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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 259x194, fatass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11467671 No.11467671 [Reply] [Original]

>fat people who walk so fucking slow
>fat asses on scooters
>people who stand and stare at things for minutes pretending like they never been in a store
>dumbasses in general
>people who try to use expired coupons that hold up a line for 10 mins to save 30 cents
got any? what's yours?!

>> No.11467677

>faggots that complain about people at the grocery store

>> No.11467679

Gee, I wonder which shithole country you're from

>> No.11467682

>Niggers that try to pay with obviously stolen and cancelled credit cards
>Cashier holds them up saying the systemis slow
>Police shows up 15 mins later

This is why I hate visiting family in Los Angeles

>> No.11467683

Fuck I went to dollar tree yesterday and two people created a massive line with their stupidity. The first lady was buying her entire months of groceries at THE FUCKING DOLLAR STORE and the second lady was trying to use expired coupons for tiny soap bottles AT THE FUCKING DOLLAR STORE.

>> No.11467684

>people who stand and stare at things for minutes pretending like they never been in a store
i like to look at the labels and read them and look at the pictures and examine everything, it's nice to examine things
and in a grocery store there is so much to examine
is not like is first time in a store, is just i really like to look at everything, and sometimes i find new things
i rarely go outside so when i do is always very interesting for me to look at everything

>> No.11467697

>getting food from stores

do Czechoslovakians really do this?

>> No.11467701

you're also an asshole who touches everything and puts it back on the wrong shelf, amirite? same goes with faggots that take things from fridge/freezers and leaves it out to rot.

>> No.11467704

no, only Antarcticians

>> No.11467708

no, i like to put them back with the rest of the things that are the same as what i took
like a jar of pickles must go back with the same pickles i took it from to examine
and i don't want leave cold things out to get warm

>> No.11467712

Is that Shart Mart?

>> No.11467713

>NEET who never has to shop at a grocery store because mommy always gets him dyno tendies or a massive fag who orders everything through amazon

>> No.11467722


>> No.11467748
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>old people
>fat people
>old, fat women
>unattended children
>large groups of teenagers
>people who walk directly down the center of the aisle
>people who stand on one side of the aisle and leave their cart horizontally on the other
>large mexican families forming a caravan between two designated cart-pusher children
>groups of asians walking together in a tight ball
>transgenders, especially transgender couples
>chads walking around together in gay outfits
>ugly cashiers
>people who leave trash on shelves

>> No.11467750

this is why I wash everything from stores, dont need the germs from people who feel the need to touch everything, including kids, think about that m8..

>> No.11467757

my hands are clean!
is it really that rare to examine what's in the stores?
i thought this was typical, like you want to know what you are buying and what is available to buy

>> No.11467760

>large Mexican families
agree 100 percent. annoying because they use multiple ebt cards and hold everything up. also all their kids running around blocking everything super annoying

>> No.11467768

not meaning you specifically, but there are many gross people who dont clean up their hands including kids. you seem like a respectful person bud

>> No.11467771

>people who take a shopping cart to buy 3 items
>same people proceed to block everyone's path by not keeping cart to one side of the aisle
>people who bring their carts right up to the milk cooler blocking everyone's access to said milk

>> No.11467776


>> No.11467789
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>that gropey couple

Fuck off

>> No.11467956

>people who stand and stare at things for minutes pretending like they never been in a store
Best by & expiration dates. I've been burned before by shitty stock rotation. Never again.
They were old, weren't they? I always end up getting stuck behind them.

>> No.11467982

>people who stand and stare at things for minutes pretending like they never been in a store
I don't have family nor friends, so going food shopping is the only thing which makes me nostalgic for homecooked meals and family gatherings. Looking for new ingredients and checking where it's cought/ produced is also important for the qualitify of the food you buy. Comparing volume of food to the price will also safe you a couple bucks.

Are eating the same shit every day that you don't have to check out new shit on the shelves?

>> No.11467983

>not getting groceries delivered
It's not the 80's anymore gramps

>> No.11467988

The employees will pick the least likely to get shold items and those with the worst "Best before" date for people like you. Enjoy the scraps.

>> No.11467995

>implying employees give a fuck or even have time to do this
Doesn't happen to me. I might only go to my local butcher/fruit seller for fresh produce if I wanna choose but I don't give a fuck which pack of pasta, cereal you choose, it's all the same.

It blows my mind people would willingly go into a noisy, crowded, tiring supermarket adventure filled by rude people who can't hold their spoiled children on leash, and all of that willingly

>> No.11467999

>washing everything he buys, presumably including jars, cans etc
I'm not sure who is more autistic, you or the guy you were replying to that feels compelled to inspect the pictures on every item

>> No.11468024

>It blows my mind people would willingly go into a noisy, crowded, tiring supermarket adventure filled by rude people who can't hold their spoiled children on leash, and all of that willingly
That's what you get for living in cage system housing aka big city. In the country you slap rude kids and get a thank you from their parents later for teaching them how to behave.

>> No.11468053

>greens and cruciferous vegetables left out unrefrigerated
>bulk section items more expensive by weight than packaged versions of the same thing
>"fresh" meat that's actually halfway frozen

I don't understand all the complaints about other customers. Just ignore them.

>> No.11468074

my local grocery store's pretty comfy desu
they open till late at night so i always go in around 10-11pm when the place is more or less empty (not like it ever gets crowded anyway)
it's always nice bright and clean and feels pretty spacious for how small it is
bonus: self checkout

>> No.11468284

Absolutely. I used to go shopping every Sunday, took a couple of hours and I hated it. It took too much time out of my weekend.

Now a lovely delivery man comes to give me my groceries instead.

>> No.11468553

>tfw local store doesn't ever have any of the hand baskets available
>have to roll a whole shopping cart if I need more than a handful of items

>> No.11468569

How fat are you that walking around in the store for 10 minutes is a tiring adventure?

>> No.11468576

I went to the store last night after work around 11 PM.
Two qt teenage grills were stocking shelves and I could hear their giggling several aisles over.
I walked by the entrance of the aisle and one of them was on a ladder and looked up at me surprised and then the other one spun around and her hair flew out in a wave.
This was the most female contact I've had in several years.
God I want a gf so bad.

>> No.11468589

I have a lot of food allergies, so examining labels closely is a habit of mine. If I'm buying something new I'll read the whole package before making a decision. I always put things back in the exact place I found it.
Most people I see who put things back in the wrong place do so because they are impatient or inconsiderate. They'll grab one thing without thinking, decide against it two aisles later, and then drop it on the closest shelf. If anything, taking the time to consider your purchase should mitigate this.

>> No.11468590

Dipshits posting faggy threads on 4chan in the middle of the aIsle all day

>> No.11468605

It's actually the opposite

>> No.11468609

>People who write checks
>Grocery jesters

>> No.11468625

>leave cart in front of items you know no one buys or between skids
>walk down isles without cart
>weave around the traffic
>grab a reasonable arm full if you need
>do this for about 5 isles before you're too far away and someone mistakes your cart for abandoned
>in and out in 30 minutes or less
Also helps a ton to have a list, and if you go to the same places for years you can figure out what to grab in the order of the isles.

