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File: 97 KB, 1050x700, Tipping_1050x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11463485 No.11463485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about not tipping anymore. Ever since I got a real job it made me realize you shouldn't be trying to feed a family of 4 on tips and I don't want to subsidize your poor decisions.

Has anyone else done this? What am I in for?

>> No.11463490

>What am I in for?
Bad service and a whole lot of spit in your food.

>> No.11463492

Anyone who tips us less than 100% has eaten our cum/shit/piss/random cleaning chemicals/rancid foods and much worse...
I am a chef at a well known fast food restaurant

>> No.11463494

Ya I've been doing this forever by never eating out retard

>> No.11463506

I eat out every day so this isn't going to work

>> No.11463512

well why would you tip in the first place

>> No.11463528
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>he doesn't follow the golden rule
>he isn't going to be able to visit any restaurant more than once because the staff will recognize him and serve him food contaminated with bodily fluids for being a shitty customer

>> No.11463539

Then do not invite them food if you cannot afford it, you retard.
Did you forgot how was your first job already?
How much of a fatass are you?

>> No.11463545

Yeah let's just let strangers prepare our food out of sight then eat it using forks that have been in hundreds and hundreds of mouths, and afterwards we'll not only pay for it we'll pay extra so the waiter feels good about themselves. Maybe we'll even get a chance at conversation while we wait an hour for the food, provided crying children and ringing cell phones don't drown us out while talking to one another.

>> No.11463550

but they’re hungry students

>> No.11463558

I eat at home, but also tip myself handsomely. I am both very wealthy and deeply in debt from home cooking.

>> No.11463559
File: 42 KB, 298x380, marie_antoinette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let them eat raman.

>> No.11463575

Tipping discussion is not about food and cooking. Mods pls remove.

>> No.11463579

What if I eat out and leave one of the bread rolls as my tip

>> No.11463602

I'm 31 years old and I have never been to a "sit down" restaurant on my own before. I've been to them plenty of times with family, and they've always paid for the meal, but I just can't imagine paying $20-$30 for a meal and then throwing on a tip on top of it out of my own wallet. That is insane. For THAT much, I could eat like a king by buying and preparing the food myself from the store or eating from a Japanese grill truck.

>> No.11463605

>Did you forgot how was your first job already
Yeah I remember it sucked so I went and got a real job.

>> No.11463617

>tipping at a fast food restaurant


Also stop lashing out at customers for your employer not paying you a fair wage.

>> No.11463623

>>tipping at a fast food restaurant
How would you even do that, slip them a note reading "get a real job"? That'd be a solid tip.

>> No.11463641
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I actually stopped tipping completely about years ago. I only eat out about once per month so I might not visit the same restaurant again for almost a year. I've gotten some stern looks but no one has ever said anything. A server does not deserve 25% of the entire cost of the meal for remembering that I want my steak medium with a glass of cherry coke.
I simply don't care anymore.

>> No.11463644

It is a real job.

However, single moms need to stop popping kids out and then expecting minimum wage to support them.

I'm half with OP.

>> No.11463648

the beauty about tipping is you do it afterwards though, so they are incentivized to do well and then go unrewarded and you get to fly out Scot free

>> No.11463656

I don't get it. When you tip someone you're literally telling them; no it's okay I'll provide for you, don't bother getting a real career

Who thinks this is actually okay

>> No.11463678

>Who thinks this is actually okay

Greedy, self-entitled waiters. Serving food has to be one of the highest paying jobs for someone with zero skills or education.

>> No.11463680

I take the money I would use for tipping and spend it on over priced gourmet food on the internet, just bought a bunch of pate and canned trout

>> No.11463693

>Greedy, self-entitled waiters
I guess it makes sense that most waiters are female. Women are too stupid to realize the position they've put themselves in and then whine about it. They should have stayed as property.

>> No.11463697

+1, women are children

>> No.11463709
File: 64 KB, 599x595, White Women Logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Women are too stupid to realize the position they've put themselves in and then whine about it.

wat? Lots of white women bitch, whine, & blame others for their own poor life choices.

>> No.11463716

I'm 5'11 158lbs

>> No.11463721
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White women were a mistake

>> No.11463724

If it's a place I go to regularly then I tip. If service was really good I tip. Other than that no. Also fuck places that have the tip option on the terminal where you insert your card before you've even got your food. I ain't tipping for a meal which you haven't even made yet.

>> No.11463846

>Also fuck places that have the tip option on the terminal where you insert your card before you've even got your food.

