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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 500x434, whisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11468198 No.11468198 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there! im an useless kitchen gadget.

Dont buy me!

>> No.11468199

It's pretty decent at whisking stuff

>> No.11468207

are you stupid? Clearly you never cooked in your life

>> No.11468208

If you need a whisk, you don't know the wolverine method of forks.

>> No.11468209

just use a pair of chopsticks, it does the job ~85% as well and dont require you to wash an extra piece of item

>> No.11468224

I'm not Asian. I don't have disposable chopsticks lying around and it's hard to get where I live

>> No.11468226

I'm not a fat, /r9k/-tier weeb pedophile

>> No.11468232

>just use a pair of chopsticks, it does the job ~85% as well
So you want me to get rid of the my whisk so I can get 85% of the efficiency with chopsticks. Sounds like a great plan

>> No.11468239

>buying a single purpose item
do you buy garlic peelers too

chopsticks are unironically better than a fork and you should get one

>> No.11468240

If chopstick are so great, why do I need two of them when I only need one fork?

>> No.11468244

wolverine forks scratch my nonstick pots, a whisk doesnt
ran into this issue when making pudding

>> No.11468246

Best argument thus far.

>> No.11468247

like humans, chopsticks work best in a couple.

>> No.11468249

single purpose items still have a purpose, your bitching doesn't even have that. what? did your cum gargling idol alton not know something, read it off a teleprompter on camera (from the script which he didn't write) to you so you just endlessly parrot what that massive boy-fiddling-pedophile said?

>> No.11468253

>this is the type of mentally ill people who buy whisks

>> No.11468265

>buying a single purpose item
You can whisk multiple things with it. That's like saying knives are a single purpose item because all they do is cut

>> No.11468270
File: 10 KB, 224x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there! im a useless bait thread.

Dont reply to me!

>> No.11468273

I don't have a mixing machine but I make cake once in a long while and to mix the batter it with chopsticks sounds like a waste of effort. A whisk does the job fine though.

>> No.11468281

>do you buy garlic peelers too
I am not poor, and I have plenty of space. Seething poor faggot. Shove your chopsticks up your asshole, you sissy weeb fuck

>> No.11468300
File: 57 KB, 640x425, DSC_1631_LR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11468304

t. Asian, so I have a billion chopsticks lying around at home. Fuck that. A big sturdy whisk beats the ass out of any pair of chopsticks.

>> No.11468314

A whisk can fold a mixture over its tines at least 9 times with one stroke. The chopsticks can only do two.

This is objectively bait

>> No.11468350

insanely redpilled and about as based

>> No.11468351

based and forkpilled

>> No.11468368


>> No.11468377
File: 181 KB, 1000x550, old-new-chasen-japanese-tea-whisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like everything else, the japanese version is superior and a work of art.

>> No.11468384

This is a blue board. Take your antique butt spreader elsewhere

>> No.11468385


>making gay things like that

pretty gay

>> No.11468389

did your boyfriend like those

>> No.11468390
File: 362 KB, 462x768, fat_neckbeard_gets_butthurt_by_twistedwhiskercat-d9obd15[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11468391

This board has been infested by weebs over the past few years. More than usual in any case.

>> No.11468393

>chopsticks are unironically better than a fork and you should get one
What the fuck am I going to do with one chop stick?

>> No.11468396

western whisk is machine made, soulless and inelegant.

japanese whisk is organic, each cut is made by hand, the curve is made by hand, the string is tied by hand. Its as if a piece of the sensei is imprinted onto the whisk. But of course you cant appreciate that, like how swine cant appreciate music. Too bad desu


>> No.11468404
File: 16 KB, 320x240, fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use 2 things instead of 1
>don't require you to wash an extra piece of item

>> No.11468412
File: 9 KB, 259x195, WHISK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11468413

the fat weeb cunt probably just wipes them on his cum rags or dips 'em in his piss jars

>> No.11468634

Who TF needs to do that

>> No.11468639

T. never made a roux

>> No.11469183
File: 645 KB, 1500x1500, B07588SJHN.Main_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>useless kitchen gadget
you must have meant to post this

>> No.11469192

how do you whip cream or egg whites

>> No.11469196

>use chopsticks, it’s worse!
Fuck off

>> No.11469207

Have fun trying to make any hollandaise or vinaigrette with chopsticks, buddy.

>> No.11469210

What if I don't want some asian guy's imprint in my food?

>> No.11469304

An immersion blender's actually the right choice for those. A whisk is good for cakes, muffins, quickbreads, meringue, etc.

>> No.11469330
File: 26 KB, 500x373, 1539038620267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost my sifter after i moved
>have to sift flour with a fucking fork until i replace it

>no pizza wheel
>have to cut doughy pizza with serrated knife like a barbarian

>when the icemaker in your freezer fucking dies and you have to buy ice cube trays

>> No.11469360

>>when the icemaker in your freezer fucking dies and you have to buy ice cube trays

Why wouldn't you just fix your icemaker?

