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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11453080 No.11453080 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on british food

is it that bad as /ck/ constantly says it is?

>> No.11453237
File: 9 KB, 480x360, Harry Enfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blimey guv, those perishing eels look good. Got any whelks?

>> No.11453393

No it's not.
Americans like to shit on English food.
English like to shit shit on American food.
It's all just 4chan meme speech.
The reality is English food is fantastic.

>> No.11453424

that pie and mash looks lush m8

>> No.11453429

It's pretty good if you make everything yourself from scratch and you aren't a complete idiot.

>> No.11453454
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Nothing beats a cosy Brits vs Yanks food battle on /ck desu.

>> No.11453456
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No, it really is that bad.
Bongs are in denial about it. They might say "Well look at our stews! Simple and delicious!" True, but they stole that from the Irish.

>> No.11453489

most english food is bland as fuck but a full english is the best brekky i ever had

>> No.11453496
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>they stole that from the Irish.

Complete bullshit, the earliest evidence of stewing is Japanese but its such an ancient practice we (Brits) probably got it from the Romans and perfected it under the Normans.

>> No.11453522

Nah, it's just americans having to express their jealousy over Britain having a real culture and history while they have nothing of their own.

>> No.11453524
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Sorry, "mate"

>> No.11453528

Positively obsessed

>> No.11453538

Not bad. Just bland

>> No.11453545
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Positively obese

>> No.11453547

Why do people consider it bland? I genuinely don't understand, what part of the cuisine/dishes are that overwhelmingly bland?

>> No.11453553
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Im guessing your point is there isnt as many google results for "English Stew" as there are "Irish Stew"?

The popularity of the Irish Stew mean they invented stewing.

Burgers are synonymous with America, but they weren't invented there.

>> No.11453559

Most English dishes are seasoned only with salt.

>> No.11453568


That's just total bullshit.

British foods have used herbs, spices, salt and pepper for longer than America has existed.

We used to have an empire, remember that?

>> No.11453570


>> No.11453573

But those are imported. Are you trying to say that curry and kebab are English?

>> No.11453574

London has great food, it's a world city after all
Once you leave that bubble you'll know what they're talking about

>> No.11453577

First time I've seen this one. Very original. So this is the vaunted "banter" of the British. Nice image attached too. You weren't too sure of that original phrase being funny enougj so you had to add a picture of a man laughing to drive the humor (without a u) home. Very based.

>> No.11453582
File: 352 KB, 550x441, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi lads I've got some jellied eels
Gowan! Tuck in!

>> No.11453585

Just noted my spelling error to which I'll get a "fingers too fat to type" reply. Wow very funny. This British thing is sure fun. What wit

>> No.11453596

some of the most famous curry dishes were created in england
japan got the idea for curry from the english interpretation of it.

>> No.11453601


Kebab no, certain Curries 100% are.

>> No.11453602

>some of the most famous curry dishes were created in england
Just because it was created IN England it doesn't mean it IS English

>> No.11453604

When you are battling off frigid cold, rain, grey skies, wind, a sexuslly repressed society, Muslim rape gangs, a dying economy and low average wages, your priorities in food change.

British food is at its core simple food that fills your stomach and keeps you going through the day, it is hearty and focuses on few but distinct flsvours.

In the US my focus and interest was on complex flavours and household recipes passed between families.

Back in the UK it's all about the meal, the occasion, and the purpose of the food

>> No.11453606

yes it does

>> No.11453611

it's a moot point as curry is British by right of conquest

>> No.11453613


Created in England by an English man.

Pretty sure that makes it English.

>> No.11453615

If I write a haiku, it doesn't mean haikus are American.

>> No.11453625

Which currys were invented in England?

>> No.11453631


It means you wrote an American Haiku.

Honestly i would have thought you guys would be more open to this given that not one of your 'American' recipes hasn't been (sometimes brilliantly) appropriated in some.way.

>> No.11453632
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Is British food so bad because they aren't allowed to use knives?

>> No.11453639

Sexually repressed society?

>> No.11453641

>facebook frog poster posts Facebook tier banter

>> No.11453643
File: 90 KB, 1000x564, Yeah+they+do+_d5eea92ea5bcff94a3ffc4145e3b10ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please direct me to a good banter post of yours so I can learn from the best

>> No.11453646

Face sitting is a literal crime in the UK.
A bunch of other things too.

>> No.11453649


Curry powder is an English invention.
Balti is from Birmingham (England).
Tikka Masala is from Glasgow (Scotland, so British).
Im sure there are more but those 2 are the most famous.