>> No.11463855

uppity city places that use ipad as point of sale

>> No.11463856
File: 17 KB, 843x178, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.11463863

>poor overworked employee
>yelling at chefs and batting eyes is difficult

>> No.11463872

>Also fuck places that have the tip option on the terminal where you insert your card before you've even got your food. I ain't tipping for a meal which you haven't even made yet.

Or even worse, they have these at self serve cashiers at some places. WTF am I tipping a cashier for?

>> No.11463876

>15% is a shitty tip.
Jesus christ these people are insane.

>> No.11463894

I just don't go to places where you're expected to tip.

>> No.11463899

The food is too good and I can't get it anywhere else

>> No.11463905

You’re the worst human alive. Servers get paid shit. If you can’t afford to tip, eat at home poorfag

>> No.11463915

just don't employ servers if you're not going to pay them minimum wage
it's a job for literal 15 year old girls, entry level

>> No.11463921

Why don't they just get a different job then?

>> No.11463928

Do you faggots at least tip your bartenders

>> No.11463939

>Why don't they just get a different job then?

Because no other jobs pay anywhere close to what waiters make for unskilled labor.

>> No.11463942

What the fuck why would I tip someone for pouring beer from a tap. What's next tipping your barista?

>> No.11463950

>If you can’t afford to tip, eat at home poorfag
This. It's better to not give these people any money at all.

>> No.11463958

>Because no other jobs pay anywhere close to what waiters make for unskilled labor
Then go into construction where even some beaner who can't speak English will get paid $18/hr. Then join the military where you literally can't not get a job with full benefits. Etc etc.

>> No.11463961

>At least
These people deserve tips even less than waiters.

>> No.11463966

It’s customary to tip a bartender at least a dollar per drink. As a bartender, I will ignore you all night long if you’ve neglected to tip me in the past. 99% of people tip, so it isn’t a huge deal if someone doesn’t. But I will hold a grudge for the rest of my life, as will all the bartenders I know

>> No.11463968

>I'm a manchild who has never eaten at a restaurant and I can't imagine tipping
yeah sounds right

>> No.11463985

>Ever since I got a real job it made me realize you shouldn't be trying to feed a family of 4 on tips and I don't want to subsidize your poor decisions
I can't tip this hard, you win the round OP

>> No.11463991

Jesus, at least waiters only guilt you into tipping.

>> No.11463998

Yeah it’s brutal. On busy nights, I’ve had people simply leave the bar in frustration.

>> No.11464004

What if the person opened a tab with you? They could be waiting to tip all at once in the end.

>> No.11464012

>As a bartender, I will ignore you all night long if you’ve neglected to tip me in the past
Then I'll just go to your manager and ask to be served, wow you sure showed me. Enjoy wiping down the bar during closing time at 2am while I'm at home.

>> No.11464021

I'm weirdly paranoid about someone spitting in my food, so not only do I tip on delivery I even tip on carryout sometimes because I assume those tips get spread to each BOH employee

>> No.11464024

Obviously. That’s why I said if you’ve neglected to tip in the past. It really only applies to people revisiting the bar. If you’re going to a bar for the first time and never plan to return, you can definitely get away with not tipping.

However, if you’re local and plan on revisiting, it’s beneficial to tip. If you tip MORE than a dollar a beer, you’ll get priority over customers nearly every time. I have regulars who tip me 30% and they’re always watched closely to make sure they get a new beer exactly when they’re finished, even if someone else is waiting. It’s just how it is. Plus, most bartenders get a free beer or two per shift. In my experience, I always give these away to good tippers to incline them to return or stay and drink more.

>> No.11464030

What is the appeal of a bar? My custom is to invite over a couple of friends who live within walking distance and share a bottle over a movie/album/youtube/campfire. Bars where I live are where old barflies go to play pool and incoherently bitch about their lives, I've never had any motivation to drink at those dives.

>> No.11464041

>What is the appeal of a bar?
Normalfags who find roasties attractive go there to get some beef.

>> No.11464051

Bartenders have a remarkable relationship with their owners. It isn’t a restaurant where you’re talking to some old man who owns the local Indian place and doesnt know or care about their servers. Owners and bartenders often share beers after closing and they get to know eachother well. Beer is cheap. Bars have lots of customers. It isn’t a huge loss for someone to leave, especially if they don’t tip. I mean, if you want to seek the manager (who, a lot of nights, won’t be there) for every beer, that’s something you can do. Good luck convincing him that I’ve ignored your or getting him to care. Plus, I’ll just tell him you don’t tip and he’ll understand.

