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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 433 KB, 521x399, 1521038663076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11463041 No.11463041 [Reply] [Original]

>A table for one, please!

>> No.11463048
File: 73 KB, 517x610, 27C50A73-B6DE-43B7-B79D-96407DEEBF40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finns don’t like to eat with strangers

>> No.11463050

This is why good restaurants, like kinoplexen of integrity, have a no singles policy

>> No.11463066
File: 50 KB, 561x600, Moomin+_7c85261443e5934c5ce17f2f97098466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Moomins are no strangers Anon. They are friends to all Finns.

>> No.11463153

Nips are so based! No wonder we're all weebs.

>> No.11463307

Now imagine a non-chad man in her place

>> No.11463310

Like moot?

>> No.11463363


>> No.11463368

The tranny loving founder of 9gag

>> No.11463391

You have to go back

>> No.11463410

or why amazing restaurants have a "singles only" policy

>> No.11463412
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when moomin tries to take one of your fries

>> No.11463414

yeah, I'm so sorry for not keeping up with some fucking e-celeb

>> No.11463423

If they did that to me I'd think the other customers were talking about me saying I brought the animal with me.

>> No.11463467
File: 49 KB, 720x604, high-protein-cottage-cheese-oatmeal-3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taught my child that cottage cheese is minced moomin mest.

>> No.11464122

epic, simply epic

>> No.11464222

My mother use to told that to me when i was kid

>> No.11464266

>missing the joke by this much

>> No.11464286

Where I live there's a no singles policy for tables. You can get takeout, but you can't have a table unless there's a party of 2 or more.

>> No.11464307

>Where I live there's a no singles policy for tables.
Do you have only one restaurant where you live? Or is this some sort of a law?

>> No.11464511

Fuck off, moot

>> No.11464922
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Jesus Christ, this has got to be a troll.

>> No.11466287
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>not bringing in your cute plushies to a restaurant

>> No.11466335
File: 183 KB, 900x1200, CpJiZatXEAAElGv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would go to a Kirby cafe alone just to sit across from a Waddle Dee.

>> No.11466368

That's bullshit, they bring the moomin to everybody so they can take pictures with it.

>> No.11466377


>> No.11466403

Based as fuck.

>> No.11466412
File: 2.85 MB, 4032x3024, 034997AA-8889-4EDA-AF4C-BACA3E45EAE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate by myself at a restaurant for the first time the other night since I was away for a work conference and my colleagues had flown back early. It wasn’t too bad since the guys cooking behind the bar were friendly but I was still very lonely.

>> No.11466427

Should have gotten an escort

>> No.11466431
File: 147 KB, 517x469, 1541720132610.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who is waifu and what animu?

>> No.11466466

too afraid I'd get arrested

>> No.11466485

Where do live to get arrested for such thing? America?

>> No.11466488

I'm not telling you so you can steal her from me!

>> No.11466494



>> No.11467493

If anything that'd just amplify how alone I was

>> No.11467648
File: 178 KB, 391x306, 1509122759244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the moomin café in Seoul was closed over chuseok when I was there

>> No.11467653

dood I will go eat alone anywhere I want and you will care about it so hard, meanwhile I leave a generous tip while you are complaining.

>> No.11467830

That picture is so finnish it hurts

>> No.11467882

I don't remember her name, I always called her Flufflehead. From Hibike Euphonium.

>> No.11467904

better than an escort, get a date

>> No.11467927

It takes game to recognize game
+1 good sir I tip my Tweed fedora

>> No.11467936
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Thanks bro!

>> No.11467965

They have a license agreement to use 'Moomin', right? Japs respect copyright, right?

>> No.11468097

if you have copyrighted material in finland and somebody infringes on it in japland there is nothing you can do about it really
that's how chinks get away with their shit

>> No.11468100


>> No.11468102

I just don't want to think Japan has the equivalent of Goku Cafes all over the place.