>> No.11453654

>tikka masala is Indian
Murrican edumucashion at woek

>> No.11453657


This is bullshit.

It purely depends on whether you're rich or poor.

If you're eating at a Michelin star restaurant in a cosy market town in the North it's gonna be better than eating at some shitty chicken place in Hackney.

I have two Michelin star restaurant within a 30 mile radius and I love in bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.11453664

Why can't British people argue?

>> No.11453666


The Brits aren't sexually repressed. The government is.

Id posit that we're putting one of the most sexually liberated countries in the world. We're just shy about taking in public about it because it's seen as bad form.

>> No.11453673

>Brits aren't repressed, it's just that we're forced by the government not to express it
Does the word "repressed" mean something different over there?

>> No.11453685

>burger education
the word you're thinking of is 'oppressed'
and yes, we are

>> No.11453696

Your post would be perfectly fine without the first paragraph.

>> No.11453702


>> No.11453719

>Americans like to shit on English food.
>English like to shit shit on American food.

lol maybe you should worry about what the rest of the world thinks of both of these

>> No.11453721


If we were truly sexually repressed then people wouldn't do this stuff. The truth is there's a burgeoning porn industry in the UK and the typical Brit is dirty as fuck.

Like I say, the government tries to enforce this stuff out of some moral crusade but noone cares or even listens.

Laws about porn production don't equate to a nation being sexually repressed.

>> No.11453722

>rest of the world
Who cares lmao

>> No.11453727

Have you heard the phrase "a government of the people, for the people, and by the people"?
Oh wait...

>> No.11453737

British food is comfort war food to be honest.
Think about it, Britain / England have been in consistent warring nations their entire existence pretty much. One pot, meals and fried foods in week old oil are the norm.

>> No.11453755


Why are you so desperate to prove that we're sexually repressed?

I live here. I doubt the majority of people in this country are even aware that the government is anti porn it has so little effect on them.

It was a feel good law put in place by a moralising government to make them appear traditional in the eyes of the elderly. It doesn't speak to the attitude of the entire nation.

>> No.11453756


Im British, but i think Vindaloo is Portuguese desu.

>> No.11453771

I dunno mate.
This looks pretty legit.

>> No.11453779

>Have you heard the phrase "a government of the people, for the people, and by the people"?
>Oh wait...
Live in the UK I have no idea what you are talking about and I'm fairly sexually liberal.

Anyway, this thread is about food.

>> No.11453984

Burgers were invented in the US by a German immigrant, who named them hamburgers in honor of his former home, Hamburg, Germany.

>> No.11454005

This. If your food is that good, move here and open up a takeout joint.

>> No.11454180

Vindaloo is about as Portugese as Tikka Masala is Indian.

>> No.11454230

nothing wrong it

>> No.11454278


Yeah i know, thats exactly what i was pointing out.

>> No.11454284

I'm sure those starving faggots think a lot about both of them.

>> No.11454288


Yo obviously know fuck all about food history.

" "vindaloo", a standard element of Goan cuisine derived from the Portuguese carne de vinha d'alhos (literally "meat in garlic wine marinade"), is a dish of meat (usually pork) marinated in wine and garlic."


>> No.11454892

>Britain conquered India
>therefore all Indian food is British food

Yeah, how'd that work out for you?

>> No.11454929

>Curry name ends in loo
>Have to shit after eating it

>> No.11454933

The fuck am I looking at?

>> No.11454945

It's better than people give it credit for, but it's worse than literally every continental food by comparison. There's just no disputing that. Much of the best parts of British cuisine are pretty much thanks to their colonies, as well.

>> No.11455460

That's exactly what I've been talking about.
>derived from
In other words, cuisine A came up with a dish, then cuisine B tried copying it and wound up with their own spin on the food, where A and B are India + UK and Portugal + Goa for Tikka Masala and Vindaloo, respectively.

>> No.11455473

And yet the origin will always be the first link of the chain.
Vindaloo is Indian.

>> No.11455528

Anyone saying that British food overall isnt good has not had actual British food

Vice versa for americans

>> No.11455539

The contentious point isn't if you can get good food in Britain. What's up for debate is that food British or not.
If a bunch of Indians make a curry in England is it an English curry or still just Indian?

You see Brits have a hypocrasy here. There was lots of science and general intellectual work done by British people in colonial India.
But no one calls it Indian.
A few Indian dockworkers in London that cook up a new curry?
100% English

>> No.11455644

I came from a family that eats very spicy. It's a huge relief for me for a person like me who discovered bland and fatty food with awesome condiments.

