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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 752x501, SOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11456942 No.11456942 [Reply] [Original]

What will actually happen if i eat huge amounts of this everyday?

(thinking of becoming a vegan but i still want protein)

>> No.11456945

You will become a beautiful woman

>> No.11456948

There are so many other sources of protein which taste nicer and don't mess with your hormones. Nuts are a better option imo but just do some research into non animal proteins.

>> No.11456949

Absolutely nothing will happen, aside from you suffering from eating a shitty restrictive diet and probably some health nutrition deficiencies because you started a meme diet for some reason despite getting your nutritional science information from some less than bro-science shithole like /pol/, or whoever started the soy meme.

>> No.11456954

I think /lgbt/ started it with the trans infographics on diet and tips for passing. This was before it became a massive pol meme from what I remember

>> No.11456963

Is /lgbt/ even a real board, or just neets larping as traps and/or trolling?

>> No.11456967

its a real board with posters ranging from /lgbtpol to SJW tumblr tourists

and depending on which general you go into the amount of mental illnesses will vary greatly

>> No.11456981

Nothing will happen hormonally. There are no studies that suggest a link between soy's phytoestrogens and any concrete measures of masculinity (testosterone, sperm count, etc).

If you're going vegan, don't be retarded and make sure you're nutritionally balanced - you won't just be lacking complete proteins, you'll also have to account for things like iron. Soy is fine in any quantity but don't eat it to the detriment of other substitutes and supplements and assume you'll be healthy.

>> No.11456987

Besides the hormones thing, a lot of people are allergic to soy and aren't aware of it, and food allergies and the resulting inflammation can manifest in different ways than just itchy mouth or skin. I don't think soy is worth the risk

>> No.11456989

there was a fitness guy who drank 3 quarts of soy milk daily and he grew man tits

dont eat it its bad for you

>> No.11457454


>> No.11457530

/lgbt/ here (specifically /ftmg/)
Its a combo of both of these really

>> No.11457557

fuck off to your containment board freak

>> No.11457628

Soy and soy[things] are actually a really good and healthy ingredient to a lot of shit, it's just net-nazi retards turning it into BIG SCAWWY food as of late, I kind of appreciate it almost, they're just badgering their fellow retards into eating worse and dying sooner.

>> No.11457635

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.11457636

Ignore what these incels say, vegans are very based in my book

>> No.11457640

Eat normal beans, no need to eat soy just because everyone else is doing it

>> No.11457668

Nothing all that special, really. But there's more possibilities for vegan diets than soy products, so you wouldn't be limited to it.

>> No.11457678

I’m a vegetarian and I only occasionally eat tofu. It’s a nice treat every once in a while (I unironically love tofurkey even though it’s horrible for you) but I mostly get protein from chickpeas, beans, and nuts. I also workout a lot so I consume plant-based protein mix everyday.

>> No.11457683

Do you make it yourself or just buy it?
I'm about to make some with lemon as the coagulant

>> No.11457685

I just buy mine but I’m curious as to how you make yours. Have you been doing it a while?

>> No.11457967

You become a cute asian girl.

>> No.11457997

Making it is super easy, all you need is soy milk and a lemon.
Been doing it for a while, I'd recommend you get a tofu press if you can if you wanna try it

>> No.11457999

Why in the hell would you become vegan? You have one life to live and you choose to avoid all of the good food

>> No.11458066

>into eating worse and dying sooner.
funny thing is soy is being used as filler in real cheap processed meats.

>> No.11458104

Nothing. Phytoestrogens look similar to mammalian estrogen but don't interact with our estrogen receptors.

If you're worried look at other protein sources. Chickpeas, aquafaba, peas, plant based protein powder, etc.

>> No.11458111

By the way, soy is what all meat animals eat anyway so by consuming them, you're consuming it.

>> No.11458115

Iron is not an issue unless you bleed from your pussy like a meatcuck.

>> No.11458118
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>What will actually happen if i eat huge amounts of this everyday?

>> No.11458123

You get to live more and stay healthy for longer if you cut out the meat and dairy. Less risk for cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimers.

>> No.11458125

Isn't that all of 4chan though?

>> No.11458132

whats the use of living longer but you cant enjoy life

>> No.11458145

You don't need to eat huge amounts to get your daily protein requirements. There are also many plants and legumes that are loaded with protein too.