>> No.11468126

Man, what's it like in north korea?

>> No.11468162

fuck off /tv/

>> No.11468184

I went to the one at Tokyo Skytree with my gf and we had a couple of the plush sit with us.
They swapped them around after a while so that everyone got a different one.
It was cute.

>> No.11468190
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you're not allowed to use 4chan if you have a gf, we have a singles only policy

>> No.11468254

This isn't r9k, anon.

>> No.11468275

being on a business trip is one of the few excuses for eating alone.
21 year old college students do get made fun of though for eating alone like some kind of incel

>> No.11468290


>> No.11468540

Eating alone is pretty comfy if it's a place you like to regularly go to, but I think it feels more lonely in you try a new or special place by yourself.

>> No.11468563


>> No.11468578

Can you bring it to the bathroom?

>> No.11468580
File: 249 KB, 719x719, Screenshot_20181113-001028_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking laughed out loud

>> No.11468621
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>> No.11468669

We're a bf (male) and a gf (female).

>> No.11468678


>> No.11468711

Finns own this board.

>> No.11468719

Fuck you!

She's mine and she'll never love a namefag like you!

>> No.11468791

Where's mr dooter?

>> No.11469125

Finns are a fucking mad bunch of people. They are good fun when they go on holiday in the sun. Couple of Finnish guys I met on holiday started the day with a litre of red wine with breakfast.
Dry humour and a capacity for drink that rivaled a camel. Good company.

>> No.11469167
File: 241 KB, 500x376, 1521248864403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11469677

god, I wish I were this cool

>> No.11469697

You've gotta be squiddin me

>> No.11469719

i have to question why you're on 4chan if you're normal enough to have a gf

>> No.11469733

He bought her in the Philippines

>> No.11469742
File: 2.66 MB, 350x267, 1411753150992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta make most of those 3 months of sun, people go absolutely bonkers in the summer.

>> No.11469758


>> No.11469760

Look at all those jealous people glancing over.

>> No.11470071

I had an English teacher in high school who was a Finn. She was a T H I C C blonde. Flirted with her every chance I got.

>> No.11470086


>> No.11470122
File: 46 KB, 413x677, 1526851602466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What if someone brings along their dakimakura?

It would be quite an insult if they were to still get a costumed mute to sit with you (and your waifu).

>> No.11470135

I assume they would politely ask you to leave and stop bothering the human customers

>> No.11470276

Fug, I'd marry any woman from those scandinavian countries to be able to emigrate out of this US hellhole. Even some fatass Canada wench too, for that matter.

>> No.11470316

>able to emigrate out of this US
I thought only the other way around was hard, don't scandinavian countries let in any and all immigrants especially brown

>> No.11470436

I wish I was this new.

>> No.11471318
File: 3.73 MB, 4032x3024, MVIMG_20181113_181957_exported_2078500662018922059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love eating out alone, I've eaten at hundreds of places and have never run into a no singles policy. I've been to many places that won't seat singles at a table when they're busy, but you can still get bar seating. I've never just been turned away. Currently eating an empanada alone by the water, enjoying the night after a long walk and a movie alone.

FYI: You can strike up a conversation with someone else who's alone at a restaurant, after a movie, or at a park. Today I did some bird watching with some random lady with binoculars I met at the park. If you're comfortable with yourself the worst that happens is you get into a short, awkward exchange, and go on with your day.

>> No.11471369

how do you even carry that many squid girls?

>> No.11471389

Vacuum sealed.

>> No.11471398

This. America is a complete third world shithole. Trudeau plz help.

>> No.11471422

This. I love talking to people when I go out alone.

>> No.11471444

What’s wrong with your hand?

>> No.11471473
File: 3.48 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20181113_185321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with my hand?

>> No.11471517

>there are genuinely people that autistic/pathetic that they have a problem eating alone

>> No.11471525

What's wrong with your hand?!