Thank you, UK. You saved me.

>> No.11455647

>bland and fatty food with awesome condiments.
The ONLY right thing that Britain does is hot as fuck mustard

>> No.11456228

There have been recipes for curried chicken as far back as 1390 in the UK.

>> No.11456323

"No, it really is that bad"
Tell us how so Fatty, your Amerislug diet can't even compare.
We stole nothing from the Irish, that is the American education system that told you that.

Again, another Amerisloth thinking the shit they eat is superior, when in fact it is garbage-tier.

>> No.11456329

Very obsessed

>> No.11456337

It is considered bland because it doesn't have a load of salt or sugar that the American palette requires.
Anything less than this, is considered "bland".

>> No.11456344

Americans are a melting pot. Every new person, they bring something a part of themselves
America is and can never be "of itself".
I mean shit, roasted deer meat and berries, for the savages, right?

But for England, you have 20,000 years of your own history.
And you created... Eel pie.
Fuck off England

India has more curries than ways to avoid shitting on a toilet
China has rice dishes till the sun comes up
Japs have fish and rice more than ways of Brit teas.

And Brits? Nothing. All taken from other people.
"We have vindaloo"?
How about you TAKE that to the LOO

England eats eels and taters. And taters are stolen from America.

>> No.11456345

Bangers and mashed is good, and shepard's pie is decent too. Other than that ritish food is garbo.

>> No.11456351

No, just fuck off.

>> No.11456354

Holy fucking redpilled and based

>> No.11456356

Then why do europeans hate english food as well?
It's not a american vs english thing it is worldwide known that english food and girls suck ass.

>> No.11456361

>11 hours past

>> No.11456365

American food hasn't moved on from after the war.
It's all hot dogs, fast food and convenience shit with no nutritional value.

>> No.11456373

based and redpilled.

>> No.11456379

Obsessed and misinformed. Based retard etc.

>> No.11456381

But Americans don't like hot mustard, they like the sweet sugary stuff, just like the rest of their food.

>> No.11456383

Except that's bullshit. Outside of fast food / processed shite Americans are terrified of salt thanks to the ADA and other bullshit dietary recommendations. I dont think you realize how much salt we put in everything.

>> No.11456384

Americans do. Grey Poupon is heralded. Stop with this misinformed obsession. Very embarrassing!

>> No.11456386
File: 88 KB, 355x355, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um sweetie.
Take a look at this. 100% American.

>> No.11456390

Holy shit. As a brit cuck I must conceed. Amerigreats are so fucking based. Gosh I hate being British

>> No.11456397
File: 55 KB, 220x294, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh don't feel so bad :) :)
You made this
So you aren't 100% retarded

>> No.11456427

Tartar sauce and malt vinegar

>> No.11456653


>Scotland, so British

Stop stealing our stuff you English cunt

>> No.11456663

like it or not jock, you're part of britain

>> No.11456669

>But for England, you have 20,000 years of your own history.
>And you created... Eel pie.
We were too busy revolutionizing industry for gay shit like food with any purpose beyond fuelling industry. You're welcome, by the way.

>> No.11457119

Pie, mashed potatoes, eels and 'liquor'

>> No.11457126

>20,000 years of your own history
we're an old country, but it's more like 1,500 years

>> No.11457130

>grey poupon
>hot mustard

>> No.11457338

instantly moving the goalposts like a quality shitposter.

the use of spices in the british isles goes back thousands of years. there is no sense in saying these dishes aren't british.

>> No.11457489
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Yeah this, as a Brit, I'll probs try switching up teams every now and then for a giggle cos I know some better ways to bait us.

>> No.11457667

Chip barm, pea wet, babbies yed

>> No.11458185

One thing I've never understood is England is literally an islan surrounded by some of the greatest seafood waters in the world and the only dishes they can come up with are deep fried cod and that abomination, stargazy pie. I mean, wtf bongs?

>> No.11458203

Compare Japan to Britain, both are island countries with lots of constant war, but one has a exceptional cuisine and the other is just /oldpeoplefood

>> No.11458229

>t. doesn't know about cockles and winkles

>> No.11458232

We had bigger fish to fry than sitting around trying to find fruity new ways to cook things.

>> No.11458238

>cockles and winkles
Well apparently you don't either since you didn't describe the dish but just recited names that sound like 2 yo nursery babble.

