

>> No.11481209
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Get back in your hole fuckstick.

>> No.11481291

Boxed wines are getting better with lines like bota box

>> No.11481429
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Bota, Pour Haus, and Black Box are all perfectly decent for a simple glass or two of wine, without taking into account food pairings.
>Three-buck Chuck
It's the best at that price. Which isn't saying much, considering the competition is Barefoot, Boone's Farm, and fucking Richard's Wild Irish Rose.

Picture is not related.

>> No.11481461
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I've had some jug chianti that was good enough for making syrups with, but I have not found any jugged wine that I would enjoy a glass of.
There are some palatable boxed wines that I know of.

>> No.11481470

This is correct.

>> No.11481482

my uncle makes jarred wine for our parish priest. yes, he is Italian.

>> No.11481496

kek I wonder if your uncle will get arrested too when one of the alter boys tells on the priest for getting them drunk and buttfucking them.

>> No.11481501

our pastor might be a drunk, but he's no child molester.

>> No.11481502

Real Italian or Amerimutt Italian?

>> No.11481507

he grew up in Italy. why do you think he does this?

>> No.11481517

Does he shart in the mart now?

>> No.11481528

did you already finish masturbating to getting invaded by the United States? seems like you're in the post-ejaculation depreciating phase.

>> No.11481600

I unironically like hobo wine mixed with diet coke on ice.

>> No.11481617

That's fucked dude.

>> No.11481662

Most estate wineries will put some in a bag for you if you are buying bulk for an event like a wedding. Its just a better way of packaging booze.

>> No.11482856

Fix your life

>> No.11483672

For me, it's Carlo Rossi Paisano.

>> No.11483707

In most states, it's perfectly legal to make wine at home. 100 gallons a year. Selling it or distilling it raises all sorts of problems.

>> No.11483718


Cheap red wine and coke is popular amongst Basques and in S. America, called a Kalimotxo. It sounds weird as fuck but it's actually great. 1:1 wine:cola is standard but I make it more 2:1

>> No.11483852

Nice joke mate

>> No.11484698
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>Visited Kentucky Tennessee and new Orleans. Bought a cousin of mine a 1.75 of evans williams and paid over $50 for it

You got jewed, HARD. I live in middle TN and a fifth of Evan Williams green label is $9.99 down the street. I imagine a handle would probably be around $18-22.

Where the fuck did you buy it from?

>> No.11484718

It's for depressed college aged girls.

The image of this smallish woman walking to my check out line and putting two of jugs of wine on my belt will stick with me forever. I asked her if she was having a party and quickly snapped "no, my boyfriend broke up with me." I advised her to be careful but she seemed determined to drink both jugs that night.

>> No.11484755

I had a friend who lived in France for a while and he said it wasn't uncommon for kids to add a splash of lemon-lime soda to cheap white wine. Adding a bit of Sierra Mist to Franzia chardonnay really brightens it up and makes it much easier to drink. You don't want to add too much or else the soda will overpower the wine.

>> No.11485001

I was looking at the gallon wine jugs today at the liquor store but I couldn't decide so I left without anything. What's a good wine for Beef Bourguignon? I don't really drink wine so I have very little knowledge about it. I figure that should use a good portion of it. Not sure what else to cook with it, any ideas for that? I honestly want the jug too because I can't find any gallon glass apple juice jugs to homebrew with.

>> No.11485942
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>You don't want to add too much or else the soda will overpower the wine.
Yes, and heaven forefend any overpowering of the sensual experience that is Franzia chardonnay.

>> No.11485957

Found the incel

>> No.11485961

Wash your dick

>> No.11485983

Bossi with the Rossi on Friday Night my nigga. First it's sips then it's spins then you wake up under a pine tree covered in dew

>> No.11486266

There's nothing else to play goon of fortune with.

>> No.11486281
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pls respond. Thinking of going with 4L of the Rossi Burgundy. Is it good for just drinking or does it shine in certain meals?

>> No.11486296

I think it goes well with spaghetti and red sauce. I like to drink it by itself too.

>> No.11486316
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Okay good to know, how does it compare to say Merlot? Wanting to make pic related with it and it seems like every recipe calls for at least 750 ml.

>> No.11486948

Burgundy wine in closer in profile to a pinot noir I believe. I think it’ll work fine for the dish pictured.

>> No.11487286

An easy trap for alcoholics. Not worth the calories.

>> No.11487300

Eurofag here and all jug wine I ever tasted was crap. Boxed wines are underrated in general, you can find some decent wine in boxes at about €4-5/L around here.

>> No.11487472

Jugs are dumb. You don't really want to be forced to drink more than 750ml at a time. Goon is based. You can leave the wine "open" for any length of time. All wine should be goon, not just the swill.

>> No.11487514

I got a 3l box of Black Box Pinot Noir for $16 to make beef bourguignon just last week. Turned out great and I still have a bunch of decent wine left over to drink or cook with.

>> No.11487523

I picked up a jug of Paisano because of this thread, it's good

10/10 shilling good job