>> No.11464052

I tipped my Domino's driver a PS2 wrestling game in a paper sleeve marked "sonic" some months back when my friend ordered and paid with his card but we had no petty change on us.

>> No.11464054

I don't mean to be rude here, but help me understand:
The drinks at a bar are always substantially more expensive than those same drinks would be when served at home. That's fine, if I'm out somewhere being served by someone I expect to pay more, since I'm paying for their time and whatnot. But doesn't that make the idea of a tip redundant?

>> No.11464068

All my regulars are pretty lonely but, mostly, normal people. They bond with the other regulars to the point where they know EXACTLY when the group will show up. It’s like a friend group that only meets at the bar. Aside from that, it’s normal people and their friends/girlfriends who want a night not spent at home. Certainly not for everyone, but I like the environment

>> No.11464073

>Bartenders have a remarkable relationship with their owners
Is this bait or do you really think your owner is going to defend you hurting his business. Let's just say there's a reason you're working as a bartender.

>> No.11464081

You aren’t paying for their time, though. You’re paying for the beer to be ‘on draft’ and come out of a keg. At my bar, you’re paying for a selection of beer that you can’t find in local stores and that’s imported from states all over the US. Don’t mean to make it sound more glamorous than it is, it’s just beer. But that’s what customers are paying for: different types of beer from all over the us/world on draft. To cover these costs, the beer is more. Your bartender gets paid roughly 2-3 dollars an hour depending on where they work.

>> No.11464087

Fair enough, and at least two of my friends fit that description and have brought me out on their barhop nights a few times. I'm a mostly antisocial cheapass though so you can understand my lack of enthusiasm for bars. I get what you're talking about though, last summer my small group of friends had a campfire site in the woods near my house, enclosed in a primitive little shack made of deadwood and junk with a couple folding chairs and a table inside. It made for a neat little place to go and drink on the weekends, sitting in front of a fire 'inside' with beer/liquor, so I get the whole "place friends meet up at" angle you describe.

>> No.11464088

>Your bartender gets paid roughly 2-3 dollars an hour depending on where they work.
What kind of retard says yes to working for $3/hr?

>> No.11464089

Owners throw people out of bars all the time for being indignant, drunk, or unruly. Bars lose customers a lot. One guy who doesn’t understand tipping doesn’t kill the business. I know, for a fact, that my owner would take my side in a careful way a la “oh I’m sorry sir it’s really busy, what can you do?”

Obviously if it isn’t a busy night, you’ll get served. I can’t get away with straight-up denying you drinks if there’s nothing else to do

>> No.11464091

>You aren’t paying for their time, though.
I'm not? That seems like the only reasonable justification for the extremely high markup most bars charge.

>>Your bartender gets paid roughly 2-3 dollars an hour depending on where they work.
That I didn't know. I thought they were paid like management, not on the same level of pay as a waiter or waitress. That helps explain things.

>> No.11464093

Dunno. I made 400 dollars on Saturday night on tips.

>> No.11464096

>What kind of retard says yes to working for $3/hr?
a """"retard"""" who knows he'll be taking home a lot more than that, but in the form of tips rather than wages.

>> No.11464097

Please. You think bartenders are worth more than waiters? Bartenders are way more replaceable.

>> No.11464100

The retarded women who don't have an education and want the chance to bitch whenever she wants because "stupid fucks only gave me $5 even though they bought lobster instead of hamburger"

>> No.11464102

The markup is to cover the raw cost of the beer + import cost. Also, the bar needs to make money. So, obviously they can’t simply break even on a purchase. Servers aren’t really factored in, hence why theyre paid so little.

>> No.11464113

I'm thinking about not serving OP anymore. Ever since I got this job it made me realize you shouldn't be trying to please someone hired only by their parents, and I don't want to encourage his poor decisions.

Has anyone done him? What is he in for?

>> No.11464117

I don’t think that you’re right. Regulars come back for the bartenders, not the bar. That’s why they choose it in the first place. Regulars, collectively, pump hundreds of dollars a day into bars. Switch your bartenders, lose the regulars. I have at least ten regulars who ONLY come when I’m working. They just like to chat at the bar.

>> No.11464120

>Dunno. I made 400 dollars on Saturday night on tips.

So, while every other worker pays taxes for welfare, schools, roads, & services, waiters & bartenders just leech off of society. Seems fair.