>> No.11458244

just eat your fucking winkles

>> No.11458258


Fucking THIS. How are they so bad at everything else?

>> No.11458263

As a Dutchfag, I have to say it's a meme. Traditional British food is nice and hearty. The Brits also tend to be liberal with flavors, a lot of quite complex sauces, vinegar and mustard. There's a lot blander cuisines elsewhere in Northern Europe desu.

>> No.11458266


>all the shit-tier hybrid "indian" food made for bland white tastes is English

congrats, m8

>> No.11458276
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>> No.11458277

>As a Dutchfag, I have to say it's a meme.
this. dutch eat mild cheese on white bread for breakfast.
it's true.
i've seen it.

>> No.11458279

>he thinks the notion of stewing had to be introduced by Iron Age cultures
Nigga the instant people invented pottery they started stewing shit, it's not that revolutionary a decision

>> No.11458282

>baked beans in tomato sauce
>grilled tomato
>hey you know what this dish needs. tomato ketchup
and don't get me started about the choice of beverage

>> No.11458288

>being this buttmad over nothing
you're the reason americanposting is a thing fatty

>> No.11458301

>Implying our indian food wasn't so good they take it back home
Look at traditional and authentic food dating pre colonialism, it's trash we made naan, bargies, samosa's it's all us, Indians are uncreative and can only copy just like in their coding

>> No.11458305


>> No.11458315

Diet Coke is a traditional part of tomobeans breakfast you idiot

>> No.11458329

>muh raw fish on rice
I like Jap food but let's not pretend they're culinary geniuses. At least Western Europeans invented shit like deep-frying fish (which the Nips promptly adopted)

>> No.11458334

this. they copied british chip shop curry sauce, and deep frying of fish to create katsu curry.

>> No.11458336
File: 58 KB, 768x768, SAM_4764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False propaganda, we only put sugar, chocolate and food colouring on our morning's ration of hardtack.

>> No.11458348

give me another (you) fat boy

>> No.11458357

Dutch pancake houses are amazing, but other than that I found the food to be pretty unremarkable. No offense canalbros.

>> No.11458365

Why cant we get along and combine our cuisine? Let's get creative and think up some english-american hybrids that at least sound good on paper!
Gator curry

>> No.11458372
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>> No.11458373

I had a cumberland sausage burger down the pub once. Pretty gud.

>> No.11458381

None taken, you're quite right. I have to point out that there very few *Dutch* restaurants. Traditional home cooking is low on spices but very good fare, espscially in winter.

>> No.11458384

Now we're talking. That sounds excellent

>> No.11458385
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, 1531095061270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's get creative and think up some english-american hybrids
Dig in bro

>> No.11458393

Lose the ketchup and make the beans a bean dip and it would probably be good. That or scoop beans onto slices individually. I think just dumping it all in the middle would make it a soggy mess but the flavors themselves would work I think.

>> No.11458403
File: 68 KB, 644x686, ad_133571731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already a thing
and people say us bongs have boring cuisine

>> No.11458430

English food is comfy and inoffensive. There are some weird things that are statisitically negligible, like how normal swedish people don't really eat Surstrumming.

Generally it's nothing *terrible*. Just not mind-blowing. Hearty and easy to eat.

>> No.11458441
File: 184 KB, 1200x900, C43qW-7WIAEdqWC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true working class cockney vinegar

>> No.11458442

On the whole, English food is simple. Doesn't mean it's bad but it's not for one who wants to go too crazy with tastes. I enjoy it a lot. Also, they've got the breakfast game cornered - a full English is one of the best things I've ever eaten in my life.

>> No.11458447

Pottery isn't even necessary for stewing as native americans were stewing by dropping hot rocks into leather bags filled with meats, vegetables and water.

>> No.11458450

absolute lush

>> No.11458469

wtf is that shit?
every chippy i know stocks Sarsons

>> No.11458481

That was just for shits and giggles, they had pots as well

>> No.11458713
File: 174 KB, 750x750, brekkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping for a sunday evening brekkie

>> No.11458723
File: 9 KB, 480x360, thats no moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's no "brekkie"

>> No.11458937

I ate pie and mash somewhere near Boleyn Ground, real working class cockney area, wtf do you know?
Im not even british m8

>> No.11459077

It's worse, just different methods of ingesting grease.

The time i spent in England was the only time in my life I've ever eaten in fast-food restaurants regularly. And they even manage to fuck a lot of that up, their KFC is inedible.

>> No.11459090

So, they are American. Fucking idiot.