>> No.11458159

You better start living a real life if eating meat is the only reason to live. Pathetic meatcuck. There's hundreds of delicious vegetarian dishes and things like beyond meat and impossible burger are making meat largely obsolete anyway.

>> No.11458173

If that's true I might try it myself. I can't grow a beard like that right now.

>> No.11458175

>gets called out
>starts launching personal attacks
>hates meat but still wants to emulate taste of meat (impossible burger)

what a joke, if you are the kind to worry about meat giving you cancer you might as well just stay at home 24/7 because literally everything kills you in some way, including sports and outdoor adventure

>> No.11458176

A beautiful woman with the most foul smelling braaaps

>> No.11458197
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you'll turn into a nu-male

>> No.11458286
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Prove it /pol/lard
>you can't

>> No.11458294

I dont hate the taste of meat. I hate what it does to animals, the planet and human health. Surely you can agree that it's pathetic for a person to think eating meat is the sole reason for living.

>> No.11458328

Biochemist here

Absolutely nothing. Not that anyone will listen to the voice of reason. Unfortunately the internet has become so useless, that unless you have access to a scholarly database (Web of Science, Google scholar, etc), you can find whatever opinion you want regarding on any topic you wish online. Hard to sift through all the crap for the average person

>> No.11458453

You're wrong for many reasons that I don't even need to list. Soy has been PROVEN to turn you into a female by scientists around the globe. Why do you think Asias all look the same?

>> No.11458476

Leave. This thread has been posted and reposted and reposted thousands of times, kiddo. You're not original. Go back to your board.

>> No.11458498

admit that you were pwned

>> No.11458501

>I hate what it does to animals, the planet and human health.
herbicides, pesticides, fertilisers runoff to rivers, water contamination and animal control/culling so they dont eat the crops

why do you think your hands are free of blood? they aren't
>Surely you can agree that it's pathetic for a person to think eating meat is the sole reason for living.

eating is one of the joys of living and i dont worry unduly about not dying. I eat little processed or barbecued meats and i enjoy all wholesome dishes. Its so miserable ro shackle yourself to something just so you have 0.1% less risk of cancer everytime you dont eat meat.

>> No.11458510

You'll turn into a tranny. I know it's true because /pol/ and /fit/ told me so.

>> No.11458538
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>> No.11458548

>being so worried about living and not getting illnesses he has to pore through data to justify picking at cold limp lettuce while his coworkers enjoy themselves at lunch without him


everything in moderation

>> No.11458578
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 1513094990720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs guys I can't tell if you are trolling anymore. There are plenty of studies looking at the effects of soy supplementation in post menopausal women. Basically they all say:
>women hormones all fucked up post menopause
>give them soy and it helps mitigate or nullify the problems
If you give women soy to help increase their low estrogen levels why would you think giving it to men wouldn't do the same thing. Read a fucking book or use google scholar or something there's hundreds of studies about this shit.

4/10 for the response though I swear this entire board is a LARP now.

>> No.11458583

>calling any other post low level trolling

>> No.11458595

this site has taught me that you'll grow hair on the palms of your hand and die a painful death

>> No.11458600

>posting nothing of substance

>> No.11458601

Why do you want to limit yourself to soy? It tastes good, sure, but so does other legumes.
Add peanuts to your diet too, because they have a similar protein content plus fats.

>> No.11458603

Pretty sure /fit/ started it as a meme and /pol/ took too far as usual

>> No.11458628
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>le soy boogeyman

let me guess you're afraid to eat MSG too

>> No.11458637

>there are plenty of studies
>posts none
there's also a difference between 'a study' and 'general scientific consensus and accepted fact'. Overreliance on the conclusion of one faulty study is what started decades of the 'dietary cholesterol is bad' meme.

>> No.11458642

I hate that moot changed it from, "health and fitness" to just "fitness". Now everyone comes here to ask questions about nutrition, 99% of the time based on some garbage they read on /fit/. Should have left it the health and fitness board and just added a disclaimer not to take any health advice seriously on 4chan.

>> No.11458654

>Soy has been PROVEN to turn you into a female

Speaking from experience huh fatty

>> No.11458683

There are debates on both sides of the argument within the scientific community, which means that the effects of soy on human endocrinology are vastly up for debate.

What isn't up for debate however is that soy is the main ingredient in the feed for farm animals, meaning that if you consume chicken, beef, pork or lamb, you're going to consume soy and any related "phytoestrogens" by default. You'll also be consuming antibiotics and other food additives that disturb your gastrointestinal microbiome.