>> No.11464126

>tipping culture


>> No.11464130

>this job needs to exist to fulfill my needs
>I do not want to pay people to do this job

Stop eating out.

>> No.11464131

>but in the form of tips rather than wages
So then why get uppity if I don't tip? Surely some kind person will more than make up for me not tipping. After all, you know for a fact you'll be getting tipped. Except for when I didn't.

>> No.11464132

>The markup is to cover the raw cost of the beer + import cost. Also, the bar needs to make money. So, obviously they can’t simply break even on a purchase.
Sure, I get all that. I just figured that the standard markup was already more than enough to cover all those costs as well as make a profit.

>>Servers aren’t really factored in, hence why theyre paid so little.
That's the surprising part to me. I figure if I'm paying 4-5x what I would pay drinking at home then surely the bar can pay the bartender a decent wage without having to tip. It's not like a bar has to do anywhere close to the same level of work that a kitchen does, and yet the markup seems to be even higher for drinks than it is for restaurant food.

>> No.11464133

This. Please stop going to places that expect tips.

>> No.11464139

>So then why get uppity if I don't tip?
Because you are the odd man out who is not following the expected social contract.

>> No.11464141

>shouldn't be trying to please someone hired only by their parents
Project more, I went to school and got a job offer just by showing up to class. Maybe if you didn't spend your late teens smoking weed behind the dumpster you'd have done the same.

>> No.11464146

Tips are taxed anon.

>> No.11464147

The first bar I ever went to alone had a friendly bartender who made that weird lonely evening nice. It was New Years, I was barely 21, and had nobody to go anywhere with, so I went to a random bar determined to drink even if it was by myself.
A good bartender really can make a difference, she sat and chitchatted with me off and on all night, raising my spirits and making me feel less out of place at the time. A disinterested bartender would've made for a completely different night, from my view.

>> No.11464152

You pay taxes on tips you idiot

>> No.11464154

You were the odd man out if you thought niggers deserved rights 80 years ago. What's your point? Society isn't always right.

>> No.11464158

99.9% of waiters don't report their tips.

>> No.11464165

so it sounds like your compliant is with tax evasion, not the law itself?

>> No.11464171


This. My gf takes home more than I do during the holiday seasons and never pays any taxes on tips while I'm stuck paying close to 30%. And I'm the one who has to pay off school loans & etc. She's very lucky to be working for a nice restaurant, otherwise she has almost no education or skill sets.

>> No.11464173

Some idiot who willingly agrees to be paid 2 dollars an hour isn't going to fucking report his tips as income, get real

>> No.11464177

Those unamerican bastards need to pay their fair share!
Get the tiki torches lads!

>> No.11464181

don't they have to when the tips are via credit card? wouldn't those go onto some form of paycheck (to be taxed) otherwise if the restaurant just cashes everyone out then they would have to pay tax on the income still. seems more likely it would be the restaurant evading taxes in that situation, as most tips are on cards now anyway.
of course no one would report cash tips though

>> No.11464185

So the bar passes along the information to the IRS. My owner requires the cash tips to be processed at the end of the night so he can pass the figures along. If the bar isnt reporting ANY cash tips (which would be plausible if the servers aren’t reporting anything) you can expect an audit. No bar wants an audit. Thus, it’s in the owners interest to make sure that tips get reported. If they find out you’re hiding your tips, you’ll probably be fired.

Meanwhile, credit tips are automatically processed when you put them in the computer, and are automatically taxed in the process.

>> No.11464186

nobody gives a fuck about the laws, they make more money than anybody else working there while doing the least amount.

>> No.11464187

>don't they have to when the tips are via credit card?
Americans haven't progressed that far yet. Most people still use cash.

>> No.11464190

i’m not sure if thus will make sense to everyone, but i like to just go out sometimes to get away from my family, to be ‘anonymous’ in a crowd, to be alone amongst people and sometimes to try new liquor
bars can be fun, but i guess they’re not for everyone

>> No.11464194

This is 100% untrue. Approximately 30% of my tips are in cash, if that.

>> No.11464198

How to troll /ck/
>start a tipping thread
>watch the retards in the service industry smash the cool-down timer.

>> No.11464214

Not everyone can enjoy being in an unfamiliar crowd like that, but some do and I get where you're coming from there. I tend to be more comfortable at home or a friend's house, or camping even, if I'm to sit down and have some drinks with people. But that's only me, opinions and all that.