>> No.11468644

Fags who stand there blocking the whole isle playing around with their phone toy

Parents with swarms of ill-behaved children

Boomers who insist on paying with checks and haven't figured out that they can fill out everything except the amount in advance.

Employees who respond "I dunno, I just work here" when you ask them a question

Cashiers who cannot recognize common vegetables

Fat people

In competent deli workers who can't remember what you just asked them for:
>Hi, I'd like 1 pound of this ham sliced #3
>Sure honey, this ham? (holds up) How thick did you want that cut?

>> No.11468647

>The first lady was buying her entire months of groceries at THE FUCKING DOLLAR STORE
I work at Dollar Tree and this happens multiple times per day. Fat fucks and niggers using food stamps on $50 of snacks, candy, and soda.

>> No.11468663
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>taking a shit in the bathroom
>hear someone trying to open the door, but it’s locked because the seat is occupied
>person knocks anyway


>> No.11468668

>Employees who respond "I dunno, I just work here" when you ask them a question
Based detached employees who BTFO entitled retarded

>> No.11468705

Customers who assume someone in a dress shirt works at the grocery store, fuck mexicunts at HEB.

>> No.11468775

>People who leave ice cream, milk, or eggs on random shelves
>Kids running around
>People who block alleys by stopping in the middle of them
>The fact that my local chain closes at midnight now instead of being 24/7

Shopping at 2am was the fucking best

>> No.11468813

>unironically asking employees questions
>reddit spacing
boomer detected

>> No.11468832

I'm so glad that I switched to grocery delivery, now I only have to go to the local butchers shop and farmers coop for fresh food, everything else is delivered.

>> No.11468845

>Not shopping for grocerries online and either pick up or delivery for non perishables
You put this among yourselves.

>> No.11468848

They will. Literally.

>> No.11468879

I don't care for the fatsos on scooters, but what's worse are the healthy and able-bodied black people who ride the scooters just for fun.

The one decent grocery store in this city is right across from a housing project. This means all the unemployed black people who don't have cars or anything else to do can just walk across the street (usually still in their pajamas) and go to the store for fun.

It's fucking maddening. This is an otherwise pretty quiet town, but when the roving bands of blacks make their pilgrimage across the street for their nightly romp through the grocery store, it's a different story.

This is the reason I shop at Target. I'm not sure what it is, but the fact that everything at Target is about $.20 more than it is everywhere else, the people who tend to shop there are a cut above. The stores are always quieter and cleaner and the customers tend to not be subhuman trash.

>> No.11468883

The amount of direct human interaction that goes into picking up groceries is worse than just going into the store. As for delivery, there are just so many opportunities for them to fuck that up. Not to mention it means someone has to come to your house, which is never a good thing.

>> No.11468892

>Employees who respond "I dunno, I just work here" when you ask them a question
How retarded are you that you can't figure it out for yourself? There's nothing complex enough happening at a grocery store that you should have to turn to anyone else for assistance. You belong in an assisted living facility if you really have questions that you can't answer on your own while shopping for food. And you're twice as retarded if you think someone who gets paid to put cans on a shelf is there to be your walking information desk. Get fucked, dummy.

>> No.11468895
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>fat old ladies with their carts who completely block a big part of the meat section for 10+ minutes

>> No.11468896

Wow, racist much?

>> No.11468904
File: 87 KB, 1104x927, 043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat people who walk so fucking slow
>fat asses on scooters
>dumbasses in general
everyday I'm happier and happier that I don't live in america

>> No.11468906

I'm sure you're baiting me, but I don't think anyone would say it's racist that this is what I've observed. The white people here are trash too, but they tend to be high on opiates and as such are quieter and less interested in drawing attention to themselves.

>> No.11468911

True, even for those with the delivery going directly at their local Post Office pick up is no different. You have to pick you poison of seeing abominations and children instore, or delivery anons shitting up your grocceries because they hate their job.

>> No.11468912

it's hilarious that europeans get carried away with their own delusions that they're all well-educated and in shape, especially when comparing themselves to the lowest common denominator of america

i mean, yeah, if you compare your best to our worst then there's going to be a major difference. but europe's worst is considerably worse and america's best is definitely better

>> No.11468915

>he delivery going directly at their local Post Office pick up
Is this actually a thing? Why would anyone ever over-complicate the process of buying groceries like this? What could possibly be the advantage of picking your groceries up at the post office opposed to buying them like a normal person?

>> No.11468939

Chinese women who try to use coupons that are clearly not applicable to their items or flat out trying to make up sales when the cashier is ringing shit up. "It said 40% off. It was the only one there."

>> No.11468954

>How retarded are you that you can't figure it out for yourself?

It's more efficient to ask someone where something was moved to than it is to search the whole store trying to find it myself

Many questions I am incapable of answering for myself without assistance. For example:
>I need 200 lbs of pork loin for a cookout. Will you give me a discount for buying that much? Who do I need to talk to to place that order so I can make sure you have it when I need it?

>Can you special order me X?

>You guys called me to let me know my fish order is in, whom do I need to ask to get my fish?

>This ginger is moldy. do you have a new case in the back which might be fresh?

...how do you propose I answer those questions on my own?

>> No.11468958

>is this actually a thing?
Yes, mostly for remote or isolated areas where normal freight delivery is not possible like i.e mountain ranges, areas where bridges can flood over etc.
>but why can't they move out into surburbia areas
Probably due to budget or they simply do not want to deal with the bullshittery of suburban and city areas.

>> No.11468960

>People placing their carts diagonally across the aisle while they decide between ketchup and catsup

>> No.11468967

I have literally never seen any of what OP described in my country
I agree europe technically has some shitholes in it but nobody considers them actually european its just politics

>> No.11468975
File: 98 KB, 1462x2046, TSTBaQ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>america's best is definitely better
you don't even believe that yourself

>> No.11469008

I work in a small grocery store (six aisles) that's not near the major commerce area of my sub-80000 population city. It's in the more affluent side of town and most of the people who come to it are local. Even though we're owned by a large chain, our store's owner is a really good man that looks out for his employees. I've only dealt with maybe three bad customers in the 15 months I've been there, and there are many friendly customers. I mean yeah, we'll find stuff returned to where it shouldn't be because a customer was too lazy to go back to where they got it, or they'll leave their carts in the parking lot, and we've even had the odd shoplifter, but it's been a pretty solid experience working there.

>> No.11469033 [DELETED] 

cry about it nigger

>> No.11469059

No. Hel-mart.

>> No.11469070

>In the country you slap rude kids and get a thank you from their parents
No, that gets you shot. You've never lived in the country

>> No.11469071

What's racist about the comment?

>> No.11469075

>There's nothing complex enough happening at a grocery store that you should have to turn to anyone else for assistance.

Millennial detected.

>> No.11469096

100% of those questions are shit you would only ask the manager. You know, the one guy in the whole store who makes actual living wage to make sure everything isn't fucked up? If you are asking a regular clerk or stocker any of that shit then you are fucking retarded.

>> No.11469117

The random stockers usually know where products are moved to, after all they were the ones who put them there. Of course the produce dudes know whether or not they have another case of ginger the back. Special orders? I have asked the manager: they refer me to the department heads. A meat order goes to the butcher, a cheese order goes to the deli lady, etc.

