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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 480x346, food-wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11450678 No.11450678 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the worst show about food, perhaps ever?

>> No.11450692

No one on /ck/ watches anime, you weeb, go back to >>>/a/

>> No.11450700

I beg to differ, weebs are the 4chan OGs and have the right to go anywhere they please. Only newfags get upset about anime, this is undisputable.

>> No.11450709
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>> No.11450714

>weebs are the 4chan OGs

Yikes, you guys are better off in 9Fag

>> No.11450720
File: 54 KB, 832x468, megumiappleboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime tiddies and good food?

>i'm in

>> No.11450734

What part of that statement is incorrect, newfag?

>> No.11450744

It reached a point at which I only read the manga to see how retarded it can get.

>> No.11450778

anime is for faggots and so is this show

>> No.11450847
File: 371 KB, 1055x1500, foodons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11450850

>shitty shonen battle harem disguised under the premise of "cooking" (aka asspull)
Yeah who would've thung?

>> No.11450904

What’s the best show about cooking that ISNT reality?

>> No.11450909

This whole website is for weebs though? go back to where you came from and please do not try again

>> No.11451200

>insulting fighting foodons
fight me

>> No.11451342
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But I do.

>> No.11451929
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I watched the first part of the first episode and thought that it would be about him running his diner, doing cool restaurant shit, and fighting turf wars with other cooks. Sounded pretty great despite the absurd fan-service. Then they decided that it needed to be another school anime and it immediately became stupid as shit.
What the hell kind of school was that anyway? They didn't teach a goddamned thing and just expelled students left and right for not knowing things before hand that the school should have been teaching them.

>> No.11451944

It's an anime, so I assume it is probably horrible when it comes to portraying its subject matter.

>> No.11451947

Kantaro is objectively food kino, debate me

>> No.11451950

It's probably what passes for a "prestigious" school among the anime watching degenerates in Japan.

>> No.11451956

why do you hate people that watch anime so much anon

>> No.11451959

Because it gets (You)s

>> No.11451978

(You)'s from good posts are so much better. The endorphins released from genuine keks have turned me. I used to be a lowly shitpost like you. Just that little much more effort will pay off greatly

>> No.11452007

I liked it, and while it didnt give any real information about cooking it did inspire a few ideas for me that i was able to use in my own cooking.

/ck/ is a board for people who like anime to discuss the subject of food and cooking, just like any other board on this website is for people who like anime to discuss that subject.

>> No.11452022

Personally, I couldn't give two shits about anime. I don't know where you got that retarded idea.

>> No.11452023

You're welcome to post here, but this website is for anime fans.

>> No.11452044
File: 87 KB, 578x758, 1478612817051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My main boards are /k/, /a/ and /ck/ but nice try

>> No.11452046

>I don't know where you got that retarded idea.
Look up the motivation behind the creation of 4chan

>> No.11452062


>>11450700 is right, you know. The first two boards on 4chan were /a/ and /b/, and /b/ used to be called Anime/Random.

Anime's influence here is literally as old as 4chan itself.

>> No.11452121

Do you go to car forums and get suprised when they talk about cars in the off-topic section?

>> No.11452126

Close but that's not Rachel Ray.

>> No.11452257
File: 62 KB, 300x450, a246deb2624c41357ee7d4899dca1a55_118857_thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

food wars is fucking shit
iron wok jan is the real deal but it's a manga so reading is required

>> No.11452333

>iron wok jan
>wok jan

Is this truly the perfect 4chan shitpost crafted well in advance?

>> No.11452344

>Is this the best show about food, perhaps ever?


>> No.11452348

It isn't a normal school. You need to actually apply yourself instead of being spoonfed. It exists only to separate the great from the good. That is why there's such a test to even get in and then only test after test. It is for making contacts and name dropping only. It is the kind of place you go to AFTER you've learned as much as you can.

>> No.11452410


>> No.11452430
File: 100 KB, 446x364, CookieAlpaca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is pretty bad, yeah. Good thing Toriko exists.

>> No.11452557

>program about cooking
>its just drawings of chefs and food
Why not just cook?