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11456260 No.11456260 [Reply] [Original]

collegefag here, drank soda every day for a few years and am trying to cut it out of my diet after weening off it for a while. What's a good substitute drink I can have frequently without a health issue? Was considering pic related

>> No.11456290

Depends on what you like about soda. If it was the carbonation then maybe stick to sparkling water, if it was the convenience and price then that should work

>> No.11456306

Better off making your own tea concentrate and throwing it in a fridge/bringing it around with you to work. I do that with jasmine tea.

>> No.11456331

why can't you just drink water?

>> No.11456352

Water you fat fuck
Or at least limit yourself to 1 litre a week until you can completely come off of it

>> No.11456536

just force yourself to quit. actively drink strictly water or coffee for a couple days. The temptation will quickly subside

>> No.11456539

Kombucha for me

>> No.11456767

ive done this with lipton tea bags and it tastes like shit. is there a way to avoid oversaturation?

>> No.11456938

Try water. Coffee or tea as well.

>> No.11456956

I have found seltzer water is helpful. It gives you some bubbles with out the soda. I like plain the best or lemon lime.

>> No.11456960

Are you sure you mean oversaturation? A tea concentrate is usually close to saturation on purpose. You would usually use 2 grams per 30ml of water (roughly a teaspoon per ounce of water) and steep for the normal steeping time while stirring continuously. That concentrate can then be strained, sweetened (if you're not OP) and chilled. The concentrate is about 8 times the strength of a regular cup of tea, and traditionally the leaves would be re-extracted once, using a short extraction time, to produce a drinkable but weak tea.

What you're probably doing is over_extracting_ by using too little tea and leaving it to steep longer, which will extract more bitter tannins.

>> No.11456965

I make green tea and have a big pitch of it in the fridge at all times.

Unsweetened green tea. I drink gallons and gallons of it.

>> No.11458763

yes. last time i think my problem was that i was steeping too long. i don't sweeten it either. maybe it's just that it has a different flavor compared to the store bought stuff

>> No.11458823
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>> No.11459573
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I like Polar vs. the more popular La Croix. I use to drink a shitton of soda too in my college age years OP. Didn't help my roommate was fat and picky and wouldn't eat anything that was remotely healthy. Just restrict yourself to a 12oz if you feel you wanna indulge in it once and awhile.

>> No.11460527


Its hard to find a drink that isnt sweet.

I wish there were more options that were in the 20-30g range per 12-48oz range.

Its like in America, you have 100g of sugar or nothing (artificial or nothing) in terms of drinks. If there were only a slightly sweet (truly slightly) drink Id be all over it.

>> No.11460595
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The green is really good, I don't like the others they always taste stale to me.

>> No.11460605

Have you considered buying teabags and not adding sugar. I know that probably went right over your head.

>> No.11460634
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This plus a 25 mg worth of a caffeine pill if you get a headache from not drinking soda.

Light hawaiian punch is 10 calories with 2 g of sugar, that plus a pill or powder with a little bit of caffeine is pretty good.

>> No.11460703

That generic stuff is good when mixed with vodka, the problem is that it never keeps it's fizz for longer than 30 seconds or so.

>> No.11460709

>soda every day
Fucking Ameribeetuses

>> No.11460735

apple cider is cheap, has ZERO calories, mix it in a ratio of 1:8 cold water and you have extra perky flavourful 'apple juice'. ZERO CALORIES, and suppresses appetite. its magic

>> No.11460745

Try to find Izze.

It's fruit juice with carbonated water. 70% juice, no added sugar.
After drinking these, typical sodas taste syrupy to me - they're almost undrinkable.

>> No.11460762

I don’t think you’re talking about apple cider

>> No.11460770

oops, i meant apple cider VINEGAR

>> No.11460850

>trade one sugary drink for another
Drink water, you fat retarded faggot.

>> No.11460931

Just use one bag per a whole big ass thing of water. Refill the water when needed from your shower or something, also get some lime or lemon juice and add a few drops to the water. I think lime or lemon water is really good, hell go for broke and use both.

>> No.11460936
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>> No.11461016

>unsweetened tea
If there are any retarded faggots in this thread, you fit the bill.

>> No.11461049
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I switched to flavored sparkling waters like Sparkling Ice, they use small amounts of juice to flavor the water but it's low enough to still be zero calorie and you get some vitamins out of it. I actually did it to stop drinking caffeine, but have found that I like them more than soda now.

>> No.11463178
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This shit is vile

>> No.11463190

Lets be honest. He's not going to drink unsweetened tea.

>> No.11463349

I drink nothing but unsweetened tea but Gold Peak is literally the worst brand. If I am buying jugs of tea, tradewinds is usually my go to. Trader joes has good jugs of tea too.

>> No.11464723

terrible taste, for shame

>> No.11464879

Do they have squash in US?

I just moved to Germany and it barely exists. Having to get it brought over from UK.

>> No.11464913
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The blood orange flavour on bottle is actually godlike. The original orange one is way too bitter

>> No.11464973

Try carbonated water or those flavor squirt things

>> No.11465123

Water, unsweetened or mildly sweetened tea and coffee with creamer, milk & juice, and a soda/starbucks a couple times per week. In that order of preferences. You don't need to stock up on X brand of bottled shit, like you did soda, and drink a gallon of that per day like a Sperg.

>> No.11465129

Water retard. You gotta retrain your brain to stop associating drinking with flavor and pleasure and start associating it with hydration and maintenance.