Normally there is no problem with any of this, most employees I've talked to know their shit. I was simply pointing out how utterly ridiculous it is to claim that there's never any reason to talk to an employee in a supermarket.

>> No.11469154

T. Worker who hates their job

>> No.11469325

>that gets you shot
I don't live in niggerstan, mutt. In a small ethnically homogenious country your countrymen are your brothers and you let your brother slap your rude kid.

>> No.11469332


>> No.11469345

>Too fat to get out the door anymore

>> No.11469349

>small ethnically homogenious country

>> No.11469364

Do you use "bathroom tongs," too?

>> No.11469384
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>millions of people
Enjoy our inferiour gen admixture, mutt.

>> No.11469386

I actually love going to the grocery store. I never left one angry (I am only taking into consideration when I started willingly going in to one for the purpose of shopping for groceries, not when I was a little kid).

>> No.11469395


Neets are such stupid little faggots.

>> No.11469401

>faggot line shoppers.
>Cue up their cart in line then look at you and say they will be right back
>their turn comes up and they are nowhere to be found but their cart is still in the way.

>> No.11469410

The grocery store jester. That guy's a fucking asshole.

>> No.11469416

If I am in that position I run and grab what I need and try to return as fast as possible. I know I probably look like a spaz but I understand it isn't fair to hold up the line for others.

>> No.11469457

The one I run into most often are inconsiderate dipshits who don't know that pushing a cart is like driving. they obvoiusly drove to the store, the parking lot has cars in it, how do you not know to stay on your side and not go down the middle if you see someone else? well I know they're oblivious fucks who refuse to understand that not everyone wants to spend half an hour strolling through every aisle.
couples, mostly old husband/wife, sometimes two ladies, rest of the time two niggers. they park their carts in an aisle side by side and chit chat. i say "excuse me", and they ignore it, so I bump their cart with mine and one of them finally moves. i know this isn't the first god damn time this has happened to you, why is it so new? there are places in stores where it's wide enough to chat, or you can both stand on one side of an aisle to let other people by you.

The one I don't run into anymore is the dumbfuck who leaves their cart at the entrance to the aisle and walks down it to get something to bring it back to the cart, i think everyone has learned that they have wheels for a reason

>> No.11469474

I get a lot of shit from walmart, the night cashier is a nigress. She's never sitting, always standing, and sometimes she's on the floor on a break walking around. I see her shop at the store I work at once in a while, she rides the motorized one with one niglet in the basket and two riding on back.

>> No.11469479

>at store
>they're out of ____ when i get there
>look for something else to try
>end up liking it

>> No.11469488

if you're going to read it, you know you're taking up space. i'm not some loser who can't decide, weigh pros and cons, you're in the fucking way, stop being an NPC and notice if somebody is close to. i want to grab that fucking box next to the one you're reading

>> No.11469551

of course thats going to happen when your area is full of niggers. no basket shortage at my local shop.

>> No.11469568

Then grab it you weenie. I'm quite small, or is the problem that you can't stand to be in close proximity to another human?

>> No.11469612
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Enjoy giving no shit about your neighbours because they don't share the same culture as you

>implying highschool employee#5837 gives a shit and doesn't have a quota to meet
I worked at a store that contracted to thrid party shoppers, they hardly could find everything on the list

>> No.11469621

>tfw some prick comes and ruins the isles you just detailed right before closing

>> No.11469684

Why are women in stores often completely oblivious about their surroundings?
It's like they completely block all senses except their vision.

>> No.11469686 [DELETED] 

when people use their kids as place keepers in line
>go to store
>waiting in line
>kid standing at front of line
>only allowing one person at a time to go
>finally my turn
>retarded hick father shows up and tries to cut infront of me
>argument ensues
>manager called
>hick father and kid told to go to the back of the line
my opinion is you only get to claim a spot in the line when you are done shopping. you dont get to plant someone at the front of the line so you can show up whenever you feel like it.

>> No.11469702

>>11467671 (OP)
when people use their kids as place keepers in line
>go to store
>waiting in line
>kid standing at front of line
>only allowing one person at a time to go
>finally my turn
>kid tells me his dads coming
>nope sorry kid
>retarded hick father shows up and tries to cut infront of me
>nope i was already here ready with my stuff
>argument ensues
>manager called
>hick father and kid told to go to the back of the line
my opinion is you only get to claim a spot in the line when you are done shopping. you dont get to plant someone at the front of the line so you can show up whenever you feel like it.

>> No.11469738

>do you want air miles?
>do you have a customer discount card?
>do you want action coupons?
>can I have your zip code?
>do you want the receipt?
Bitch, all I want is to pay and get out.

>> No.11469821
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>implying they have vision
>run across another woman or food they want
>block whole aisle and talk or "think"
Women have zero intelligence inside a grocery store.

>> No.11469866

OCD gang

>> No.11469887

>being so poor that he cant go to a grocery store with a dedicated customer service desk

>> No.11469902

Oh, my stores have customer service desks. They're just useless for those questions, except perhaps the one about where's my fish. That's why I ask other people: you see, I've already tried the desk and learned that it's useless unless you want to make a return or buy stamps.

>> No.11469917

In that case, I'm sorry for your circumstances.

>> No.11469935

>I'm sorry for your circumstances.
Why? I already stated I rarely have trouble getting help. See>>11469117

>> No.11469968

Based autist.

>> No.11469987

Call me crazy, but If i ordered some fish at a grocery store, I would probably order said fish at the seafood counter, and I would take possession of said fish at the seafood counter once it has arrived. How would this not be standard procedure?

>> No.11469994
File: 370 KB, 1288x1244, DON'T BE FAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do the leave the cart outside the aisle (in a place that won't obstruct anyone) and grab shit before returning thing, and holy fuck, it makes the shopping experience SO MUCH more tolerable.

My pet peeves include:
>having to negotiate fat fucks
>fat fucks using scooters that should be left for the old and injured
>people that stop in front of shit and talk
>people that park their cart on one side of the aisle and stand staring at shit across from it
>people that park their cart so fucked up that you HAVE to brush against it or really yank your cart to get around it and make no motion to move it or apologize when you do
People sure do get fucking pissed when I shove their cart a few inches so I can clear it when it's their fucking fault I'm having to do so in the first place; I hate touching other people's shit, but fuck you, buddy
>running into the same fat/slow/dumb fuck aisle after aisle
>people that come up and stare at the same shit you're looking at or start looking at the same shit/shit right next to the shit you're looking at; FUCK YOU, GO GET SOMETHING ELSE AND COME BACK

I had ankle surgery a couple years ago and I was non-weight bearing for two months. I had to get groceries in that time. Every mother fucking time I went to Wal Mart, the electric scooters were ALL taken up by FAT FUCKS. It made the whole trip a gigantic pain in the ass and I never got everything I needed. I fucking hate fat fucks in scooters.

>> No.11470189

hit the nail on the head, all true.

>> No.11470197
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11470206

>I’m troubled to walk around someone

Lmao at u

>> No.11470256

Most women past breeding age are like that.

>> No.11470267

I hate the degenerates who knowingly rip an abhorrent smelling fart in a temporarily empty aisle knowing I'll be coming into that aisle so I hit the wall of stench and start gagging. I'm sure it's probably a /ck/er doing it and as a revenge maneuver, I've started doing it to.