>> No.11464221

It's not even a troll. I'm truly baffled that someone willingly agrees to be paid below minimum wage and then expects society (me) to make up for it. They can suck my cock

>> No.11464231

Luckily restaurants/bars don’t wait on many incels. They prefer to stay at home and complain for some reason...

>> No.11464246

honestly i really only do this maybe once a week.
i usually just drink at home.
but sometimes i just like to be left alone. i like to go out for food or go to a movie alone sometimes too

>> No.11464252

How many drinks can you serve in an hour?
And here you are down a dollar and all pissy about it. You don’t deserve nearly all those tips but in your greedy cunt mind you think you deserve more?

>> No.11464254

>movie alone
A wonderful feeling

>> No.11464268

>Luckily restaurants/bars don’t wait on many incels
Are you sure? I go out every week

>> No.11464283

THIS!!!! Plus fucking basic bitch baristas bitch you poured me an overpriced coffee gtfo. Bartenders who make me a dank cocktails get a tip tho.

>> No.11464290

Depends on the shift. Monday afternoon you might only serve a few. Depends on the bar.

And I’m just telling you how it is. Don’t tip if you want, but you’ll get treated like shit in the future. Tip well, you’ll be treated as such. You can call it pissy or whatever, but it’s a near-universal in bartending; they don’t like customers that don’t tip and their service will suffer as a result. Also, I don’t run into many “no tip” instances, seeing as drunk people are markedly nicer once you’ve chatted them up a while. Also, See: >>11464231

>> No.11464303

Well thank fuck I live in Australia then.
Fuck tipping.
There are enough charities at the shopping centres asking for your change already.

>> No.11464401

I hate tipping culture because instead of being a thing to encourage better than normal service it's turned into something the little shits who work at restaurants think they're entitled to and will actively do below average work if they think you won't do it. the only reason I tip is because I'm afraid of spit in my food. I can't wait until touch screens and conveyor belts put all of these cocksuckers out of work.

>> No.11464616

You think you’re justified in this but you are just a shitty bartender.
I’d fire you if I found out you were doing that in my restaurant. Customers aren’t there to tip you they are there to have a good time and you are paid to provide that good time. Do your fucking job you overpaid drink attendant.

>> No.11464625

>i'm an ape that puts my poo poo in food I dislike
Wow cool man

>> No.11464631

This bartender thinks he’s some special breed because he pours Miller light instead of Diet Coke.

>> No.11464655

Yeah the contract of paying you double what your labor is worth. Fuck you, you entitled shitty bartender

>> No.11464658

On a real note, OP, it’s highly doubtful that anyone will fuck with your food for not tipping, even if you are a repeat offender. You will likely get less attentive service though. As a former pizza delivery driver of about 3 years, I memorized pretty much all of the addresses of repeat customers, and the non-toppers where always at the bottom of my priority list. There was only one time in the three years that I fucked with someone’s food. It was an extremely rude fat black lady who complained about trivial things constantly. One time on the way to take her order, I ate some of her breadsticks. Felt good.

>> No.11464695

Anyone who has worked in a restaurant knows that bartenders think they are special and set apart from the servers. Always gotta keep an eye on them and lay down the law when they get uppity about how they are only making 17 an hour.

>> No.11464708

>what am I in for?

You're in for a lot of bitching and moaning from people who feel entitled to tips. They will talk about how they don't earn a living wage and how their tips are the only thing that allows them to pay their rent. They will call you selfish and talk about how much of a piece of shit you are.

They will make you the bad guy, even though the actual bad guy is the industry they work in which has made is an absolute norm to pay their employees as little as legally possible. If you bring this up then they will make the claim that if their employers paid them a living wage then the cost of your meal would increase, even though the cost would be roughly comparable to what your total is + tip.

They want you to tip them to make up the difference from their employers shitty business practices, which, if remedied would result in basically the same end game for them. But they want to make you, the customer, accountable for their livelihoods when in reality they should hold themselves accountable for continuing to slave away under the thumb of greedy fuckheads.

Watch the hate I'll get for saying this.

>> No.11464731

I usually follow the old days tipping 10 percent or 15 if your better than expected
but sometimes at these places that have tip jars and hot girls in stretch pants, I'll throw 60 percent or more in like I'm under a spell

>> No.11464853

>What am I in for?

If you're returning to the same restaurant(s) frequently, you're in for bad service at best and possibly spit/dirt/pubic hair/whatever in your food.

I don't tip, but I also eat out less than once a week and not at the same restaurant more than once every 6-8 weeks.

