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File: 63 KB, 750x460, beer-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11457924 No.11457924 [Reply] [Original]

whats the deal with alcohol /b/?
im a 23 year old man and i dont like the taste of it. i get why you would just want to be drunk. but id rater have a delicious sweet fruit juice. is it a culture thing? am i a woman?

>> No.11457933

Yes it's a cultural thing. Yeah I feel good drunk/buzzed, but it's expensive and unhealthy. I have enough self-destructive habits as it is, I really don't need to add alcohol to the mix.

>> No.11457937

It tastes good and it makes you feel good. If you don't like it you don't like, idk what to tell you. I'm not posting thread about "Whats the deal with mushrooms" because I dont like them. People like different things.

>> No.11457944

You're a woman. Why drink a bunch of sweet and sugary drinks instead of just eating some candy?

I mean really, I'm fine with a nice glass of real juice from time to time, but I can't have more than one without feeling like I'm eating candy, it doesn't quench my thirst, etc. Alcohol tastes pretty good and has the great effect of making everything more fun.

I pretty much only drink alcohol and water with the occasional coffee or juice.

>> No.11457950

get your test levels checked

>> No.11457955

kys zoomer

>> No.11457956

its fun and many alcoholic drinks taste good, and its pretty much necessary to fit in in most type of social situations

>> No.11458567

You're a woman, but the bad boring pissy kind

>> No.11458608
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is there any other kind? ;^)

>> No.11458650
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It just means you don't like it. To some people alcohol is bitter, and to others it tastes sweet, including liquor.

>> No.11458665

That would explain a lot, actually.

>> No.11458675

alcohol is generally more palatable than juice

>> No.11458684

next level alcoholic right here lads.

>> No.11458697

juice tastes like garbage admit it

>> No.11458708
File: 34 KB, 600x400, anon talking about juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>juice tastes like garbage admit it

>> No.11458720
File: 277 KB, 1067x1600, Weihenstephaner Vitus S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 out of 10 times the first time you try alcohol it's some cheap generic horrible shit, especially when it comes to beer.
If only people encouraged others to try an actual decent version of the drink as their first drink instead of slightly alcoholic pisswater there would be no threads like these.

>> No.11458736

You're fine, OP. I tried alcohol a couple times and it's overrated. Been sober for years and don't regret anything. I much prefer refreshing water.

>> No.11458770

I'm 31, been an alcoholic for 10 years and still don't like the taste of it.
Alcohol tastes like shit but we drink it because life's shit and we do what we have to do to get through another day.

>> No.11458904

Try exploring different brands and types of drinks. in the alcohol world most of the time if it's cheap it tastes bad. Seeing as you like juice try ciders.

As to why? because it makes things fun.

>> No.11458950

I don't mind the odd mixed drink every now and then for say brunch when I actually got shit to do later, but otherwise beer of many varieties is good and gets the job done.Too much sweet alcohol makes me sick anyway. To write off all alcohol besides sweet stuff is pretty childish. Just try new stuff here and there. Believe it or not you gotta try different stuff to find out if you like it.

>> No.11458989

if you'd rather drink fruit juice then just buy some fruit beers or fruity ipas
its 2018, no one gives a fuck if youre a male and want a sweet alcoholic drink

>> No.11460608

It helps a lot loosening up for dates. That's pretty much the only good use for it. Other than that it's mainly just tradition. The more you can stay away from it the better though.

>> No.11460613

This is true. My first beer was a Naty Ice.

>> No.11460628

>doesn't like the taste of alcohol
I don't know what you're on about, m8, tastes like heaven to me.

>> No.11460637

Are you retarded? People drink it to get drunk

>> No.11460694

Personally, I hate sweet flavors. I think if you gave up sugary foods and drinks and started drinking alcohol regularly you would develop a taste for it. And once you've developed a taste you're opening up a whole new world for your palate. Not that I would condone forcing yourself to drink alcohol. But I don't know how this doesn't happen naturally for the average person, unless you didn't drink at all growing up. I forced a lot of alcohol down my throat as a teenager and eventually it got to the point where it didn't bother me anymore, and from there it grew into something I enjoyed. Of course, the effect alcohol has on you is pleasant, but really it's inseparable from the taste and experience of drinking it. Once you can appreciate that I think you can start to enjoy the taste. I don't know, maybe I'm just an alcoholic. But if I even smell alcohol in the air my fingers start tingling. I love the stuff.

>> No.11460696

Nothing wrong with not liking alcohol. Free will exists in the world.

>> No.11460718

You're kind of gay but at least you will likely avoid becoming an alcoholic. Congrats.

>> No.11461343

to be fair, living in america i thought beer sucked for a good while
then i visited germany for a few months and all the beer was legitimately delicious
i think my tastes had changed between trying it here and trying it there, and im 20 right now so i have another year until i am literally allowed to drink. guess i'll find out if it was really the difference in quality soon.

>> No.11461381

>23 years old
>still giving a fuck about bants when drinking in public
Just roll with it the only people who care are probably poor. I ddrink "manly" drinks and my friend doesn't but I'm not going to be a tard and go " LOL GIRLY"

>> No.11461417

I absolutely hate alcohol but I can't stay away from it.
>go on a bender
>feel like absolute shit
>life has no feeling to it
>decide this has to stop
>slowly start detoxing
>start feeling like a human again
>life feels good
>be sober for a week and then start thinking again
>everything is shit again
Why do I torment myself with this shit I hate?

>> No.11461425

Beer tastes really good. It's almost a shame that it has to be alcoholic. Hard liquors though, those are for men. Literally. As males get older, we lose some of our sensitivity to bitter tastes. Instead you're able to taste other things that would be otherwise masked by the bitterness.

>> No.11461639

Count yourself fortunate that you don't feel like you can't live without it.

>> No.11461968

There are acquired tastes. Most of what people recommend are for people who have acquired those tastes and perhaps not for beginners.
There are plenty of wines and ciders that taste like delicious fruit juice and there is a far larger variety than what you will find at a supermarket juice isle. From wines you would slowly drink ones with more tannin / wood character / darker fruits until you're drinking Barossa Shiraz like a good Australian. From cider you could move into a light beer like a lager (bit of a stretch) or into a tropical IPA like a good hipster. If you do end up liking the wood notes in the wine or the malt notes in the beer then whisky is not far off.

And if you're not even that far along you can start with premixes. Vodka+lemonade is better than just lemonade, bourbon+coke is better than vanilla coke and alcoholic ginger beer has a greater selection than the non-alcoholic kind.