And that brings up another point how as you go aisle to aisle you keep seeing the same people and pretend not notice each other, yet it's awkward as hell especially if you had to interact in some manner in another aisle.

>> No.11470295
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>ctrl f
>no long lines

I hate long lines and the awkward silence while myself and the cashier wait for my debt card to be approved.

>> No.11470328
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>wow, XYZ much?
this never stops to piss me off. especially that grammatically incorrect use of much.

>> No.11470385

Children. Fucking hell, leave them at home in front of the tv, they will be fine. I get in and out of supermarkets as quickly as I can just so I can avoid the possibility of a whinging little shit running full pelt into me and braining itself on my shopping basket. Who do you think wins: 25lb kid at 20mph, or 10lb worth of shopping in an iron box? Then you've gotta pretend to be all "oh no, is he alright? Where's mommy?"

I'm buying a fucking cattle prod

>> No.11470430

Kys line shopper

>> No.11470472

>getting mad when someone brings in a full carriage for you to kill a little more time than usual on
I can't work full time at this easy ass gig because assholes like you come in and waste hours and payroll, thanks

>> No.11470500
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I see this a lot very elderly people not useing scooters because they need to walk and consider it excerse, while obese fucks feel intileled to ride them, am so proud of of this lady I would do everything to help her

>> No.11470521

>debt card


>> No.11470540

When im about to go out in the field i buy a months worth if canned good and shit from the 99¢ store. the clerk tried getting pissy with me saying "oh do you have kids or something for all this food?" With a shitty undertone to it as if to make me feel bad and im like "nope its all for me" with a shit eating grin. Fuck you im paying for it i could just leave it all there and walk out with nothing

>> No.11470549

i wish stores had policies against that shit. if you leave the line then you should lose your position in line. a cart full of shit should not be allowed as a place keeper.

>> No.11470564
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>MASS Couponers

>> No.11470591

>not going to store at opening time when lazy degenerates are asleep
>not having your pick of the discounted garlic breads and bakery goods
>not having entire aisles to yourself
>not taking your sweet time enjoying the silent hum of the fluorescent lights
Ur loss m8

>> No.11470605

Women have garbage spatial intelligence
It's how you can lie about height and dick size and they won't know

>> No.11470610


>> No.11470611

I cant stand people that bring dogs into the grocery store I almost stomped a dog to death that tried to bite me in the meat section

>> No.11470635

I use to coupon in college.

There was this one week where I left my wallet at a house about an hour away so I was without my credit card or any cash.

Well I ended up getting a coupon for some cereal and milk so I went to Safeway to get cereal and milk. Obviously I had to pay with the only thing available at the time, a check.

So here I am having this lady scan and rescan these crumpled coupons after which I have to write out a check in my cursive-print style of handwriting.

I don't think I've ever pissed off as many people at one time since then.

>> No.11470659

>walks into the literal door jam of store front entrance
>jaw drops to the floor like on another fucking planet for the first time
>just stand there in awe of its glory and take it all in
>glad nowhere to be so just stand here all day maybe

>> No.11470666

>going to store at opening time

This is one strange time at my local Costco. Old people everywhere waiting to get in. Its so quiet. Saw a guy order and receive 65 of those 7.99 bbq chickens.

>> No.11470709

>buying groceries
>pass by the snacks aisle
>love tortilla chips so pick some
>head for the cash registers
>suddenly hear bell noises
>grocery jester runs by my cart, grabbing my chips
>proceeds to crush them, popping the bag open
>flings the bag back at me, throwing bits of chips everywhere
>I have to pay for it because I opened it
Fucking grocery jester

>> No.11470710

>when people stand with their carts a few feet away from the exit door because they are waiting for someone to pick them up so you have to awkwardly steer your cart around them to leave the store
>people who dont keep to their right and give you a dirty look when you dont pull off to the left to let them by

and a lot of these people somehow managed to get a drivers license.

>> No.11470830

When you reach in for the milk and the dairy reapers hand brushes against yours.

>> No.11470871
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>> No.11470940

>pretty girl blocked my path
>I asked her kindly to move
>she didn't
>the cunt
>I Forgot the car trunk open when I went to return the cart
>when I came back I found her loading her groceries in my trunk thinking it was her brother's car
>I almost lost my shit. We wasted time separating our grocery bags

>> No.11470956


>> No.11471024

what an air head lol

>> No.11471218

Or you ran into a potentially mentally ill person after you forgot to close your trunk. Who the fuck forgets that?

>> No.11471370

>Who the fuck forgets that?
Someone who loses kidnapping victims.

>> No.11471496

My pet peeve is poorly bagged groceries. I have memorized all of the baggers at my local grocery store and always go to the same guy. He is a true master at his craft. Fast as fuck, thinks separated correctly, no ruined items.
My experiences with the other idiots who work there have not been so good.

>cans on top of bread
>soap with raw meat
I’ve even had people drop things on the floor, and sneak said item into bag while it is obviously leaking.

>> No.11471504

>Soap with raw meat.
You mean you don't wash your meat?

>> No.11471508
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>trying to eat a can of beans in the womens toilet stall (im a man) because im hungry and broke
>smelly lady comes in with 6 or 7 of her cats
>customer service lady doesnt like her boyfriend
>oh god theyre out of premade salads
>go to Jack in the Box anyway
>car wont start

oh no

>> No.11471520

When the cashier comments on your frozen pizza rolls

>> No.11471523

>buy 17 items at wal mart grocery
>cashier puts 1 item each in 17 plastic grocery bags

what? why?

>> No.11471566

you need baggers? wtf I always bag my own with no issues.

>> No.11471653

>mothers who let their brats run around unsupervised.

Of course, if you ask them nicely to stop making a mess of things or destroying items they'll go back to their mother to complain I'm being mean, and now I have an irate woman to deal with too.

>> No.11471661

Soon as I get up to the register I preface our interaction with "load em full I don't care what's in them." obviously if I have bread or eggs that's not the case and nine times out of 10 they're smart enough not to jam it all into one bag.

For me my peeve is old people. Fucking old people.The only days I have available to shop are Friday Saturday and Sunday and the ridiculous amounts of old people stumbling around the stores like the fucking husks of a being that they are completely enrages me. They bring along every single stereotype mentioned in this thread.
I'll give them Monday through Thursday 24/7. But most of them insist on going out on weekends it's all part of the reason why I started shopping at night.

>> No.11471677

Wow, what a redditor

>> No.11471862

She was on a ladder and still looked up at you? How fucking tall are you? Why didnt you just peak over the top of the aisle?

>> No.11471897

>people who down the center of the aisle

I do this all the time, get fucked jabroni.

>> No.11471953

>people who stand and stare at things for minutes pretending like they never been in a store

I do this
but it's because I'm trying to figure out what I want to make based on how much I want to spend and I make the list of items on the fly

>> No.11471962

I'd rather put up with niglets than single moms at Target with their band of 4 screaming kids who are all named Brayden

>> No.11471984

Good evening, Brother. Have you considered converting to Food Scientology?

... Sometimes I go into grocery stores and just look, then walk out without even buying anything.