>> No.11459138

God I'd forgotten about that stupid fucking law. Fucking tories.

>> No.11459149
File: 93 KB, 640x849, zPm1Tsx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alwight boys! tuck in...faaacking laaavly!

>> No.11459356

So? Cunnilingus and fellatio are illegal in a number of US states, too.

>> No.11459358

Fuckin hell...flashbacks to childhood

>> No.11459370


Can confirm our KFC is dog shit. But if you couldnt find good food on your "regular" visits you were either living exclusively in council estates, too poor to go to a good place or just plain retarded

>> No.11459379

u wot, really?

>> No.11459395


>he repeatedly went to fast food stores he was familiar with instead of a gastropub or just looking for a decent Indian or something on TripAdvisor

Sounds like you're a shit tourist more than anything

>> No.11459411

Yeah, but just like in the UK it isn't enforced.

>> No.11459435

>Fourteen states' statutes purport to ban all forms of sodomy, some including oral intercourse, regardless of the participants' genders: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Utah. Four states specifically target their statutes at same-sex relations only: Oklahoma, Kansas[16][17] Kentucky, and Texas.

>Alabama (Alab. Code 13A-6-65.)
Florida (Fld. Stat. 798.02.) (Fld. Stat. 800.02.)
Georgia (Ga. Stat. 16-6-18.) (Ga. Stat. 16-6-18.)
Idaho (I.C. § 18-6605.) (I.C. § 18-6605.)
Kansas (Kan. Stat. 21-3505.)
Kentucky (KY Rev Stat § 510.100.)
Louisiana (R.S. 14:89.)
Maryland (Md. Code Ann. § 3-321.) (Md. Code Ann. § 3-322.)
Massachusetts (MGL Ch. 272, § 34.) (MGL Ch. 272, § 35.)
Michigan (MCL § 750.158.) (MCL § 750.338.) (MCL § 750.338a.) (MCL § 750.338b.)
Minnesota (Minn. Stat. 609.293.) (Minn. Stat. 609.34.)
Mississippi (Miss. Code § 97-29-59.)
North Carolina (G.S. § 14-177.) (G.S. § 14-184.) (G.S. § 14-186.)
Oklahoma (Okla. Stat. § 21-886.)
South Carolina (S.C. Code § 16-15-60.) (S.C. Code § 16-15-120.)
Texas (Tx. Code § 21.06.)
Utah (Ut. Code 76-5-403.)


>> No.11459454

That's how you know it's a bullshit law that's only on the books so they can fuck with people they don't like.

>> No.11459480

It is though.

>> No.11459484
File: 39 KB, 960x789, 42576552_544458415984231_9158228013018513408_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sodomy is illegal in the u.s. military as per the UCMJ. Good stuff.

>see UCMJ article 125

>> No.11459523

No wonder Kelly and Mattis look like they have corncobs stuck up their ass.

>> No.11459549

English cuisine is responsible for

Pork and apple
Lamb and rosemary
Gammon and clove
Savoury pies
Dandelion and Burdock
Actual mustard
Actual bacon
A lot of curries

American cuisine is responsible for

Hot dogs I guess? Shitty ones anyway, Poland and Germany get credit for good ones.

>> No.11459550

>goes to foreign country
>eats american fast food
You have only yourself to blame.

>> No.11459554

>he exclusively ate fast food instead of just going to one of the gorillion foreign restaurants like a sensible person
I'm guessing the Thai cooks who've been living in the country for like a year are shit because they're 'British' too, right.

>> No.11459585

If we cant have the curry you cant have the hamburger as >>11453984 stated

>> No.11459626

It depends entirely on what you eat, last I remember after WW2 processed food was used a lot. You can bet if you made the food yourself it'd be nice. A sunday roast is easily one of the best meals you could eat if you ask me.

>> No.11459874

>the rest of the world
Pick one.

>> No.11459880

It's just the French and most world famous models are British.

>> No.11460026
File: 16 KB, 219x146, 220px-Brian_Urlacher,_Meghan_Markle_and_Doug_Fister,_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess that's why Prince Harry who could have any wench in the world, selected a ''murrican literal mutt, right?

>> No.11461796

I like some english food. Some of it I don't understand like Jellied Eel.

>> No.11461850

>Some of it I don't understand like Jellied Eel
Foods like that are old shit that came into being as quick and cheap stomach-fillers for workers. Jellied eels in particular were eaten by rivermen who spent all day hauling cargo and are only eaten today by old men who used to work the same job back in their day.

