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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11459170 No.11459170 [Reply] [Original]

You do remember salting your steak half an hour before cooking it, right anon? Right?

>> No.11459181

of course! but I prefer 45 minutes.
Anyone who doesn't hasn't seen the reloaded Good Eats on steak.

>> No.11459183

Salt Bae puts it on afterwards and he's much cooler than you are.

>> No.11459186

I only do overnight marinades, chump.

>> No.11459193

i do a good old fashion semen rub

>> No.11459401

How do you produce enough semen? Do you store a few days ahead?

>> No.11459441
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I was getting shit on in a thread last week for salting that far in advance. I asked why it was wrong but nobody had an answer.

>> No.11459462

Pretty sure the issue was with the pepper, not the salt bucko

>> No.11459470

>I was getting shit on in a thread last week
What time did you post? europoors and aussies like to come in with their two bit retardation.

>> No.11459491

Hey! Aussies are alright mate, you’re speakin with a true blue right now

>> No.11459494

There's nothing wrong with it. Some people will argue that it dries out the steak, but there's simply not enough time for it to do that. It tenderizes the meat, though.

>> No.11459500

>adding anything but salt before cooking
Enjoy burning pepper

>> No.11459505

You can use salt to tenderize meat. If you use too much and leave it on too long, it can have some weird effects outside of dissolving the sinew.

>> No.11459675
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No, those chastising me were sure to be a clear that it was the fact that I salted the steaks then let them rest for 30 minutes. My pic was not related, these were the actual steaks in question

I don't salt to tenderize. I do it to draw moisture to the surface (which i pat dry) to get a better sear

>> No.11459683
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>> No.11459684

in the comparison tests, the difference was neglible, measured in grams. three pieces of steak, same weight, one salted an hour before hand, one salted 10 minutes before hand, one salted right before putting them all on the grill

>> No.11459689

I clearly see pepper on there you lying nogger.

>> No.11459691

>awake this early
Bullshit, ya fuckin cunt.

>> No.11459700


>> No.11459715

>draw moisture to the surface (which i pat dry) to get a better sear
that didnt over-crowd the pan? You like to live on the edge huh. Nice Sear!

>> No.11459720

Me and Kenji lopez like burnt pepper.
Deal with it "eww pepper burn taste" faggots.

>> No.11459724

I am not denying that I pepper my steaks before cooking. I guess I'm guilty of breaking this made up rule (what is steak au poivre?), even though I prefer the taste as opposed to peppering after cooking. Several anons said that salting and then letting the steak rest was wrong and I'm still wondering why

>> No.11459730

>I pepper my steaks before cooking
Damn... what a shame.

>> No.11459751
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Lol, so much autism about this. Love that I can trigger you all so easily

>> No.11459768

I'm not the one that has to eat it m8

>> No.11459781

Ignore him, he's an idiot without any culinary chops or knowledge

>> No.11459799

>muh steak au poivre
Yeah, that's not what he set out to make and you know it. Nice try buddy.

>> No.11459807

Oh so it tastes bad!!!

>> No.11459816
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To each their own. I'm not saying your preference is wrong. Taste is subjective

>> No.11459826

>Taste is subjective
It's really not. Good excuse for people that can't cook, though.

>> No.11459846

It really is, don't be that guy.

>> No.11459849
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Lol, now I think you're just attempting to troll

>> No.11459852

Sorry, I forgot you have special different taste buds. Carry on then.

>> No.11459853

taste is 100% subjective
for example you love the taste of dicks in your mouth and i prefer chocolate milk

>> No.11459866

>he cant produce gallons worth of semen on demand

>> No.11460100
File: 1.33 MB, 3840x2160, meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never made a post on /ck/ before even though
I've been on this site for 14 years.

There's salt in the spice I put on the meat anyway.

I spice and then for 45-60 minutes (don't want to cook meat that comes directly from the fridge which is set to 4°C).

>> No.11460182

i smell dk, which I like

>> No.11460258

what cut is that? that fat is horribly marbled.