>> No.11471990

>a couple of hours for shopping
It literally takes me 30 minutes to get in and out of the two stores I go shopping at.

You know what you need
You know where it is
Go get it

How hard is that?

>> No.11471993

>your grocery jester allows people to finish writing checks
Lol wut

>> No.11471994

what is food scientology and why would i want to do this?
i just enjoy examining things and enjoying their visual appearance and with food understanding what i am buying is composed of and may taste like and it's texture

>> No.11472001
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Bröther, may I have one scoop?

>> No.11472017

I had to work retail for a few months long ago, but it was enough to realize how bullshit a lot of customers are.

>People who just abandon their carts at the front of the store in the parking lot, exit doors, in the middle of the entrance
>People who cant read the difference between 50% off and buy one get one 50% off
>Someone who wants to get a bunch of a limited item by having you do half a dozen transactions
>People who leave trash or open food and eat from it and then abandon it
>Old people who think the cashiers have any say in how things are organized, labeled or priced
>People who still use checks in [current year]

>> No.11472023

Why take their bait, anon? I mean, it has to be bait, nobody can be that obsessed with the US. Right?

>> No.11472028

Join Brother, you shall fit in well in our Food Scientology program.

We all examine for quality, taste, and texture. Even without buying anything.

>> No.11472049

>clerk is scanning their groceries
>"oh, I forgot something"
>just walks off
>clerk can't just cancel the 75 dollars worth of stuff
>have to wait until that asshole comes back

>> No.11472077

Oh boi - You're gonna love it.

It's how plants and animals become food en masse.

I play a fun game where I look at a random packaged item and guess what the ingredient statement is.

Become a food scientist. It'll be good. Promise.

>> No.11472082

>I work at Dollar Tree

come on bro get it together

>> No.11472088

You Food Sci, too, broh? Mind if I ask where/for whom? And do you have this issue of not being able to just... enjoy food?

>> No.11472115

no, i don't think i am one of you
i like to eat the things too and buy them to eat them

>> No.11472125

Hey, Brother. Just trying to help Anon join in to enjoy food like we do. I enjoy and examine food at the finest, Brother.

>> No.11472134

This guy here needs our help, Brother(s).

>> No.11472172

Agreed. I'm happy I took the food science red pill. I just feel a little weird when I'm eating with people I don't know really well and start analyzing the salsa or whatever.

>> No.11472206

black people

children touching shit

>> No.11472450

children who play with vegetables and fruits getting their grubby hands all over them. parents who dont give a damn what their kids do as they run around all squirrelly. CONTROL YOUR RUNTS ASSHOLE.

>> No.11472561

Can't relate. Don't live in shitty america

>> No.11472568

People who try to talk to you in the aisle.

I had some cuck from the Midwest stop me and my gf in the middle of shopping to ask me where I got my glasses frames from. Then he and his wife told us their entire life stories before we could escape.

It was brutal. I thought he was gonna ask us to swing or some shit.

>> No.11472576 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11472592
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>people who use the 15 items of less lane and have 15 or more items
I just wanna get my tendies and leave fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.11472611

I work in the produce department in a grocery store. Annoying customers come in all shapes and sizes and the ones that piss me and my coworkers off the most are the ones who:

>Scream "SHALLOTS? SHALLOTS?!" from 2 sets over, or some other produce item they're "desperately" looking for.

>Customers who run over the back of our ankles or push their carts into us as we stack items on the sets and shelves.

>Or getting called a bitch by a customer as you're fixing/stocking the juice machine for them and making them wait 2 minutes

Needless to say, we don't care who you are or where you're from, but if you don't possess common decency, we will remember you, joke about you in the back, and tell other departments about you.

>> No.11472692

People who bitch about minor inconveniences and treat them like a major fucking tribulation.

>> No.11472708
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>Someone else is taking the same thing I want
>Don't wanna look like I'm waiting
>Have to leave and come back later when they've left

>Supermarket I frequent discounts items at a specific time
>4pm 90% off products that are going to waste
>A wave of Jews proceeds to enter the place at exactly 3:50pm followed by the Asians and then the Indians
>they hang around getting ready to block others as the skinny 17 year old with acne and a price gun wheels out the deals
>after 20 minutes the riot is over and the best goods are immediately taken
>rarely get to enjoy special offers because of this

>> No.11472716

Solid reddit post, now get back to stocking my goods wage cuck.

>> No.11472719

I have only seen those abominations in the USA and Mexico

>> No.11472769
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Sometimes my grocery store prints out coupons with receipts.
One day I forgot my receipt with a coupon at the store. The next day they called my cellphone to tell me about it.
When I went in the next time I had forgotten all about it, but when I was at checkout the chashier recognized me and ran to get it.

It blew my mind. What an astounding dedication to customer service.

>> No.11472791

a pretty funny comic

>> No.11472856
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>”would you like your receipt?”
obviously not, you dumb bitch, stop wasting my time

>> No.11472884
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>are you a part of our points rewards system?
>would you like to join?
>it only takes a minute
>looks at me like im being rude
fuck off just let me leave, i get asked this shit in every single store i go to

>> No.11472922

Not too long ago I was in line behind a family of coloreds & the cashier informed them that her register just froze up & needed to reboot, fucking family literally bolted out of the store to the bewilderment of the cashier & bagger. Turned out her register really did freeze & crash so she escorted me & the people behind me to the next lane over. Was pretty funny to see.

>> No.11472939

Receipts are for grownups for budgeting. They probably just mistook you for one.

>> No.11472974

Just take the piece of paper tendieboy, so we both can get on with our fucking day

>> No.11472981

>get really good service in a clothing store and I'm in no rush, so I for once say I'll join up in their dumb membership program to help the salesperson out
>within two days I start getting tons of calls from Azerbaijan and other clown countries and spam mail

Never. Again.

>> No.11472985

>people who enter the metal gates into the store and then promptly stop there blocking the path to talk to some other shitty boomer about whatever, making it impossible for anyone to actually get in and shop
>they then give you the stinkeye for asking them to GTFO the way

>> No.11473104

>grocery store jester came into work drunk one day
>tie on backwards, marks on his neck, one of his clown shoes wasn't inflated
>eyes red as hell, this man has had a rough couple of days
>turns out a jester at a competing store replaced his wife's birth control pills with laxatives
>so not only did this man now have a likely pregnant wife, he must have seen horrors getting there
>the man comes in every day and is just doing his job, and doesn't deserve this
>he just sits in the patio display chairs with a downtrodden expression
>feel bad
>go to the fruit section, get a banana
>eat it and throw the peel down
>walk over it with my cart full of 1$ rolls from the bakery
>slip all exaggerated and make a comment about "that's not how I roll"
>he doesn't respond
>go buy a box of nature valley bars
>crush them up, pour them on my head
>jester cracks a small smile
>grab a pair of canteloupes and stick them under my shirt
>pretend to trip and fall on the melons, crushing them
>that wasn't the breast idea.wav
>jester is into a full grin now
>stands up
>starts snickering
>over the intercom, he's announced to go on break
>resume my normal shopping
>in the chips aisle when a couple loud pops start rapidly moving my direction
>look up and see the jester with a needle running down the top of the freezer coolers on the other side
>look back at my cart, he's replaced the wheels with angel food cakes
>while i'm distracted he sticks mayonnaise down my shirt
>sticks a piece of buttered toast on either side of me
>look back at him
>how could you do this to me
>he just tells me "I'm just having a giggle with you, mate"
>winks at me
>electric slides away, bells jiggling

>> No.11473119

Parents that go into a store with there kids and the parent just let the kids do whatever the hell they want

>> No.11474043

what the fuck is a grocery jester?