>> No.11469368

Use a fork
>buying non stick pans
>oh btw besides that overpriced unnecessary garbage pot you'll need this special set of utensils to go with it so you don't get cancer, but hey at least you don't have to use properly hot water to clean it!! Life is a breeze now!!!
The true path. A paragon of kitchen virtue.

>> No.11469379

I'm not using a chopstick to beat heavy cream.

>> No.11469387
File: 69 KB, 800x800, quirl-aus-buchenholz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right, us me instead. I wont chip your dishes and scratch microplastic in your food.

>> No.11469390

cringe and breederpilled

>> No.11469433
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, KKPCALM_22_Kirarin_broke_her_whisk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of whisk should I get? I hate how those flimsy silicone-covered metal ones feel that seem to be the majority in stores now. Hell, it can even be silicone, but I want something stiff (hurr) that isn't gonna wiggle around.
I also wouldn't mind one of those vintage ones that just look like an outward[?] spiral.

>> No.11469452
File: 15 KB, 493x500, Breadtopia-Danish-Dough-Whisk-Small--3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balloon whisk for most tasks, Dutch whisk for doughs

>> No.11469486

what kind of butt scratcher is that?

>> No.11469537

I'll keep that in mind, but I meant moreso what material I should have it made out of or not. Back in my day all the whisk wires stayed in place instead of jiggling around with the tiniest poke.

>> No.11469547

How is using a regular knife that much different from a pizza circle? Who the fuck literally owns serrated knife?

>> No.11469554

>buying single purpose item
Yeah let me just get rid of my car because all I can do with the stupid piece of shit is DRIVE it

>> No.11469721

A traditional wooden whisk.

>> No.11469731

it is starfish shaped, so it still goes into the butt, right?

>> No.11469737

well, you can always kill yourself with it
or other people too while you're at it
it's a very versatile tool

>> No.11470321


>> No.11470341
File: 17 KB, 653x395, 119001358296-original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey there! I'm pretty sure you've only seen me in honey advertisements.
Does anyone own or have ever even used one of these things?

>> No.11470404
File: 219 KB, 1280x857, 1536507312831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah get this instead

>> No.11470425

if you're not a cakefag you dont need whisks

>> No.11470426
File: 9 KB, 466x229, 3183ANJJVRL._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy me instead, I do the job just as well while also being 10x easier to clean. Chunks don't get stuck in between my wires!

>> No.11470453

We have one somewhere from back when we ate a lot of honey. It's marginally better than a spoon.

>> No.11470559

I make sauces and use whisks all the time.
It's 10x faster than a fork when mixing in shit like corn starch.

>> No.11471090

>everything made by hand
Sounds extremely inefficient.

>> No.11471137
File: 135 KB, 766x765, IMG_20181011_190551_045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate this fucking board

>> No.11471180



>> No.11471259

>nobody who made the machine had a soul
This is your brain on naturalism

>> No.11471295
File: 111 KB, 500x300, tumblr_inline_oouj7fXyvO1qcswen_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao keep thinking that, dweeb, I'll enjoy my saving on purchasing good enough products though machine-made than some placebo artisan memory.

>> No.11471306


>> No.11471330

>t. Guy that beats off to Alton Brown's foodnetwork-constructed personality

>> No.11471338

>implying I can't kill someone with a whisk

>> No.11471348
File: 96 KB, 640x569, 1542129829516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you seriously just try to convince people to use chopsticks with the argument that they are less effective than a whisk?

>> No.11471449
File: 33 KB, 691x395, quirky-egg-minder-phone-691x395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. take all the eggs out of the crate they come in
2. place them in new electronic crate (after you put batteries in it)
3. hook up electronic egg crate to your wifi
4. download egg crate app from the app store
5. pair the egg crate to the app
6. program the egg crate with the expiration date written on the original crate

All done! Now your egg crate will send your phone a message telling you the expiration date of your eggs!

>> No.11471518

You just throw them away when your done. Everyone has tons of disposable chopsticks lying around.

>> No.11471576
File: 11 KB, 300x300, IMG_1465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't love whisking roux from drippings?

>> No.11472970

>can I have an egg bro?
>nah man, internet is down

>> No.11472972

>expiration date of your eggs!
just keep eggs in the fridge

what a dumb device

>> No.11473048

This, except the pedo part.
I love 12yo girls.

>> No.11473082

Pretty peculiar pattern for anal beads.

>> No.11473143

Why not skip the middleman and just plug the expiration date into your calendar?

>> No.11473172

That's because it's a ball whisk.
Look, if I want to put something up my ass, I have actual things for putting up my ass that are MEANT to be put up my ass.