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11455145 No.11455145 [Reply] [Original]

Anons. Thanksgiving is coming, and I am planning on grilling a turkey. I am incredibly well rounded on a grill. Many times every year I grill full chickens and have the process down to a science. Tomorrow I am planning a "Trial Run" for dinner just to test out my ways and methods prior to the holiday. I have never grilled a full turkey.

How does turkey cook compared to chicken? Any special considerations? Any tips or advice from some of our resident experts?

My plan is 400 degrees on the grill with indirect heat. I am using lump charcoal, and have a selection of cherry and pecan wood to use for a bit of smoke. Its a 9 pound bird and 3-4 hours should be sufficient to get the meat to 160-170 degrees and done. I plan on a basic chicken seasoning as a dry rub, and possibly making stuffing like I have done a few times for chicken that I use bread AND pretzels. I DO NOT Have any sort of rack to hold the bird, and will be using a large aluminum pan, with another pan for a lid.

Any suggestions from experts? Brine or marinade for overnight? I am open to good suggestions.

>> No.11455163

here's a tip
at least break it down before grilling
grilling isn't the same as roasting, you'll have to constantly flip and adjust the turkey so it doesn't get brown too quickly

also, roasted turkey is way better than smoky grilled turkey

>> No.11455228
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>you'll have to constantly flip and adjust the turkey so it doesn't get brown too quickly

Perhaps I was not too clear. I am using indirect heat, and it may not be "grilling" in the literal sense of the word. I am just a redneck with lots of grills, and call everything I do on them "grilling".

>> No.11455237

Based thread.

>> No.11455260

i'm gay btw if it matters

>> No.11455276

Definitely brine. Definitely only cook to 150 at most, once you take it out its gonna keep cooking to 165+.

>> No.11455309

smoked turkey is fucking tasty you dumb nigger

>> No.11455317

You'll still have to adjust it a lot
Turkey is a lot bigger, which means it needs to cook longer, which means that you're going to end up with dry gross turkey if you can't
1. constantly baste it
2. position it in a way that works
try spatchcocking it, but, even then I'm not sure you can completely call it whole turkey

>> No.11455320

I never said it wasn't

please learn how to read

>> No.11455341
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>Based thread.
>Not using Carlos.jpg

>i'm gay btw if it matters
Op here. No one gives a fuck. Save it for: >>>/lgbt/

>Definitely brine. Definitely only cook to 150 at most, once you take it out its gonna keep cooking to 165+.
Great advice! I will keep this in mind as it is happening. Also, if this thread is around tomorrow night, I will certainly post some photos.

>smoked turkey is fucking tasty you dumb nigger
My plan is light smoke early on in the cook, and covering it for the second half to help keep it from getting to dried out/burned up.

>Turkey is a lot bigger, which means it needs to cook longer
This is why I went with a 9 pound one. It is smaller, and should have similar cook times to larger chickens. I am no expert on turkey in the grill, but I have cooked hundreds of chickens over the last 20 years.

I have never had a reason to grill a turkey, but always wanted to. This year I have a reason. Thanksgiving right now is a total clusterfuck of misinformation about who is eating where. I decided to tell everyone my grill will be on, while secretly hoping they don't show up. I almost want the little chef hats for the drumsticks.

>> No.11456263
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>> No.11458353
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Things are going great. Apple and pecan mixed with lump charcoal.

>> No.11458361
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Temps are just right. It is cold outside, and honestly I prefer cooking in the cold. It smells AMAZING outside.

>> No.11458378
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My "smoker" has very little head space, so I put the bird into a disposable pan, and put a drip pan underneath the grills, between the coals. I punched some holes in the bird pan for drainage. I used a basic "beer can chicken" seasoning on the outside of the turkey. I did not stuff the turkey.

Bird was put onto the grill 20 minutes ago. Updates as the day progresses. I expect 3-4 hours until done. Shooting for 5:30/6pm EST.

>> No.11458388

I have been considering smoking a small turkey this year. Very interested to see how yours comes out. I'm going to wait until the after Thanksgiving sale so I can get a turkey very cheap

>> No.11458561

I added some more charcoal, and it will most likely be the last I add. I added some water to the bird, because everything that it is cooking off is evaporating, and it drained nicely into the catch pan. When I check it again in 40 minutes, I will have some sort of basting juice...most likely apple.

>> No.11458916

Any other juices you plan on basting that turkey with? Or add some fat to it to make it juicier?

>> No.11458926

>Any other juices you plan on basting that turkey with?
Cooking with peach juice/apple cider vinegar/brown sugar mix. It is very close to finished.

>> No.11458933
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Damn that sounds delicious

>> No.11458936

Spatchcock it you mongoloid

>> No.11458969

Yo I wanna buy turkey legs and wings and make them like how they sell them at state fairs and Disneyland

Do I just buy them, brine and roast in the oven? I want that delicious golden brown color in the outside

I will be dining alone on shitsgiving but still want some good food

>> No.11459162
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This was how low tech I had it covered. It worked out very well.
>Cooking with peach juice/apple cider vinegar/brown sugar mix.

I smashed the peaches into nearly a paste, added some AC Vinegar, and some brown sugar to taste. and let it cook like this the last half of the cook. I ran it like I run chickens through.

>> No.11459219
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To put my times together:

>9 pound turkey with basic store bought dry bird rub
>400 degrees to start
>Used apple and pecan wood chunks in addition to lump charcoal on either side of the grill
>Covered with Peach/AC Vinegar/Brown Sugar mix and covered @ 45 minutes into cook
>I had to add a bit of water just to keep it moist, as the fat was just evaporating.
>Overall cook time for this small bird took 3 hours
>The only photo I tried to take of the bird was blurry

My mother in law is insane. "Its not done enough"...but she actually prefers burned burgers, and dry cooked chicken. I have never cooked a dry meat on the grill. I have cooked smaller chickens for longer, and they still come out moist. The skin looked ugly, but what was under it was tender, white and moist. I hate her turkey because it requires gravy. I cook my birds so that I can enjoy them.

>Damn that sounds delicious
I normally hate turkey. It is always dry and flavorless. This was 9/10 & I would cook turkey on the grill again. I am ready for a larger sized bird. 9 pounds is just a chicken sized bird. Dinner was excellent. My mother in law made some shitty range cooked stuffing which was terrible, but the ceasar salad my wife made was great.

We have to live with my mother in law because she cannot live by herself at all, but refuses to leave her home. Very forgetful and is snarky about everything. It drives most everyone insane, but the lady is 84 years old. She has earned the right to be cantankerous.

>> No.11459521

Why not air fry heh?

>> No.11459641


>> No.11459703

Don't do that, braise them, they're tough as shit and the ren fair style is just silly. Use this recipe (add some garlic and hot pepper or other herbs if you'd like) and serve with mashed potatoes. Really good, I've made it. You'll feel comfy even in your misery of aloneness.