>> No.11471528

>I got lonely
Get a clue, you autistic normie

>> No.11471539

I've never once had a problem eating anywhere alone. I get that people are bothered by it, but I'm not.
Also, I really think that the Moomin singles out the alone person even more in such a place?

>> No.11471552


>> No.11471558

You need to see a doctor ASAP

>> No.11471585
File: 2.35 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20181113_191323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I think it's spreading to my right. If I don't make it I want you to know I enjoyed this thread.

>> No.11471600

I’m afraid it’s puppy love

>> No.11471602

Japan has some of the strictest copyright law and most zealous enforcement in the world. You can go to prison for over a decade for downloading a single episode of anime and people who get caught distributing are treated worse than violent criminals.

>> No.11471619

Holy shit anon...

>> No.11471708

>he tips

>> No.11471722

shut tthe fuck up and lurk moar new fag

>> No.11471744
File: 62 KB, 480x642, 柴6522f8b1-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moomin is family

>> No.11471950
File: 99 KB, 1016x1022, Z52459c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

table for one, please

>> No.11471960

Is it weird that I do that too sometimes even though my wife was never real?

>> No.11472019

Can't cafes have a bar?

>> No.11472035
File: 49 KB, 690x579, 1486237855767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11472040

You’re based and blackpilled

>> No.11472126

Actually my prozac pills are green and yellow but thanks.

>> No.11472240

What photo do you use?

>> No.11472252

Not gonna post pictures of my wife on the internet, my man. Just imagine the cutest girl you can think of.

>> No.11472257

Doesn’t that make you want to kill people?

>> No.11472270

>waifu means anime girl
Back to twitter, "ironic weeb" subhuman.

>> No.11472275

So she has a dick

>> No.11472282

If that's what you think of as the cutest girl ever!

>> No.11472297

Why did you marry a shemale?

>> No.11472305

Why do you think I might have married a shemale? You're the one who came up with that is so I'm sure you know better than I do.

>> No.11472338

But anon...that was your waifu

>> No.11472353

Yes and?

>> No.11472357

Do you guys play swords?

>> No.11472363

How did you know?

>> No.11472377

Great minds think alike.

>> No.11472522

The last time I did that, the fucking Moomin ordered the kobe beef and 100 year old single malt Scotch. Fuck that thing.

>> No.11472700
File: 30 KB, 300x435, d1530211008929.tmgrl_longblonde_light~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's bigger?

>> No.11472807

In all ways except for physical,I am empanada...

(warm yummies internally)

>> No.11472811
File: 144 KB, 600x900, keelah_se_lai_by_emeyh-Tali Cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11472883

I remember you, you poor thing. We laughed at you all night. You were the Walrus and the blank

>> No.11472910

pinkie looks normal but the closer you get to the thumb the more swollen it looks
you need some corticosteroids asap

>> No.11474141

Is this /pol bait or ignorance? I can't tell.

>> No.11474205

>you can only eat at resaurants if there's more than one person reeeee
99% of food places would go broke, stop being so socially inept. people eat out by themselves all the time

>> No.11474213

It took me a second, I thought you just had fat fingers.


>> No.11474823

>go to restaurant
>eat good food
what's wrong with this? is it the money issue, one person taking up space for two? because i can eat enough food for two if im hungry enough.

>> No.11474827

4chan is mainstream anon, I hope you don't think this is a secret clubhouse

>> No.11474937

>here's a table for you sir

>> No.11474949


>> No.11474960

i know it's well known now
but what possible reason would normies want to remain in this collective shitpile of human degeneracy

>> No.11474977

>he doesn't

>> No.11475025
File: 180 KB, 400x416, wojakprimalrage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or why amazing restaurants have a "singles only" policy

>you are sitting in a high-backed circular booth, alone
>the lamp hanging low overhead emits a soft light, and darkness clings to the rafters
>it is altogether cozy
>a young waiter in a flawless white apron approaches and presents a small white plate for your gastronomic pleasure before departing in silence
>the plate is clean and dry, its only features being a few squirts of green and orange the consistency of catsup.
>there is something in the center of the plate that looks like the unbroken yolk of an egg, but it is clearly something else
>the garnish, a young branch of arugula, seems to laugh at you
>you pay the $250 bill and go back to the hustle and bustle of your dad's office in Brooklyn

who the FUCK breaks the immortal rules of sharing a meal. what kind of arrogance thinks their cookery is so masterful that it deserves to be consumed in a makeshift isolation tank.