The same applies to most of the less appealing foods you might have heard of. You have to remember that Britain was the center of the industrial revolution, and food for satisfaction didn't remotely matter when you had to sustain hundreds of thousands of laborers every single day. Meals existed to give them the fuel to continue working another day, not taste good.

>> No.11461922

This is revisionist bullshit. British food is the best in the world. Haggis is ducking outstanding to everyone but homogenised fat Americans scared of any organ meat, despite it being insanely healthy, tasty and revered by traditional society.

Same with eels, ducking gorgeous, full of micronutrients etc. the truth is that Only Germans and Germanic descended people's have real food because only Germsnics have souls.

Hence why the English have Yorkshire pudding and Roast potatoes served with steamed veggies and Roast beef for their Dinner.

The niggerly yanow can't even get fucking real dairy products. Because America has no culture.

I ducking despise America, everyone celebrated in my school on 9/11 lol. Seeing Americans jump to their deaths like pussies cause of a bit of fire was hysterical.

>> No.11461955

>ducking outstanding

>> No.11461963

>ducking despise

>> No.11461976

good post

bad post

>> No.11461994

Holy cringe

>> No.11462002

Bugman 101
Cringe bro
Irony ha

Seriously go neck yourself lad. Or go back to discussing the production value on liquid swords, you urbanites atomized NPC

>> No.11462006
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>Bugman 101
>Cringe bro
>Irony ha
>Seriously go neck yourself lad. Or go back to discussing the production value on liquid swords, you urbanites atomized NPC

>> No.11462015

I know a great deal of English people (my dad was born there) and it depends on the region of England. My dad is pretty bad at cooking, but other Englishmen I know are much better at it.

>> No.11462034
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Nice cope, you fucking mongaloid idiot.

>> No.11462039
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>Ah yes, cope is the newest buzzword on 4chan, let me use that

>> No.11462046
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It's been common parlance in Yorkshire for hundreds of years. Again, us soul-having Germanics don't get our sayings from autists online.

>> No.11462208
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>Cook a potato
>Cook a chicken
>Boil some frozen veggies
>Put it on a plate
British """cuisine"""

>> No.11462216
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>> No.11462226

People Keep forgetting about English roasts, it's their best dishes.
BBQ is America's forte

>> No.11462287

>anyone who disagrees with me is american

>> No.11462295

That should be banned, but who am I to talk, the last dinner I made was stroganoff and it had the perfect colour of excrement. Also the weird stodgy texture of the sauce added to the unpleasant effect.
At least it tasted ok I guess.

>> No.11462296


>> No.11462300

Why would anybody want to stew shit?

>> No.11462327

Tenderises cheap meat cuts and gives time for flavours to develop?
I dunno lol.

>> No.11462356

You made me chuckle at "love in bumfuck"

>> No.11462384

Jellied eels were not conceived as ‘stomach fillers’. They were a delicacy. The pie and mash were stomach fillers.

>> No.11462387

>If you're eating at a Michelin star restaurant in a cosy market town in the North it's gonna be better than eating at some shitty chicken place in Hackney.
Not true. There are a lot of one stars up north that are actually really shit.

>> No.11462391

If you can't understand or appreciate the contrasts in texture and temperature in a toast sandwich then you probably shouldn't be here :/

>> No.11462460

only reason I would ever consider going there

>> No.11462464

Don’t bother.
We don’t want you.

>> No.11462475

they only want the religion of pieces

>> No.11462489

I'd genuinely absolutely love to eat some authetnic British dishes but I can't understand eating fucking blood for breakfast
Is it a staple in trad English breakfast too or is it only Scottish and Irish?

>> No.11462498
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The only real pie floater is the South Australian one

>> No.11462540

Pretty sure it is anon. They all love it.
I’m glad Australia didn’t adapt that part of British cuisine

>> No.11462567
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Nordic types do it too, they make it into pancakes.

>> No.11462568

whats wrong with eating blood?

>> No.11462583
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Y'all nigras don't appreciate blood sausage?

>> No.11462781

>redpill me on british food
>is it that bad as /ck/ constantly says it is?

Which part of British food?

They have some really bad restaurants but like, who doesn't? They have some really good ones, too. Had myself a Traditional Cornish Pastry last time I flew out of England and that was pretty decent even though it was airport fare.

>> No.11462785

>they stole that
If that counts, America has no food culture.

>> No.11462835


Blood pudding started like a lot of weird food does, by a desire not to waste any food.

