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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11470244 No.11470244 [Reply] [Original]

>browsing yelp
>oh their food looks good
>it's a sports bar

>> No.11470285
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>bunch of negative reviews
>owner replies to all of them, doing damage control

>> No.11470358
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>decide to check out new restaurant in unfamiliar area
>it's in a shopping mall

>> No.11470371

Whats wrong with that? Are you afraid of televisions? Or is getting a craft beer for the same price you get a shitty domestic at a restaraunt too much for you to handle with your meal?

>> No.11470393

probs just wants to stay clear of the riffraff. guys with MMA-related clothes, etc.

>> No.11470448


>> No.11470457

It’s actually because im gay in all seriousness. Homophobia is very casual and commonplace at sports bars

>> No.11470470
File: 84 KB, 2000x1000, gaytshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this looks good
>it's a gay bar

>> No.11470483

Get over yourself. If you’re not wearing a see-through mesh top and short shorts no one gives a shit.

>> No.11470492
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>food looks amazing online
>in actuality it looks like shit
>tastes alright one bite in
>disgustingly unfinishable part way through
>price is listed as $7.99
>bill comes to $14.36 with the coffee I never ordered or received
>tip included

>> No.11470502

>decide to check out a new bar that's always empty, even on saturdays
>bars half empty, friday night at 9 PM
>get the fried chicken sandwich
>it's delicious
>great beer specials
>finishing up, about to compliment to the waitress how good everything was
>"so umm haha why are you at a bar by yourself?"

what the fuck did you just say to me you fucking dumb thot? would you rather i not be here and your only table for the night didnt tip you? oh no? too bad because now i'm not tipping you anyway you fucking retard. and i dont care if she was coming onto me because she was a fat whale and sounded condescending. fuck that place i cant wait till it shuts down and that thot is unemployed

>> No.11470515

Ummm, i dont give a shit what you assholes think, im NOT dealing with hearing all the heterosexist comments, im not some bitch that backs down, ill fucking legit confront assholes that talk shit about gays and the community. I wear Gucci anyways

>> No.11470519
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>actually believing positive yelp reviews are real

People only review shit when they are pissed. You're a real life faggot if you use that site for anything.

>> No.11470520

Have you tried not being incredibly flamboyantly homosexual? Just act like a normal man, which I assume you can do, and ignore the homophobia.

>> No.11470523
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>browsing yelp
>see an interesting new restaurant
>good reviews, photos show a clean and relaxed atmosphere, menu prices are more than affordable, place is nearby
>go there one day
>they have a no singles policy

>> No.11470526

only kinoplex has this policy

>> No.11470528

Was the place busy? Seems pretty shitty to refuse someone for being alone.

>> No.11470529

>im not some bitch that backs down
hm yeah.. but you wont even go inside lmao

>> No.11470550
File: 54 KB, 960x720, gender-bathrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find a good restaurant on yelp
>food looks good
>get there
>waitress has tattoo sleave
>redflag 1
> I'll need to wash hands before eating where is your restrooms
>see pic related
>redflag 2
walk out.

>> No.11470555
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Be honest and admit you're afraid you'll pop a stiffy watching those sweat gleaming man torsos on the mma screen and you'll be so shooken up you'll have to look away but its the Green Bay Packers at the Dallass Cowboys and all you see is a sea of tight gold and silver pants only barely containing the powerful buttocks of 22 peak specimens so you get so flustered you squeak "Jesus christ" and spill your Angry Orchard all over your pants and everyone looks down and sees you shame covered in wet cider so you leave 5 bucks on the table say "y-you too" to nobody in particular because nobody said anything and then stumble crouched over out of the bar with years streaming down your cheeks totally ruining the light lining of mascara you spent 20 minutes getting just right.

>> No.11470565

Did you leave a tip? Be honest.

>> No.11470566

>spill your Angry Orchard all over your pants
Lost it

>> No.11470567

She was hitting on you autist.

>> No.11470571

>Did you leave a tip?
i walked to the bartender and gave him $2 for my beers. i didnt tip the waitress.

>> No.11470572

is the fact that your post is flamboyantly homosexual irony or hypocrisy?

>> No.11470573

Lol fag kys

>> No.11470579

did you not read what i said?
>and i dont care if she was coming onto me because she was a fat whale and sounded condescending

i dont want a fatty to hit on me.

>> No.11470596

Your loss fat girls suck dick like theres a whopper stuck in the malt shake straw. You don't have to marry the bartender that hits on you.

>> No.11470608
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>> No.11470619

Based and human pilled. I work with a flamboyantly gay man who you would never know was gay if you saw him at work and weren't friends with him on facebook and saw him at the leather parade.

>> No.11470623

Never has a truer image existed.

>> No.11470631

>flamboyantly gay man who you would never know was gay
I don't think you know what flamboyant means

>> No.11470633

Key and peele have a really good skit about this very same topic

>> No.11470654

this is a joke, right?

>> No.11470680


>> No.11470686

It definitely doesn't mean you can't understand time and place

>> No.11470693

I think they meant that they'd rather avoid conflict, but if the situation called for it they'd have to speak up for themselves.

>> No.11470708

>can't handle sports bar level homophobia, but comes to 4chan where saying "faggot" is like breathing air

>> No.11470814

4chan is a safe space that will never go beyond just words.

>> No.11470834

What the fuck. No one's going to bother you unless you act like an asshole yourself. If you wear a shirt of the team they hate or something, they might make a joke but other than that, what's the problem?