>> No.11465162

In case some people weren't aware, some states/cities require restaurants to pay minimum wage (CA is $11 whereas San Francisco is $15) but other states have tax credits for tipped employees allowing them to pay roughly $2-3 an hour in comparison. Ideally these are adjusted for the cost of living for each area. Now depending on where you live and the restaurant/bar you work they'll decide how you pay taxes and tip out based on either actual tips claimed or sales. Like this anon >>11464185 said, most bars and restaurants do not want an audit and will look for employees hiding tips. Some places will actually tax you based off your sales to ensure compliance rather than what you claim. With regards to tipping, if you don't tip at an establishment that goes off of sales, you will actually cost your server money.

This is how cash out was where I used to work. Say a server gets $2000 in sales, assuming an average of 18% that should be around $360 in tips for the night. For Taxed on Tips will tip your Busser out 15% ($54), the Host 5% ($18), Food Runner 8% ($29), Bar 5% on drinks (Say $8) which means they'll end up with about $250 for the shift, $250 get's taxed.
However, for Taxed on Sales say tip out was based on sales and the server only averaged 15% (-$60) for the night then it's taking them to $190 that gets taxed at $250. Additionally, server tips are an indicator for many managers on how good the server is at their job. Worse tips = worse/less shifts until the server quits so they don't have to pay them unemployment.

I agree with you that it's a terrible industry and the industry has absolutely fucked workers in that regard--but I'm also not sure I would prefer giving the business itself money and trusting it pay it's employees a living wage either. I'm fairly dog shit with general employee costs, but is there actually not an economic incentive for restaurant owners to just raise the cost of food and pay employees a livable wage?

>> No.11465258

>in MY restaurant
anon, this isn’t the macaroni grill you co-manage. It’s a bar. With tips as an incentive, a bartender will obviously prioritize those that tip well, especially on busy nights.

>> No.11465270

Tipping is total HORSESHIT.

The Cooks who do all the work get paid much less than the servers who get your drink and walk the food to you.

How is it fair that you give money to the pretty severing girl who works many less hours then the guys in the back and she gets paid more?

>> No.11465272

They are being paid minimum wage.
The tricky thing is minimum wage is drastically lower for jobs where tips are expected. Technically an underperforming server is supposed to be compensated by their employer if their tip income is still lower than the real minimum wage, but an underperforming server will also be fired.

These cowardly faggots need to stop passively aggressively spitting in peoples foods and start forming unions, correcting unfair working conditions is literally the one thing unions are good for.

>> No.11465291

Fast food cuisine is just great food done quickly.
You are just bitter because you arent chefs

>> No.11465296

>even though the cost would be roughly comparable to what your total is + tip
That's not true at all, it would be much lower. Look, the servant is getting an avg. of 15% of every tables' check which on a typical night would far exceed what they deserve for taking your order, bringing drinks and your food and occasionally checking on you. The owner and the servant know the value of the labor and appropriately, they would receive far less than the overly inflated amount they currently receive. The cost of the meal is lower and the servant gets what their labor is worth, period. And that's why FOH is always wailing and gnashing their teeth itt, because they know they're currently running a scam and people are waking up and saying, "fuck it, never tip."

>> No.11465301

What the fuck does a bartender need tips for? You've already got 100% profit margin by charging double what the actual bottle costs at the liquor store, and that's on top of the liquor store's own profit margins.
>hurr burr i make the complicated starbucks tier cocktails
All I want is a wellshot and a beer you entitled shit

Burn this whole industry to the ground already fucking hell I can't wait for you to be replaced by robots.

>> No.11465314



>> No.11465476

>using incel as an insult
>on 4chan

>> No.11465488

To be fair, nobody likes /r9k/.

>> No.11465516

It's a lot more of a markup than that. Most wines priced by the glass are priced around what one bottle cost. Well shots are where bars make the most. Usually wholesale cost is around $11 per bottle or cheaper for well, 39 1.5oz shots @ $.28 a shot sold for $5 a piece. You can make ~$189 on each bottle sold not accounting for any breakage. You just have to actually sell the 39 shots.

>> No.11465523
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>ever since I got mine I realized "hey fuck everyone else, I got mine"

>> No.11465651

Pretty much this. If you don't have yours maybe you should go out and get it.

>> No.11465661

Fuck you too I suppose

>> No.11465735

In my experience rich customers are really generous with tips.

>> No.11465744

this is true. consider a 6 person table with a check around $200. 15% of that is $30 for probably 15 minutes of actual work. that's skilled trade money for carrying a few plates.