>> No.11474051

>looking around
>the buffer guy is after me
>go to next isle to get out of his way
>hes on my isle again
>move again
>he follows me
>cant get away
>eventually move over 3 or 4 isles so i can shop in peace
>can still hear the wwwwwwwrrrrr in the distance

why do they even buff the floor when people are there

>> No.11474059

It's the jester hired by your grocery store.

>> No.11474150

That is pretty fucking good.

>> No.11474329
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Thanks god i dont live in amurica

>> No.11474412

oh wait... Murica has scooters in the front of grocery stores? So you don't have to walk?
HOLY FUCKING SHIT I THOUGHT THAT YOU PEOPLE OWN THEM AND SHIT! You even have them fucking laid out for you so you don't have to walk? HOOOLY SHIT LMAO at you fucking trashbags of human waste

>> No.11474418

ameircan grocery stores have 6 lane roads hahahaha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.11474434

Timing my grocery runs wrong so I have to go on food stamp day so I have to deal with
>white trash
>white trash they thinks theyre black
>poor as fuck blacks
>fatass old people that refuse to move

>> No.11474435
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fat hands that dont own a passport wrote this

>> No.11474441

I work part time in a grocery store for a few hours every week so I can keep my benefits. People are annoying as fuck.

>> No.11474451

I rarely see any of these, because I live in a comfy small town

>> No.11474464

This guy gets it.

>> No.11474509

I've done this at Publix a few times because I'm used to 20 items or less, and Publix is 10 or less if I remember correctly.

>> No.11474520

Because fuck you that's why

>> No.11474530

>americans don't have the handheld scanners you scan and bag items with while shopping that you just dock and pay and gtfo with directly

Oh no no no noooo

>> No.11474532

I'm black, used to work at Target. The girls there are by far the hottest. Also worked at Kroger, where the girls were middling. Wal Mart is by far the worst, just like the sites and shit show. As for how people behave, older people are the worst no matter where you shop/work and niggas be tripping, but living in a really white city right now, all that shit you describe is done by white kids, pretty regularly.

>> No.11474546

If you buy two bags of chips, that's one item. If you buy 15 packs of gum, that's one item. If you buy 5 bags of pet food, that's one item.
Not my rule, but it is how it works.

>> No.11474548
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>taking my siblings to the atoee and they throw crap in the cart just because it has a cartoon character they like on the packaging.

>> No.11474557

I'll bump you and you'll scream rape again. It's not a library, you don't stand in the aisle reading the back cover to find out if you want it or not.

>> No.11474572

Old people are almost all extremely nice where I live, most of the time they'll apologize profusely for disturbing the stockers and will insist that they don't need someone to show them the way to the product they are looking for, just point.
Of course we still show them, because it can be tricky to find some stuff.

>> No.11474583
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>somehow shocked that advertising works

>> No.11474584

Stop putting bright colors on the packaging, jewish overlords, please.

>> No.11474654

>fat people dont live in small towns
>old people dont live in small towns
>stupid people dont live in small towns
are we supposed to believe you?

>> No.11474662

old people who stop in the middle of the aisle so everyone has to jam their cart against the shelf to get by

>> No.11474673

>15 packs of gum is one item
if you arent trolling you're fuckin stupid

>> No.11474918

My kroger has this though and i live in ky.

>> No.11474927

What? I live in Kentucky and shop at Kroger and this shit does not exist. Doesn't exist in Cincinnati either, where Kroger is headquartered.

>> No.11474933

>fat people slowly walking
>fat people zipping by on scooters

Pick one.

>> No.11474945

I dont actually get annoyed very often if ever in the grocery store when shopping. The only bothersome thing is when they look dirty/smell odd.

Working in a grocery store inhave more complaints about people who though.

>> No.11474953


>> No.11474954

Where tf do you shop?

>> No.11474981

Dude same happened here. I miss going to shop past midnight, when there's no one in the way.

>> No.11475107

... I'm fairly sure that's only ikea lmao

>> No.11475330

I don't get annoyed that much by anyone in supermarkets but older women piss me off.

They just wander around slowly with their mouths agape, looking at shit and it takes them about 10 minutes to realise they're blocking a whole aisle of people because they're mindlessly taking up the entire space so needlessly.

It is always women that do this. Always.

>> No.11475487

>Ugly cashiers
Ugly cashiers did nothing wrong and can't control being ugly. Check your privilege shitlord

>> No.11475556

To be fair, I do this sometimes. When I'm stupid enough to go during really busy times and have maybe 20 items or so, I will jump in the self-scan line. I know what I'm doing, I don't fuck up, and I literally am out of there within 2-3 minutes. That's compared to literally waiting for 15+ minutes in line behind god knows what woman and her kids with her coupon folder and 2 carts full of god knows what.

I'm not thrilled that I do it, but I know that once people see that I get in and out of there so quickly, they appreciate it and don't mind.

Also, I'm wildly polite and kind to the cashiers and people who check bags and assist with self-checkout. Never hurts. I don't mind if other people do it as long as they are ready to go and paying attention. /blog

>> No.11475598

It's worse than that, half the time the people in-store shopping for delivery services don't actually work for the store or know anything about what they're grabbing. They're usually just part-time middle aged people or young kids grabbed off the street because they saw a flyer somewhere.

>> No.11475815

That makes no sense. Budgeting for groceries implies you already knew your spending limit for that trip. Plus you can look at your bank online immediately after. Why do you need to write stuff down in the digital age?

>> No.11476213
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>tfw i move my cart to not block the meats when picking out chicken or steak
>tfw I return my cart to the store even if it's slightly closer to use a cart return in the parking lot
>tfw I just go to my next item and come back of some ham beast or group of people are blocking the whole isle
>tfw I inform the manager if a cart has a squeaky wheel
>tfw I'll get out of line if I forgot something
>tfw I use self checkout
>tfw I just smash any broken eggs when I check the carton
>tfw I make sure to put things back where I got them if I change my mind
>tfw I tip the jester

>> No.11476241


>I just smash any broken eggs when I check the carton


>> No.11476541

Middle aged women that cause a scene because they have to pay 15 cents for a plastic bag

>> No.11476565

>transgenders, especially transgender couples
how often are you seeing trannies at the fucking grocery store
what hell world do you live in
are you in sf

>> No.11476600

>I hate the degenerates who knowingly rip an abhorrent smelling fart [...] as a revenge maneuver, I've started doing it to.

You stupid, petty cunt.

>> No.11476649

>>Scream "SHALLOTS? SHALLOTS?!" from 2 sets over, or some other produce item they're "desperately" looking for.
>>Customers who run over the back of our ankles or push their carts into us as we stack items on the sets and shelves.

In what kind of nightmarish, shithole countries does these things happen?