>> No.11470854

>No one's going to bother you
gay bashing is a fun sport in flyoverland.

>> No.11470859

If you aren't flamboyant then there's no chance the casually homophobic comments you hear at the bar could possibly lead to violence either.

>> No.11470870

just admit that you don't like sports bars because they're for manly men and you're too fruity. it's not because they would beat you to death. it's because you aren't used to being around men you can't fuck

>> No.11471078

Sports bars are not comfy. Nevermind the "homophobia" we just can’t handle loud noises like that.

I don’t really share the OP’s pain because it’s rare that I’m in the mood for the kind of food being served at a sports bar and the few times I am I can just get it to go

>> No.11471092

no, i'm a gay basher
Just letting people know how fun it is.

>> No.11471095

kys fag

>> No.11471105

btw im not actually gay in case that matters

>> No.11471151

whats the problem man

>> No.11471172


>> No.11471181

apparently you are the problem.
Now be part of the solution.

>> No.11471205

it actually doesn't, you faggot

>> No.11471252

you're still a faggot you lalahomoman

>> No.11471255

if the food good its good idk man

>> No.11471256


>> No.11471261

I wouldn't know, too many red flags before ordering.

>> No.11471271

politics dont influence my apetite, if they influence yours im sorry

>> No.11471276

holy fuck how stupid are you? have you never heard of a unisex bathroom? the doors have locks you fucking mong it's for one person.

>> No.11471282

visceral disgust does influence my appetite.

>> No.11471290

>the doors have locks you fucking mong it's for one person.
Except when it isn't. You basement dwelling tard.

>> No.11471300
File: 39 KB, 490x350, fagretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you can't eat somewhere because of tattoos and a unisex bathroom

>> No.11471311

>jokes on them i was just pretending
can smell the cum on your breath from here.

>> No.11471326

>gay bashing is a fun sport in flyoverland
Er, you know what fucking year it is right? It hardly matters where you are, people just don't give much of a shit about gays anymore as long as you aren't being a flaming fairy and trying to take home straight guys

>> No.11471334

>Er, you know what fucking year it is right?
printf("It's %s" &CURRENT_YEAR);

Fuck off npc.

>> No.11471349

yeah this board really isnt for you man

>> No.11471356

>Owner tries to damage control by "apologizing" to customers.
>Even hams it up and claims to give them free shit to try to sell his business to others viewing Yelp

>> No.11471357

once again fuck off back where you came from.

>> No.11471395
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>> No.11471396

You are trying way too hard to be a meme guy

>> No.11471424

I fucking kek'd

>> No.11471425

could say the same to you

>> No.11471431
File: 8 KB, 267x189, nou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good one, slick

>> No.11471435

>two faggots NO Uing endlessly
Get a room

>> No.11471440

>He know old memes
>still too slow
Been here all summer have ya?

>> No.11471455
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>> No.11471524

You can't hate faggots on this board?
Why not?

>> No.11471601

of course you can, I do because their catty little bitches that love drama and ruin shit just because no one is giving them attention, they're worse than women for fuck's sake

>> No.11471638

>food and cooking
>time to hate gay people!

>> No.11471640

seems like a perfect opportunity considering it draws them in like fags to shit covered dicks

>> No.11471642

welcome to 4chan broskie

>> No.11471655
File: 82 KB, 712x584, 1535575422549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>click on owner's facebook
>it's loaded with furry porn

>> No.11471672
File: 790 KB, 1242x2034, 5B21E742-4F49-4DDD-8AD1-04E666C771F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>click on restaurants unsecure security webcam
>chef is jerking off in the kitchen

>> No.11471683

It's clearly his office

>> No.11471685

>very helpful 13 votes

>> No.11472092

His office is in the kitchen.

>> No.11472524
File: 1.38 MB, 276x232, 1536446933016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and thiccpilled

>> No.11472573

Fuck. I was in Chiner with my GF and she was in charge of the planning. She kept picking places in malls. I don't want to be in some food court on my vacation. Especially not a Chinese food court

>> No.11472817

link plox

>> No.11472843

fuck off furfag scum

>> No.11472847

this is strictly food related
I like eggplants

>> No.11472848
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>> No.11472866

so it's for women, men, men with boners, and people sitting in beanbag chairs?

>> No.11472867

>Homophobia is very casual and commonplace at sports bars
I think you'll find there is no place gayer than a sportbar

>> No.11472872

>when you order a side of fresh mozzarella

>> No.11473358


I remember that day on/b/. An anon lived nearby and live streamed himself driving to jerking Joe's pizzeria and gave him a picture of the screenshot. Anons kept calling the place non stop, and eventually jerking Joe covered the camera up.

>> No.11473366
File: 152 KB, 599x599, 1537873057642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being okay with being around a bunch of screaming chimps

>> No.11473371

>absolutely seething one star review about how bad the waitress was
>reviewer literally brought 5 young kids and made them order themselves, two wheel chairs, dietary restrictions and a service animal
>”food was amazing though”

You can’t make this shit up

>> No.11473379

yelp floats more negative reviews to the top of the page if you don't buy advertising with them. stop using this website desu

>> No.11473386

You’re right, but what makes it insufferable is the seething denial of how gay everyone there actually is

>> No.11474579

Mad lad

>> No.11476447

>New restaurant opens
>Half the reviews are one star saying its the worst shit ever
>Half are 5 stars claiming its wonderful and the 1 stars are just elitists or lying

Not sure who to trust for reviews anymore

>> No.11476452

>their food looks good
>it's a sports bar
So this is a, "things that never happened" thread?