>> No.11465773

Okay yeah high profile servers make a fuck ton of money but normal servers don’t. If you want to skimp on them, I get it. But some nobody working at fred’s diner isn’t making 30 bucks a table

>> No.11465789

there are always avenues to better yourself and to earn a better income. Fuck off you mediocre joe

>> No.11465794

>you could be like me and collect welfare! That way you aren’t leeching off other people’s hard-earned money

>> No.11465796

But you can't go back there ever again.

>> No.11465807

If you found out just how much waitresses make on average you'd stop tipping and letting people guilt you into it. They often make 2-3x minimum wage on average nights but pretend they barely even scrape by.

>> No.11465808

You can but you’ll get treated like shit

>> No.11465813

This is the biggest bullshit in the world and you’ve obviously never worked as one. Slow shift? You’ll make 20 bucks over 8 hours.
>haha well get a better job!
That’s not the point you’re making. Also see: >>11465773

>> No.11465825

How slow a shift are you talking? Do you work in a diner in the middle of a corn field in Ohio or something? I live in a relatively small town and have never seen a waiter without at least 5+ tables each hour.

>> No.11465828

>You’ll make 20 bucks over 8 hours.
Which isn't legal because that is making less than minimum after tips as we all know from having this same conversation 1000x.

>> No.11465845

? You’ve never been to a restaurant that had less than five tables occupied? That’s incredible.
You can have a slow shift and still make the minimum tips required for a month (30 dollars).
>The United States of America federal government requires a wage of at least $2.13 per hour be paid to employees that receive at least $30 per month in tips.
So yes, it’s legal to make 20 dollars over 8 hours you fucking idiot

>> No.11465888
File: 143 KB, 1004x769, tipped_wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that people who expect tips are selfish assholes

>> No.11465897


>> No.11465906

>unable to read
Yes, I realize. However please understand that the federal minimum is still 30 dollars a month. Thus if you make 30 dollars on tips the first night of the month and, for the rest of the month, you make 2.13 an hour without tips, that’s acceptable. What is it about /ck/ that attracts illiterate mongs? Is it the fast food threads?

>> No.11465926
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im not even gonna explain to you why you're stupid because you just wont understand.

>> No.11465978

Who, bear with me, who willingly, as in of their own volition, agrees to take a job like that? You would have to suffer from some severe mental disability if you take a job with pay conditions that stupid.

>> No.11466000

Where are you pulling this 30/month from? Your ass? Its referring to that state's hourly minimum wage.

>> No.11466016

>waiters are unskilled labor
Sorry that you don’t have money to eat at a decent restaurant

>> No.11466032

My dad used to tip $1 no matter what. He had a deeply held belief that $1 was always enough for any tip. He was also a man of routine too so we would go to the same place over and over every Sunday for breakfast, a family of 4 and tip $1. This was around 10 years ago.

I never noticed us getting bad service. Maybe I'm not that observant but we got our food in a timely fashion. I guess there's no telling if they spit in our food but I don't really believe it. I think that's mostly a rumor they spread to scare you into tipping. Really spitting in someones food is a serious crime.

>> No.11466039


>> No.11466064

I was a bartender in an amerilard bar. On top of having the country's highest min wage, I'd generally take home $100-$150 in tips a night for 8 hrs of work.

Tipping is fucking retarded but I benefit from it and will perpetuate the retarded cycle

>> No.11466071
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>presented evidence that proves him wrong
>keeps talking out of his ass without changing anything

>> No.11466076

what makes expensive food made by better cooks have to do with carrying it on a tray?
you could be blind and wouldn't know if it's 3 grilled cheese and a soup, or a lasagna with a side of asparagus

>> No.11466077

based retard

>> No.11466082

I don't tip because the quality of the food has nothing to do with how many times I need to decline the servant's request to refill my 3/4 full cup of water. I don't give a fuck how many times you ask me if I want it refilled - the answer will always be no. I don't give a fuck how many times you ask me if "everything is good", because you didn't cook it and the quality or condition of the food is irrelevant concerning YOU. I won't be back for another 6 months. You won't remember me. You won't remember to spit in my food. You probably won't even be working here anymore because you change jobs every 3 months. Fuck you. Get MAD.

Food servants are the fucking scum of the earth when they behave in any sort of entitled or vengeful manner.

The CHEF made the food good, or sub par. The servant did close to nothing at all. Tip the CHEF.