>> No.11475051
File: 132 KB, 750x1000, 1533277709118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks pretty fucked up. Go see a hand doctor. This is what a normal hand looks like.

>> No.11475132

Fingers for days

>> No.11475220
File: 28 KB, 288x512, 1467069203763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone posting their hands

>> No.11475244

I will never forgive the utter cunts at Bioware for the Tali face reveal. Awful on every level.

>> No.11475263

>21 year old college student
>just did this an hour ago
ruh roh

>> No.11476152

>I'm so fucked up

>> No.11476218

Japs are statist cuckolds so I would assume that they respect copyright.

>> No.11476232

>Dumb hole is obviously laughing
>Egocentric enough to include herself in the photo
I hope she rots to death

>> No.11476246

pretty cute idea.

>> No.11476473

I mean they don't give a fuck shit internet piracy but you're right in the strict law enforcement.
Recently they added 170 new anti terror laws which were just to give police something to do. One of them was it's now a felony to split a taxi fare.

On the copyright thing I'm sure the moomin Cafe is legit. Moomin's fucking huge here and had a big cult following with lots of merch.
Travel brochures for Finland are 60% moomin related tours and 40% aurora.
I have a Japanese friend that goes to Finland 2-3 times a year because she's a big Moomin fan.

>> No.11476532
File: 1.45 MB, 3024x3024, CEE3D38F-5967-48E4-8F77-FE3FA8EB1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477365

I hate using chalk when I climb
hate how it feels on my hands

>> No.11477391

Don’t touch those, senpai, they release nerve gas

>> No.11477416
File: 224 KB, 427x744, 1534280396011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i disilike it when it gets underneith my fingersa, god. i took tihs pic a month or week (???) ago. so they DO lok different now

>> No.11477463

La creatura...

>> No.11477476

I wish there was a place like that where I live where I too can go out and eat alone while enjoying the view. I tried going around my area looking for my go-to hang out place to eat outside by myself with some take-out but I always end up encountering some late night shady fucks, like weirdos that just stand there watching people for hours

>> No.11477568

Is that a real hand?

>> No.11477584

I was in the gym when I saw this posted earlier. I couldn’t stop laughing so I had to put my phone away lmao

>> No.11477609

>One of them was it's now a felony to split a taxi fare.
bull fucking shit

>> No.11477729

yeah but its a polish man

>> No.11477925

What the hell is a moomin?

>> No.11477932

what the fuck is a moomin

>> No.11478033


I never understood the 'you can't eat at a restaurant alone' meme. I rarely do it either since I usually go out to eat out with my fiancée, but I've done it occasionally and there was nothing really weird about it. It's funny how autists are usually lonely all the time but are simultaneously very awkward about being alone. It's as weird as you make it.

>> No.11478038

An ancient Finnish deity

>> No.11478133

>ebin xD

>> No.11478139
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>A table for Juan, please!

>> No.11478766
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>> No.11479325

Why? That's insulting your customers!
What if I like to eat alone?
What if eating outside alone is the only bliss you get to enjoy?

>> No.11479335


>> No.11479399

I am sure the moomin goes away if u tell it too, or if you beat it.

>> No.11479402

My dads name is juan

>> No.11479428
File: 76 KB, 600x800, juan solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

takes juan to know juan

>> No.11479802

wait you made that sound really good why did you start trashing it