>> No.11476656

>Receipts are for grownups for budgeting.

You fucking what? I don't think you know what a budget is.

>> No.11476668


We have them here in Fregatecrashland in a chain called Coop OBS. Confused the fuck out of me the first time, I thought the checkout section for these things was a self-checkout section like in every other store with self-checkout.

>> No.11476671

Meant for >>11475107

>> No.11476869

Cincinnati, OH

>> No.11476904

>people who steer on the left side instead of right
>fucking screaming kids
It's fine if your kid has a little fit then you calm them down, but God. If your kid is having a tantrum the entire time I'm there, they need to stay home
>low iq employee who is always spilling shit and then laughing extremely loud. Can hear him across the store.
>when the store suddenly decides it's time to rearrange everything every six months, so I have to relearn my entire visit
>couples who stand in front of a product, specifically a refrigerated product, and discuss the product for a good 5 minutes or more while they are inside the fridge
>low iq bagger who rings you up slower than hell, and overly pushes suggestions the entire time.

>> No.11476921

Id like to add that if I was In a place where driving on the left side was the law, I would do the same in grocery stores.

>> No.11477066

ITT: people who don't do their shopping either early morning or late night when the store is basically fucking empty.
Morning best for fresh bread, night best for big discounts

>> No.11477069

>he doesn't have a job

>> No.11477100

>he wagecucks for Mr Shekelstien
Self employed business run from my home, fag

>> No.11477140

>two white women see each other in the aisle and immediately block the whole thing with their carts while they "catch up" with each other like they don't see each other every fucking week already
>old fucking boomers and stupid niggers that use the touch screen by punching it as hard as they can with their fingers or just don't understand their debit or ebt cards despite needing them to live
>fat fucking cunts with their little kids left unsupervised while they buy their shit with WIC checks
>people that straight up just take their bags and leave the cart at the cash register

>> No.11477149

I'm unironically jealous, even though i genuinely enjoy my job.
>tfw go at a weird time to the grocery store to avoid crowds
>there's fucking crack heads instead
I dream of living in a small town one day, and going to local markets instead of fucking walmart, One day.

>> No.11477186

Price tags for products that are NEVER on the shelves. This has happened to me at every grocery and department store I visited when looking for strawberry Fanta.

Also, when dumbasses at customer service don't know how to get their lottery ticket scanning machines working when I try to do quick scratch off cash-ins. I usually go to only two stores to get cash-ins because they usually put more competent workers at that department.

Oh and they need to make their lottery cash-in section separate from regular customer service. I am tired of waiting over five minutes just to get two dollars from a one dollar ticket because of a bunch of people trying to get refunds or resolve coupon issues.

>> No.11477187

fuck how stupid are you

>> No.11477204

I'm the massive morbidly obese fag who orders dyno tendies at the amazon. My borderline immobility makes me sick and horny as hell. Fried food coma is the only way I can repress my anxiety enough to sleep at night.

>> No.11477209

>At local store
>Sale on berries so I'm picking out a carton
>One carton is pretty much berries on a bed of mold at the bottom
>Old boomer comes up to me
>Says something like "There's no need to do that" or "Not good enough for you"
>He grabs the mold carton and walks off satisfied with himself
This is why you need to start checking your food faggot

>> No.11477223

My absolute biggest annoyance with the grocery store I frequent is the music.

Almost every single time I go to my grocery store (Meijer) the same fucking god awful pop song will play during the duration of my trip. It's always "Best of Intentions" by Mutemath. It's so fucking grating and vapid and terrible and it makes me want to die.

I've shopped mostly at Meijer stores since I've been doing my own grocery shopping, and they all have the same issue to a degree. There's always been a rotation of like one or two songs that play every single time and I don't understand how every single worker hasn't killed themselves yet.

>> No.11477228

You just learn to tune it out after a while.

>> No.11477232

>fruit on sale
hmm no wonder why its moldy, silly.

>> No.11477279


>> No.11477301

People who pull their trolley around by the front and drag it across the aisle, then leave it to go look at something.

>> No.11477304

please sir may I have some coochie

>> No.11477305

back to your cage, goblin, before I get the broom again

>> No.11477319

Hey Brother, join Food Scientology, youd fit in well.

>> No.11477324

Imagine living in such a shit hole that food in never on sale because of surplus or the season

>> No.11477360

Imagine living in such a shithole where food goes moldy on the shelf and doesn't get tossed by the employees

>> No.11477428

My bosses own five different groccery stores in my area (only 8 in all if you include Walmart) and food stamp days are the fucking worst. One of the locations is right in the middle of the ghetto and right across the street from the minority school. People will literally camp outside of the store and hassle customers to buy their food stamps. Plus we always have goblin children running around. Why the fuck would they hang out in a grocery store? I've only had one bad experience with white kids, and it was more borderline illegal than anything.

>> No.11477431
File: 10 KB, 540x294, 45327665_10156378631046311_4456297666480963584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who write checks
At least I'm house broken.

>> No.11477442

I can guarantee the deli worker pretended not to have listened to you because you said #3

>> No.11477474

It's easier to just check nerd, they'll eventually throw away the moldy stuff because it's unbought. Expecting the staff to wait on you hand and foot, what a boomer

>> No.11477492

>expecting the staff to wait on you hand and foot
that's the most boomer sounding thing I've seen in awhile, lmao. Thanks for the entertainment, dummy.

>> No.11477517

>When im about to go out in the field
Shut the fuck up you little cunting larper

>> No.11477524

I rather be a NEET than be a wagecuck

>> No.11477534

Glad I've never seen a tranny before, live in Los Angeles too

>> No.11477552

sorry but even small towns are dominated by huge chain corps

>> No.11477554
File: 29 KB, 800x800, 1535259897407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is really busy right now and I'm constantly thinking about stuff in my head because of it. One of my favorite things to do every now and then is go into a supermarket when I need some shit and just turn my brain off and wall around to relax. I think the workers at my local Ralph's think I'm autistic.

>> No.11477610

>”it’s nice to examine things”


>> No.11477616

Spent a week in Iceland. This qt3.14 and her chad bf were basically dry humping and fondling each other’s bodies in a bonus store. Was hot. Fapped to that image later.

>> No.11477665

man, a couple of weeks back there was a guy standing in front of the deenz section for like 5 minutes, seemingly picking up and reading every tin. i kept walking away and coming back and he was still there.

>> No.11477685

this happens everywhere but yes it's most important in grocery stores

>> No.11477709

It's really obvious how desperate you are to make some kind of snappy retort.

>> No.11477719

I think; you think; we think, that I think you're autistic

>> No.11477726

what do you retards care, maybe he had an allergy or something. if youre not getting in anyones way why does it matter

>> No.11477733

I'm sorry for looking for something with the least amount of preservatives and shitty shit in it, go get your fucking aids newfag.

>> No.11477753
File: 883 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20181016_082956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate, just get a fucking big freezer.
> Shops every two weeks
Couldn't be fucking happier, I hate normies.

>> No.11477816

>playing lottery
you're the only low IQ one here

>> No.11477957

you don't understand the use of this >

>> No.11478158

I hate people who act like they have no spacial awareness. Usually it’s the chinese here.
Also, I’m autistic when it comes to being polite. The Chinese are the opposite, so I think that triggers my autism.
I hate the Chinese.
Some of the generation born here are starting to act civilised though.