>> No.11466097

just let them refill your water

>> No.11466108

>ah yes please it was diet Pepsi
>broken english: pep-sprite?
>no I had diet Pepsi
>oh oh die
>brings drink back
>root beer

>> No.11466115

"No", perpetually. So sorry if this makes them feel less useful. I don't fucking care, really.

>> No.11466158

Explain where I’m wrong. If you take over 30 dollars in tips a month, you are paid 2.13 an hour. The previous anon’s assertion was that it would be ILLEGAL to make 20 dollars over an 8 hour shift (as retarded as that sounds). My point is that you have slow shifts in the service industry. You can make 20 dollars over an 8 hour shift.

So now if you brainlets could tell me why I’m retarded, I’d love to hear it. Please don’t resort to “oh my god he won’t understand.” I know NEETS have a loose grasp on minimum wage and what that even means, but try to keep up

>> No.11466181
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>math is hard, but I'm sure I'm right!

>> No.11466226

Nice explanation brainlet. Doesn’t change the fact that you can make 20 dollars over 8 hours on a slow shift.

>> No.11466233

The 'make up the difference' is referring to hourly wage. There is no such thing as monthly wage for waiters.

>> No.11466250

I doubt people who couldn't get a GED have reaching memories

>> No.11466251

It is absolutely not referring to hourly wages. The ‘hourly wage’ referred to is summed up at the end of the month, hence the condition that the waiter must make at least 30 dollars a month in tips. A condition that is quantified in months implies that the end of the month is, obviously, when the difference would be made were it not met.

How else would the 30 dollars a month condition be evaluated

>> No.11466254

If you know you could possibly make $20 for an 8 hour shift of work wouldn't that be a giant red flag that it's a shitty job? Sure that's fine when you're 16, 17, but at some point you need to grow up and stop trying to live off work meant for literal children. And I don't tip children.

>> No.11466296

This isn’t the argument. Everyone knows the industry sucks. But you also don’t want an inept sixteen year-old serving you when you muster enough cash for a nice dinner.

>> No.11466331

The person you are whining to has a better point than you do. I'm guessing that is because you are a pathetic food servant. Cry us a river and drown yourself in it.

>> No.11466791

>high profile
you can easily rack up $20 per person at shitty chains like chilis or ruby tuesdays, especially if you order appetizers or beer.

>> No.11466827

>this is the average iq of a waitress
if you make less than $30 a month in tips you have to be paid the normal minimum wage. this is for jobs like bag boys at a grocery store that might get $1 for carrying old ladies groceries out once in a while. if you make more than $30 a month in tips the employer can pay you a lower hourly wage, but if that wage + tips is less than the normal minimum hourly wage the employer has to make up the difference. if you have been making less than minimum wage and not going after your employer for the difference you are a retard and they are breaking the law.

>> No.11466842 [DELETED] 
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Ok so i get what /ck/ thinks of waiters and tipping but what about delivery guys? I usually tip delivery guys 3-4 bucks. I work as a delivery guy myself and I'm perfectly content with that. Of course I'd like to make more but if you tip me 3-4 bucks, we're cool. 5 bucks plus and you're bro tier. Worse i've had is niggers asking for exact change when i don't carry coins on me. As everyone in the service industry knows, niggers don't tip.

>> No.11466958

I tip my pizza driver $2. I'm already paying a $3 delivery fee and it's insanity to pay $6+ to have a pizza that only cost $8 delivered, especially when I live less than a mile away. I would tip $1 or less but I'm afraid of getting "extra toppings." lately I've just been eating frozen pizza to avoid the trouble.

>> No.11466961

what do you tell them when you don't have exact change?

>> No.11466977

I tell them I don't carry coins on me. Most will suck air through their teeth and very begrudgingly give me that 38 cents as my tip.

>> No.11466994

Undoubtedly true. The initial contention, if you scroll back, is that it would be illegal for someone to make 20 dollars over the course of 8 hours. This is, obviously, false. As in any job, there are surges and lulls. The anons over-arching point was that typical servers make, on average, triple the minimum wage. This is, obviously, false. When slow shifts are factored in, the wage comes to be a little above minimum (typically).

>> No.11467090

burger king foot lettuce no. 15?

>> No.11467233
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>when you hate paying more taxes for better infrastructure and services but you love doing greedy restaurant owners jobs for them by personally paying their employees

>> No.11467594

>chef at a well known fast food restaurant

>> No.11468875

I'm against tipping you mouth breather

>> No.11469399

>i am a chef
>well known fast food restaurant

sounds like you've had a few shit laced burgers yourself