>> No.11458694
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>teach the debate

>> No.11458755

Doctors tell women to have soy post menopause so using your own logic that's
>'general scientific consensus and accepted fact'
unless you want to argue against doctors using "general scientific consensus and accepted fact"

>> No.11459052

>still no source for anything he said
>just more unsubstantiated claims that don't even jive with his earlier ones
Is it part of recent studies or already standard medical practice, which one is it? Either doctors are recommending something that is still being studied for its effectiveness, or people are spending effort studying something that the medical community has already accepted as fact.

>> No.11459064
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>> No.11460138

>What will actually happen if i eat huge amounts of this everyday?

Nothing. Plant-based estrogen from soy isn't strong enough to grow you boobs.

>> No.11460166

I think you shouldn't rely on our advice as far as your diet goes. Depending what you do on a daily basis, you might need more of some stuff than another. The gay part isn't your diet. It lives in you.

>> No.11460204

Literally nothing, it's just a fucking bean. Please don't fall for pseudoscience.

>> No.11460330

It isn't even pseudoscience, it's just random AJ/breitbart/pol/fit/ nonsensical memes that have no basis in reality but exist solely to see how many fish they can catch.

>> No.11460437

If only

>> No.11460474

its a fact that passively breathing in car fumes will give you higher chances of cancer

does that mean you should never leave your house?

>> No.11460487

You’ll turn into a redditor and claim you were an oldfag that sucked off moot. Also, reddit spacing.

>> No.11460504

>oh look numbers

now show the chart for testosterone and protein and b12 deficiency

>> No.11460562

>posts absolutely zero sources
>makes a massive inference from limited data
>compares the estrogen receptors of menopausal women to a healthy man

Do you also compare the insulin and blood sugar responses of Type 1 diabetics to a normal population? You clearly don’t even understand the metabolic mechanisms of estrogen receptors and soy and decide to make a complete shot in the dark guess

>Overreliance on the conclusion of one faulty study is what started decades of the 'dietary cholesterol is bad' meme.
Jesus christ, an even dumber post. Do you sincerely believe the lipid hypothesis hasn’t actually been replicated for DECADES? But please try to debunk the Hegsted equation, I’d enjoy a laugh.

None of you even have an entry level understanding to nutritional science yet try to impose some massive grand understanding of the issue. It’s like every Youtube “debater”

>> No.11460574

>protein deficiency
I can’t even imagine the lack of brain cells it takes to sincerely think this is an issue in any developed country.

>> No.11460575

They all read and parrot blogspot conclusions like gospel, there's no getting through to the LCD.

>> No.11461101

I like to eat soy
But I still like to use the term soyboy and make fun of those soylent chugging tumblrites

>> No.11461110

dont eat soy, it turns you into a douche

>> No.11461209

Eat soy in moderation and in fermented forms like shoyu, tofu, miso; not fake, meme vegan foods or processed GMO pesticide filler shit reheated in plastic.

>> No.11461395

Everyone is going to say it's okay & has no effect on your body but when I was vegan I used ultra soy milk as a milk replacement (it was by far the tastiest plant based milk) and my left nipple started hurting like a bitch whenever I put pressure on it. If I pressed down on it it would actually be painful and when I stopped being vegan it went away. I don't know if it was the soy for sure and this is obviously anecdotal, but I think it was. I was also extremely depressed and emotional while vegan so I do attribute that diet to fucking with my hormone levels, even though I wasn't documenting the changes at the time.

>> No.11461965

>Why in the hell would you become vegan?
Compassion for non-human animals.

>> No.11462021


This is literally debunked bullshit. Most of the health problems in the west come from sugar and refined carbohydrates. Meat is literally not bad for you at all.

>> No.11462029


I understand being against factory farming but some animals simply have to die. Might as well go deer hunting and enjoy cruelty free meat instead of being a faggy vegan.

>> No.11462128

It'd be great if they fucking would, but unfortunately they aren't banned from mixing with normal society

>> No.11462131
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if you eat a SAD you are already eating a high soy diet

>> No.11462264

>got man tits from soy
Not because he was a fatass who consumed 1500 Calories of milk daily?

>> No.11462920

Compassion for animals would naturally result in killing them even if animal husbandry was completely abolished. Managing wildlife inevitably leads to the need to control it, which will lead to culling. And you wouldn't just waste the animal.