It's blood cooked with oatmeal into a kind of sausage.

It's actually pretty decent, but its definitely not a food you want a lot of. Very... rich I guess? A slice or two is nice though, which is probably why it's in an english breakfast as one of many things on the plate.

It's definitely not a staple, a lot of people in the UK have the same reaction to it as you. But realistically, with all the shit that goes into an average sausage; blood, suet and oatmeal are pretty tame by comparison.

>> No.11462837


>> No.11463170

>They were a delicacy
No, they weren't. Eels were a trash fish that got hauled up in nets in such huge numbers that they became a cheap source of sustenance for the poor. Jellied eels were literally just cheap shit used to feed impoverished workers because eels were abundant enough for them to afford. Educate yourself instead of going ACKSHYUALLY over shit you don't know anything about.

>> No.11463192

Eel is good as shit.

t. Amerilard

>> No.11463217
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>he can't handle the banter
Brits have got soft.

>> No.11463222

New phone lad?

>> No.11463235

Nope, can't stand it, black pudding is fucking horrible.

>> No.11463292

Tikka Masala was created in Scotland by an actual scot i.e. white scot

>> No.11463392

You are not an authority on Black Pudding.

>> No.11463466

that seems like something my friends mum would make for tea and then i'd stop talking to him in school so i didn't get invited around his house anymore

>> No.11463546

Those are Britons. I am an Anglo. Different race.

>> No.11463593

good food for turning yourself into an absolute unit

>> No.11463659

this picture is a joke, r-right?

>> No.11463844


>> No.11463878

>Burgers are synonymous with America, but they weren't invented there
No, burgers were invented in America by a Danish immigrant
>Many others claim to be the creator of the hamburger, including Charlie Nagreen,[53] brothers Frank and Charles Menches, Oscar Weber Bilby, and Fletcher Davis.[54][55] White Castle traces the origin of the hamburger to Hamburg, Germany with its invention by Otto Kuase.[56] However, it gained national recognition at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair when the New-York Tribune namelessly attributed the hamburger as "the innovation of a food vendor on the pike."[55] In 2000, the Library of Congress recognized Louis' Lunch as the creator of the hamburger after being backed by United States Representative Rosa L. DeLauro.[57] The Library of Congress stated that Louis Lassen sold the first hamburger and steak sandwich in the U.S. in 1900.[58][59] New York magazine states, "The dish actually had no name until some rowdy sailors from Hamburg named the meat on a bun after themselves years later," noting also that this claim is subject to dispute.[60]

>> No.11464084

>recognized Louis' Lunch as the creator of the hamburger after being backed by United States Representative Rosa L. DeLauro
So, similar to how ketchup is a vegetable because Reagan signed an executive order and pizza is a vegetable because congress passed a law declaring it, lel.

>> No.11464107
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>arguing over who invented a patty of minced beef served in a bun

>> No.11464143

Never seen green gravy like that... is that basil?

>> No.11464159

It’s parsley. Look up ‘pie and liquor’, there is a good vice video on it

>> No.11464168

it's called 'liquor' and it's made with parsley and the water from cooking the eels.
it's quite uncommon nowadays.
most pie and mash shops don't sell eels any more, so the liquor is made without the eel water, or they just serve a more standard gravy.

>> No.11464239

stop shilling this disgusting shit

>> No.11464345

rename this gif now in this instance you fucking philistine

>> No.11464427

i'm mainland europe and every one here shits on brit food

>> No.11464969

>implying roast chicken, potatoes and veg with gravy is bad

Wew. That has to be the feeblest attempt I have ever seen.

>> No.11464979

Pretty much everywhere has some kind of blood sausage. It is definitely not just a brit thing.

>> No.11465044

Looks more British than anything, that's not soup, that's mushy peas

>> No.11465339

>visiting bro who lives in GB
>he serves me some meat in the pie
>the meat is bland, barely any taste
>G.Ramsey would cry his eyes out
>The pie cake is also bad, feels like nothing
>I am trying my best but after first bite I am so repulsed I cannot take it no more
>It's like eating mush with no taste
>trying my best but cannot continue eating
>Ended up apologising and giving it to bro who finds it best food in the world

>> No.11465340

>grey poupon
Lol. Watch the LA beast attempt english mustard, this guy downed 5ltr of tabassco easily.

>> No.11465347

yeah I'm in Gaza right now.
Fucking retard.

>> No.11465363

Those two aren’t relevant anymore.

>> No.11465410

Is that stuffing on top of those black puddings? Also what is to the right of them, garlic bread?