>> No.11478641
File: 30 KB, 325x325, Restoring+a+reaction+image+original_94bc33_5858937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy all my pershiables from comfy, local produce stores
>produce is cheaper, higher quality, better selection
>No fatties or human trash
>smaller, less confusing layout and shorter lines means much less wasted time
>Make the occasional trip to Wegmans/Aldi for anything I can't get there
>Flirt with qt Wegmans cashier girls as they ring me up

Imagine not living in the Mid-Atlantic lmfao

>> No.11478747

lmao I do not understand these people on any level

>> No.11478792

>zero fat everything this and that
No! I want the fat you cunts, stop this immediately!

>> No.11478856


Go in the morning. Poor people, niggers, spics, and old people, don't wake up before 10, so you have the store all to yourself

>> No.11478890

old people have nowhere to go or nowhere to be, they're pathetic and lonely (because they're bad people to their core) so they go out when everybody else is out in the chance of cornering somebody into talking about the same bullshit that drove all their actual friends away in the first place.

>> No.11478907

It's just a side job to keep me working so I don't drink. I go to college full-time and get paid 4x as much.

>> No.11478910

In my area, I go between 7~9 AM when most people are going to work, and every morning there's plenty of people who walk slow, ignore everything around them, leave their carts around, can't decide on what to get. walmart, aldi, publix, winn-dixie, fresh market, sweet bay, local produce place, it doesn't matter

>> No.11478945

Old people are notoriously early risers. When I go @ 6-7AM those are the only customers.

>> No.11479038

in college grocery stores were open 24/7. so go at midnight, got the whole place to yourself.

in the meat department, see a guy in a bloody apron and ask him, "do you work here?" he says, "no...."

>> No.11479131

>too many goddamned people

>> No.11479403

t. mutt who doesn't know shit about how genetics work

>> No.11479625

it is if you scan it 15 times. literally takes less time then 1 item of anything produce

>> No.11480607

>He doesn't have 50000 avios saved up for a nice trip.

>> No.11480615

why can't these corporate dipshits realize you need to staff a store with a sufficient amount of people in order to have good business

>> No.11480771

The people behind understaffing or mismanaging stores are usually idiots from marketing who only see things in terms of short term profit without thinking of the long-term cost of their actions.

>> No.11480811


>> No.11480823

because you dont need extra people.

>> No.11480846

>People who touch every veg or fruit first.
>People who leave fridge or frozen items In non fridge or frozen sections
>People who eat more than two samples of the same thing.

>> No.11481041

Action coupons? That sounds cool as hell

>> No.11481078

the sign over the express lane says


>> No.11481187

>leaving broken eggs in the carton

>> No.11481769

Lmao I’m just hella stoned most of the time when I go to my local supermarket. Kind of hard to decide what munchies I’m gonna have while watching a movie. Who gives a fuck if I take a long time looking? If your fatass can’t walk around me that’s your problem.

>> No.11481774

>large Mexican families forming a caravan between designated cart-pusher children

Lmao I’m a spic and my and my sister would always laugh at how Mexicans always travel in “Packs”

>> No.11481795

I live a 2 minute walk from my grocery store and they used to be open until 2am, going late at night was the best because nobody was there. The only advantage to going during the day is self check out is open.

>> No.11481798

May I speak to your manager detected

>> No.11482185
File: 42 KB, 549x239, 3-9T0BR-e1533538769806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a good none expired coupon.
>Paying cash so I add up everything I have in my cart
>I can afford everything with the help of my $1 off coupon
>Black Haiti lady cashier who can barely speak English doesn't know how coupons work
>Calls manager
>Short line gets long as we wait for another fat black manager to show up
>Manger teachers her how to use the coupon
>Hand cashier an old $20 bill where the president have small faces
>She looks at it for about one full min.
>Looks at me like a dear in headlights.
>I ask is something wrong?
>Tells me "I don't know you guyzes money look like"
>Calls manager for more help
>people start to leave the line
>Get nasty looks from the line

She just got here 3 months ago from Haiti, isn't familiar with what US money looks like or how to use coupons, yet was somehow given a job behind the counter as a store cashier, and I'm somehow the bad guy for holding up the line.

>> No.11482669

Gotta love living in nipland.

>> No.11482850

>implying stock boys' hands are any cleaner than a child's

>> No.11482872

I used to live a 2 minute walk from an all night grocery store, shopping in the middle of the night was maximum comfy though sometimes at that time there was nobody on the register and they'd leave a note posted telling you to pick up the phone and ask over the intercom for someone to come, but I was always way too shy to do that so I'd just stand there until someone saw me and came to ring me up

>> No.11482875

Real chads just walk right out the door without paying in that situation

>> No.11483296

I'm black and my family has a game of making fun of spics at grocery stores and restaurants

>> No.11483303

>people who stop and leave their cart blocking the aisle while they walk 10 ft away to look at something on the shelf
The people at my local grocery store are SO fucking inconsiderate that I've given up completely on being nice. I'm going to ram their cart with my cart repeatedly until I can get past. I don't understand how some people can have been raised with so little self-awareness, it drives me fucking insane.

>> No.11483354

You know I noticed at a grocery store I was at the other day a ton of like ice cream and frozen food sitting in the box with the ice bags, is that something customers did or like the cashier puts stuff there when the customer goes "you know what actually I don't want this" so they can put it back later but never got around to it? Never noticed that before people did that

>> No.11483388

>not enjoying free fresh braps
How is it like being a low test faggot?

>> No.11483580
File: 53 KB, 615x551, ss+(2018-08-25+at+06.20.40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I see 3lb of beef hidden between cereal boxes

I usually leave cause I don't want anyone to think I did it. Should I be a good samaritan and put it back?

>> No.11483616
File: 62 KB, 538x445, 1494054768997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who always leave their cart diagonal in the isle.
>people who get mad when I move their fucking cart

>ghetto ass people who have their kid wait in 3 lines, then cut everyone in line when it moves
Ooooo I love how man this one black bitch got when I got in front of her son. Serves you right cunt.

I try to be considerate where I park my cart
>People who always magically want the shit that nobody buys that's right behind you.
I move my cart. But no they never pick up the paper cupcake liners... Nor do they pick up the school notebooks.

my absolute hatred right here
>people in the deli section holding up the line, being selective about the thinness.
holy fuck, then
>continually tasting each slice to gauge if it's right, then making them redo it thinner
>placing more orders, then smiling at everybody and talking to the butchers while there's 20 people waiting
always takes 20-30min for me to get to my order

>generally slow walkers
they can die in a fire

>> No.11483716

dont put it back you dont know how long it was out there. search someone who works there and tell them about it

>> No.11484758

Can we join you?

>> No.11484910

>"it's hilarious"
>writes long seething reply

>> No.11484930
File: 78 KB, 1000x750, 1540441667696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Americans like to draw cartoons in which they imagine they're actually superheroes?

>> No.11485031

because the jews want americans to protect them from all their enemies. the jews represented americans as all powerful superheros to butter them up. not only do we buy their capeshit, we now fight their wars for them.