>> No.11460465

You should post more often. Your food looks good

>> No.11460479

Chuck eye steak

>> No.11460489

Steak: the most autistic food item of them all

>> No.11460514
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>b-but a good steak only needs salt and pepper!

>> No.11460520
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>> No.11460557

I did the "reverse sear" last week, and the internal temperature was perfect. If I were to do it again, instead of searing in a cast iron skillet, I'd crank my grill up to Ludacris Speed and char it there.

>> No.11460573

Nothing. People are retarded and think it'll suck the moisture out of the steak and leave it bleeding all over your plate before you even cook it. This is not how osmosis works.

As for why they give you shit for peppering before searing, because there's a concern the pepper will (probably) burn being in contact with the hot pan and oil. Remember lots of people sear at nuclear forge temps of like 500 degrees

>> No.11460584

You got it backwards. Instead of using the oven use your grill with indirect heat and chunks of hardwood. This slowly cooks the steak (set the grill to be 225 - 250F indirect heat) and lets the steak take on the smoke. You then fire up that grill full bore with a cast iron pan for the final searing.

The charcoal grill also dries the surface of the steak of any moisture (only oil from the steak fat is on the surface) so it makes it prepared for searing.

>> No.11460712

>Your food looks good
How the fuck do you know? It's just a picture of ingredients.

>> No.11461019
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, E0FE1DD4-8FF3-4B07-A52E-BA73041BC613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sous vide to mid rare. Hard sear. One on the right didn’t make good contact, so fuck me.

>> No.11461023

God dammit. Fucking rotated picture.

>> No.11461849

he said it LOOKS good, you retard

>> No.11461853

>sous vide
Is this shit worth it? For steaks its nothing you can't get with pan and oven. What else is it good for? Don't know if i can be fuck bathing my meats for hours before hand.

>> No.11462113

>Anyone who doesn't hasn't seen the reloaded Good Eats on steak.
Either their website is a piece of shit or someone has decided to make it look like an error instead of telling me to fuck off for being Australian.

>> No.11462133


Sous vide is the best way to cook a steak.

You reverse sear it. Meaning you cook it first then you sear / grill it at a very high temp.

You can try it out by putting a steak in a ziplock and put it in a bowl and run hot water over it in the sink for about 45 mins to an hour.

Test the temp of the water to about 120 or so. Then when you sear the steak hard it will come up to about 130.

>> No.11462140

>Don't know if i can be fuck bathing my meats for hours before hand
I thought it was pretty set and forget. Like a rice cooker.

>> No.11462346
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Slightly north east of dk.

Can't promise.
People think I have a strange food habit.

pic related is some weekend snacks.

>> No.11462371

Sous vide gives you a steak that is cooked to precisely the doneness you want every time, at the cost of some cooking time and a shallow crust. So you get a 95% perfect steak 100% of the time.
You can make a better steak with conventional cooking methods, but unless you are a steak master you will not pull off that perfect doneness with anywhere near the reliability of sous vide. For us mortals it's the best option imo

>> No.11462398

You're drawing moisture out, which is classically wrong, but some people actually prefer this; not me though. The very dry and almost tacky surface from the refrigeration sears super nicely. I think people were shitting on you because you were an annoying cunt in that thread

>> No.11462408

palatelet detected

server the same dishes to a diverse clientile and you will see

>> No.11462420

What's that shit on the right?

>> No.11462437

Sliced cold (sub-8°C) yellow onions.

Room temp onions taste bad, don't store onions in room temp.

>> No.11462465



>> No.11462486

wh*te p*ople say you shouldn't pepper a steak because they be unable to handle the spiciness

>> No.11462599 [DELETED] 

Formerly feed

>> No.11462604

>gallons worth of semen
Is this the power of Super Beta Prostate™?

>> No.11462772

>its nothing you can't get with pan and oven
It's a convenience you absolutely can't get with the oven, because if you leave your steaks too long in the oven they dry out, but if you leave them too long in sous vide, they just stay at that temperature forever.

>> No.11462805
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>> No.11462819

Such an awful waste of water, you should be ashamed of even thinking about this.