>> No.11465416

white pudding on top of the black, and potato hash to the right

>> No.11465511

Your descriptions are like a 12 year olds so I'm going to go ahead and file this under 'things that never happened'.

>> No.11465916
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Bailey jay is even more relevant with her new Chubby body. No homo, I'd suck her dick, no homo and feltch a mars bar out her asshole, no homo.
and swollow her cum. No homo.

>> No.11466107



I had one of those in Chester, i felt full for at least 36 hours.

>> No.11466142
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>Chester. Near North Wales, off the M56.

>> No.11466204
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>> No.11466246


Lovely city, loved the roman ruins, the cathedral and the shitfaced people in McDonalds from their night out in Rosie's

>> No.11466286

Can you smell gas?

>> No.11467192

The recipes you retatd

>> No.11467488

English food is shit and the only thing they can cook well is French cuisine

>> No.11467608

Neither are you, but if it makes you feel any better, in my OPINION black pudding is fucking horrible.

>> No.11467699

I don't think it's even possible to "steal" the concept of boiling meat and root vegetables in water

>> No.11467738

t. James Smith, proud Irish-American

>> No.11467925

Black pudding tastes pretty good if you can get over the blood thing
t. brit

>> No.11467981

Diarrhea soup?

>> No.11468040

i know im a day late, my city was erected by the romans 2000 years ago. this is pyar false m8

>> No.11468054

I imagine living in the Britlands and always eating that kind of food, it must feel like living in Lord of the Rings

>> No.11468216

>nation of england

>> No.11468220

Lol you need to travel more mate. English food is known as shit all over the world, not just in America.

>> No.11468282

not an inaccurate statement m8
people like to take the piss but it's top tier comfy warm filling food for rainy weather

>> No.11468289

The British are good at putting meat into pastry and not much else.
t. France.

>> No.11468293

>trying to claim roasting meat in an oven

The desperation of these bongs is astounding. I suppose next you'll claim to have invented boiling water?

>> No.11468295

Yo. I used to work in London. (was an insurance broker at Lloyd's) M. Manze was the best spot for pie n' mash.
>t. American

>> No.11468301

we're not bad at giving you frogs a damn good thrashing either

>> No.11468302

I'd watch Bailey smash Boxxy desu

>> No.11468305

Nobody's trying to claim they invented it, only that the british do it best. Which they do.

>> No.11468307

they really don't. i love a roast dinner but it is hardly the best example of roasted meat.

>> No.11468400

If you were an Orc, yeah.

>> No.11468507
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So then YOU'RE really the burger

>> No.11468542
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You're a fucking prick if you don't like shepherd's pie

>> No.11468574

Bacon was imported from Hungary because in the uk pork husbandry was unsustainable. Hencefort the term bacon=Bakony.
I'm really buttblasted tho that our country adopted the term bacon, because it has a proper term, people are just fucked over by globalist shit terms...

>> No.11468579

>Bacon was imported from Hungary because in the uk pork husbandry was unsustainable
Source? Not a challenge, I'm interested in hearing more.

>> No.11468597

It doesn't taste bad because it doesn't taste.

>> No.11468614

this is true inasmuch as you can't taste something you've never eaten

>> No.11468635

They still have a pork surplus

>> No.11468645

Okay, but do you specifically have anything regarding the import of bacon because swine husbandry in Britain wasn't sustainable?

>> No.11468686

>Hencefort the term bacon=Bakony
>FromMiddle Englishbacon(“meat from the back and sides of a pig”), fromAnglo-Norman bacon,bacun(“ham, flitch, strip of lard”), from Old LowFrankish*bakō(“ham, flitch”), fromProto-Germanic*bakô,*bakkô(“back”), fromProto-Indo-European*bhAg-(“back, buttocks”). Cognate withOld High German bahho,bacho(“back, ham, side of bacon”) (compareAlemannic GermanBache,Bachen),Old Saxonbaco(“back”),Dutchbake(“side of bacon, ham”),Old Englishbæc(“back”)
bullshit m8

>> No.11468731
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>> No.11468884

Go fuck yourself, Orban.

>> No.11469492

>main exports are machenery and wine
Have with France and germany

>> No.11469502

he’s right about the sugar though sweaty :^)

>> No.11469512

Continentals are all filth anyway so who cares

>> No.11470072


You know this bailey fella is a man, right?

>> No.11470362

How's that Brexit going for you, Nigel, lol!

>> No.11470458

i think this post is really good